ORONO WEEKLY WITII ANy VIGOR CAS PURCIIASE Sleyour Christmas wrap problerns with this Dennison kit! There ore 24beautifully-desgfld full colour gift wrapping sheets in heuvy 3-bpaper. The seais and tags are gay and colourful, the ribbor cornes in different colours, and the special paper cutter is a loy. - Supplies are imited, so corne early anid don't b. disappointed I DO0N GUITARD'S VIGOR POST & DARU-K*LNG VIGOR TYROINE CORNER TAUNTON & MAINVERS RDS H WY. 115 Just North of NEWGAST LE POST & DARLING ROYAL r i-IWY. 115 Just North of NEWCAST LE On Saturday night Kendal Orange 'Hall was the setting for a presenta-! tion to Mr. and Mrs. Barton McNeill and to Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tobin. 'IIhese are the two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson, Helen and Amy. Friends andic neighblr pe sented each of themn with ai TV chair, coffee table and smnokingý stand. There, was a large gathering fromi the Shiloh and Kendal coin- imunities whien dancinig and a sca 't N'-r2901h: a-inum-lberof, t Herv ttededher filmneri. Sym- I pathyis ex; ,ýtend(ed to Dorothy and M ilre litheloss of their m-other. They ý, e ito live on the farm nowl own1edi bv wreceGreenwood., Mr. Vctr"Bd Mnia as travellingý on the Sixth iUne on Fri- c1~veveing heahis brakes failed' tie as taveling outh Mr-Man- n's arsrukthe front end of th6trarort ndb-1) were carried daT Ter aurie, wvastaken to the hiospital and( had aea,;rlv f-rtv st;tcb- esî- pit la her forehead. The ct1 were foLind in Orono and .ln near-by, farms. Thie transport was travelling to WVaterdowni in theNigr dis- j rc.Neither driver was hurt. trict. Neithier driver was hurt but ! Mr. MannIinig's car was a comp!ete loss. ]\,Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morton were at home to their frieiids and nieighbours on December 3 and 41, whien anl exhibition of p)aintingS was held la their home on the Sixth Line. They are indeed colourful and; of great vairiety. Some of themn showed the beauty of the Kfendal' ilils la autumii colouring that Wei we have admired ail our lives. Dîck, bas put that beauty on canvas. One, should see the view from the foot of Carson's hill. It shows the road wý,indiig cdown to the old bridge atj Jackson's with Mrs. Jackson's home la the background. This beautîful scene is entirely changledi now.ýv The trees have been cut and the road straighitened. So this Pic-, ture lias historic value. Tt wouldI be, fitting to hiang it in the niew Kendal Schoofl. Oilthe pictutres depict the beaUtyv of Canada's niorthlanid. Ev- er.yo01e should see these fine paint- ingls, yarticularly students. to live in Orono for the winter. lt, Full Line of GE Applicinces for Christmas 11 Eleciric Kettles,Toasters, Fry Pans. Irons Coffee Percolators, Mixers etc. BEATTY ELECTRIC STOVES WASHERS and DRYERS PARINER PLUMBING & IIEATING Phone 1782 Orono, Ontario Couty oadExpn-me ini the recent Clarke Trownship lp ci d itre $,275OOOto serve on Council for 1961. To everyone the Road expeiitures in the United Compliments of the Season. Counities for the f irst nine nonths ^I of 1960 amontd to $1,2751. bj iwas shown ia the report of the I Counities Engineer, George L. Tot-' teni, Last week. Total expendciture for, subsidy was $723,803. IL n~t5wee s olow:develop- fJ I.> I N1 % T O g 'ment roads anid general, $308,S39;I initeniance, $,137,824; cons.tr'uctionI, I $180,274: miscellanleous, S$38,348 buildingstorage aadc equî_______________ nit, S50,649.__________________ 24r. Totten stressed the aieed of coutie wre aow entering the isýcondsae fraddvlomnl aýnd this is essenitial to cope wVith- increasag trafic andproper dvl Debenuresfor the Durharh oun tyDistrict Hligh Schoiol Area sl at $l10035_. This price wstehgh est of eighit bids acrigb' potof thie tUn1ited Cjute Dn cil finiance comimittee. New equipment blas 1beý pur- chased for the Bownaanville Rgs ry Office, Reeve J. A..eoa, Cobourg told Co)uaties Coun1,t the report of the specý(ial ?pet committee. Further 'ouetrles~ will be aleeded, and Illecomte recomineniddbyn aie o them. Plans for increased comoa tion at the Couaities Jail are, to be delaye(d. Th'le inispector o±refr Institutions hlas notified municipal- ities thiat a c-ommllittee is inivestigat- ijail accommodation. No grantsý w ill bemade- until tlie fiadings are. made public, lb w\as said. Ten By-Lawýýs werê passed by the- Counties Couincil. 2 atithorizedi new- construction. One was for dJet~~ es of $675,000 for, the construction ùry a new High Sehool in Clarke Town-- shlp. The other for debentures o!? $125,000 for the building of an ad-~ dition to Port Hope Hight Sehool. Another by law covered procedJur- es adopted by Counties Çouricil, Others approved lncluded those for the appropriation of land under th~e 1-ighways Improvement Act lit Percy and Alnwick Townships, by-* laws amençling previous ones oni road allowances in Alnwick and iBrighton Townships; and one to irn- Iplenment employees bene!its to aH. etnployed by the United Counties. To The Electors of Clarkel May I express my appreciation to those who supported and worked for nme in the re- cent Township elections. I would "also like to î congratulate those who will f on the 1961 Counil. Compliments of the Season to everyone. 1E.0 R. 0S AMlkel UEL TO TUE ELECTORS IN CLARKE TOWNSIHIP 1 wish to thank ail those who supported I - .. .~. Il ffl MM -7- ý Imý ý Il