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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Dec 1960, p. 7

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ta re'a ed a 1 o)f whTI the DJUUs. They received rnany fi getamong others the vice-president of the1 States and the Governasrc ho and visitars fram ,ovei China Pally was thep wife and hostess. In 1920 riy beca-me iii and, in s: Polly's efforts, died. She on living quietly in their -Which w-as then lu Grang Idaho, visiting Jahnny's everiyv day without.faiil. Ne ighbours called on Caily. Thecy suggýested- thî shouid go and live withf so tIhat shie would 110ot flying about 20 ft. higli and menv- mng at 35 fa 40 m.p.h. Eut, if the occupants are given oxygen, ti2ghts of up ta t1wo hours may bc feasible. p iust Wbat os Your Horse-Power? While an East Anglian clIergy- vnani was wvinding his church 0-ock a short finie ago, lie sud- d(eniy wonidered how mI-uch hore-pwerwas needed ta do the job. The though so intrig-ued hlm that he asked iiisaon, an engi- terf help hlm find the an- zwer. They worked ouft the ýcal- culation befween then and dis- tovered that keeping the church elock wound up takes jmst one- iaeventh of one horse-powver ev- *ry nine days. And what is oýne horse-powevr? Well, in Brit-4ih units it's Cdefined eme the power required ta raise ?3,000 lbs. one foot in one minute. The f erm ,horse-power offen jmzzles people. A horse-poweýr dotsflot mrean flic full pawer a le>rme can cxert wý,hen put ting vut ail ifs strcngth. To-day the actual working powver of a good horse is about *Our-fifths of a horse-power and »ia-t of an average man is aibout onve-elighth horse-power, £pin on fuil-sizedi I New York. Wts al Manhattazn" show. tty Dana rink in Ma Ort of the Won His Wife In A Poker Gamé By eleve2n oclocký on that bof June night' the sixty or so min- ers in WNarren, Idaho, had lef t their card tables, and gatheredI ir'ounla' good-laoking young rnian of1twenty-one, Johinny Ben-is, Who faced a mîdcdle-ag-ed Chbince, Rang Chang, in a win- iner-fake-ali poker game. Jonny Bemis bad camne fro,'m the East that year, 1871, ta se-ek bis fortune in the raugh and ready rnining camps of the WAest and the Chinese was one af the inany immigrants fran the. Far East wha had drC~ted ta Am-ierica and found his way ta the sanie, West wbere fortunes were being mrade by day and iast at cerd talsby night. Originially there had been four- ninat tfable: Johnny Bemisî, ihe Chines.e and twa other min- ers. But 'the 'two feu aout as Johnny woûn steadily wi h za sfck o! luck thatseedn- leqss. Lnfront a! Rang Chang ]aiy his lasf ounice aof gald, but hîs eyes -were quiteeprson 1les s as hie shuffled and deïît the next handI. Jachnny picked up his cardsý, gl.anced at t h em and coveredî Hanig Chang's bet; the Chinese pushed his last gold forward a.nd call1ed. As Johnny spcad Sflou 1 d but if -as stý Tie façce do races in front rd ,d let ouf ani incre- ýsp. Johnny's luck ago have run ouf ýdthat every hanu-d in his favour. es 'laid bis cards rid sa&id, 'I ïam fin- u nge, ia in 1 hl.I ave not-Lhingmore." Tohnny sep he gld d mainey up before bu., It amoint- ed betwe7(en 1,0 and '$15,000., "I an sorr'y yoa have nathing miore," Johnny said. "I enjoyed.c playing withyu. Hang Cha7ng noddced,. and thre tali, very slim and pretty Chi- nese girlho h;ad been stand- ing ail night in a statuesque, pose hehind him, moved tovardis h) i as if to comfort hlmn. Tin the miing e2mp theyci- cd the very attractive girl China Polly. She was about twenty ,,ears oid, Rang Chiang's slave girl, sent to hoim from China to be hais wvife, a girl w,,-ith lon1g raen]ocks *falling over her shouiders, weatrinig a ye! 1()w dress suit up ithe side. The Chinese hadi seenJony glance at the girl more 'than once. He said suddlenly: "I haive, only China Polly l'eft. You woolcl gamble for China Polly?" Jahnny smiled, He took it as, a joke. "Sr,"ie said, "I wvill s-take everythîng I havewo against the girl."