- .ORONO DRAWS t in the ,;vas savings is being Lhe winter ,vorkg ider which the Is being installed. $10,00 LOSS IN WAKE 0F ELIZABETHVILLE PIRE Aspectaèular fire levelled a1 seven ro log- and frame hot the g-round, one mile south of abethwille Fridlay evening. Darnage is expected tor Bowmanville MA. 3-5589 THIJRS. - SAT. - DEC. 15 -17 MICEY OOEY TERYMOORE -BAN BURYEA MA ABERT ZUGSMITII PRODUCTION YVETE Mt1MIEQX CONWAY TWITTY I EXTRA- COLOR SHORT AND CARTOON Show time 7 and 9:05 p.m. (Adtilt) [ NEXT MON. - WEII. - DEC. 19 -21- 'iBattle in Outer Space" Clr and Tohoscope - Japanese Cast Plus STOOGE COMEDY and COLOR CARTOON Coming! Special Children's Matinee FRI. and SAT., 2 p.m., DEC. 23 - 24 "M-irch of the Wooden Soldiers" PLUS 5 COLO RCARTOONS Pro blem 1Wz& l Toys for Ail rhousands of Dollars worth of N ew and Exciting Toys are On Display f rom Dolis, Wagons, S Bîkes, Nursing Kits, Games of al. Kinds to Space Ships and RocketS Sleighs Toboggans d cinders, gg with ev( ýus Who tend a ha *~ \\ ~ 1 a ciTle iIuarJ.ttJ±t uJdiltLItJ. J SPEAKS TO TEACHERS (Conitinued f rom page 1) engineerin-g and public heaIthý has corne after iýepeated falue.We shul mphasize that virtually no thinig cornes eut right the first t'ime. The only time you den't fail is the last time yeu try something andr it works. One fails forwvard te- ward success. Onie final practical truth wVe muvst point out to the children. Albeys > and girls start off with the one real'i wealth there is - tirne on theiç, hands. T*'tuire dentnnds 8 hoUtIg . rest and nourishment , schools or] jobs dernand anether 8, but thJI third 8 heurs belongs te us te tcisefl as we will. Tee xnuch spare Urne is spent in listenîng te televisien or radie, dancing or at the mevies. The course of hurnan events has been profoundly affected by men and. women who made good use of their spare time. The Wright brothers } made a meager living mending bi- cycles but peured their spare tirne i nte a winged dreamn called the "airpiane". Unless children are taught te devete soieeoe their en- ergies te preparation for the future and put their spare tirne te orik along practical lines, they'll neyer be arnong temeorrow's real pieneers. % EVERS'THING TO DELIGHT BOYS AND GIRLS PHILCO the Televisi on witk the Exclusive Cool Chassis $ 269*00 to $429.,00 AU OIcUtal A»pliauces LUNN HARDWARE Open Every Night Until Christmas SAVE CASH AT RED & WHITE SAVE Cý WHITEý I AT RED SAVE CASH AT RED &WH-ITESAVE CASH AT RED & WHITESAVE CASH AT RED & WHIr T ýURKEYS Full Selection - Order To-day Geese-Ducks-Chickens-Capons BLADE ROAST blade bone removed lb SHORT RIB ROAST leau-mneaty COTTAGE ROLLS hall pleces RINDLESS LDACON preunium lb 1 lb FANCY QUALITV Save 14 cents TO JUICE SAVE 23cents PrE AS Large 4S oz. tins 3 for 79c for $1 York Breadi 'N Butteh PICKLES Aylmer Stuffedi OL'iIVES Manzanilla 23c 6 oz. jar Save go. 16 oz. jar 2 for 49c 29c 49c 8 oz jar 16 oz. 26 f. roll 31c Aluminum Save 4c. WRAP 30 ounce package 30 oz, 69c Save 4c. 20 oz. tin 1 2 for 35c 4lb pkgs 85c 10 oz. tins li c Ail Popular Branids Flat 50 Fi CIGARETTES Candlyland- Pkg. of 6 CAýNDY CANES 1Supreme Fresh Crusp PEANUTS Blanched 16 oz.39ci Golden Hour Assorted CHOCOLATES Kracking Goodi PEANUTS la the Shel 'TS cello bags sexpee Aporti RO'"0YA L o e kage t nry «79 69c