,who Oron( g ý is po se. Duing disrto si aLet 'oial dinn r in thide (or+loelTor-onto, at whichi adass1oiia.tes w \ere presenit hlmtrbut. is ïretîre,-ment; feton D--ecember 23rd after! h. n is vwife plan tIo leave [\erI on a world tour. 1 mnent of iitrjounied the nès in 1927 as a g, promoted iii, oiogist and Sea- 2. In 19:341 he ob- 1Il o AT AYTmj ThIe Oshawa Bussinless Co-)!ego Ois open ail year alld our insrucionperitsyou ito 9 start at any l.time( 8Day S chool Courises from o to choose g E-VENPING CLASSES g TUESDAV and THIJRSDAY f j7:00 to 9:00 p.m. ChOice of Subjects g Sýec2ial Classes for g FREE LITERATURE G AVAILABLE g 10 Simlcoe Streüet jDial 1R1A. 5- 3375 28z39 tin 39 IGA OLO COlCIý CheddQLr t 12 oz 3 15oAflut IYORK FROZEN )oiner and HIont. J. A. 'MIny, Mr Rckbysa nary 50 '8Winter Work ?Ian mnes Open during his term 0f if-, IHINTLETf ce with the Department. The pro- PAYMENTS COMMENCING ictions of mines hiad also risen i 'o $220 million in 1938 to $1 bil- ý APRIL 0F 1961 zn"'this year. It was also at hîs l Plan now to have that new Ïj gingI that the government under, plumbing or Heating instala- )k the 1948 aerial survey tion made. It can be done un- 'hch led' to thle di'scoveryOf Itle der our Winter Work Plan armora iron deposits. vvîtihp ayments flot startiing Guntil April 1961.o Mr. îckay; wo xiii e 70~ ~For further details f '.cMr ;ILtkfl, servewiu i te us 9 DIü on IIM IIC i\ uijo .'utnan wUesern~ g AND» HEATING cate ihe PalCe id G STIMIULATE WINTER ueCeI EMPLOYMENT Thle De)puty- Minlister was born ii li r 01o Ilnlte late Mir. and NMrs. U On Rcl b.lie receiýved hisý el meîItary eduçcation in, the Oronoerj. utnw SLchl and later atteaded the [ewc ýasLe High Schiool.Ile quali .ed ais a teacheir tthe Whîtby Nor_ ial achoon anld entered thle teaching fssn.One 0f the irst ;clhools e taitwas the Antioeh Puiblic '- hiavet amidAir. 1, I 21 po1y EAYTO PEEL - JUICY SEEbLÉSS SUNKI4î8 23~~R flYQANGy extra size ge FRESI-L JIJICY NES 2 d ïeg. y lb 63C 111k'