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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Dec 1960, p. 7

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- -'-e--,- Sig Swede W#nts Mis Titi. oc Ever since Ingemar Johanssonî 1Ist th.e heavyweight chamipion- *hýip in New York last June, he eskept to himself, preparing 1üer his third tille f ight. Recent- yy ïn Geneva, ngemar eend i1S ,51lenice, sharing his feeing aout Floyd Patterson, the comning :ftght, and his future, wvith 'fqEWSWEEK'S Paris b u ir e a -U ebief Lionel1 Durand. ng arjohanisson, business- man, bon vivant, andff sometimie hieavyw-eight champion of0l'te world, relaxed on a coudh in b-is apartmeni and reflecied on the talents of a professional coi- league nanied Floyd Patterson. ,f sil] don't know wlther he's any ga Ingemar remarked "Wlen we fought the first tirne, I. dîdn't lave irnidl respect for hlm-, The secýond lrne lie didn't scare ne. 1 guess 1 d'ld semai- thing 1 slould't have." -iwS obviauis, frein the note ofý regret lani voice, that Jo- lhansson las been. saying île sa!-ine things ever and over again te. firnself ever sînce île second Patterson fight. Il was 'aiso ap) parent thnt Jolansson is eagerly enticipating île return match. "JIl fight any place, anyfne, lngemnar said. "I've been train.- ingü and I'm in fairiy good, shape." Witli tînt, Jolansson stretcl- ed lis miuscular legs, g-lanced oui the iandow, and explained: "I kno'w I enly lave one mare chance, but I figure 1 lave a go,,od chance. Last urne 1 was do- îng fine, but 1 was overcon.ifi- dent. I guess 1 was taking it a httie too easy. Just bef are île fight, someone said ta me,'P- terson is nothing, but staY away from li;s lefi bolk.' I leard ihat te laie to heip. Otlerwise, things might have been differ- *nt. This uirne 1 plan' te be on ise offensive." New Look: AlthougI le iL no lôùnger as arregantly eocky as le was before Patterson connectedi, Jolsansson retains a confident autlook on life. And with good reasoa. lis assets include two convertibles, a f leet of fishing boats, a building-materials busi- n3ess, sizeable ehuals of real es- fate la Sweden, a speedboat, and a Cessaa airpiane. e llave no idea low muchl it îs ail worth," Johansson said. «Some of my busînesses have done well, some net as well, lut they've been pretiy good. The Swedisl Goverrmnent insisis on ulapping leavy taxes on me, even thougl I 'ive lere aow, So, 'm selling ev7erythlng 19ex- cept île real estatEtx"5 Xi is precisely this Sort of self- ce-(ntered attitude that 'iam sub- jected Johansson to heavy criti- icism in tle Swedisb press. Haw- (ùver, lie slrugs it oYff witl the same aplomb tînt lie cultivaiesý when le dodgès questions about his greest-eyed fiancée, Birgit Lundgren, wlc was tlIen fussing about île kitchen .of the apari- mnent. "This mornlng," le repliud wlen asked about lis attitude toward marriage, "I saw a large arfuil of fLowers and 1 won- wletler il was for a we- ding or a fuiner-al." Besides lis cdaily traiing (4 miles of rond work and an 'if- temnoon of sparrinig and calis- tecsJohanssen catswlI goes nig-ht-clubbing frequently, and, wlen île m'ood strikes, dlashes off in lis plane for a swimi in île Mediterranean -er adal a the auto races in hly.