1R0R0 Volume 21, Numb.,er 48 OntarloAuthorzd as Second Glass mail, post QoffWe repa-rtmernt,. Ottaw& Subseription in Canada $1.50; in US. $2.5rI Park Boai rd PansUrouo Tani ToPuySart PIcannin~ Romna Glanville Top 1 n T fiir ria ni.t ,1atu 1day, DiIYtZ ror irunuaTiioln audy h ite Citlzens attendeci the fir'st op)en iJl ____________________ - NHLTounamntfor thnis area wIîî discussions hield at the Town Hiall, be hld i theMilbroo Area ~Bowmanville, Wednesdiay nig-ht on i O- the ,!l ttounaent Oronoîî ela th1-esetting up of a l'profitable and The Orono Park oard with ail I~fflP i. Tédilictorial" museum in Bowmanville Fi. vnn, eray3d nimbrspieen mt nTtuesday ý* avi'tree entries as -wil Millbrook ail 1 twenty-one students both of publi1- evnig he teydicused plnstasinýgle entry in the Bantam niMyo ifedCruhesntd iadbig coo needteBw to financetec peto fhe sion wiîî alsu be present from Ca1ixp that thle menibers of Counicil c-hosen 'W anhie Legihoo ntPulic Stheaking, Pooli-i and also a waÉing Thie suddl(en deathi occurred, Jan,. bllur. r Ithe Museum Bo1ardi, representing ' Swiimminhmeg 1 Nwonile the Town~, con the distribution of the Cotest field in the Legion Hall i pool at the Orono Park. Those pres-2aIhsom RR1NetvieBwail; ent wý%ere A. _West, Miss Aim utlo on .Tdd oni avr hie rnlAos<Pe 9Iunds donated to the town by Mrs.!~ SIBRutqerfo)rdl, 1H. M. Mercer, E onhph a ihi hya. aciBntamsh 01ilsee aoin Pee WlimswreCunilrsKa V~ H. Samuiel. Johni Stonle and Earl i 0~an . j. Presson. Iîie., The Orono Higli cliool was e Walkey.amet-WilimTodd wasnte sni e bite afl ernn ad il 0fth hou tePr&sMayor Carruthiers introduced S. J. S. B.rutefr eotdame- ila nd dAneMcCarîhy, de ekg iou~~rers nte he . ont-est and wa-, in wthMr Fb.cedngfuchr n heOtarlo pay Gooing of Ille Department Iof Trav- ep>snt ilbc adMr per -e was inarried in Pontypool ,bd fui hr.Sasl 'IltIl' N0 L.0 P l ~~y ont,~ ~also credited with having the in- ofteCmuiy Programmes14, 1912 and hias been a residen.t o o of 0W is t Litl IL ThseanPuicyortowows ning speaker. Roma Olanville. 3fac tii wch was discus -insedteSarvlefor the past 47 years. AM- tournamlent wsheld la Orono 1ast approached by Couneil to lhelp dir- ~ possibiity ofconvertng the old during his lifetime, the deceased y'ear w ere IHbrowk took ail clieec euinhe rgnzgad swmigt n m a wading pool hlas livect in Manvers Township and hnus equipping of a mnuseum. I ' Miss Glanville most capably lire. .ttjpitdoi btMr. Goodtng said that thec poten- betciler- speech whîch hield theý Vl -.iiiertihied Chiurch. t IUle (' jp t ial of using the Jury state for tmis attention of, lber audienceman oitr !ufears a ed th t e m uIiLproject was a god tar e t tewhom ,were from Oroim. er topic. wading pooiWQUld cost ntoe neighhis iii I Li costruction of -thie building andwaS "A Trip To Wemember"i bouhoo o $200 I as is de Lttie L. Todd, a'son Carl, 'til lOtI iicilOl grounds wbich wvouId need littie r(- which she il1ustrated an îmaginary miý--, , i I ýeet t te otlnovation. triplz ist lit the Queeni. thid f he reen oi7 cul ,b xileen) of RH 3, N wtonville,a *~~~~~~~~~~ mae1t a iai wdn' ýobohr Fred, of Newtonvilie and a The Commerce Comm-ittee of the EHe noted that the competition ofR R .TAGR for youinteraI ulacst o arg ond ster. Mrýs. Robert MGhe.