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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Dec 1960, p. 1

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Volme 1, umbr 3 Thrsdy, ecmbe ls, 160,Oroo, ntaloAuthorized as Second Glass mail, Post Office Department, OttaWaý> ___ _______ __________________________________________________ ______Subseription in Canada $1.50; in US. $2.W~ Eletins n kure nd Ass ý7sswenI On Tobac o beki-hs To IJol AA Dec. ~ I Farms Reduced Bazaar S. t1rday C rsm sDsly O rono U n On f., The work of the special assess-1 Plan to attend the Annmal ' 1azaar C e t d B u i r _______________________ment committee set up by the Dur- ami Tea at the I.O.O.F. Hall, Satur-1 orde ofhez Northumberland "Flue cured day, December 3rd., at 2:30 p.. 1 Elcins b h-,ocora h Tobacco Growers Association has re- Mrs. Irene Murray is convenor of On Thursday evening of last week held tlheir Christmas Meeting at 8:0,, da on oia,5h or rovulice fivrnfedgigatae undertakîg and as thrsthirty-three enthusiastie boys and p.m. in the Oddfellowý's Hall. Ap- sars i ite inmination meet- tUnited Counties tobacco a thi rgs Fiday.thereistobeeeed C 91H.H ong, th ggst prjectaimthewhoregirls met for the Junior Hoticul- proximately 60 were presentt. lions bothi in the Township of tig>f tescea teasuer ésn each Rebekahi member puts Temei 1 ý1 7 g told teassociation's annualldinnerHallon, t:ral Society Meeting at the Odd- Clre n i hePlieTrseemetn i obug nThrda. forth a grand effort to make it a 1lo "Hl t :0o'lc.The mape eting oee by si Clrk ad n hePoic Tuseemetig n obur o Turda.heyhd pe* ulbe ake dhe Malce LeafForhe r" in VýIllage of Orono. - -Mr. Long said that the county UTheshls. b ecrThey previuous r l ahrset od-fwloe ytePeiet In 'Clatrke Township the, race will Th"le Music world is opening up assessor hiad agreed to the reduc- .Tehalwl b eoated and a tos brg et outsefo hit Mrs. Carl Billings. -be both for Deputy-Reeve and for for Orêioo's young singer, Douglas tion in assessment to remove certain beautiftil Christmas tree, lights and mscrst s in making a th'-e three scats~ in Counicil. The vote Lycett, who has been busy the past inequalities after a sertes of meet- 11, will girace a corner of the Tea Chris'tmas scene. Many beýautiful hismC r for Deputy-reeve will be betweencopefwekprmtnhinw ings. JRoora where Mrs. Emima Luin, The children were given oblong rangements were displayed by theý- ith icumen, ussliSaeryan rcordleon hich s featured "isndy Other highlîghits of the year were HOstess, with her efficient help willI pieces of starfoam, toothpicks and'Imembers and the Executive werc S. B. Rutherford. A six-way racererid"ad"YuDn ath e tobacco exhibits and competi- érayt ev o eiossoc aead Mrs. Fairbrother very pleased that so many ment- for the three counicil seats is on Mrny n YuDntWna tions at the Orono Faîl Fair. Mr. flunch andi cup of tea. demonstrateti how the cut out fig. I bers hati been interested andi hope, withi incun-rbents Roy Foster, Ern-'G" Last week Doug 'visited Mon- Long said. Present at the dinner Mrs. Velina Watson and lier ex. ures would stand up with a tooth-1for bigger and beýIer classes next est Dent and John Stone facing )ý.Itreal, Ottawa, Kingston, andi Brock- wer-e the* Tobacco Queen, Kathy périenced supporters will be ready pick to support them. lyear. Mrs. Fairbrother titi the 21 Hl. Samuel, Robert Chaters and AlIville W?