ý Witl ail iis, however, tcei5 enet31 thaît Ingemar ladks and d1esperaiely wants: TIec dam- pîonslip. iflis friends insisi li s brigta, avenge lis defeat. *'Tt ,as fun te be champion, bt was not the mrain thinig la mny lifr," lesas Ornbel a""npi y mnand I arn gratefl fJor whau Ilavegoïtten ,ut aofîgtn.But noboy ca stay u hr oee.Eey body las somnebody who cail beaït i hm. 1Iiow. I've lad m bacidcday. Now 'rnwatig o n good cday." MERRY MENAGERiE FRE-'D -lDavid Greenglass, 39, an Armiy machinist who grave aitom bomb secrets Io a Rus- sion-recr-uited spy r ring, i S shown in New York after his release f rom prison. Greeln- glass, the brother of executed atorm spy Ethiel Rosenberg, had served nine yeairs ond four months of a i 5-year Prison sentence. Youtliful Days 0f Robbie Burns Ili the years at Lochlea at the end of uneventful days mnarked m-erely by the slow and puinctu- ai coming 0 f seedtim-e and liar- vest, thie onrush of virile youth bursts'agundeýr the bondics of cir- cumstance. When twilight has failea f airly ovýer the~ lea, Robert Burns gces aroving, it miatters flot how,ý laborious bis days, or howi eariy is momningsý. Distance and tinie are forgotteai-. . . . On an, April aight, young farmier Burns got one of his, sisters to stiteli together somne pages of coarse paper for the purpose -of jotting for memnorandla, but poet Burns had star'ted the firsi page thuis - "It miglit be of sorne interest to a curious ob- server of humnan nature ta see i hvw a ploughiniaa thinks aind tees" Ir- the evenings wheii the day'.ý work s over he and Gilbaert go to Tarbolton. "A littie village of. tha-:tched roofed cottages with the click- clack- of a weaver' s shuittie sounding on a summier' s evening ithrough the wide open doors. On the dusty white road, barefooted 1children ,play. Old men hoble out to sit on the cool boulder stones by the door cheek, Womien gossip in the dool1rwayS jdandling their babies, and turn to Look after the retreating formr of the infrequent visitor, .This is thie Tarbolton of a hrindred yasago cdepicted i. n the Kilm-a rnock Standard of 1897 by one Helen Steveni. it is thre village as t-3irns knew it, yet another hundred 1years back, for Èrne stoo)d almosiý stilbetween i ýe l8th and l9th centuries. . . . Bttnow in 1770- 80, Tar-bôlton is thie Mecca of thle rur-al youth and ma,-idens of thec parish, amiong whom is- one Rob- ert Burns. Apart frorn, the pluasiues ili which lhe su assiduouisly 'joins vith-1 his stccompanions, lie has a1-i inner life of joy, ail his own. As evidenice, there is that simn book hie has just started ta write, stow,,ed away in a drawer at Lochlea. Eveni when amiongst themn at the dance lie is lured softly on his dlestinied path wilth thoughts -which are flec harbîn- gers of file f irst lyric fated t0 mark him for immortaliity.... 1-e1 is begýinn-ing to he reccg- ized as the Rhymter, -anid trns cripts of bis verses,lboisy copied out by lis' dies r beig asedfron hanid 'to)h-,nd, anid i ecited 1by hisucronies. . .by the smiýithy lies, andci even at thJe corneirs oft the st ton art ian-d fair days. He peedly b- cornesidnfidwhîe ie of the vlaeand cou[ntrysîde. Hle lias a tnu in blis head, youg ursleis ke on ar- uunnt nd lksteha i- sefseaing - and îthose rhmsof hs!Th ossiping wone andinig the bajýbies, and hle old mieî- sitting by' vlie door- waiys, lo alter the Rhymfer when hLe pass-,ces and shake their hed.But îlec youing folk al like lhii. FHe is thecir trusted con- fdant -From "Po ts ilrm ae"The Story of tlie Life and Timjes of Robert Biuras, lby Elsie S. Re Eigôîst - a person wliho thiaks as m1uch aonef as you think of y ourself. No Ilunter Ever Knew How To Reade. Once agnin île loud and yoci- ferous riot of faîl foliage lias degenerated lioe l um-durr of leadea hall ai îlIe portais, aad tle S por1adai C explosionIs of a dwindling Gettysbu.rg. 