{My rono Chamiber of Commerce tare imuseuims in Ontari-owhlich out- RoaJ.son o tre snir tu Ti woid necessitate 'f Oshawva. Seve\ radhide ai- holding a noon luncheon on Tuesday num'bered any other province il, Can Dr. R. J. Taggart of Orono has dents f rom Orono the others being $500.00. Thsa survive. February Ilth w\hen the Committee adla was keen and iii ordler to make Diane Giliart .and Paul Tamblyrxi breaking out ail the existing walls will introduce a plan to those- of the this one a success. those who are been honoured by beixig appointed Th7le two Junior speakers f rom the ~and brnging Ithe pool to ground 1 ev- The fnerai service wa hld Orono business section to foster fr-i tbinking of- belping to cre jj)jhl a member of the Royal Society fOooHg c-o eeSad tuee.Tes!hallow end of the ýBvawmaville, Mondlay, Jan . 30 at 2 1Will be Ilhe fir-st eindeavour 1,by IUCI pool wuldmeasure 3 incheiths c1-lsfrtsgetHnwst hoe p .Ternporary interment was in a Committee lfithe Chiambler to, i is ~geto a ocos thedee parpat gingteeigteeo teighntValIeOrno.Rev RsC.brig Ii Oroo bsiessen e-1a ubjetrelven toths aea a heh oya SoieyalouSedociMetyGnvlle beids wnnign inchs. he'oartnonrecivîg h 2 tecnuce hesrice. g the 1 discuss commerce in Or- order te draw crowds and compuie 187C, is uinder the patronage of H. M1 cash prz,1ilasonwaiac rep'ort f cit thlat the renlOvation of < ono and area. witli oher museums. Ithe Queen anid is a Society of pro- 10 a zone competition Wbich will b- t7 he l oo-no ain olPajlîbearers- were E. Robinsoni, M.Goîgasomnîn ta would osily be awiîingthï)r0H1 theMr. ons 0f the ette ould be fessional people devoted to the pro- held sonibtime ln March. AIl cor- Cwj jfsi)ý7b ihi le lareçeGilmer, Orme FaIls, Har- ttl "'uii ftleett ol.le estant e psnecwihWer the,, poo TIl'l ol be rosenctpond'-of ndlBrenton Farrow. a 200ococ1n ivt tiossed te belp the proie-ct because- if rmotion of bealth in the Britishtswrpesndwih at- hav alead ben mild t- al lcaljthe pçotentiality of displaying th~e Commonwealth. The hieadquarteris w-epeetdb W.Je 'el- the area seeded. Iîtr blay businesses. The Commiittee is hope' itr o oay for tlle socipty is in London, Eng- the t-wo me wuîuvisftaiijeariy reply to the invita. l ~ aad and members are electe-dby agaîn * VirUCIIilion aorder thiat arrangements ll"ràn %niato oî,Coffee- and -Roughanuts were ser- m" -nay be n-îade for accommodation. "befI%4 a ved10 everyone aîtending. wbnIe ol ~ss asetting *-,1 uip proper proýedIures for the op riTe death occurred at the O's k- ý atfion of (lie pool awa General Hospital, Thursday fc trauerepofited thlat shehaOgn of 1ý54 Bruce Street, 0shawaj' Rex Wakely of Port Hope's Fire New castle Gýarage D estroyed contacted iCounti gei ia ee es Ui , i2tOiWn .flolis t e ntis the ne-w-President of aa hd ecivd lttr ro teIfor the past five weeks5. autheiu î Northumberland. and -Durham, liealtil Office-r statung that the ex-1 Mut-. Aid Association, lHe succe-eds y E r Mn ng F e istilng cles i-'u)l at te ak Bora ini Kendai. August 18, 1879 The0ono Orphns in e- eingJac Record, Port Hople fire cie, 1 0n , o wth~ anid Mitha Odn. le was )ruarried 1t.'CIivio avercie -r M.'aeywseetd h T1,1cIter la datr n.,l 98.""divso aerc1ed od r Wk-ywselce tte A garage anid bordy shop owned garage. said th at show(ý- e-rs be installed inlate-i t Itc,-On. ii192 hat their first opposition Wvil l irst meeting of tthe associaton held by Joh ideaBae tN-- Bobfr eprmnsl-tt' Mrsîgroi ~r, Ogdea was a member of Cea- corne from the Town of Lakefielci. in Cobourg at the market building castle, was conlpletely destroyed b sce-ne t.:1an btwrcled Mr. E. H. Samuel reporte-d hat Ire Street. Uaited Church and lias T-his entry lias ia forme-r years be-en ton Tbursclay nligbit. f ire early Friday nning. Damage1 back at 6 a.m. te f iglit a f ire- that tie Chamiber of Commerce- Pool been a resident of Oshawa for the- a meniber of the- Lakeshore group Tlare- we-re- two nomite-es for1was estimated at $20,000, -liad broken out agala in the gutted. -Fýiace- âC- te a e-- i-ps 4 er.H-la