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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Feb 1961, p. 4

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OAK LEAF OR KENT .- SAVÉ 9c CHOICE TOMATOE I GA BwE A'NS with PORK FRAY BENTOS CORNEDBEEF SAVE 6c ON iGdý rtA CATSUPàIl,41 220oz 33e-m tins :3 tins 12 oz -ti n 49cé z btl I FRASERVALE FOE Alil Featujres Effective Feb. 2, 3, 4 oniy We Reserve thie Right to Limit Quantities 2 for 33C STRAWBERRIES BL1ACK DIAMOND OLD - COLOURED OR WýHITE7 Ceý hf.e 's iýtix:y 8 oz sî%ze 39e PICNIýC .St7dar-d Pevs -Surn onCfe RIO N A R CH WHITE OR CHOCOLATE Ogilvieae Mix, 3o OFF REGULAR PRICE QuakerMuft BANANAS, NUT iICJOUS,- FIRýP- CRISP SOLID HEADS U.S.> GARDEN FRESH CRISP CRUNCI- F1 riîda Celery 2îý,0 -coz 2 fr25,c lb 55c- l8ozpkg 33c 20 o pkg 33c 2 pkgs 29c lb lOc d oz 5 9c Grade lb49c IGA PRESENTS- STORIES FROM THE SATURDAY EVENING POST "BEST ofthe POSI,, EVERY THLJRSDAY EVENING 7 to 7:30 p.mi. CFTO TV, Chan-nel 9. Speaker Explains Wr The DutCh artstVcet vaýn Gogh lits contemnporaries and is iniflI ______sfst ict ence on mnodemn art were tihe toM)ics1 of diïscussion by Mrs. Gibert ýag- ORONO ATOMS WIN ONE niani of the Extension Department The Orono Atomis on WVedniesdiay, of the Art Gall1eryý of Toronto lastievening wýere a joyous group wh1en- Thursday evening in Orono. A rapt they eame' up with their f irst vie audience of over seventy people t ory of the season. Their vîsÏtors listened and wvatched 'wa Ms. Bag. were, from Bowm a nville over wlim nani slowed the iéise of "Impres- they took a 5-1 win. The five Orone;, sionism" a miovement in Art which goals were scored by Steven WVesh- caused great upheavel in its lume, ab-out 1880. Previous to this. Art was Doug Taylor and Larry Adana largelyý religious in theme, lieroic played somne souind defence whila men and idealized wvoxen dom1-ina-ILDonniy Todd in the Orono nieh ted the c2anvassof the masters. played a real good game.Twote But Courb)et, wlo paintedfnom 1855 iiad orkýers were Harvey Partner- to 18,77 i Fr-anie, started a revolu and RPaye West continuafly working lion in i Ge world of art. Ho broug1h1911their respective places on the lu, realism'to the canvas. Mr. ag wrdue. nai. with the aid 0f somence1e coloured sldes, shwwed hoW tusi The Orono Atom Hlockey teant ilis'wsdvlpe1n eie were hosîs tu the Aons of NE's- by sudà artists as Mlonet, Sisl, ~csi on Friday evehh'xg at -the CO:- noýir, Cezanine, Gaugin anid vanGol ono rii where the two teams plal - ýed tu a one-hour draw. The fInel score rested at 3 ail. These twoý- Beginning in tGe latter hait of the team5. were quite evenly matchèd nineterenthr century, the use of light as the seo-re indicýa>ed. The New;-, ande_ Shadow v 0n1CanjVas wý vý , olved casileclub took the fimst couniter c,-' frmthe dot mnite eontrasts of Itle the gamne iand madle thie locals ettg iýi eamlier painters to the diffuse-ightfor tlic spilI. ;of thle Imriessioists and the Post- impressinits. The limpiessionists~ useýd lighf t lrtoughiout thieir canvas-1 Douglas Taylor nettedi the fiust, oýs, giving a dappled effect fta heir j goal fur 0Orono on a fine solo effor. works. Tiiey neglected the tiion- Doug lias been constantly improving al approac~h to siadlow, and Mten nndi is sliowinlg gr-eaf prospects as aý hiadshdw coming trom nlieydfnenn The other two goal-s directions or, even no siadowat ail. were scored by Steven West en To heighten the effeet of chis' diff brenk-awýay pînys from his owrcn f use ligîit, fh i Ipr-essionists devel- blue fine xWen the puck wvas cleared oped a method of