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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Dec 1960, FALL FAIR 08

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DURHAM CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL FAIR AT ORtONO SEPTEMBER 9t1i and 1Oth M I. Graham% 'Esso Sérvice Fiighway 35 Phone Orono 34R6 Your Friendly Esso Dealer Specializing in Complete Car Lubrication Atlv.s Tires - Batteries ALL CAR ACCESSORIElS See Page 6 for Free Coupon on OiR Change, Car Wash or Lubrication - Tobacco Association Formed'58! Making First Exhibit At Fair in the area on any great1 changes On the 2nd of January 1958 ai .ianylhing that migit petain to meeting \vas held by the 'cobacco'tneir business, such as Inisurance, growers to determine *xvhether an i irrigation, and other pertinent to- 1 Associaton would he welcomed by býacco information. It has a mem- the Tobacco farmers of the two bership of over 80 percent of , he Counities. possible members and has hopes of H. K Lon opned he eeting, 1 reaching 100 percent by the end nf and pointed out that because of-th er -ýýmny-eque-tý from lobacco i'arm-1 While they have for threc yearsý ers theý meeting had been called, 1debated the possibility of a Tobac- and 1thatPrfeso H. R. S. Ryan,1Ic) ar nthsaea,fi remaîns for: Q..of Queenis University had a- Orono to show the lead tirough greed to oeccupy the chair. Mr. Ryan 'ieir very energetic'Mr. D. Found. read the propposed motion, "That Wve-Excellent trophies have bee~ -,i i0 the Tobacco Growers of the Ce)un -cIred for the person to be pro- ties of 'Dv),irham and Northumber- laimed King of the Tobacco area, land, gathered together in this ~s well as the runner-up champion meeting, agree to unite in an Ass- -i~d also of course the Tobacco ociation to be known 'as the Dur- Queen. It is empbasied that tlie To- hamr and N7,orthumberland Tobap, o : lacco Queen must be an empl.oyee Groer' sociation, with the ob- or daughter of the tobacco farmer Jecýt of promotilng the interests Of !ýr sharecropnrer. must be over six- tobacico gr:owers of these two Coun- teq crs of age. and must be d',res- ties. It was finally moved and sed in street cth Tlie - seconded that an Association would tion feels thaft t1ns showng >,f t1-ba- be formed, by a vote of 53, to 24. A co and comnetitiori of tiei ia-n Commîttee ',vas formed to consider jiaf handling will prove of great a Constitutiq , f,), the 'svitonbenefit to the entire Counties, in -being Mr. MInNa11 Trwin, Roy Fos- that many people are unawàre of, jter and L. D. Setterington. the tremendous i'.naet that -,o!ýaccý I-as on the ernnomv of the two At a su bsequent meeting Mr. Me- Counties. With over six million Nali Irwin was elected president for pounds grown in this area at an the first year, and Mr. Rov Foster average price last vear of 56c. a as Vice-President. In 1958 the first pound, it is obvous that much of this Experimental plot was planted on rmonev is re-spent in stores arnd bus- the farm of Mr. Sam Warshall near inesses within the boundaries of Osaca which proved very, successful. Dram and Northumberland. A large number of people attended the meeting to see the varlous types Tobacco farms aid the employ- 'of tobacco and hear -the experts ment picture by their êmploying from the Delhi Sub-Satlon explain heIn for plantingf, harvesting and the problems and cures that they stripping which they requre, and of were experimenting with. Each course have transfomner a great deal year since that time there have of useless land into produictive soul been Demonstration Plot Meetings, and have thus raisecl the assessment in 1959 it. was held at the farm Of and eased the tax burden for ail of Mr. Allen Foster in Kendal, and flu the former residents. 