DURH4AM CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL FAIR AT O'RONO ON SEPTEMBER 9th and lth, 1960 DrmaT-tva, o 1 ý EverythinZi Shown a bove are the three tobacco Trophies which will be awarded to the top winners in the three classes of Tobacco ex- hibits at the Orono Fair. USiY -BEE Lunch Rooem & Service "Station, BA Gas aind Oil LUBRICATION OIL CHANGE QUICK and EFFICIENT SERVICE LUNCH COUNTER: SHORT ORDERS and MEALS See Page 6 for Free Gift of 5.00 worth of Gas or 2- Free- full course Dinners OââlhRONO AREA FOR. PROMPT ATTENTION WHEN BUYING 0OR SELLING FARMS HOMES TROUT STREAMS VACANT, ACREAGES BUSINESSES CONTACT WALTER FRANK BOWMANVILLE MANAGER McQUAY & KIDU REÂLTORS 177 Churcli St. Bowman ville Phone MA. 3-3393 JUNIOR WEST Sunoco Service Hlighway 35, South of Oronoo SUNOCO GAS and OIL LUBRICATION CAR WASH Prompt and Dependable Service Stec Free Coupon for Draw on Car Wash, Lubrication or 011 Change Coupons on Page 6 at Central Tech. la 1932. He lias Produced at Hart House Theatre, Massey Hall, Eaton Auditorium and the Royal Alexandra Theatre for such divergent groups as the Civie Theatre, The Toronto Opera Guild, the Rosselino Opera Company and the Toronto Theatre Club. It is sponsored by the Directors of the Durham County Holstein Club along with the Durham Central 4g- ricbltural Society. School will present "The Twelve Pound Look" by J. M. Barrie direc- ted by Wanda Hopps. The Knox His work as an adjudicator i "ha re Group of Peterborough will well known throughout the prov- present "Sunday Costs Five Pesos" ince, He bas gîven courses in the by Josephina Nnggli, directed by theatre in Toronto,. Timmins, Sud- Roger Davis and the Pickering bury, Gravenhuýst, Oshawa, Ham- Township Little Theatre will pre- ilton and throughout the Niagara sent "The Finger of God" by Per- Peninsula. Mr. Dean lias been Fest- cival Wilde, directed by G. G. Dallini ival Director of the Central Ontario Drama League and at present is Saturday's programme wîll con- Vice-President of the C.O.D.L. and sist of two entries. The first by the a Governor of the Dominion Drama Whitby Theatre Guîld who will pre- Festival. During the summer of sent "The Dear Departed" by Stan- 1952 he was Technical Director of ley Hougliton, directed by Bert the Niagara Falls Summer Theatre Heaver and "The Valiant" by Hal- and was one of four Canadians -to worthy Hall and Robert Middlemass be awarded the Canadian Drama will be presented by the Oshawa Award Wn 1954. Little Theatre, directed by Aýrt El- liott. Although this is only the second year of a so-called "Festival", the 1 We ail look forwardto seeing you Orono Fair lias for the past 40 oddi at the Festival - remember the years, be in providing some form of dates, September 8th, 9th, 101h. dramatie entert alament la çonjunc- tion with the Fair. When sufficient plays were not available, talent niglits and demonstrations, werel held. Mrs. M. Tamblyn organîzed the Drama Contests for -many vear directing the Orýono play href Mrs. 0. W. Roiph i aso was dîrector of some of the Orono plays and praise for keeping alive theïiterest j.n- theatricais ln this c'mmuit v. At the present time. t'-e flrono Fa1r ýs the only one in Ontario to1 TO THi hnIl a Drmna Festival arid we feel rightlv oroud of our eff 'rts. ris 1 ari 1_ A& Aa The eight entries in the festival i will be competing for a sculpturedi trop'h-' bv Gerd lJnteinîann