Subcrptin.payable ln advance In Canada $1.50 1In1 U.S.A. $2.50 Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Published ever hrsday at the office of publication Main S-'treet, Phone 109, Orono, Ontario Planning Our Roads Counlties Engineer George Totten suggested f0tte Unit ed Counities Counrèil a week ago Tuesday fliat a long range road pro- gram sliould be adopted hy the counities, so titat the people, and file couneil itself, would know exaotly. Wlat new construction work would be done and 1mw. Anxong ;the r04ommendations made by Mr. Totten was a lassification of roads, depending on traff lé couint, presumably so tIat money woýuld not be spent unnecessarily on roada hicli are little travelled, and need less el'aborate reconstruction. Thtis classificationi should be done la our opinion àý early as possible, because if a road la improved, its iniprovernent will attract traffie whidli rnight go elIsewhere if conditions were equal, thlus distorting the picture to bc obtained by the traffic count. Mr, Tot ten's suggestion is an extremelv aoufid one. We hope aiext year's Counties Counicil wilI see fit to Implemeat it. As Mr. Totten reported, roada la the United Counties are now a million dollar business. And not only the counties would benefit from drawing up audit a plan. Towns, villages and townshitps would save money and have better roads in thie long rail if they worked te a scitedule. If Mr. Totten-'s- suggested five-year programn were adopted, lit shoul'd be extended every year, so that at any Urne the plana wouid be available. for f ive years ahead. In te normal course of Plann,-ing for the future is an important part of any g-overit- things, somte of the plans would be revised eaeli year as welI. menýt's responsibihity. If sliould apply f0 roads perhaps more titan ta anythln)g else, hecause roiads are one of the mat important sectors of aay municipal budget The above appeared on te editorial page of the Port Hope Guiide earlier titis wveek. At 'Urnes tis paper lias sugg-ested sucit a plan for flie Townshipof Clarke which we feel must be instigated before anty real improvernents will corne to our roads. Sudh a plan would also) establish 'a sounder hasts on whicli the road dollar is spe-nt. The plan siould corne f irst - -flen our better roads will qppear. Orono, Ontario G ARD 0F THANKS IA 1FI DSE T IO N We wish to express our sineriý C AS I IE E thanks to relatives, frîends and lleigh]bouirs for, thle many aetls of FOR RENT FOR SALE kindness, cauds and flowvers .sent 6 ruoom house in town, baseinent, Ploor Funac, £lly atriomatie, on the death of a dlear husbanid, aae heavy wirîng. Resnbeams e.Priced $125.00. fath-er and gr-andfaither. Spýecial renit. Phione Orono '23710. al-p R. Pelletier, Phone 9P,15. Orono. thanks to Heather Rebekah Lodge 1I.a-p No.. 334, LDr. MNcKýenzie. special nurs- COM ING EVENTS esad the staff o)f Memorial Ho- The C.G.I.T. Vesper Service, Sun- ial and Rev. B. Long, Orono(. day eeig ee ibe th a-7 FOR RENT Mrs CaresS. Wodaid aml.m.inl the Orono Ulited( Church. Two roorna and bath for rent.1 a-c Cme )u mnf! v hs cie etd ______________________grou"ýp your support. a-c' Phone 1775, onolo. a-c TRUSTEE NOMINATIONS 1-- - -COMING EVENTS FOR SALE (Continued from page 1) IlaterSocial Club ;Ïlazaar and Plumbing Fixtuires- Pressure -)or'ui~ o .ase~rAen grwthj i easale o-oi ~kn.Satur- Pumps ';- Glass Lined ciWater IHeat- ord('er to kecp taxes lower. He said La.y, Dceýnber 3rd at 2:30 p.m. in ers- Sum-ni)Pumps, Pipes and F~it- the time would soon cone when f he lO ...F. Hldl. a-c'tinga. A Iavislily soit bedroom-parlour, rug thait adds a decorator's touch to any ro.You alsO -eceiýve an elegant bathroom -nenble. Avaitýabe i coice cf, cOlcur, FREE WIHTERHAE0 H L LR MAce s - ~ - _ Phone ~782 >]O-IIIVTO CFJË:rI;O f PN THE EF STAýTE 0FMAR BRILLINGER ate of the ownhi ohe EstatofltesadMr iln- erwhiied on or outfie hda 1960,thet nams1antaddesrsand day~~~ 1, Deem eri16,th s ol- c We e il and islail. Caîl us today for Free Estimate Guscott Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 207 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Cali Collect Oshawa RA 5-5132 FOR RENT Bungalow, 5 rooms, ail conveni- eries. Coat and linen closets. I te village ist onslzider a new fire engine. The present machine pro- NOTE CHANGE tects well over 300 homes but could AUCTION SALE ihani1QOO '0Jus, as well at io great- 0f hig-li class, modern and anti- er coat. This, hie said, ia wliy there que furnture, walnut,, limogues jis economy iln having a greater ass- chùlia, cut glass, eîectric applianrees, ,essmient to spread the cost over. The litten,1 bedding etc. The estate of sane happens in hydro and lie said the flate Harold Benson to be sold that in 1958 the Commission hiad by pubic auction on Saturday, 3ec- foui-d fronm the Ontario H3rdro that ebr3da h giutrIBid the Village of Newcastle -,)urchasediebi r tteArclua Bid- 1p- e a1ageaerco i ng, Orona commencing 10:00 a.m. pawe at greter ost ersuit Ternis cash, ni reserve. Jacl ýeid, than did Orono but were able tos-e