- '-J - ~ t -, J- ClaLrke To Hold Lounge -Licence Vote Contrary to somne reports which, ing of the Township of Clarke coun- wý,ere circulating in the. area over (il a numiber of delegations were the past week or so the vote in the'heard representing the Clarke Town Townishiip of Clar'ke for a :4ýining- sh ip Recreatin Commission who re- rooPm Lounge licence is being car-, quested a grant of $150.00 for thie ciled out. The vote will bce held on work of the Commission in the area W!ýedniesday, March 29th. Tlhis request was granted. On Tuesday at the regular meet- (Continued page 3) jThis is the 'best time 0f the year Ito modernize the plurnbiflg of yu home! G~ive us a cali now, and we'11I gladly furnish, you with a FWEE estimate. We have the ex- Oýert know-how to give you the best at lowest rates. Easy credit terms. INSTALLATION 0F QUALITV PLUMBING 15 OUR JOB' ROLPHHARDWARE ROLPH HONE 143 ORONO ArhrMiniden, Q.C, presidenta ionin 196U had- reachied the1 afThe Muitscular ystrphy S-et peak !linltsstr, ihcc tinof Canada reports Ithat itýs don-ý butions totalling ,over S337,000, c OMING T ORONO WEK Durham At, Port Popel parties ini Canadia, in that the meet- Oniehunidred Liberals mnet at the ig of ail policy sub-committees' Probiemns in the Village and area seem to be mounting over the past week in regard to water supply and sewage dlisposai. Water trucks are becoming as familiar as oil trucks Town Hall in, Port Ho1pe on1Ivionaay,:1 ferred to the tact that over 600 per- 0 Q= Jantuary 30, in the first of a series w-,ere open to the press. Hie aiso re- o the highwýays of the mnunicipality b c of monthly meetings to be heid in _,sns whlo had nio previous political and wells which have nleyer beer TOU ÇAN BEGIN P, The metn a ne h hi-to natv atl h ics pnon t go dry areRAININ -various Dur-ham County centres, affiliation attended, and thiese guests kont odr r ecig that h manship of B. H. Hutton, Presid&it :1ons ajnd were entitled to a. vote ATAcTb of the Port H-ope Liberal Associationad a fui hewaring in the sam~e man- Further to this the cold wveather A N I and other- Liberals on the platfori i r, s aceie Liberal Delegates. 0of recent weeks hias pushed the, were E. R. Lovekini, ecsle~ speaker Said that the )nethod Pl'o-)st deeper and deeper into the ij aweand Bruc(e Powe, Organizer ()f conduicting the Raîîy was in it- ground to the point 1whlere »-ianiy j The Oshawa Business College f or the Ontarlo Liberal Association, self a re-affirmation of democracy septic systems are freezing up with m is op iyaanddaur Th ust ee ecme oand wý%ondered if the other politicai littie remedy known outside of a'o instructiôn permits you to Por Hoe b Mr. Aan arrsparties- wçuld hold their future Na- tropical climate for, a few days. Lo- start at any time Vc-rsditof the Port Hope Li tioia~l Conventions in a similar dem- cal plumbers are finding many sys- ,j____o Vie-reidntocrlatic fashion. temis even coatted itih ice. bei-ai Ladies Association! a-ho or#ta tiert t\veaks en ix d tConvhe aion d Reports., were heard froni th e -del--!M.Pwelqrfer4~ote Iti eotdta h uunw'h to choose egates to the National Liberal Rally tvpataknite neni .01 I sreotdiitth r uui hei ealir .ths mnt in Otaw, y youiiig Liberals and University1 heavy ground-penetrating frosts aned terert mnt were i Hl- Litatawih , thaI e Uere-!\witýhot insulatingsnlovcover, and ASE end Uppse reof otip ee Mrs. Wil- ýjuveniatiani and vitality of the Lib- a cyclical lowveriingý of the wvater TUJESD&Y adýÈUS eraUpe fPrtHp,-MyrW l Pt yteatv atVe al ae asdsoe fwîst n USA fr-ed Carr eieatinad liyptrotromaeS.Carï£huers of Bowmianville, rlPrvb h cie atte al iv aue crso el o70O to 9:00p.m. Gienholmne Hughies of Bowmlanville, j took in theeibeainatiple ee ttfiorLk t i oe C4oie of îSubjects f and Russell C. Hâiiey "of Port Hope- intaaVaey Mr. Powe, as guest speaker toudl- g.etceaewsnrd-cd h hio dg'wlshv enSpecial Cla ses for [ Liberal Rally. He referred in partie- r Iito.even. some deepdrilled wells are' Te ~ t ular to- the f act that the Rally hlad The next meeting-lun the series runrdiing dryT. ti __.