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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Dec 1960, FALL FAIR 01

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ORONO FALI- FAIR SPONSORED. BY THE DURHAM CENTRAL AGRICULT'URAL . SOCIETY- T1here 's Entertainment or Ev'eryone At Orono 10,000 COPIES Welcomnes Everyone To Orc ono Foul Fair New Seating Cap 3city At Orono_'Exhib-*tion For those attending theý Orono Fali Pair this year there lias been adlded further comfort by the in- crcasing of seating with an addition of bleachers to the grandstand. This new seating capacity will add great-, Iv te the convience of those who at-' tend. Bleachers are also being construc- ted at the Black and White Cattie show ring. In former years specta-' ff " w î tors who were interested in the jud- As President of the Durham Cen- ging of the Holstein classes were tral Agricuit-,' ia Society and on lie- forced to stand for the good part of bhal of the Officers and Directors, the afternoon. This will be different 1 cordially invite you te attend our this year With the erection, of, the, Fair which is held in Orono this bleachers. Friday and Saturday, September 9 NEW PARKING AREA and 10. ýA further four acres of land hasl Many new attractions have been been pressed into s ervice this, year added this year wvhich wîll have and will be used soley for parkingi interest for everyone. The Fair, ini The new -area is readily available1 short, wîll be bigger and bette r than t h xiiingonsa t it ever with something of interest for, Centre Street ln the Village. Hlere ýeveryone. This should make the again greater convenience lias been 1960 Fair the best ever. provided for the many thousands A. L. Blanchard who will travel to Orono come this President Priday and Saturday. O-,rono, An Active Community In A Scenie Setting Orono, the site of the Durham Oronp arca for an expression of Cr'entrai Agiicutural Fair, is a Vil. their talents. The Oronio Band, in lage proud o! Jits heritage and pro- the many years that it lias operated, gressive in its views for the future. bas development the musical talent 'lhe Village, a Police Village, with a o! many youngstc>'s. population of aine hundred people Other activities include swimming îs located most ccntrally la the at thc Orono Park, tennis at thc ljouray of Durhiam, an area rich for park, badminton at the Community agriculture ai-d sceaic beauty. Centre and sking aIt th Oshawa Ia the year 1932 0rono celebrated Ski Club, but a few mnutes out of ils centenniai. The year 1955 mark- the Villagc. cd fthe hundredth anniversary of the The Orono HIortictiltural Society Village as a Police Village. is, another o! Orono's most aëffvc organizatien and lias piayed a large It is understfood that the naine, parti the beautification o! the Vil- ,Orono, lias an Indian origin datixig lage. back many many years to a Chef Orono. who iead ils band in the Points of interest la the commun- State o! MVaine. Orono, Ontario is ty would include the Ontario Tree actualy named after Orono, Maine Nursery whicli lias an acreage o! la the United States. A tra4,veiler some 15ff acres. The main purpose brouglit tlie name frein the 'U.S. to'of the nursery is 'the growing o! Orono, Ontario, claiming a remark- young dlecidlueus and coniferous able resemblance between the two trees which are shipped ail over the arecas. Province te reforest waste land. This programn assists la maintain- In the early years the Oreno ing the forestry industry o! this Creek whicli flows through the VilI Province. Each year there are slip- lage playeïI a most important part ped from Orono) 10 million te, 15 -in the development of the Village'million trees. as it was used te create power te operate the saw1 milis, grist milis The nursery itýself is certainly an and other operatiens. The Creek te- attraction whieh is viewed by many day adds te the beauty of the town1 ea&h year. The flower gardens, fisli along whose bank lias been' created pond and rose garden attract mucli a mest popular park and recrea-'attention. The fields of young trees tional area for picnicing, sports and and other operations at the nursery trout fishîng. are aise