'Tis île seasan of the Noble Nimrod, as île sporiing columnisis pr~ il, and I have mningledt feelings. Weli, wlen you've grown up aro-und île aid farm, you spia, lelanuageof îlieregion. I thae holnleIIstIy pondiered abouit "rostiing" île place, but i doubit if I shail, ia île firsi place, il, doesa',ti work. The evï ii ee s irorig tînt no luaiter, yci , ever kneicw bow to read. Sorne af thern appeac-r io'havc very lutile cye- siglit ai ail, but an amazinig ,.býility ta o ]k iîp and think îluey scesmtngwerpn tley shoot your "epoui", sigo il II of loles with asýtounding- accur- acy. Those who can r'ead, nnd i' eei sôme obligation ta pay at- tention, immiediately refer ta you as a bounder, aaid worse, andi expouad some vague philosoply that ot wnership eniails a noble-,se obliige ta share. This lappenis to be sort ai 10 The game, if aay, belo)ng-s te ihe People of ltie and daesn't go with tle land. A field tînt hasn'i lad a rîi on ili 35 years remains atiîlie option of île pub- lic, wloio may corne ai nayutinte ta see if one has reiumned. Un- less, af course, île awaer las côrmilied witl certaýin statuIoryi dlern-andls, and las "ps hd i land. Alter le lias cdonc this, tiere e-xisîs a public problin kanown as "access," aid-Io, c0 Sperting joumnals urge lIai ac- Ilion be takea. I iry Ita keep an open immd, becanuse our, state dees have a public policy cf wildlif!e pursuit. WVe are, se tu speal, la tInt busi-. ness. If a gentlemnan ,cames in tour up lere fromn yonder and buy a license;, whicl entities hlm to shoot ai my corncrib, I1 aîn supposed to cleer and consider- lis presence a boositet our gen- erai econom.y. Another thing, I f ia'd ithlard te forget tînt tle oid ancestar drew on this source of suppiy inais trne, and survived be- caý.use of ht. It tool son-e years te1 get trees feiled and burncd, land si-oohed off, and gardienm pianied and liarvesti. lis de- mestic animais ;vere few for- a long limie. But 'the f ive moutha-- he lad te feed, n, number that iacreased as lie went along, wcre favoured boy île wilderness food Ii ans Icre.IHe not 0onlY wcnt ai-slooiing, but le set traps and nets. And thîs wasn't nial toe long ae He wns in the pas- songe-r pigeo-n era, wlen fiocks o' these birds camne scaliag la so tley clouded thbe sun. Todlay, wi,,th proper Arnerican liindlsight, we lamentble end of tbis spec- incular bird. But jusi ns i feel there musi haý,ve been sorne latent intelli- genice la ihose people wha pie- necred for, us, 1 find themoe huiercks samre. 1 cmanked îlhe 1tractor île other day and ,vî,t up) ta haul anoiler load cf wood! lor tic boys, comnpleting aurfal 1preparations for, nexi asprIg's worklîlesugaýr bush. When w-e gai to île sugar house, weý fouLnd sorne agile-wýiited hunier lad sent a slotgun blasi ibrouigli the door. The door is uisit- ten-iype, pine b 0a ar CI S painIted red, and is caiirely a weathllcr m-ater. TIc place isni't locked, neyer laand île curionsmy aiways siep la. Somne huner, wauerngalong, lad me-reiy! aýrrived opposite the door, lifiedj bis slioiun, and lad pullcd [h-e iriggcr. The pellets pockmar1ked ble ouisidegerusy but ara îlne insidc ficeyVr i )p P cid ava This wa cone, 1sposb AGENTS SAEMN Appliance dealer', tO sel] f1nest pulp, expellilng juicers. , tainlsa ,steel coG;kare, literature direct 3eto- atie distributor. 