Çhere hie had a number of Foster of Kendal, and the Tobacco t6 supply you withi delicious home The chiltiren worked dligently1Ijudging ami remnarked that the air- bert Knapp. Ail were nominateti on interviews at radio and Television King. Clarence Moore of Castieton. 1baking for the week end. for three quarters of an hour whien rangements were partictxlarly good4 Friday and ail are standing for elec- stations along with making a tape Ante tpfradwste TçCrsmsCkswl ete eeakdt u hir names for the first year, tlhat competition tion. recording at Ottawa and Kingston. demonstration plot held at Gleln ready- there for those who have oron their entries 'andi place theni on was keen andi that next year she- In the Police Village of Orono1 At Kingston the television sttinAtklis farmn near som"ext a table at the back of the hall where would bc competing. five candidates are viewing the' is ta feature his song as the hit of Long stateti. Experiments there anderedtr Oe they were judged. thiree positions as Police Trustees. the week on their bantistanti pro- mu.y have resulteti in i fcase or u1e Mtat Th oloig eeth rzeW Those in the race are H. M. Mercer. gram. ge tobacco being determineti. If Mrs. Betty Major andi, Mrs. Lav- the meeting than were expected, ners in the varjous classes: G. E. Sîmpson, R. C. Forresterthis proveti so, it would bc a signifi- verne Barrabali will have many eye some o h hlrnbtt oki LyaflLowery andi Charles Hutton. Eryti ekM.Lct e cant step forward in the tnoely wetesfocparsTha ChistmEuseen iingsoMrs.eCîng Mr yetr-ind.ustry, the secretary-treasurel'h aea"we ot. hs towrerslso h opt- 1 hita &~Bx-Hlf Tenoloin Moeday ill opd ea ceivet word f rom Toronto's newest stte.The Apron Booth this year la run Ini the singles- lst, Donnie Mc- 2Crta al >cr te oclc i temonigani etelevis;ion station which opens on George Van» Dam. president off n rte aabe2.terbp fMr.Knze 2d Stro lln 3d Dn Dnn main open until 7:00 o'clock li the the neot-wor-k the first of January, the association, chaired the tinner, Alice Hooey, here you Wl esre i obeik ation-Mrs. King, Norman Alli>. Ftheron tenmiainso h4t lie is fa appear around the mi- which wvas attended by about ,)50 graciously anti g1adly by exper ienc- In the couples-lat, An'nette andiJa~Cuir Frther in te nomiatio ofJohndle of January. A tape recording of People. (Cont-inued page 5) 1 Tove Jorgensen; 2nd, Geke ami Rai! 3. Christmas Mantel Arrangement auiaywsa ointoio o n terview_______________________t__e____________ DeJong; 3rd, Elaine andi Julie -Dora Morris, Irne uraMy Stone for Deputy-reeve, which he aninervewaungritathypayngarhyd dreciined anti a niomination for ways at this time. Tecmitei hreo h Reeve of E. R. Woodyarti which was JuniorASoeiety ae verM epetined 4.-Christmas Door Decoration- also declineti.JuirSceyaevy lsd The two retiring members for the The young slnger's record is now 1 ~with the chlldren that are coming Mrs. King, Dorothy Bailey, MNrs, W. Township School area were return- on sale in Canada anti is receivîng O f F tederation A\t (0 to the meeting anti feel it is a very Miller. ed for anlother twci yea termi by ac- considérable attention in ail corn-1t ro r.ioJ worthwhile project. 5Arneetwt eilu riamtion Thse mmbes wee es Iti rleasd b QuaityThere will be no meeting in the Themc,-Dora, Morris, Ray Chap.