o! initerest. Another feature of interest at the nursery is the The activity within the Orono seic beauty o! particular areas, community lias always been very especially around theOrn ad active and many organizations OP- Wilnot crcck. crate providing a fuller cnjoymnent o! lf e for youngsters and adults There de(:es exist in Orono twol alike. To mention but a few would Churches, the St. Saviour's Angli- include the Brownies, Guides, Culis, can Churci and tie Orono United Scouts, the Athietic Asoitn Church. Tice architectural beauty o! with teams for ail boys in hockey the latter and the Lang Memiorial and basebali, for girls la sof>ltballiChiapel at the Orono Cemetery lias and a summer recreationai. program proved mnost interesting for many conducted in the Orono Park. whto visit the Village. The Pigure Skating club bringsi Employment in Orono is witi the iiihe art of skating te a large group Tr4ee Nursery, Curvply Wood Pro- as aise dees ithe varlous erýganiz. ducts and Keirite Purniture Manu- allons conniectedJ witli the churhes facturng. At Curvply they produce Tic Orono Dramatic Players and mnoulded piywood o! any desired the Orono Art -roup provide a fu- ha e erite are manufacturers thX.r appcrtu'ý for those la iliel ýonthiued on page 5) PRINTED AT ORONO, ONTARIO BV TH-E ORIONO WEEKLY T-IMES, -Durham Central Fair "PROGRjIïAm M E FRIDAY 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. - Tobacco Judiging 12:00 a.m. to -4:00 p.m. - Judging of Exhibits .2:00 p.m. - Tobacco Exhibits Open -2:00 p.m. - Midway Opens 4:03 p.m. - Ail Exhibits Open 5:00 p.m. - Harness Horse Racing 10:30 p.m. - Fair Closes SATULI ýýDAY 10:00 a.m. - 4-H Clubs Achievement Day 11:00 a.m. - Midway Opens 1:0Noon - Judging Horses, Cattie, etc. 12:00 Noon - Exhibits Open 1:00 - Fair Officîally Oporied by the, Hon. W. A. Goodfellow 1:00 p.m. - Grand Stand - Horse Srow, Harness Raoing, Horse- shoecPitch'ing 6:00 p.rm. Buildinig Closes. 7:30 pm.- Grand Stand- Finals Tobaooo Tieing; Tebacco Qiacen; Go-Cart Racing;. Presentation of Trop-hies. Draina Fesivl Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evenings at 8,15 pm. ORONO TOWN HALL ER2 CAMERA ý--FANS BE OUR GUESTS ON ORONO FAIR DAYS SEPTEMBER 9th and lOth Leave your roll of film with us for Printing and Developing on the ahove Dates YOU WILL RECEIVE FREE- A NEW FILM 0F SAME NUMBER (Black and White only) COME TO THE ORONO FAIR COME TO Tyrrell's Drug S'otore Orono, Ontario OronoFair, In Existance Over Hundred Years No record Is available to show' when the first fair was held in Orono, but the Pariiamentary Lib-1 rary 'dees show that grants were paid te the Clarke, Township Pair in the year 1852. In view of this tact the Orono Fair celebrated its centennary in 1952 and this 1960 Fair should be the one hundred and eightli Pair te be heid in this vicin- ity. We are aware however that In the,,beginning, and for some f ew years the annuai Pair alternated between Orono and Newcastle, however the. latter village did net have a field availabie for too long se the Pair very shortly became settied in Orono permanentiy. In the year 1931 the Bowman- ville and Darlington- Agricultural Society merged with the Clarke se- ciety and fromn that year forward the continuing Society became known as the Durha.m Central Ag- ficulturaI Society andthe Fair con- tinued to lie heid In Orono. Over the years the fair has been held regularly in the month o! Sep- tember, and prizes have been of- fered for and competed for In every branci o! agriculturai endeavour prevailing in Durham Ceunty This included varlous breeds o! herses, cattie, sheep, swine and poultry as weil as fruits, vegetables grains, flowers etc. and iast but not least the domestic arts of needle- craft, cooking, baking, pickiing, and se forth.,Wien the school fairs witil vere once quite popular, be- came too di!! icult te carry on, this Soicety carTied on the schools work ln our Junior l)epartment and today we are prouci of the support and wonderful displays we have from the public schools in West Durham. 