11324 5003 Sta. Rd. gAE'Y CHICKS 18-20 WEEI< OLD BRAY PULLETS and started cbicks, at specîal prices. pr'ompt ,3ipmient, B00k r M1rch -April broilýr5 aow, Day-old dual purpose and spe- ciality egg producersý hatched to order. C o n t aý c t local agent, or write 8 ray Hatchery, 120 j ohn North, Hlamilton, Ontario. ,i pole across, above thefilre, S50 ketties might be hung. 1 showed tlim how to huai aii aider with is branches jusi soi and make ai double-ender hook -on Wol over tle pole, tlie other for the bale of the pot. It's a woodsmanuAs trick, verjy liaady. Se they had hurited for aiders and lad about a dozen of these hanging in tle firepiace, ail r e a d y fao r next sïpring's hearty fare. Weli, some inteliectualiyr- itarded htunte.r had corne alorig *with a rifle and had seated hinm- elf on the steps of the sugar house, aa-dhad imethodically shot a.-t eacl of these looks in turrn. Wlien lit, eacl hook would, swing arounci. Afier a tinlie,,jçqyr' e-ver ecdl would disinieglra( iIiî- der bombardmnent, or oW y awaýy. We fouad chewed-up p5t- liooks ail tîrougli the pugker- brush. It was cdiscolira:gilqg stand iliere and see this -and reflet on the nature of tic in- dividual wbe, under île modem- conception of sports afield, had occupied im)rself so prof itably. You find yeurself - 1 do -- 'mulling over the local sporting geatry, t ry'ing to figure out which o'f ilem would dlo sucl a ihing, and it's pretty lard tei find yo-urself thinkiag thait itie of anybody. Yeti somnebody did. -By John Gould in te Chris- tiani Science Monitor. HOW con I? Gy Roberta Lee .Q. ow eau I improvise a cork when I've lost the real article? A. A very satisfaciory sub-i stiltute for a lost cork is an inch or iwo of~ candle, Soften up île weax a bit and your candle "cr"will fit. Q. Dow Calit Iremo11ve se grease spots from> wallpaper? A. Make a paste f cor - andl waier, let remnaîn un- fi-, dry, tien brusi off. if this doesn't work try a paste of fuller's eril and carbon tetra- chloride, and use in tle saine miann-er. Q. What can 1 do if somle oît from rxmy sewin.- machine has sipotted 'the fabrie on which 1 have been sewing-? A. Apply irmmediately a liberal ici atiag of taicum powder, let this stand for 15 ta 20 ~minutèes, then brush off. Repeat île pro- cesifnecessariy. Q.How cat i1 restore buter whicb hias taken on tihe flavor of somnething cise iii the ref'rig- erator? 'A. Soak the buter 'for two pincl af bicarbonate of soda lias been dîssolved. The taste of tle butter will tIen be as, pleasing asevr ISSUE 50 - 1960 FOR LEASE, modem) service station and restauirant, seat 47 persons, Trenton dJstrlct, now under construction, ready Mlarch, 61. Write C. Barke', 11à Dun- das W., Trenton, Ont. I MADE $700 on IMPOR*FS THAT wNas mny profit on 1. order 1 îaoid in i1 day. 1 wÏll l soyw you lhow to tan. this big profitable business fromn your home i n spare UrnLe. No merchandizt investmient needed. Write today for free details, and information 0?o n l ports, Frank Clark Co., 2787 St. Clair> Ave. E., Toronto 16. MA UnACqueR '0f senata a MeNinFACTopERa-of exlse tertor. ies venioffes ofranhie7.ct sveious person anhoffhas f$l,100. te ineat, opet. wrali gand191,pubtiictyt oipne. Mrinimumrenue $ilO00. t ïu oPse.t caital oly revneed $10,y00Wthoe witih referenles to: C.S.d.npl Co, Pte 0f i Box 601, Sttion . S. Lauo ent, Mont-î real. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE ,SALE-BAIIN. A splendid opportiiity for a youang, aggressive auctioneer. EBx- eelleat 'buildings. Choice location. 40 acres of ,,and, lncludlng a 'Regitered Subdivision. To inspeut conitact: Don Wilson, Real Estate Broker, 184 Char- lotte Street. Peterborough, ]RI. 5.6573 or RI. 2-3366: COINS Newfouadlaad and American coïns. Tolkens. medal collections and ail gold coins. liooklet of prices paid, 254. S. Readier, 1165 Lepfine St. ,ý,)Montreal P. Queber. DOGS FOR SALIE REGISTERED Germnai Shephe-rds. Pupa, brood bhuches. yooag stock, Vemy esl- onable. Must reduce stock.,Write form informiation. Timn-Mar l<ennels, IHawkes.- ville, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE DAIRY FARM.I 200,)acres, 140 warking, Buik cotract to Toronto, Modemn sta- bies, good house, located on good coun- ty road. Can e purcbaaed with or, without stock aad îmacbiaery. We bave! larges dairy fanas llsted wltb, bulk con- tracta. eue outstaadlng f armn 650 acres, oe,,600 cholce work acres. 'Large con- tract, 5 seýts of buildings. If interested ,in farms contact Don Wlson Real Es- tale Broker, 184 Charlotte Street, Peter- borough, Ont., 111. 5-6573 or Ml. 2-3368. FARM FORSALE OR RENT FOR Sale or Reat; ¼ml east of M (î, oc, 11-roorn double bouse witb 011 fus. nace bot and cold water on tap, fiftY acres of land, 1P acres of orchard, Mackýiatosh, Tolmani Sweets, Northera Spy and Delicieus. Goed berry patcb. Mandy barn wltb 50-ft. stable. Ideal 10, cation. Tenas arranged. Wa2lter Plden Madoc. Ont., R R. No. 2, FOR SALE - MISCELLAMEOUS PRESER-VE flowers wiltboui sprayng, dipping, brushing, Instructions $1*00, Morley Stephenson, 174 Ruston eRaad, jBunulaglon, Ontario, NELIP WANTEO Occupational Thercupist ý190-BFD lhoapital wtb active Physical 'Thiemapy Departmsent. Apply to St. Jo- 3eph Hospital, Mt. clemens. Michligan, U.S.A. IlEARING AIDS AT LASTI Hearing Alda, only 129.93., Satisfactioni Guaranteed. Good as the beat, selling ai several times our ice. Free Litereture. Cary Sales, Invernes,5m Plorda. INSTRUCTION LRN AMore! Bookkeeplng, Saiesmian. ship, Sbortband,. Typewriting, èe. Les. .sons 504. Ask for freee crcular Nû. 3à, Cantadiain Correspondence Courses. 1290 gay Street, Toronto. MEDICAL SATJSFY YOURSELF - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITI SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMAEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,25 Express collect. POST'S ECZEM.A SALVE BANISq the îorment of dry eczenaa rashes and weeping skia troubles. Posl's Eczema Salve %vilil ot disappoint you. Itebîins, scalding and humns ecze- na, ace, rmlngwýommý, piaples and foot eczema, wjlï respoaid readily ta the eýtaînleas odorleaqs oiatment, regardtiesa of hiow stubborn or bopeesas they seai Sent Post Fr.., on Receipt of FrIc. PRICE 13,50 FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue E ast Turonto COMFORTABLE accomimodatl-in fe* àlderly people, 24-houyr supervision,~ registered nurse, tray service. SymInëg ton Nursing Home, Orillia, FA.,-11 NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA Whien ipurcasing Nutria, conisider the~ following points, whlcb Ibis organise. ion offers: 1. The best availabie stock, no cross- bred or standard types recommended, 2. The repuitatlon of a plan whiCb 1* provfing ltself substantlated by files el ,;atisfied ranchers. ,Fil insurance againat eac en should they not live ro, r l the event of sterility (ail f uIly explainepd îin 01 certificate of menit.) 