boug11ieCr.î rpïyaif The accident happened around Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordlon Winter, leil to my lot, as iurernaaitohre,7 45 at the rail crosýsing ont the Twp eüm 1(ualme la plntman i neeas ofPotypol ndtwo miles COUNTY MUSEUM PROPOSEO Annie Corriish left the first part of tnujusai.. ofseeeîing trees on 11.east of the Mýanvers Station. The vrT BOWMANVI..LE thlis week for Texas. tbree hundred acres of roîuing îer_ car a 1960 Rambler wvas a total loss.I ïrali. 'Ti Itihouglit, wassrl ________________ Coutity will 'benefit from the proý Mr. Perey Patton has been a tri e~.~, tu Jin, ut n ov jpc,cd 'ýsthibishment ef . museumn patient in the Bowmariville Memn- 7t o ±syare Bowxnanvîlle on the former Jury orial Hospital. mng the 1iîist cernent dam, to r lire ndewyfo h as wGmnh estate on Sîlver Mr.W WttndRx proecionpuposs irte Qanar- i awyTwshp oueo A museum board is to be formed Mr.a Bancroft visited Mr. and aska 11~ . V ne, e: On tire formier red and vvhite pinre sawlogs bas ito take charge of the project and Ms onSale nfmi on Fri- Curtis j.,,.îesteaci. be rdcdad1 o en f1ail othier unicipalîties in Durham a 0 at ek fered for sale by sealed tender. Ap-1 a fiatýek Tru, hi~~ ieda san f ~hi ~proximately 160,000 f.b,.m. of pine County are to be asked to partici- Tre ý e pno ,hiy1 pate. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie and Su- uuuŽý year s loi ithe oregoing evel)îs and 10,000 f.b.m. of poplar is iinvoiv,- A gif t of $50,000 hiad been made to san of Pleterbor'o were guests of Mr. toý transpire,, Lut isn't it odd iiow theI1 d. the town for the purpose, of estab. and Mrs. W. J. Rliddell7oý.ei Christ- thr-ead of the Curtis projeets show- I 'iiese logs are on skids in lots of lishing the museumn by Mrs. L._ B mas. ed up so plaiuily in the pattern of '28 and 29. Con. XVIII, an-d lots 27 Williams,a descendant of oneof'tlhe M n r.Lod yo n mylfand 28, Con.XVI, lcal known as} pionýeer familles of Darlington. An ddfetue s hefat hat te hie lansara.Ail rad Township. daughter, Fenelon Falls ai-d Mr. aI n tie dd Isee ou anof he necessary to remove . this material Telt r .B ilasadadMs ennGaa eeVs atnotie idI ee ot nyofth have been constructed. 1is wife made their home in Bow- itors on Christmas Day wiih Mr. happenings, they sought me. ij manville upon retirement and w\ere, andci Mrs. Ed. Grahamn and family. Tenders will be accepted up to for many years world wîde travel- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mloffat, Doug- SALE 0F SAWLOGS - January thé 4th. Information andilers, intè 1nsely interesfed in places las Blain and Ian, Mrli. and Mrs. .As a byp;ro(uct of lte stand im-. tender forûs niay be obtained from 1 f historie importance, and avid Norman Andrews, Freddie and Mar- proemet rojct hih bs benthe District Forester, Lindsay. collectors of documents, ie and Mr. Fred Andlrews spent ___________________________________________________________ Christmas day with Mrs. Reg. Rob- inson and family, Bowmianville. e ~Mr. and Airs. E. H. Samuel are holidaying in dhe baurentians. Mn1. and Mýis. Percy Hyarof ,uowanvilespent Christmnas withj mi'. and Mrlis. nraye 'vest and f amily. INIr. and Mrs. Adamis and famnily oti3omnvleand Mn. ai rs li. vveob ai £ amryPolitypool Were Oriiniats Day guiests 0ot Mrs. Last week in naming our clerks who have .1asn 2- Mr. Land Mrs. A. Eý. West and îdr. sierved du ring niy time at the . store, . 1. surean Mr.oneWetni aîy gooed.i ~orot o ain iil~ Gasb, Kn.wele guesLis ontChrxstmnas with Mnýil. ý,-,ofet. 1for-ot o nme HldaGamsy, en.nd Mnýîs. Roy Forresier, Elaine a Ga~shy Bo MalBob Cooper, Mrs. Turner,Mis arneGhm ,d is Our Nellie, Gwen Teîînant, Frank Stoddard Nwate Ont. Rosemnary Smn11 tQuen sIJn(4r De.94 1960 si[y, Knstnare spending hiolidlays andLlew AMcFeetersý,IHi Bill: ai tte-rrs Iehonies. Youi' 1 no doubt be surprised to Al- ,1I irsrnlo-ibr hear ont me but I noticed Ms R .Arsrng onlbr m1isseti out on Frank StodRîrda-c who visfled relatives i Oruoo ver ithe clerked anound -.5 years ago whien Cnrîtaoliday weelkend. 1 hati just started school. M.adMs .E etetr I cdon't know whene (or if) lie is an teitalynigacchc- Amog hecadsrecivd y s or living niow, but lie was one of my renl at a dînniier Party on1 uctay -Amon the ards eceivd by s for favourite clerks. Maybe someonee,- Chritu~~ wa on frin Rta arveh wicW has kept in tourcli with hlm over night thita -soefomRtavt he he y-eans. Ï Mn. and Mrs. Carl Billings andi niae iefel wfu god Se s. nulioker I 'see you've slav7et 50) years.1 I l iss Audiey -Biilings ati Miss Car- hope you cdon't have to slave 50 e oie Little, Kedihati diiînen Monl- fou dysan tat ur cuns. more befone they pension you off. day n]igiît xvdlh Mrs. -Harry Batiley, than 1, bt ou r asad htsr- outSeason'ls Gr-eetings to you and ni Sineney, r.Tom W'i1iïter of the Royal Elsie 'Rowe. Caa-nNv, who lbas been sta- taieneiinHahiai pedn i Chinjs[tmas leave w itb fient is ~ Orono.cs i UNIfEO D fUC Orono Past'orai Charge Minister Rev. Basil 'ong~ SUNOAY, JAN&JARY 1, 1961 CHURGN SERVICES Orono - 11:00 a.m. Leskard - 2:00 p. Kirlty - 3:00 SUN DAY SC$OrOL Orano- 10:00 a.nm. Kirk#y -2:00 Les.kard -1-0 p.m. Our Twenty-fifth 01 Season's Greetings 0 0 Maiy this Friendly Greeting express Sin- S cere Thanks for your patronage during the past twenty4five years whic1h we have Just completed in Orono. at your corner fi 5c. to $1.00 Store With JBest Wishes for a New Year o of Success aind Happiness. 0 CLOSED MONDAY ONLY Ç U ORONO 5c, TO $100 ST0RF, urNOi uIiinur Hlappy New Year, R. E. LOGAN, Pr*p. P~hone 11816 Orro atro s