applying fhe paint out ta hlm by Deug Taylor. The O- to the canvas, known as "Poiînuul.oflo boys lest a number of golden isme", or dlabs of different coloured opportunities wich could have ens- paint applied next Io each other,. ily given themi a win. tie onle colour acting as a contrast to the other. Orono lîne up: Donny Tod, goal1; Deoug Taylor, Larmy Adams, Boib- Nigoni, nd Arthur Kilpatric, de- Vincent van Gogh was born in fence; Steven West, Marg Taggart, lland i 1853, the son of a modest lRandy Tonnant. Barry Haze1ton, vicar. le ,went to Arles in soutiemn Gordon Hlooey, Harvey Partner, France in 1888S whueo h painted Raye West, David Forrester, MNieil- feverishly until he suffered a inen- ael Carmani. and Bilil Caldwell fr tai breaKdowni and wýas commîitted1 wards. to a mental institution in fS889. A year Intr le eAded bis"own mlCHURC H WILL. BUIlD- having paintedj less than ton years, I EDUJCATION CENTRE and noever selling a Pinting in Pis!I mebes,. Oshawa appmiovCd a MO- ioby Fred Pcoarse, otf the buildhing Vincent was suppood durhin g ith oliommitfee, tO 1p-rýced with fIe -roc- woeot flis patinî1gcrerby hLis tion of !a CrsinEuainCentire brother Thoo, te whorn fui muost ofalanapproxinmato(cst of $1,000 the paintings onVicntsdoatli. Therewere e s-e of lis wvorks in, HIClîa heege, cimrman l f sv a nts orks gie Icgitci' ntUi nebonssfrt1lc VnGogi apoahdpaintling- pur COOU rîitlro Ce tub, eq j~~e î~ L came ator hn. His vorks so A ET O MNIG eryring ndr le unwa a ub OAPRIL 0F 191 the eppeara;ncn onoo'u lmigor Heating m istala- tthiî md' ai~ug Mr. Dgna ot ieon nadec IA can be done uni- inerrts-teC o ine wrî er- ou r W i nte rVWor k Pian jmû \as vn ols attempt to rue 0, oWth paymeusnts ot starig fp ta wnd îîh l fsin southeîSi For further detais Frn la rain %o tc o inaî ('very iignginits patl. Otlers te i A TNRPU1 13 tînat thesse doinating swirls ae a A I)tE IC symol t incnt' mdnes.STMULATE WINTER EMPLOYMENT _Mrs. Bagnlani wasý broughtl to Or- eno- by the Clamke Township Recren-. tinCL msion , and she eýxprtessed hem1 ploasure at bn ivte o comehomemandlier -wllînignesS to return. lHemtn ýllk was a faste of what the public w011 see atuicTobronto Art Gallery from Febr'uary O-hl Mardli l2th wl1en theme will bie thel largestcletn0fVn Ggs work ever f h so wn(, b v, i]one placeý. Mmrs. Edward Sanmuel announiced at fie meeting tint the Ormo Rani- ger(ils wîl bc, Li1 ite exhii o Safurdny, February l8ti, and tînt anlyone is welýorîie %wlîucares tu dc- compny tem.Tiey will b(ave ~by bus f rom Oronci at 9 return at about 7) p.m. When t ae r arive at tie Gallery, thepy will go on naon ducted tour of the exhihi, and lave! some teime te wannder about lie Gai-1 lery or, their own. Anyone wishingi te go on the bus wAi thfe Rangers is1 asked te confact MrS. Samnue l Ffbruary 11ti, se that arranige- met ari be imnade. Watch TV on Monclay and Tei at 10:00 o'clock for interesting Beatty Announcvements PWUMB1NG-HEATI FREE! A Total of $38.00 IN EXTRA BONUS BOOSTER TAPES Receive a $M00 Bonus Tape with --- Ail PopuIlar rands Carton o! 200 W;7i hFree,ý $4.00 Bionus Tape chalet - 8 oz. Package SWISS GLYKECHEESE With Free $,0 Bonus Tape 2-1 oz. Jar AYLMER SRABERYJA Biks32 oz. Jar, 9Oc off regular Price Gartsize With Free $2.00 rBOnus Tape Frze ppie, Bluýeberry, Cherry 24 oz. FARMIOUEPIES Tablerite - 1 lb. Carton U.S. No. 1 Grade Celo Pkg. NO. 1 - Size 30 DIRECT FROMA SUN NY ISRAEL - Size 120 .~for 25c Jaf fa Olîrangeps HY US. NO. 1 - Size 24 Add ian, Elegant Touch to your Meais No, 1i 2 for 2C MUHROM

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