whichi was donated by the Orono Chamnber1 of Commerce. This trophy is com-1 netprd f - aninuall-, and wvas wvon ast year bv Knox Theatre Group, Peter- borough for "Rise and Shine". The-ý e't pi- r-dso receives $10., 'the run- or ) an-d ai' nt',er entries 10 ~a~'"ese amn-rt, ,ire nrovided bv the Durham Central Ag-icultur- al Society. T'ie he-st actress award, won last --er hv Janet Stevenson, Oshawa T9lnTN'nqtre will be donated by the Orono Rebekah Lodge. The best nwv "'ard -vnn laQt vear bv Peter MecobeKnox Theatre Groue, Po+-Inj'ln-ýah ýwill hec' donated by t4e Orono Oddfelows Lodge and the best director award wil ,be donated by Miss Madeline Too]ey. It was r'ilaqt v4ar b-"-. frJ'ýhnston who ~ "~-""-' JMr (ree'ie" are- hnmnie-rii This n1a'v ais" wo'i 1ii ýP1Ç second prize. These three awards will tal-e the form oif potterv pla- j _e by Rarlander Pottery, Brook- Thursdav nigli.t's programme wîll nonsist of "The Voice of the People" hv Robertson Davies presented by ith Orono Payers. directed by Rus- seil Flutter; "Overlaid" bv Robert- ston Davies, presented by Bowman- ville and directed by Jean Sheridan. The last play of the evening will b "Storm-in a Leving Cup" by Philip Johnson, presented by the Peter- boroughi Community Theatre and directed by, William Boyd. Friday niglit the Oronc iro -For The Duilder, Majo,ý,ýr Prt 0-Of Orono Fair~ Th ntraimntcmmteeo Black And White Shoi,-wi Society is again sponsoring a drainaiar festival -of one-act plavs to be held in the Orono Town ITall on Septem- At uro no Fair ber 8, 9 and 10 at 8:15 nrn. to her held in conjunction with the Oronoj Fair Thrlias been dramna com. L iges t la District petition la Orlono for forty years but just'in the last two years bas 5t been known as a draina festival. Admission will be 75c for1 aduits The County Black and White Hol- and 50e for chuîdren. Entries will be stein Show started at Orono Fair, seen from Peterboroughi, )owman- one year after the first Black and, vile Witb, Pelkrin an Orno;White Show was held at Port Perry eight entries in ail and will be ý_ad wsoiiae ytelt ot judicated by aesDa of Tor-,IRoltby of Port Perry. His thinking onto. la that of giving every man the saine prize moneysame prize mnoney Mm. eandevlope drma s atu pay his expenses, is one of the, Mr. eandevlope drma s amain reasons why the Black and' hobby during his university career White, Show lagrw aiove and after graduation jplaved il, Ontarlo. a -onaloe stock and toured Ontario as leading man for the Canadian University jTefrth l uhmCut Players. Later lhe became Temanagerii Di la- out nf the touring Hart House Players jlad about 50 head and s,,m-e of the and co-founder of th1Poinilîder breeders suech as t he Tamn-: Dramatie Library.. hePovnia blyns,- Browns, Jose and Muir 1.have1 exhibited catie every 2year and lias1 grown la size liiil the last' 2 years He was one of the early members have been the largest show lan'the of the London Drama League, fore- neighbouring 10 Counties with 150 runner cf the London YLittle Theatre head shown, and fondpd the -f-in"Piqvn,rnoft-o-ne.n"i Fuel Oul Coal Iron Fireman Heating Equipm ent Orono Fuel& Lumber Ltd r r'n (Y, Ontario - Phone 14816 --I nrLITII a i UUKNI1I UNJI¶ML FAIR BOARD Be Sociable, Have àaPepsi Refresh wîthout fililing 6%01%MmiTH BEVERAeGE8 LTD.. towaMANVILLE ONTAUZO fiee fr-e Coupon eon age 9 for Fret Offer en OeLuxe Ceoler Stove Oïl