£\,And W. E. Armnstrong opened hier and spaciouis home, Tuesday, ber 6thi for a joint-meeting W.M,.S. and W.A. groups ff Unitedl Churchi, whiich was ttende(d, very interesting aind while. STILL AVAILABLE!! AT IGA STORES CH IL DREN 'S GOLDEN BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA 9 IGA FAi'.CY MJXED NUTS lb pkg 49c Y OUR CHOICE 0F 8 VARIETIES IGA Pestive Cali-dy 33c Caifdy Canes 5c size 6 for 25c MRS. PEAKS' Chdstrnas Pubbing lb 59c COCKTAIL, YE SALMOjN SSORTED - $AVE 20c ' COL eAeS l2 b41 AVE 14c 5f or53 28 oz tin 35 1 p 2S tlen 53 c 2 lb bag 43c 2 lb- box $1939 1 ÇOCE MLiA TY M/ N E A LA NQ < ALF O0R WHMOL E àL Leani Mincëd Beef, freshly ground lb 39c -~ f Pure Pork Sausage Tablerit small ink lb 55cY Sliced Side Bacon Devon rindless lb 63c Op t~= 0 =1 0 Cg AINES U.S. No. 1 2 doz 39e TS U.Se No@ 1 2Ibs 39e4 ERY U.S. No. 1 2 size 36 25c O Ag k49tc' I Il ,S Meet Re-ign" and tbe The hostess cup of tea and c, time was enjoy( MUrs. Irwvin thanks to Mlrs. hosýpitality. j ointly Mizpath benedliction.ci served a delicion ookijes while a sociali ecd. mnoved a vote i0f Armstrong for le OR Our tudyBoolk for this year "Tir Tunin Wuld"was taken by Mrs. Logan and Mrs. H. Bowe,!f wvho emiphasized thre great need fori asitacIo the millions of refu- n gees in AIsia and elsewhere. Our gifs ahoimgh helpfulseem only a dlro- in thie buecket compared ,vithl the' reeindý(ouis need A of s any.n The contriuos from the "une cent a meL-ali" project for the refugeen fuind and 'the reguflar M ission ary givnswere precsenited and dled i- cated wvith the prayer "We give Thee but Tw 'hin'e w, lis, Lopan, onnmnating cm-s mitt'ee ru in a SiJate of1offIcers for, 196ý1 for the W.1A1.S, TMe trasuret's report which was (ILI ~ nOýura1ý'ging wsgji-ejJby MILs HAluni, presidîent0Of the W too te chai n bruught in0 Io Ill)j"jýý, e17lan wee Il U (1 to send Ioui bokesand a gift to ouri- tn at hritmstiedonations to Frecd1 Victior Mi.ssion, Toronto, to tire Ex2 tension Fondf of the Church and nthe, TCrliv causes. Plumbing or Heatiing instala- tien made. It can be done un- der aur Winter Work Plan -2 with paynments flot startirlg unItil April 1961. 4 For further cletails ï STIMULATE WINTER EMPLOYMENT Mrs. Armstrong close-d the mneet- ing- with tthe singing of "Jesus shall To Clarke Voters me in my re-election as Deptity-Reeve for the Township of Clarke for 1961. ' îht taktoewh upre Wihi4ng everyone a very Merry Christ- nmas and a Hflappy New Year. RLUSSELL SÀVEiV ______________________________________________________________~I1 ________________________________________________________ Cismas carols were sung to set Uhesrnood for the meceting, Mrs. [rwin at thle piano. Mrs. Porter conduetéd the wyor- O O ship uervic, hymn "Corne Thou, O A E I Long Jeut)a un n the lesson tk wafmS.suon n Y U3: EGN t taenirm t.Jon 0 CARIEER TRAINING 16 "God so loved the world". mon t Porter based her thoughts on 'ihisO ATA TTM snec,"Stir up the gift thlat is in 9____ you' from PaudIs letter to Tiniothy.O-9 As we do this we fînd appOuniSP 9 The Oshiawa Business College for glvg, not only material thinigsj is open ail year and our biut gifts. of the, Spirit that neither 9 method of nicla bWren nor deplete our purse. Glif t O struction permits you to of peace.gift of wisdomn and under- I start 'ut any tinM standing whiéch mnakes us kind and Ioving incler ail circumnstances, gif t 8DySho Cussfo of powerwhc makes us reliable, Il ySmolCure frm stanch and dependable, gift of joyuih ito choose9 whc e eau share wbib.ail the wo ibtrog a smile, a cheeryn EVNN CAS S wýo1d and a hnappy disposition. We EVTESDAY aLA NSES 9 areeveroneif us, if we would 700t900pm eaul uponthlerni, en'dowed wih ap)- 7:0 hoie :0f0ubjeet abilities that wHIl ting satisfaction, il 1 te oreesand contribute to the1 good of Ithe wriGodl's gift to 'h p cia lasses for nwrlduws the gift op His son. If .We Sitokr w'ill, stir up the giff within us, Hoseiie iinpire, guide, coiinsel and 9 Te-AeTpists bless uis.,_______ Mrs.MLre spoke on Dr. Me-[ FREE ILITERATURE Clutre's experience in India. He dis-j AVAILAIBLE povered that throughi inexperienýc,j_______ lack of education, pilmitive Ynetb% ods of farmning etc, familles were 10 Simi-coe Street North kept close together untiU the impact Dial RA. 53375 of in1dus trial progress changed their o way of living, then loneliness set in for parents whose- children left__________________ themn to work in factorieet.t earn, their own wages and become independent. Our Mission schools 111~f Idatoday are wellt(,ceepted butU they can only accommodate a small fie Wo ?a hospitals also are highly eadeOWITHi4 NSTALMENT nlot oly as places for treatment of thedae but places of comfort c)fl ET CM ECN and kind attention -h-h1sm -Il APRIL 0F 1961 their own hospitals lack., HEINZ CHRISTIES F Onion rj 33 pkg: RIPPLE J yA ýr-'%IE