ý Rang Chang said: "What you have on the table is flot enough. She is worfh rmore than yau,-r mooney and gold" Jolinny calIed the saloon keep- rand ordered him to bring out the. rest a! the goid which he had placed in the saloon saf e. On tlhe table Une gold formcd aRma m0ulltain; its total valut7e was nearly ý,0,00. The mniners shruiggedi: Johnni-y was crazy ta stakce everythhing he had on the turn of ane card, as the Chinese had su-gested. The girl waisn't worth 'sucha rirk. Ranga Chang picked up the cýards and hand.ed them to John- njy to shuf! le, but Johnny indi- cated that the Chinese could bave the privilege of shufflîng. The Chinese turned over z card. It was the niine of club,. Johnny took a dleep brieath and flipped over the top card onil the lrift side cof the deck. The, ten oYi' diamonda lay exposed. Thle Chinese, bis face expres- aionlcss, rose and saidsoehg ila the girl, tlwn wa.lled quickly from t'rie Saloon. TJif miiners began ta drift froml Johnny's table nxmthat flic excitement was over, wri tr# John 'Sinaelair 'in Tit-Bits'" Johnny Be n îs had regardled the thing as a joke. Now that he had won hie did not know what to do with the girl. But when hle \walked o ul of the saloon she trotted obediently aln behind him and be h en-tered lhis cabin she maude hier- A few; weekcs later, she faithful to thé san whc won her in a poker garne. They buried her next to uy as she had ask-ed themn because, as shte said short: fore she cied, she believýec havinig served Johinny ir ae hier rmaster, she wpuld se-rve hilm in the hereultei On her grave thiey pla( stane bearing- the inscri "China Poliy, wife of à em."It nmarked the ené unique an-d ,vonderfui story. MERRY MENAGEF = Fried W For Brec andQ IJIIIVU U3 tleIvflsI1 alify David Attenbc M'adiagacar. Hle may back tf0 London Zoo. wlli be cameramnr Mulligan who wentl some finie aga ta the Isl1ands, There they e. a. strange native cu saufhern part a! tl whiere nien throw money into the sea! On anc reniofe islg' bat ough and Mulligani od ane day an a dîsi gPreen marine worms lob0 ,hich-, Conltwo dý year, leave their holt coral reefs and 31,5e nunîbers ta thesur S eaP. "They taisted very David aftarwards, "bul Geoffrey 1.11 iii wit fever. His body was( a painful scarlet rash face wvas so swoller couldii't shut hîs eyes his mouth. "I wjas sure it was but aur Fijian hasts f( certain if was a ietri having diired ta film the nioufltains tint w mysterious humai. ske It was a fortiig,>if he frey reccovered suffici wasý able Itacontinue1 Dog - Coyote Or Whct? Ouit for, a few hour- LIBRARIAN RIVERSIDU Public Libreary (subturbs.n community of Wlndsûr), requîres a fu1lr qualtfied professioïia1 librsara tottake fuli charge. New library In a fine resi- *dential cerinmunity across froyn Detroit. We have heen operatlag with 6 rpart- timre help but fast growth now de-nandt a professional. $4,500 and upw,,ards, dr. pending on exper!ence. SEC RETARY * 1755 WYANDOTTE STREET RIVERSIOE, ONTARIO INSTRUCTION EAFIN àore!Bokepn Sasm - sitdp, Shorthand, Typ71ewrjiting, ëe. Les- sons 5û0. Ask f*r free circi.dar No. 33. Caniacian Coi4esponidence Courses. 1290 lia), Street, Toronto. FOR better health! Use the Sp1inal Nerve Massager. Smiall cost, iline benefit, self treatment. Mfoney ,,bztek Guarantee. Write: 9Wi1!i;is Co., ]Box 51-C, Woodbury, (leorgia, MEDICAL DON'? DELAY. EVERY SUFFIRER op RI4EUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITI SHOUI.D TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MAUNRO'S DRUO STRE M 5ELGIN SOYTAWYA $1M25Exprs colIcet. * POST'S ECZEMA SALVE B&ANISH the tonnent of dry eczrema1 rashes sud weepilng 5kI troubles. Post's Eczenia Salve will flot disappa-,int youi. ttcbing, scaldig and burnling ecze- mia, acne, riigAormr, pimiples anid foot eskelua wlrespond reailly tetht, cf how stubharn or hopeless they seemn. Sent Most Free on Recelpt of Prie PRICE e$30 PUR JAR POST'S REMEDIES 19653SM. Clair AvînuéEafet, TORONTO NURSES WANTED REGISTEREO NURSE& 40.hour week TOP SALARIES PAiD. TRANSPORTATiON ADVANCED. New Nurses' Residence beautifuffly furrished. Drector of Nursing, P'ontiac Corxumui- Dity Hospital, SIIAWVILLE, P.Q. CAN- ADA. Nursîng supervisoe 7ça. m. - 3.3O0 p. m. Avcrage 40-heur we,-ek. 1Usual beneffit. thec animal dl under na.tural conditionýs. this poYint Cornieil Univer- zoologist Willianri Hamiltan wh'ai had beenr sent apc of the corpse, joinedfi te. "There, are nio wolves inï Northieast todaiy," Ham-iiltan Led, "Theyv have been ex- in that area for the a-t r 7 yearls.' uld if be a coyofe, or even- ov,,,lcy'? t f ulI upl h'ýc- car IssUE>53, - 196 I relnent ln cme Sstart t h'OIN CAI 'HOO01 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 's N N N Ni N N N 's N N N N N N -s -s N N -N N N 4*001. 721 CLUB LeMo

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