ilve t h- hn ave- always be-en a re-al con- Vce-President of the association re-mains. , le- ad tatth and Bordsae adrssfotth-easP4ayrkr. e-de-rldte layew s-re-s ad n -IèXifowrl b b-ietlt he Te ire4w7c d-stoy-dtw would hiave to initiate their own February meeting of the- associa- trucks and thre-e passenger cars,l The sparks set fire and partially fund raisung pi-ojects. e- is survived by his wife- tle The- Lakefl-d squad applie-d for i lion sche-dule-d te beebe-Id in Mili- was first tiotice-d at 3:15 a.m. by Mr. burned the back jiorcb of the- Ail- The Bord ciscussed the- financial fermer Anale Gilbank, and one sont, entry ini the Lakeshore league thls' brook. They are Chie-t B. Mercer, Alldread's brother, Talbot, who lives dread home-. ppstîa f le-pol ndil as1o dJohn of Ottawa. He- was the last of ~btw-e efs- dhtac1Oreno Fire- Department and Chief adjacent 10 the- building-. ar repair eqimn n ahn fliat'on obtainung al grants that a i aiyan a -ecased y hîs, no doubt, willî ake- hem al1 NdwarstBees, Brightoii Fire De-elayinte- garage. wns destroyed. su f$.1.0wudhv c csix brothers and one- sister. the more- naxious te eliminate- the- partinent. Nwcste iefgîer, h wre er of $210.0 Woud baetoobe- The- funerai service wns held on Orono entry who were Ontario - One othe-r office-r was elected. Hie-01n the- scene- at 3:30 a.m., aotifie-d Mr. Alldreai, the- owner, -rtd 'eostrtion l t on ipt- hepool; Sat a, Fe-bruary 4 at 2 p.,.frOm Champions last ye-ar. The- opeilîng is Albert Nayior, Newcastle Fire tlle Bowm-aaviile- pumper sçuad as'the fire- may have- started ina ar~s i*'ul- os~ atle-ste- ndiionlthe- Armstrong Futne-al Home-- Rex'. gm asytteb rrn b sDepartment, who wil f ili the pstth e-fire-, heipe-d by flammnable li-I electricai system that. me- ad ê $7?00.00 and another $500,00 would W. G. Dickinsin, minister of Centre expe-cte-d ne-ar the e-ad of February. of Secretar3r.- quids, raced quickiy through the- working on earlie-r that day. be- neede-t for the- uncre-asing of lhe- SIre-et United. Cburcl conducte-d the O o os o fýne-nare-a areunti the pool a- service. Interm-enit was la Mouat Ja i long x -ýith hydre service, sliowers Lawn Ce-metery. rurtnm eig~I ~ 1 an1 other items ne-cessnry te oper- Fdrto 4 eii %ro n h-Àâ-ýi e s i c o i w aIe the pool this sunimer, N EW SECTION 401 The monthiy dire-dors meeting of On motion ef S. B. Rutherford thie Durbami County Fe-de-ation of ani E. H. Samuel il was de-cide-d O PE N I N AUGU ST Aýgriculture was be-id aI the- bomne- w i u r V otW Ad In -&O,--o u-t of monues tint a Blitz Campaign bel Bowmaavilie- on February 2, 1961. le-Id withnecessary objective- of Higbiway 101, eaisl*of Port Hope', Tlhe auditor's report, given by Mr_ TeOooCane fCn-te btabnutfrte os-thaI il was stili being followed and $ýa00.00. Th- orarr- aow0f oni ay net «be open until August, G. M. Stapies wsacetd sred erce- met on Thursday inight th encouILd eh n ita la telclmme a etn Slas orth cmpig 'wii'h willî Weîheraîîl, Department of Hîgîwnys! fourteen preseat. Mr. A.MLre pr-of its îurnied ove-r te tie Chamber withi the Minister of Hlighlways on be advertised ;l aci- advnc- iii order District EnIgineer, said of the- bigil-i Mr Eari Bradsbýaw, District Sup- president, chaired the meeting. could be used for donation purposesiFidayl over Ibis m-atter. t iat thie people would be ready fer way lasI wee-k. ervisor, C.I.A. spoke- 10 the group ofl AreotofaDietr' -eeigI a also suggested that a 50-501An ti-îe-canvassers. 