________ set a eecetwhich oul never w,,,,, heldinBownianville onFeb- I FEELAERTR be ignored by thé btther politiëai ruary 28ý .1961. Optirnism is hard to fin&. Dr.E.'RELT AUE A. Berry general manager of the AVAILABLE commission is doing all it can ta u help, but agricutltuarl representa- S tives in most counties see little re.; îzcoe R.et-North lie bfoe hespring ta.Evena efea t O rp h a ~ ~thaw wont help much unless there ccoDcoDco=o D ef ea t O rp h ns is'a heavy sno,.wfall first. -1 1 period by the Oshawa Majors gave. minute miscOnduct to Mel Scheil up-1f TAKE NOTICE thaA the annual meeting of producer members ofc themn a 10-5 four point victory ovro ompletion o the gaine for~ dis-1' Durham County Hd Producers' Assoec g»n wiII jbe convened a the Orono Orphans Monday niight at puting an -off-side eall just prior tof lt he hour of 1:30 pm.sharp E.S.T. on Wednesday, February 15th atn the Whitby Commiunity Arena. Or- the end of the contest. 10)h onIfai nt ilg o rofrtepups ftecn ono collapsed in the final stanza afl- ORONO-Goal, Melniclc; defence, g duct 0f the proper business of tflarrnual meeting, the election of ter -holding Oshawa in check fo'ri Mereer, Powell, McCullougih, Seheli; oofcr n h lc f fvf rpeettvs two periods.forwards, Junior West, Keith West,J Guest Speakers. M r. Clare Curtin, M r. Everett Bigg. g Oshwaopne u a erl 20 Raye West, Long, Armstrong, Dean O Lawrence Stapies,, Howard haom first period margin onily to have thesunny President. Secretary. - Orphans corne back to take a 3-2 - lead with two late first periad goalsýCoiveniet ApintiIs by Charles Armstrong wx.ithi assists D to Dean and Junior West and by; nepresentatives f or o o . Junior West it asists to Raye - aid _1 meetugQnfhrater o roucn- ~~the ?todcer members only 10 seconds of thie second period by Raye 1West. Oronô appeared tota Iermetof Ontariolo l, Gou oivnda :0..shr-ESv .e W4Isay e haeth ajr tyid ih hi~ ae ~ntta a ac f1h ruary 15t1i at the Towp Hall in the Villaç$- of Orono for the pur- hav th stniid wth liero avei-ere1eiiatin o eah o tleý oseof the conduot of the proper business of the annual meeting, precisian short passinig gamne ar-,iCnsivaô Authorities lu the Pro- 1 i lcine eeaeadatraedlgts ound the Oshawa net. Oshawa tied vin i HN7. _W. M.Niekie, Min-i thie gamne 3-3 with just uncler four, ister, of Comnmerce and Developm-ent Lawrecnce Stapies, Howard Malcolm, minutes remaining ln the iddle announced the appointmnent of thireeg Chairmian. Secretary. period. 1mnehibers ta the Ganaraska River 1 Tureskî and Arnjold scored ilu theCnsvaon utrty peingmintesof he ina 120 E. Arguü af Pontyplool; H. V. Wil- opiii iue ftefnl2,son of Part Hope, anid W. J. Austin ______________________________ Iminuttes giving the Majors la 53i a Port Hlope, have been nainsdl as- mai-gin. D)ean West and Raye W'est memibers of the Auithority under talled ithn aminte t ech th-Section 10) ofthe ConservationAui-' er taonce 'more even the couint hrte c tOtro Then iithe Majors broke balose wîth -I aigth diinlauthor- w fi\ve unaInswered markers, thiree ofit emesM-.Ncesaedht th rhnwhiie Chuck An- developilent of land, flood conraisC gooda. i- h-igh,- strong, Juior Westi and Dean West parks, sali and water conser-vation,- - .i oý& Lm onti-adedsingietonls clld et ec - the Authoný,îties alef"anedonl Tnpnliswere a ( i e-a 50f,,basis býy the Ontaria gavera-1E id men, wlch matches, diollar, for- dol-to d n i e la, at the Mu1Lnicipalities wllthin - tlw Autho icotribliu. Wena n L4.od LLJiîng 91t,) nationial importance, Authorities z ca-1pp a1-i- fo'finaninlg îunder the S V Sanc Act for 31'-,>,,eac(ii from! I bah Fderl ad Poical gover-- OnU N u CanaCner vin Wtr sis mients, with the remiaining 25% tram the Atoiy I ..-"\WE CAN HELP YOU WITH PLANS, MATERIALS AND wit a new Kitchen the Value of a Modern, Work-saving Kitchen BUDGET VOUR IMPROVEMIENTS WITH Us Orono Fuel & Lwnber PH-ONE 14816. OROrNO, ONT. Work Into Winte-rwork - -~ .1 Septic Systeriu t' t' t-- t' e ~0~ t-t t'- J- e t' -t- t-, S a- J-. - NEW Pê RTY xME-ETIN G FRUDAYj5 FEB. 24. ORONO TOWN HALL Wàtch ior; FurtLer Details ini this Paper