tA Alartin tmnas drax% df at the 01 vart ani F f history 01 ;years. put on by ti Lipils. The, - en flas gonef1 - 0- )me for the1 the Peticoke chikir, isrtable to wal Lite mépti,ç,,kne inurv ini 1-1 er kflowfl as mhe ---""- .This year the Orono have built n-round the er. The ani "La Danse Noel" also onle of eme, IMarge Tyr- orthi su ration Committee !port Of the ndous job in de- essnr-y to ni Hall. We ijelieve the peoplie Ired an excellent bothi for, th occasion, namneîy We have pL id his eight-q-man. this dlance t erborough. we believe- t enjoyable e, nce is known as Noel". Your ma"ini this ar- dance a' sue to- point out that 'and the cor ot necessary, 'but The date' ï,vPd at -the- danceiDecemiber2 he f ew times of 1 the(piac& ýen. MUrs. Peticoke'pnate 1k yet sûnce her - - he car acide~Int. I NOTIC t.t, CIej; flLvclILLa II.Y Ili Lnj 1 - ie of Mrs. E, There are six small children. Miss ay evening, Stewart enitertained the ladies %vith vere brought ber Ian terci sldes. Mrs. 1-1. Foster gh LocIge. It and Mrs. Stoker served a tasty (ck a box for lunch, succes dance. nl for .rh Rev. B. Long, minister of Orono t ited Unitedi Church conducted he ser -3 the vice along with reading the Scrip- ture lesson. Rev. Long introduced f Uiis the recently nppointed Rev. E. C. o Lld, Woodlarid of the Newcastle United f t he urch who offered Prayer.o his 13 LIms Followving the service lunch was heir served to the members of the choira f ,) and their friends by memlibers of],~ bythe Orono W.A. . ~TO CREDITORS CHRISTMAS MESSAGE (from Page 1) Christmas is a reminder that God g-ave-that giving is at the very heart of Godl--because God is love. It reminds us that man was, and is, created for fellowship and communion with GQd, and that the fellowship arid communion is continually broken as mani re- jects God in an expression and assertion of self; that even though mnan continues to reject his creator, God renches out to hlmr in tÈhe gitofJes Christ His Son. The gif t "arne unideserve-(d, unsought, and unnppreciated by most, an expression of~ God's seeking love expressing itself in the cotstretched nrms and hands of love in an effort to draw His wvayward creation to himself. The tragedy of our day is that iail the hurt-y, the bustie, and the commercialization of Christmas and amidmnny11,vof the questionable ttaChmentýs Of thec holiday season, God's gift'of peace may be lost to us. Like the pilgrims in 1Bethlehem who didn't ren'lize what (bd was accomlîshnlg in their very midst, many who clbteChr'istmas year after yenr littie realize the nearness and comple-teneý,ss of thepecwhc Godofer through Christ. There is testry') of\ a Inother, tîred and wevýary, wvho is Chr1istmnsý shopping with hier smnall son. The smnll boy, heedless Of his mote' oold ldier un"easinless, bas stopped and is staring at a manger scen.e tn a store wlnjdow while jChis mothe(r is nnixîous tO ge't on i vti1h te shioppIingl.,And lso shle goesbac tjo lm, grab'; tushan an pllshlmawy, nnd .says, "Corne now, we don's have any time for tht." Is this not a kind of parable, of thie person who takes the ro(ndc to Chri2stmast,, but who doesn't take the rond to Bethehem wholus his ife wit ctivIty, nnd misses pen-e? the Estate of the said Bert iiichaa ,son, who died on or about the Th teenith day of May 1960, are herel notified to senid to the undersigri Executors or their Solicitor on , before lixe 3lst day of DecembE 1960, their names and addrefiaes ai full particulars of their daims ai the nature of the securities (if an, held by them duly verified by.st tutory declaration Immnediately after the said 31 day of Decernber, 1960, the nsse of the said deceased will be distrily ted among the persons entitl thereto havlng regard only to t] dlaims of which the Executors the un-dersignied Solicitor shaîl th( hiav.enotice. Dated 'at Orono, Ontario, this 7 day of December 1960. ALFIRED McKeIBBON JOflNSTO WILLi.IMJAMES BOGGS BERRAMCOLIN RICHARDSO Pontypool, Ontario. W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Onitari Solicýitoi fr' the Eeuos Chirstmas 1960 Among our nicest blessings wa s the f riendty co-operation we received from you, our custémers and friends -- among our fondest hupes is an in- crease of mutual good will in the future. Thus, our warmest thoughts and thanks are extended to you, as once again we sicérely wish you A Merry Christmais anrd a Bright New Yecar flop, Corolene, Perey SAVE CASH AT RED & WRHITE SAVE CASH AT RED&WHESV I ______________________________________________________________________________ CASH AT rîED SAVE CASH AT RED WHiiTESAVEf CASH AT RED nH STOR HOUS-CIsedMonfay, Boxing Day, December 26 n and,.Mon-day January 2. i F T'S P R EMNi UM FULLY COKED HA lb c RIDESBACON Swt' eim lb 79c Swvift's Erookfield Sausa gye Idea! for Poultry Dressing witsPrernium - ,rie R;t t a Meat lb 49,- Smoked Picr1ics l.b 59e CALIFORNIA'S FINEST Large 5 lb. Bag OnIy CHRISTMAS ORANG ES NO. 1 GRADE, iMPORTED TOMATOES CALIFORNIA C R151'CELERY Your Choice ofa Wide Assortment- of Tang in Oranges, Presh Dates Etc. only 2cello pkgs aub sak ernes, Emperor Grapes, 'JapanesiD Maniwar-ý Birdseye f resh Frozen PEAS Save Sc 2 lb. Polly Bag 49c King's Choice Dessert PEARS Lge. 20-oz. Tin 29c Alen's Orange or Grape DRINKS 4Oz 49c tins WESTON Champion Crea#ns and Jelis Fresh Full Pound 35c McLaren's Corn ÂR ELIH 15Soz. Jars- Save -4c each l33C Orono Creamery BUTTER '2 ~ ~ ~ _ÀS viA ~ ~vE~~ ~ A SAE o lii oe J- z a, o w <n w z o w TU RKEYS- rands T 1-1