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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Dec 1960, p. 6

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OROfMO WEEI V TIMES Candidates Express Views On Twp. Affairs 3ponsibility in this f ield. isted and f elt that this would inounit Mr. Lawrence Greenwood pointed considerably before the end of thel out to the audience that when lie year. Hie aid, however, that thli first entered the school àrea board bad winter was some of the cause he did so with a feeling of being but ie feit there could certainly be opposedl to area plans and that'greater economy i the snowpinying changes could lie made. Hie explain system. He suggested a systelTi ed that such boards work unider the 1 whereby ail main traveiied conces-1 Department of Education and with sion roads and side-roads were first whom they had to co-operate. "The piowed in a pianned sequence fol Department states that we're going lowed by opening the lesser used to have school areas," hie said, "anid roads. The pos atyawr it looks as if we are." Mr. Green- often wasting time on littie used wood stated that more schoois androads while the main roads were I sehool rooms in the area were g-o- dIrifting in and becoming impassable ing to be needed and thîs, he said. More empeasis, he feit, sho»xJd be meant more moriey from irte tax- placed on new construction to cut, payers.- 0f the t\ywo new sehools opJ- mainitenance costs. So far this year I ened last year, one is aiready $111,00000 has been spent on roads crowded and more space will lie of wý,hich $500 was for bridges, needed. "Don't be surprised if we the rest wvas spent on )ittie more are here asking for more deben- than maintenance. Mr. -Rutherford Jtures". A site lias already been pointed out that one liard surfaced Icliosen for a no,' scliool in Kendal road, the sixtli, had been broken Up. and in ail likelihood the board Will Hie also supported a form of plan- be asking the Town'ship to issue ning, especially in view of the Mos- more debentures in 1961. lie urged port development in the Townshiip. that Council consider better winter lie commended Council on the new roads as they were necessary today building -code, their inspecter and when students are bused to and renlovation of the Township Hall. from scliool. This, lie f elt warranited' great considleration., Russell Savery, nominated for, S. B. Rutherford, niominated for ýDeputy-eeeve, stated (lhat the Deputy-Reeve, stated that wve, asli ps as hli a carry-over :ýor taxpayers were sbareliolders of alanid repairs after flash floods liadt tlarge corporation attendinig the an- aken considerabe road money, l nulmeeting, as sucli we should be ad.Ifwhve'gttemoney, suppiied Witli a financial etatem-ent I won't spend it." île poinited to -,ne and troglyrècommended tliat cosr to of the Mlartinieli road suc be sub itt d n xtye . Witi- nd the w, ork by the County i njto out the statement no o'ne can see J,endal fromn the south *wiîich iext. where their dollar goes, nor could year should D)e liardc surfacedl. Council properly govern witliout such a statement. A splendid budget Ernest Dent, nominated for Coun- was prepared at the beginning of c'1l; outlined the financilal position the year but one fault existed, hie ufthe Township and s'tated thatf said, it *was not adliered to Council serivces from taxes were just as im- portant as purcliases 0f cnsuer lias conitrol over one major item, the items. The asessment in the past 5 road expenditures, lie said and poin- years, lie said, liats grown bDy 22 per ted out tliat in this field an over- cenlt while the debenture debt lias expenditure of $10,000 already ex- mnounited by 355 ercein. in 1s55 tire The Township of Clarke Nomnin- ()ominees for the Township Pubie ation mneeting was heid in the Town-ISchool Area. These, W. Aluin and L,I slhip Hall on Friday afterniooni when Greenwood, will return by acclama- around seventy-flve were presen t to1 tion. propose candidates for the vatrlousi ocffices and to hear reports and Mr. Allun in lis remarks stated platforms of the nominees. that seýhool trustee' work was imý Mr. E. H. Milîson conducted 'Lie portant and that he feit that more meeting, fîrst calling on tlie two ipeople sliould accept certain re- Now at your v"fIGOR station! Solve your Ch-ristmnas wrap problems with this Dennison kit! There are 24 beautifuIIy-dêesigI1ed full colour gift wrapping sheets in heavy 30-lb paper. The seals and * tags are gay and colourful, the ribbor cornes ini different colours, and the special paper cutter is a joy. Supplies ore imited, so corne.eairly and don't be disappointed! DON GIJITARD'S VIGOR POST & DARLING VIGOR -'YRONE CORNER TAUNTON & MANVERS RDS HWY. 115 Just North of NEWCASTLE POST& DARLING ROYAL- HWY. 115 Just North of NEWCASTLE -debenture debt was $142,000- while Unis 3year it mounted Vo $2:29,000. 