I F Pari trees hv elai I'v hu- EVERYONE%6qwVP WU have to 1e A HAPPY @4 H-e is survived by lis widow, the 1 former Hilcia Egg ert, a daugliter,ý- 11ev. Amy Sehiauffler, a Unitedc Chiurch missionary in Angola, Al-ï rica anh a son, David of Oranige,. N.J. Service was held on Tuesday at 1:00 p.m.inLterment li the St. Jamels Cemnetery. Robbeïry Attenpt FiIed At Port tHope Two miaskedl men, one brandish-, ingÏ a gu nmade anunsuccessfull at- tenpt to hiold up the Dominion Stîore- on Queen ad WaltonSt. x Polrt Hlope 0on Thlursdlay ni'glt.Th Thie jamnes Lester, mnanager of the lil l)cal rnh told poliýe he hlad just thoi put the days cash receipts aayla Wilf the saf e, -abt, 9,:S30 p,nm. ai id Içcked ovel he 'store up to go home. l H1e lef t the 'back dloor and goï lin O bu aiscr.As he was sitting lith car \vatýiring the miotor, with thehd headlghts on, lie sai, a man uwea- Sinig a miask ll~e ce oor on the passxigr sside and pointed a silver but plated revoilver at h1m.lte The maxn said. "Do wlat youi are heal told and you wo't get hr. so< Mr. Lester said lie wstoldl to put i ou the car lights and go back and do= I peni the b~ door of thje storýe, an "Anoher an -appearud, also cl wýearing a mask. Hie linigered around 1V the car foi. a moet iand tenwh I wlke do nthe alley and looked " tiup Queeon Street both wýay's and re- moi01 turned." -1" got out of the cýar as 1I was told! stol, !Winter Actiq are L. W. Lar- ric Percy Good I es at ithe ande'rway an< -in-, las been