ý clmtih Tee ebrswrees.I i eeae b uaiyRe- moth of December but meetings Wm. R. Allun and Lawrence Green- cords anti will also reach the Amer- The Durhiam County Fetieration speaker, was suitably introduceti bymo main, Eileen Billings. wo.ica market early in January. of Agriculture helti its annual meet- first Vice Presitient Eric Fallis. Mr.jI will resumne in January. Sa ehiltiren, ____adBanquetinthe_________ Malcolm .idacmaie ru watch for the notice in the Orono Mrs. Gamey gave a brief talk orn, Wo h Ooa o On ait accomponîe a ripoupr Weekly Times and on the Bulletin the trip she, with a few other Oronci ing anti Banauet in of ntarov. fa r mershe on tn of er-Board in the Library Window. ladies, took to the ROSE show at acco 263. 1960, with 175 members present.hemnhf August, The Junior prize tiisplays are be- Casa Lama, in Toranto, isum Ladies of the Orona Unitet Church secI~ lvndy nRsi.H ing showni in the Orono Library mer. Her interesting tiescription Women's Association servet a de- gave a runnlng dliscourse explaînlng wno a o hs neete nmceu elw ol ionst hot tur ey inn r wli a e ripy nfiineg f it s ta en on seeing what the chiltren accol- have been along., I rnportance In Tw in Counties ilth tp nt gvin hs mpeSosplishliin an houir-.ow hwe i. _____ ndhelpings. Ihi ýro oemo o ~Teincreaising value of the ta-Ilthree auction centres of Ày),lmer, Religion. They were toi htny otc lurli i ut est his rpumtnc e hey were bcoindlustny ta the economy of IDeIhi anti Tillsonburg atoent The ,banquet was openedti Wih eoi ith religion in Russia wer eHot'u url odS m-n.Thyw theUnietiCounties was stressed on Novemben 17. with a record o-p_ raey Mr. M. H. Staples followet the -oltier generation. When thle Chi ma fV et gvryneesng ait the annual tinnen o! the Durhainiening date sales. 1eepett mr b1Qenwih MssPgy coming gnraingrow, up it is felt _ChriLunhtomaoshnMsentiteng- Tobacco Growers -Association at the1 10, to date 10) per cent o! the cr guests includet the executive Of- lwere tolti there -_ la no landi tax. hrdyevnnN emr2-, 'sre adsoilafhtr legion hall in Cobourg recently. hiat been solti. ficers of the counity Feteration with Fairms were eithen operatet by the the Orono Horticultural Society eibjoyet. Stanley C. Smith, chairman o! Satisfied With Sales th(eir wives, guest speaker Mr. How- state anti the wonkers pait a wage the Ontario Flue-Curet Tobacco The marketing board chairman anti Malcolm anti Mrs. Malcolm, or were ai communal farnm Where Growers Marketing Board, sait that expresset satisfaction withi the way ineighiboring county Presidlents anti the state bought th, goots produeti tobaco craps i the two counties sales were being hantileti. He said Secnetainies with their wives, Mr. ait a fixet price anti then resolti 40 Attend Annual C)rono tli ershoulti yielt about 8,286,- co-operaition between buyer anti Lewis Wood, county tirector o!ft he them maiking a profit on the trans- 000 pountis. Taking last year's av- grawer hati been as gooti as coulti Ontario Farmens Union anti 1rsý ation which took the place o! taxes.1 diste riger o ul etspgrsaout lieexe totige nsta ie oac Arclue!ersnatv. M.Howardthogi Police Trustee Niom inations 1 erag pre o 564 cets er ouni. b exectti.Wood, Mr. Oliver Daîrymple caunty thu1 the dress o! the distict rowes shuld rRussboanHetpeoplewrslaickedd tbbathAgistylee e_____________________pople__________ Syle $1,652,760. was in demanti for the expont mar- Dave Crone, O.F.A. Fieltiman, quality. Women wvere very Tobaao Aceageket anti woulcl net growvers froni Alex Cruhr MPPati-spani rsei nih otet thie IThe annuiial nomination meeting ments durîng the year antifeit that There are now 149 tobacco fa-rmastwo anti a haîf ta four cents Per Edith Store Sec. Manager o! Ont-iasneetrl fmk-p ews h oieViaeo rn i ie h onhpwr eu- polud moe. als imressd b the lack o! auto heit on Fritaiy evening li the Orono tant ta co-operate. lie dit howeven with an acreage of 4,987 acres, lion timr.ario Farim Ratio Forum. These impresset .nilorDet ason the Unitedi Caunties. Mr. SmithDifeet utesgEst, eeinrtcti uhamtraiffic on the city streets ant i 0Comnity iiCentre with a total o o! s atethtConclne n t wath e I conIn15 othmeln' onyScrtr ilda.