1*--,"1y_,Mceortlo reported tometinthe-L A Icomml-ittee- of EarW111 y er "Ir will be open). we ope, pÏb inadrms asellA was presented to the- Çbarober ila draw couldbe beîd with procledse r1"sI Dent and E. H. Samuel was ap-alyl1 Ags1 utt-tsjuIa tnrei an nfratv-. Awichil itwas pointed ouIthlat coin-gon-gtowards anly purpose the mtn g n heTonhi o Car peuned e mke rragemets jor ysI)aneand don bt1't ld us t. qesolpriand dsuso o-mlee a ee e pfrteya hmber saw fit. 'Thle-commiittee- Pire Coinmiteewih had met re- Il-yl,udmdle a enstufoth er-1tie P; cmiife irea sai ireor nwimmig poolsonletme- lew-e aves an ge od orkhend e wortb-while and will be watl ng laý e!eenteChme ni eso projýe-ts be-underînken. The swhded ei e omrende a all e-Wr month of June-. This commiîtee is tohop(Ïe il w'\ould be AugIist- That fi' lie w"Frmr' Labity osport. Mesr. . . ame w pedentoinled ouI iIe v olere-U)galnir iI-f vha62 r -her arrangements. Hpeand Iwe Pr ormued as anl hndustrial and Comn- tetdan ta temebeno:tepnp rbe naldin Oroakn ole Brîghton." Bruce Tayýlor anoncdite Catinrc Comrmit,D . sr. Carmal Chamlber woldC assi-stIl a aayway presentroomcieb-tael- ___________________________i_____i_____jAn endal wiîh provision 1o carry more- aian P-derli of Agriculture AnCor)Inish ? ? psibe aîe, S 00 gallon laa1k truck - i- nll ,lconvention laOtawa Fe-bru- wr appoinled to a Civic Comi- Newilnvilie wilh a 150 IgaIon pip. arn eep o i om a y"Y 20-23. Ileaise outline-d île re- mlîtee-. E. IH. Samuel ak- fteCa-intie n naxi~ypn. i ~II~ro ] elp on 1onp nyqest fromn O.F.A. re the "Hydro A motion was aise, presented be-Drwod be sending a lelter le the Leskard. Mr. MUcGilJ stateci withi * xv;*pratd enercontrollers. fo h ietr'mein atn ak 1Board la which they 'wouid such a force il, operalion ila Clarke Mýotion1 passed th1al we support lie- ail, donations ove-rthe- amount of sîate Ihleir present poiicy. He-lelt tibat unsurance rates la Oreno woubdi Remai ns Witn Snareodrý r,'t1i' neý reso$25.00 from the Chamber must fîrsl Ibal Ibhis would dhen le-t the- Park be reduced by at le-ast 10 percent on ______ b~~~~~[e presenled as a Notice of Motio oad-owwee hyslo n l esidlential and 20 percent witbun a After a share-hoiclers imeeting of lie Orono Company is la lie bal- OPAtila-nDv-Coegv e oeduo n oî ne.dacn he re-malader of the pool. tbree mile- radiùs of Orono. Keadal li0rono Telephone Comnyý on ane.areu- ft-br'fwic the O. Tîls was miove-d and seconded by fiI\was move-d by W. HI. Carmîalanl- and oauda f lasI week the Comnpany The- Port Hope Tele-phone- Com-.Aprel-dttePim-Mn-LlîAs-tadBolr-lnad S. B. Rutherfordftint Ie- Chamn- le-ast a 10 perce-at reu-ectien la In- - stil bie-id by the- sarne- siarebiolders paay wtbdrew ils off er prier te ibe ster and mlemnbers of the- Ont. Cabl- carried by lie- meeting.PolFncee surance- rates. Tiere weuld bie-no~ v/ho vote-clon -lwo eccasions inet te mee-Iihg on Salurday. jilet. AMr. Cronie slaled litinthfe-res. William l e-id la eporîing 0on 'lie- dissolved. 'T'le-motloa cnrried Leduction !la commercial rate-s la île se-l the- dnianyTie siarebolders J ol tion id poiicy of OPA ldb-nAna otDrystatad that il rt.Ka eprt- nteNglVillage of Orono. Three sub-com- i~e- o sîi t~e. rcnoTel- er wllrColtd ws bierbyaround lie middloeIle \ýll1: omsellnig ie DanviTlle eIua expected tint the Derby wou-ld Deposit Box aI lie- local bank în- ile-e- e set up ett f the Town.- pin eELETO CAL le- ield ing tint il as being wlred ondane sh*pCommiiittee wbici are studying TêlapbleneCompany latheduise e ithe- SHORTHORN BREEDERed o Il asbeenleare-i in aspcîi t HGeliLnceBe-a, sbwa cmpnstin n roerylumnee.Simun1PolFiane-Co- eri fo iose- wbo woid hod aottion-. M r ilad ire N. N 'N s N. 1~ N N N. N N s N s s N -I IL 'N s s N 'N s N1 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N r 'N s 'N Il N N N 'N. N N N1 s N N N N.