0f, course, over the y'ears, there have been changes due to changlng conditions. For instance we no long- er have classes for domestie butter making, which was one o! the high- lights o! fifty years ago, but on tie other, hand we are, thus year, add, ing "Tobacco" classes te 'iur ex- hibits, as tobacco growing ls now: an Important branch o! agriculture, in this county. In fact our pro- gramme for fair day lias become too heavy for a one day show and this ycar We are expanding on the programme started last year by having part o! the show put for- ward te Friday afternoon. We feel that possibiy the most wortliwhiie and rewarding feature of the fair is the sponsoring Qf!-4-H Clubs work and this year we are happy to have five sucli clubs compieting their seasons work at our Fair. Old timers will recali that there lias also been large additions to the grounds, and the race track is nowf one of the best in Eastern Ontari. There will be wonderful races both days of the fair. The 1960 executive is as foilows: Hon. Pres. C. W. Billings, Orono, President, A. L. Blanchard, Hamp- ton, lst Vice Pres., Francis Jose, Newcastle and Sec.-Treas. J. C. Gamey, Orono. The eurnplete programme calis for the placing' of inside exhibits Friday afternoon, September 9 and this year this will include the 'e'To- bacco" exhibits. Friday afternoon. these exhibîts will be jjidged. and a compiete programme of racingand sports conduicted outside. In the evening the midway wilI, be open both Priday and Saturday and by the way we are almost over- looking one, of our most instructive, and entertaining evellts :which' Is the Drama Festival, a competition of one act plays. This year we have eight entries from excellent players groups in this and surrounding- counties. The large entry Eist will' nean that these plays will be run off on the three niglits,- September 8th, 9th and lOth in the. Orono, Town Hall. If you are interested in the cultural side of rural life you cannot afford to miss these shows, The professioal criticisms of the adjudicator are worth the pl'ice of admission. Saturday, of course, is the big day for everyone, with ail the Iivestoc< being judged and a full prograinxme> of racing midway attractions, and the selecting of the "Tobacco"' King and queen for the county. The prize list has been iDcreased pretty welI ail along the line and this year we, hope to. have the best exhibits ever, and that is saying a lot. Admission price: Children underscliooi age Public School Chiîdren AU others Cars and vehicles Grandstand 50C. Free 25c. 75c. 50C. and 25c. This year the fair will be offici- ally opened Saturday, September lOth by the Hon. W. A. Goodfeilow. Tobacco Queen And -Go-Carts Programmed For Saturday Night interesting part cf the areas agri- The Tobacco Queen Beauty con-lcultural growth. test is creating considerable interest Thslte opiinwl b and twelve girls have entered their Ti atrcmeiinwl i names in the contest which will judged for speed and neatness. be held Saturday evening at the1 Orono Pair. This is a new lfeaturei GO-CARTS TO GO for the local fair andis promotedi r ae1Fudas nom byeDurham FortruBerand tue-ur that the Go-Carts, a new and thrill- DuTobaccortAssociatin iu-cr ing sport, will be on the go Satur- ed Tbacc Assciaton.Iday evening in fronto! the grand- The contest will be heid in front, stand. Thià popular sport along with of the Grandstand Saturday even-1 the Tobacco Queen should prove îng when other entertainment wiil most interesting. The Go-Carts will aise be included for interest to ail race in front of the stand and these those, attending this performance. littie machines with ail their power This part of the Pair wiil start at! wiil no doubt burn-up the track. 7:30 sharp.1 FREE DRAWS TYING CONTEST11 Also on Saturday niglit there -The Tobacco Tying contest whicli will be held the draws for close ta will aise be heid on Saturday even- f ifty free prizes ronaten by local1 ing lias now an entry iist of sixteen and area merchants. Be sure to re- teams. Here again is another first fer to page six for the coupons. FiL for the Orono Pair and one which themn out and deposit ln the box a wili bring to those attending an the Pair on Priday'or Saturday. OR.OO FAIR - SEPTE ABER 9th andl lOthl

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