ý0siteretI i theRussians [tie wntsffryratep)ayers present. Five wowacocentwihte nb statd. ai 958Nonhumenlnl Mn. Smnith outlinet wNhaitlhe con-lu, ySertayFilimn onst drivers,.lie was sure that if- ldtaites lwere nominatetlIotafuilthe lems o! the Village. M\,r. Simpson farm avragd 71.8pouds pr sderd te cutis ofea,,h rou inIlispoke li favour of Incorporation of farms adverha age 718 ntiers331tit 1uie ! ah ruplihey were turnet baose on Toronto's 1tiree osaanti ail five are standing1 ace nt Dnam!arm 61pountis the tobacco industry shouit be. The The Ladies wene thanket forYouneS.duigrshhu hy o lcto hyar h ncmette Village as a solution ta a numi- !gun rsetagovernmnent's job ,vas ta p)rovide the theirsplendid service ti Supplying w ould ail be killeti. Dalton Dorelmmes .M ecr .E ip ber o! prablemis. "lInreviewving the 769.1 for' Northumbelan nit proper legisiatton ta enable growvers s.ýuch a finle banquet, by cauity viceepesei th tankýs o0 I rsn snat .C Fnetraog withilmintesfrteps wnyya 644.0 fr Drha. ta seil their crops for the hig-hest President Hlowvan Quantnili ani Ut,) Howard anti Mrs. Mcomh o yaîLoey nil Charles îHutton hel id twsaprn htteVi Total mnetbecrop for ail On-i, price they coulti get, hie sait. i this wvas respondedti t by Mrs. Wm. operatet the projector. for their, The ming on Fiayevng lage was moving ahieadi.' Thisten tali s expecteita reaich 192 million iThe ila'nm Prod-uets Marketing î isrctvnt nensigl ascare1yH.E io it ouildtutasee continue, lhe sait pounis Boart's responsibility wlas toadai- lsrttiî.MS. S. J. Norton aicting as sec etaryanii wýoult worc)£k towand this end. Mn. Smth sat themankes at thle t(on-itiet on page'4) Mn. lHoward Malcolmn, guest Mn H.M. ercen, onono Hyd-Cro MnR.Fnetrlihsept f PesdenHlarvey MaIýlcolm open- et he business part ,a!fthe meigcarafirst reporteti. lI is re- statedti tat Mn. Simpson hati1)been1 witha wel chsen emeanti .port le statet thiat the Orono l1 a mn-oat nteeaetitstcee anti h1at onnesme ofi,!eighuiiglits of the tent ws ev'er expanting aidgrow- turing.theyear vankethart and Fut~~~~~g uePI % sp o r td .Ftrtoatvte uig h n W r o no g (-ry hau becorne qýuîte familiairwith mu- Man ge en Pan a om en e i ,sa ke pin t e 0 1em ai go t ie sit hit or ed wel t getehe -1th r de."li rpte ie ut1i tha 1 t re bhîh hi m te it a noyabde 191 nt n efiecion o! augAg o d e ow t ro n o M eei__rac . RPreeaiatieMr :Ol, ean400 . at bee nipen sli ap-tem li pwresentedthe inaincia hackintathespar ant th i-ens M- temoiael itýfch roply bong ithetens In!atiwaersatwoi a te ad0fth y wee 15 Mntrese ùpesas r vi.Aln tingarman o! ThW; sale a!0ahae ant i dbnue wne nuuyt ocio h laes thasbeen aur im ta cýp-ho ablnc t0 a$50ni Or-na hanIe te nwl fome 4- Auo afey oul l a anids or thean camterni lon tý ireBori ati- ma ie am C'areTanhi Cucî nt of s- the deelopeitli h nrh-et TI raedi . ie l og n t i Fluîa h oglsJse h ts ngtr .Llf comp araioanion wthte reen bt

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