4- -e giveou only mutations wbicli are in demand for furii garments. 5 Yýou recelve from this o)rgarizatioi & guaranteed Pçlt market, la 6. ï1lembeirship in our exclusive breeÉ,. raasoiation, whereby onfly pjirchat- .rs Of thlis sokmay partiel.pate ýInta t benefits so offerüd. T.Prices for Breeding Stock tart oit S200. a pair. Speciai offer to those who quaiiïfy, earn your Nutria on our cooperativo basis. Write: Canadian Nutris- Lttd,, RR. No. 2, Stouffvxlie, Oatario, OPPORTIJNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN JOIN CA*4ADA'S LE ADING SCHOOL Great Opportunlty L-eamn Halrdre"slng Pleasant dlgnified prof essioxi; gooâ waCgea. 'iThosailis of Successful Marve! t;rAduates Anierica's Greatesit Systeai ilustrated Fraog ele.. Write or Cal MARVEL HAIRDRESSING ,. CHOOL J58 Silor 'St W., Toronto 44 inig St. W., Hiamilton 72 Rideau ýCrûet, Ottawa, PERSONAL AUTIIORS iaviteàd submit MNSS ail type-s (incluffing poeais) for book pulhj lici.-on. Rea.sonàible ternis. Sto)ckweI LMd., flfrac<omibe, England (estd. 1898). NYOIENIC RUBER GOOOS WESTED, guaraniteed, imaileci In pla parcel, Includlng catalogue andse book free wltb trial assortinent. 18 fot' $1.00i (Finest quality). Western CistrIbv- teor., Box 24-TPF, Regina, Sask. PARMERIS CAMERA CLUB MOX 31, GALT, ONT. Filmns developed and 8 magna priaIts 400 12 magna priaIs 600 Reprints 5(. each KODACOLOR Developlng r 0o1Il 904 (rot laclud1ûn prns.Color priIs 30,, each. extre A s o and E tchronie 5 nmm , 20 el posures mouitedi alidea $1-20 . Col0,11 g1'nts from sldes 324e ach. Monley ré ~uaded in fail]for uapintedneat1yvé PONIES UÎiUITLAND PI>NIES for sale. $100 -1~ np. Wighît ?ony Farna, Rit No. 2, Tbeê Lûrd, Phone 22-W-2. -PPPITIES FOR- SALE LAPiGE ]iotse, basemneit, hyd ro, phono e ning wtrfurnace. ~acres an ear village. Information, applyl AilviI îYoufg, Utterson, Ont. REISTRED nurse, good solld bricix 16 room i ouse outhwesterii Ont., conm' pletëly furni.slid, abeets, blankets, ne,1ý china, cutlery. Marveilous foi, nurslne homle or ethnie group. Pernianeisi. guests ln residence now. Owner i-ans- femred. Full price $2i,50 wlth $6.000G down. Seen by appointment. Call Bert Mcirgan, NO 2-8355, T3. A. Rogers- Realty Ltd., 79 King E., Stontey CreeJk, Ont. LAND Is your beat investmient. BUY aow and nmake SUBSTANTIAJ. profit in spriag LOTS on registeredl plans on GEORGIAN Bay inl1Anddevelopment ROADS com1Ple-te, Hydr1o arranged DISCOUNTS on il lots witbn SPECIAI. discouis lu en bl10c tpur- HU. 3-1587 or write J. Aý. Baifley Ltd, 72? Bayvlew Ave., Toronto, WNANTEO WATE odMiltary.' or Naval Mvedtals prior to 1914 lu conîpletfe oy collection), ,aso any decorations lu tibe Air Fore. Wlll pay fim price for sanie. WVrite Geo. W. Mliddleton, 323i Tonge St., Tom- onto 12, Ontario. WELDING MACHINES - ELECTRIC ARC WELDER 130 Amp.- Unit $79.50 Weids and culs metAl to ½" thc, Write for 1iteratre-iH & P industrial Sales, Box 22, Wbitby, Ontario N N N N N N N N N N * N N -s N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N 'N 'N * N N N N. N N - N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N -I - N N N 'N N 'N 'N "-i '-.4 'N 'N * N N 'N s N 'N -s N. 'N -N 'N N "N N 'N ~1 '~1 N N 'N N N '1 N 'N N s N 'N N N. 'N '~1 .4 'N ~1 's N -.4 'N 'N 'N N., '1 N '.4 n s' '.4 N -s1 'N 'N '~1 'N PHOTOGRAFHY

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