;aid thlat the Exi .ana a ,new wactjî. umbeý ________________________ Teeare fou pobable candi- edl- !'k e Idates who are seeminglyý in favour the - ions in 1961. o f having their namies go forward lia 11p. Tho(se presentý at the meetingfote191 adnsi.Tyaris ~5 ereMrs W.E. rm 11og, M\/rs. -ýjwrt Gray, Reeve of Hlope Towi - ou- H. I. Barlow, Mliss Joan Allun, sips- e MessLaverne B-oyd and Chmrlsi sip; Brtee Ashton, Reeve-ý- of Cart-1T Httton.HWright Township; Earl 1Walke,,Uý su n nihn vrr 1sn !Reeve of Clar-ke- Tovvnship and Sàid O A f iftlikycndaewa H e -'udge tiMr'. Budige was 1[ae oricmîur SrSi thuneun ons held in PortHoe 1Fuollowing the eeto of a wam- * -~~~~ d"cte CoPUnci iladjour ti ~~~c li ~I ¶ VtesxtMoring when airegular test to) be 1nsi u 1T o FHoI1d 'ty ýcolr