1960 it was moved to Northumber- land County and held. on the farrn The Durham and Nortkumi3erland of Mr. Glenn Atkins. One serlous Flue Cured Tobacco Growers' 4Asso- roblem worrying tobacco farmers ciation !S interested in anything, in these Counties now iS Gray To. that will be of general benefit toi bacco, a mysterlous aliment that is the Tobacco farmer, and has asked not detected until actually after the that their thanks be expressed pub.I curing has been completed. Theto lically to Orono and the Orono Fair bacco turos a pale grey color, which- Board for their tremendous efforts affects q3iality and is not suitable this year in their first annual ex- for export. The 1960 Plot bas been hibition. the cause of this disease, and eey loile hopes that something will rieOrono W elcomes velop from ti effort. Aswell a the two regular meetings there are uT " T other meetings called as well as Yo o The Fair several Executive meetings during the year. Because of tnie distancet involved between Areas much work The Orono Police Trustees of the is done by CoMMittee, one of the Village of Orono, and on behalf of Most important is that presently the Village, wouid like to extend a underway on Assessment of Tobacco warm welcome to everyone to at- Farms. Mr. Peter Newell of New- tend the Orono Fair this week-end. castle ia chairman of this comrnittee L t is their wish that you will find They have met with the County and the annual exhibition both educa- Township assessors many timenal ~~ and entertaining. an ef fort toi arrive at a mo0i1re:equit- able method of assessingZ tobacco They would like toi eXtend con- farms, and they, have hoped that gratuations to the Durham Central Imemberswho through their efforts It is very gratifying to the Asso- provide this area Witi'an'-excellent ciation to sec graduai recognition ann ual Eall Fair in Orn. of the ef fort they aremaigb the Ontario Flue-cured BadI The Trustees would further con- Tillsonburg. The Association bas at- gratulat e the exhibitors and, every- tempted to advise ail farm owners me who plays a ati h air. Philco Television MARK Il COOL CIIASIS The World's Only Cool Chasîs TV Beats the Heat - Beats Ail TV 76% Longer Television Life NEW COMPACT S2 95~ 19 Inch. Priced only '$zb: EXTRA VISION 2ý Inch. Priced $319. a% LUNN HARDWARE PHIONE 1661 FOR A BETTER DEAL Orono, Ontarlo JACK REID Orono's Lioenoed Auctioneer and Valuator Specmalizung n Farm and Furniture Sales Found's Billiards' and Barber Shop ORONO Consuit me for Terms and Dates Phone 5-18 Orono W. Kay Lycett, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR 1In the Offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO Telaphone 188 Where AIl Good Sports Meet J I MOTEL DIANA Highway 1 15 and 35 South of Orono 20 MODERNUNITS SHOWERS and BATH, Wall ta Wall Broadioamn FREE TV Breakfast anid Snacks Phone Orono 1074' I. O-NTARIO'S FAS E -ST GROWING AGRICUIJTURAL FAIR FR. 0 EPT. taSAT. SEPT. liaOth IIARNESS RACING starting FRIDAY - 5 p.m. SATIJRDAY - 1 p.m. Wagering Privileges CLASSES:. Powder Puff Derby Free For Al 20 Class Classified 2 4 Class Classified District's Finest Ilorses Diramira-àtic Con test TOWN HALL, SEPTEMBER 8-th, 9th, and lOth at Sý EXHIBITS- Livestock Farm Produets Needflecr4ft Domestic Science Junior Department Speciai 4-H Club Exhibits Friday is KiddiesDay on Midway ISLE 0OF MIRTR MIDWAY Fun For Young and Old Attractions Open: Friday 3:-00 p.m. tilt il1:00 p.iu. Saturd#ty 11:00 a.m. till il1:00 p,.l GRAND STAND Friday 5 p.m. HARNESS RACING Saturday 1 p.m. HORSE RACING HORSESHOE PITCHING SHOW HORSES DRAFT MORSES LIVE STOCK' Saturday 7.30 'p.m FINALS: T OBACCO QUEN TOBACCO TIEING TOBACCO KING Added Attraction GoiO-C"%ART RACING Ar 1- , i ute ____________________ -*~~,- ~ - -~- ~-,-.--- - r if E h Vior01 Company are presenting The. First Prize of $28.00 ta THE DURHAM-NORTHUMBERLAND FLUE CURED Tobacco Queen Suppliers of FUEL QIL GASOLINES STOVE MIL Your Guarapîtee of Satisf acion OSHAWA, DNT. RA. 5-1109 a [1 - - ------ --- - - ------------

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