0f th'is latter amounLIIt $11'i,000 is for education. This debt structure Is costly and can be expected to'in- cIrease even more. In 'Winter ;inowv control the cost hias ris'en f rom $80- ou in 1955 to $24000 so far this year. Clarke is better off thian mxany mun-' icipalîtes as their debt amnount to onily 1-4 percent 0f their assessm-ent whî11le the mnaiority range from 20ý to( 2ý5 percent. IHe suggested tliat g-reater einphasis should be placed (n ii eeking industrial anýd commiier- cial assessment to better thie local tax sitruc(turle. ReVealkey, noiniated for ithe reI11j eltlgpoei ou!linPd 1the years work.; oad dbridge cmiieas \Welll as aI finiance coniittee, the puir-1 chause of a new grader, a f ire coin-i iItceý, a twsi dump', hoýspital debeturs, anewhigh S(chool in the area, nehuildinig codle, bulildin)gi- spect,V "assessor and sW min pI oolin Orono. Roy Foster, nom11ilated for couin- cil, spoke briefly staing thiat lie hiad enjoyed his year on counil and if re.-elected would do his besi'. John Stone, nomninatied foricun cland depuItyreve(, "stated rithati good per-cen)tage, of people lvdoni sýidIë rads, paYinýg taxes, and areý entitled to snow \-plowinig, ithe saýime as those on main roads. 'I don1't ciass sideroads as second(ary roads,' hie sýaid. A lot is demanded of coýuni]i in services but cowuil hias control of abouit one-fit 1hl of the ax mnoney. Ted Samuel, inminated for couin-' cil, stated lie was in1terestedl in thie Toiwnship and its efficiecy. $111,000 seemns a lot of imoneyv to.,spend on rasandi asked if the people feit tliey we-re g-etting better road con. striction anid p7iwin than1 in 1955 wh-Ieï n ony $60,000 vas spent. lHe su]ggested they needed to plan aliead 1 for, five years, surfacing 2 or 3 miles each y"ear,' so that in .5 years 15 mniles could be comnpieted. Capitol, Cos 1 s, lie thouglit, shoufld be spread evenly over the years and an ex-J tensý,ive costing on labour should be conducted continuaiiy. In the wîn-1 ter, main roads dJuring storms shIould be plowed conitinuafly a- ro-und the elock so thiat the roads do flot become plugg-ed and thien costly to open. The plow could stay on) the j 3b, being fuelled and picked Up) by the operator rallier than returnîng co(ntinuaîîy to thie barn.- A definite plan is needed. Corncil is to make dIclsions, lie iied, anjd a well or- ganized counicil willi mean an effi- t dJent township. Youi cannot lie 'o' wtlout facts and figuires and her'e lie suggestedi a monhlltly statement. Counc(illors sliould lie Weil informed 91 buisiniess piocr to meetings andi c-opies of minutes sliould leie ssued 1 i and kept by the mnembers alongý wvith other information and state- m-rent. Timies are claigîng and bus-ý mnes lias f0 lie given more thouglit an'd plannfing. I would like to see road costs stabiiized and a more efficiently run township in order that more value for the. dollar -is obtained. council, stated lie lad no definitel J (Continued Page 3) YOUR SUPPORT FOR ROY FOSTER As COUNCILLOR TOWNSHIP ON CLARKE Would be greatly appreci ated CONSCIENTUOUS SERVICE Be sure to cast your ballot on Monday, Dec. 5th / - 4 -~ liplumu To The Electors of the. TOWNSHIP of CLARKE Having serveci an your Council for the past two years 1 have decided t'a seek re-election for 1961 as Cauncillor. If you feel 1 amrnwtthy of your support on December 5th t would- be appreciated. JOHNSTONE FOR DeputyàF-e'eve A BALANCED BUDGET FOR "ýKCOUNCILLOR AN D *A raad Improvement Plan of Construction and Surfacing. *Improved or expanded Admi istrative System ta help Council maintain its effectiveness. *Techniques ta imprave Operatianal Efficiency of equipment and especially in Snow Plfowing. * A real approach ta Fire Protection. Improved Dumping facil ities throughout Township. *Better Signing and ciesgnation of roads. VOTE, DEN4T IN.CLARKE I' r s "4 .1 TFfuRsbAy. DEMMOER Isti VOTE SAVERY FOR DEPUTY-REEVE OF CLARKE. MONDÂT, DECEM3ER Your support will be greatly appreciated

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