ois Party Aeri Thr sto1 JuirHoc ASKS QUERY play its home Bdihsaked Dar- Aýrenia.On 'Tu hi Coîl hosal' Yplans wer( 'ear-, 1 b 1JLvela -'k'op * \ '-'( :vessrs,* Ansley -ivici.ee and H. I s wý,ere not on the election list Mercer will manage and coach t] blgsworn in at the polis. teamn with the flrst work-out sche e rui-adjýeereut at the reg- uiled for- Tuesdlay, January 3rçl tro mieeting of thie Counceil Thurs- 8 to () o'clock. At tis time rall i ifternoon last. terested boys are asked to be a t t iter- Rundle, Tfownship Clerk, rinl<ý when the club will be.gii ed ()Lt to Mr's. Budai that titis take shape. ývwas goverxied under the Miun- *Elections Act and that hie or, lt is undlerstood that there ai e else on Couincikw \er e :espon: thirteen players inteizested in pla for- the instaliment of the rule, inig for the'lub this year. Ail t] as tb.ere aniy special reason by r fo the imme diate vc thlis rule wvas onlyý enforced ili L and from thLe Villag-e. 0f t]- election " said Mrs. Budcai. f thirteen, al oxcepting thiree are( ttncIllor Fr-ed G. Smîýth noted Jun]ior' age and tHe thiree are Ju, thiere had been similar atosteieage. at other elections of thlisi lers wowr i cly and nuts. Eachi 1 he h1d, taye er thlebgprd eý GlUis will be, sent to ctoru Mission in T oront orneedlyoraztin will ho put 0 Ood se a. e County's rondl in the a-s informe(l'd t te De- H igli\iays1ç;had grahnted enayby-law inithe ;10,000. This it -was point- I -4 wa;s receuivedj viniter unlder the 'o y ear period on y District Highi Robert Chiater Oounicil's repr- ntral Lake Ont-1 Assoc,ýýiain.$VI-Nr.i ,as appoînted asi ive to the Ganl- . vationAuh- from n-1the OooPolice fý Whiich thiey asked thie oadr'ertise a parcel1 ofi Lie by tender whichlies-' rhstreet in the south oïl w'as li vrutla b ;y the CarRe Twnshi Commiiiittee fortefe Haill for thle DaaC Deebr"I wsd-Ooo a~ r ~ i yeaÈ,, Durl Wac for furthier dietails oi this -FUnï1 club) wh!ichi will play a numbez' of ýondl exhibition games at thie Orono rink Orort this Wvinter season and in ail likeli- Doce hioodf enter ini the Ontario play- was diowns at the end of the seasoit wa PeCLce In ThEe IMidsEt' 0)f 1 h ey DWdn't R ealize ChristmAs iVesagec by Rev. Basil E. Longý The ChrIstmatin season,. for, m-any, is a time of ýonfUsion anld c-[ilaour as peaai 15 ade for fthe holiday. Many and varied are the emtotions and impulses expressed by thenmulttue aY people throu.ghout the world wh-o are a part of the increasIng tempo of activity. Christmas shopping, the addreslng and mailing of Chris- mas cards, Christmas concerts, Christmnas decorations. the wrap- ping of gifts, plans Wfor th accommodation of guests, and a host of other responsibilities al combine to demand one's attention, claiming first place in our thlnlçng and actiitis until thre la the ossblt iat whlei li a is over 'we sink downi with a sigh of relief, glad that Ci1e pressure is off and We can settie hack intlo a normal routine. Even though there i.,5 muic xcitemenit, anticipation and sat,- isfaction to be found in mach of this acýtivity, ail this pressure and Iretfulness is flot a true expression of the meaning and value of Christmas. 0f course', Qhristmias should be a time of antlicipation and excilent, but also of thankll-sgivýing and remembering.Wheli time becomes a burden and responsibilîty a naggîng ache, w'e can ho certain that mwe arein angerof missngthe tru wy Utourst- mas, whiistis the way to Bethlehem and Christ. Alottwo tosn years ago, amid the c-onfusion and cia- mour Iotobefound in te gahering of the pllgrims at Bethlehemi, in the humble sui roundings of the lwystIable, God was saylng Som-iethiing !to man - -F as coplsigthe fulfilment of his ptrmise concerninig a'aviur--He was sending peace into the worl-'d in the prOPo te Prince of Pea'ce--budtjthe mass oCfhuan ity gatheed thre ere in co1 mloteigrac of it. Only a few sehrsin the filds nearby huard the proclamation and :'nayt ther y it is presenco. Ghristmas iisthe epe ssion f giving and rci ibut nAtin te(ali ne whS1"ý ý"1ic'h soften carct-ieor lho its andacion. owsmll [it alil seemla. relationlshlip to GodI's gif t! (Continuai page 3) ng Day În the Townisip -a Resi I 1 Ti-e resignation of Mr. H. D. Big- y 1 elow as Attendance Officer was ac-' ceý,pted with reg-ret. MNanagem-,ent I a' Comnmittee is to. consider the mnatter diof a successor. Mýý1r. Lorne Johnston, the Second(- ar'-Y School Inspector, gave us his re- port on, recent inspections of al fo)ur school0s. Ail schools were run- I ning satisfacýtorily with the teaeh- 1g on the whole above average. Capit. K. G. Rose was appointedt Chief Instructor of the Port Hope tCadet Corps in Place of Capt. H. J. 1 Mlumby Bur ley Bus Linos Contract fori carîgpupils to Port Hope, Bow- f manville and Or0lono was approved I 722 pupils are being tralisported wihail routes totalling 878*rmiles. BowanvllePr'operty ,Conmittee wvero enpower f0 have more lightsintle on the parkinig lot anid to have the Windows wVeather- stripped in the old schlool. M\ilibrook High SchIooýl is to have the niame installed on the new SchIool inl otters 8",* high. ThieSc retary ls tf0 arrange (,for a plaque fo th niew ,school similar to, theý onies inl Port Hope and Bowma-nvilie.i \rofrigerator is to be ordered> forf milibrook from it'le Public .Utiities1 The Hardware lolntrac1(t for the. Courticjýe .Schjool was awvarded f0 the Canada H-1ardware Company. The j,-'ntract for laboratory desks is toi Ùc~~ý awre eValley City of Dun-. 0 Liberals Toi% tawa a JAt ail Execuitive Mleetinig of the". ýurham aI Associs lipper 0of Por Victory For ()-É wias 2-0 hleadlil, ilnotetid ,Wes im iast RPort Rest 32i layedtht a ed a- jors anid r and ad thlree (e.- Ttenminutl ra 0 fiv oft! 'fIe ga '-' cf afterscr ena andi 'he ,vas de- a pr Lf the te fists *art initer, re-enteri] Centre' was leL h te ers -w-