utiler it to their ý,ustomners at a lower rate Tiis was possible only flirougli the COMING EVENT fact that Newcastle hiad more cornm- The Bowmanville Drama Club Orono. During the past 6 yeýýrs the Oronio Town Hall on Saturday, however the Oronio hydro rates 'Io December lOJth comlwencing at 8.00 domestic usera lias been reducect by p.m. Everyone, . loTne to enjoy 11 percent due to more cconomical tis fine evenrin'g of entertainment. use H sad ha li wsTonhinTickets available at the door Dr, disappointed in theTonhpI frorn Mrs. E. H. Samuel, MUrs. R,. J. that tliey didf nct seek xncustrial or * any type of developmnent f0 bring Taggart. Mrs. L. AsIett and Miss ,suelh assessment to the area. Wandý_a Hobbs. b-c 1He then outlined the various grants which liad beeni obtained during the vote,. Hie said no one untU elgit --avs year by thte Board. ý-Iere lie mlen- 1hefore the vote knew; what position tioned the Recreation commission,lhe would take on the matter. The Illhe Municipal Centre and the" Winter vote, lie said, sceemed to prove hlm Works program includiag aidewalks iglit. If elected to office lie would curbs and tree trimming for the work in the best interest of eyery- comig. year. In losing lie stated one. that hie would continue to be inter- Mr. Char-les Hutton thien thankedi ested in the offioe as long as the bis nominators and said that if le' Board could be progressive and held1 was fortunate in being elected that to basic principals of improving the lie ould govern fairly and meet Village. Lhe problemslhonestlYvand cDurag- Mr. i-. Loýwery ,then spoke to te eousîy. mieeting sta'ting' that lie took lis Mr. 'W. J. RidIdell suggested that stad ~aistwater only on the f act thle Trustees along with Whe Orono that the Trustees liad spent $7000 Chamber should form an Industrial on test drilling before titey held the Commission to seek industry for fCe community At present we have some which is a blessing, lie said. Secondary industry, lie furthered, would certainly lielp unempînyment in fthe area as well as being ant ass- et to the Village. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE, ESTATE 0F AT NCHOLS ROBBINS late efthe ..........Township of Clarke in tIe Getnty of Durhiam, Far-mer deceased: IAll persons lia,,ing dlaims against the Estate of the said Arthur Nidh- rvr~,~ols Robbins, wlio died on or about the Third day of January 1960 are hiereby notified to send f0 the uncler- *signed Administratrix or lier Souici- tor on or before the lOtli day of December, 1960, their names and ad- dresses and ful particulars of tlieir dcaims and the nature et the secur- ities (if anyi) field by them duly -' verified by statutory declarion I mmreiately after flie said lutit day of Dcme,1960, ite -assets o f the said deceasedt will be distri- butedl amlong the persons enititled thereto liaving regard only fo0-the d-aims of \whji the Adminîstratrix - 'flienhave notice. Daedat O ono ntario, this ?24th day of Nov-iebe 1960 AiLM'AE. CUTTELL , Orono, Ont. - ~. . LYCT~7,Administratrix U'. . LY TTIOrono, Ont., Sol- ilcitorý for thie Administratrix. SWALTER FRANK J McQIJAY and KImbu o REALTORS g177 Church St. g BoNwmanville MIA. 3-3393 f Insurance S&vMisBaches OA oPackage ar nd oposite Poliies Fie~parmi, Llfec Bj Bu rg a ry, L aiity, Ma rine, b Accidnt andSicknless,Wid g'Adie ' Ham E il on g1 i3 Poe, 0Oro0no1R6 f FIST-1-RTGAGEoLOANS7 E vETrERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Orono, Or*, LUGÂL Lawrence C. Masoni, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-55U W. KiAY LYCFITT, B.A. B arister - 5011 citr Inl the Of fices of - I R. R. Waddell Q. MAIN ST., ORONO I Teleplioae 138 Orono L. J. SKAIFE Chartered Accouitant BV APPOINTMENTS Lycett's frsurance 0f fz'm P.O. Box 61, Orono Phone 12510 IN ,SURANCE General. & Lufe Available immediately. Mlrs. Milton Tamblyn, phone Or- ono 2228. b-C JACOBSEN - SIMPSON Furniture Finished and Refinlished Painting and Papering Cupboards Built PHONE ORONO 1413 or NEWCASTLE 4371 FOR SALE 1 Stearn Boiler in Ai condition. New flues. Phone Blackstock 96R12 C-37-P STAFFORD flROS. Mo)Hnuental ok Phoneo%4j1itby 552 318 Dumdas S t. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Lot us erect a handsome, dlg- nified monument over the rjpt- ing place of your loved osm. It's not oxpensive. And "gng this lest tribute will ve you endless comfort. Biuildin"g a Hlou-se? or remode(lina your present one theni contact Floyd Nicho's.o 011ec 2191 Orono Foundations and Septic Tanks i poured. Formis avaiable. OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phon'e 12516 Res. 11718 Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Parm and Vùrniture Sales Consuit me for tenus and dates Phone 5- r 18 -oronia Auctioneer and Valuiator Conducts Auction sales 0f ail Si9me and at reasonable rates Comm-unicate with him at Port Perm,~ Ontario- Moniuments and Our quality and service leaves nothing ta be d-sired Asýk the persa n vwho bought from us. a neighbýour, frienda or veiatýva Thfi RLUT T E1Z R AT 73 Ontaria Street P-'E S129 aOndR-TR O FRED LYCETT