was bridlesnili, weaiing sal n rn.IAgrading dmntaon adI Hunting without a gun licenceft*M lle "'-"H L 1 uI aen fise iproved dnontato adcostly for two Port Hope and I U I I ~ II IU I t ____________________________________________________competition was feld usinghs fine two Newcastle hunters wýhen the h herd of cows. Mr. G. E. Nelson cofourpaIL total of $72.00 !in finles. duceda ane dscssin n heThIm fine wvas laid1 as the four were, On Saturlday afternoonl of lastithie gamne was 7-1. 'Fhe single OxG TgEpianN elh rch Care of a Dry oanaifeIn-1Iot time. The incharged with hunthng without th-e week thiree rinior hockey teams cormter was by Douglas Mff t Bredes foi te Cuny: es atholrity of a Pro-vincar Gun Lic- f rom the Village of 01rono along The local PeeWees, although they Wery, alh Gaseli Frncs ece Further to the finle ail guns thtersprtn fans number- gave it the old College try, found Gr up O n Fe ru r q0%oean CrosTa ynlwr seized with values rnigigaround thîrty. travelled to MAli - Millbrook just too mac-h and were n Fw-,%b ruury 21ý Irom $3500 1toover 0.QO book vwhere fthelocal teams took neyer able to 0overc(ome the power __________________ Prize winner's were as follows: 1 ,'Part in thle LitIeII NHL Tourniament. thiat M-ýilîbrook displayed in th-'îe ForAoe.iilrchreawreTe activities started sharýp at onle!tournament. O. A iX A. 1 o H o d Door prize, Douglas Moore, Co-1 laid fast we for the sam ofen e . Io voi(,ihi the teamis andi thel The Fhur eigOf the ,A. Nbourg; 'Men,'sawar, R.B. Bro, ,1Al men, exep ioe, were hunting lupotig as ogt fthe Miii- ORONO BANTAMVS ALSO FALL, of Oono nite Chuch ws hedi F~-~;'i Cr LiBowanvîîe; -H Wnner Donin1te Tonshî ofClare.anbroo area tolife FAL TO I LLROO on. Thursday,teno,Fbury' ~AIJ 1 1Welsh, Bowmanvill-; Weight Gues"- 'The Oronio Banitamis fell to the in th Sndy eholrom.Th Te roo maeu lhletîc As- - The licence, which now is a must Aithhugh the Orono teams were prlte sitlMsd . le wsii h scaio r hlin aml ka iîg, Gerald ShaýckleteonI, Loýwmnan.cotsoîl l.O1 \11ameSWardnuabet eg inl nyo.h [sm ft s i hircute-at chiran peedte veeigs i i, arin",t hoOoiiga rlinlk ti il.Dogsae httooti iiinstiddi ome tace f'the village. They ýwenit d chor m "ieIli torv idefeatllol to il Mi tIl1 brook l byi smea score o!f the WA mtoad h.A. A.tee Stra he o venling of PeidniRsltees()dctdsuha lcece n mst have be ieotxîhan ail-ouI fot no2 h igetslaint h id M llrolAoatls T i:O o o nes- i b ilty tucsReid iideL mesaehyo 1 assug rdth sqÀ msi fr hesktig. 1 , te c lubfo te eno-( o ,)f1l thhaenterspc fhvn chedforthecontsk.Milbroo-di oalfGery vastilemarsmaafo G h ol ingSaes im gols wih he coe rsutie x so ws aile 1 ewo igoil- minutesj.k of pl , thecre wasliedat nste-inr, iirok ie hymnï g, , '%7 fO i Jesu I hav rom ayhaeked Mrs.'Kîng for bercfineide- wh'iaea Thr orsodn crcayra u mre Comit"eeof Ithe igothelocalretail estalishi- b at bthepromoýtion andaso werc aile 1 couix the inning1goal niesagesot hank- frm Ms. Rtit ron dhaiero Comerce called metsin fcifotile day. It was sges iaýjIllhe 1main commInittee beiciv7hna inute fth oerime0ý1Te ocl1oysinIh vrii, Mofft an Mrs N.Portr. ameeing f l buinesmen f O - ted hat fthe Orono) MuniiciplCntecage of organîtzinigIlhe da. asceen silot whlich foilmd te Oono oi nTedyadwr eaddcould be uiseci by the local industies go-ne, Donnlie Todd. Donniïe played xng ý,and competedwhl-erdy Arrngeent wce mde or lIewi,,jI lh-aturnout of tev h I-bdlytheir products amci also M. S'amutel stated ittit was teecetoalywl hroulghout lie and i a m1s sortsn -like maii- Co-op. >ukybanquet t o Ib>ý' he1ld îenîdheluchonme ting Itlte to add othierservices vwhicb are a i, sh o(f the Commerce comimittee, gamie Iandl camIe nupwiti a numliber e. i Mlbro adlhaeMst xio n ar thadi wsd- oîwy etuan.M.E. H. vailable locally. The suggestonalo hat bwokin1g together je suchlije aso bak aý ), heý _90sporîsman-like -ads.manner. The Mli- ,,cded 10 catê anutfr h1oul himn ffeComte oîlowed that [the Main street inie pmoions that tuicbusiniessmren îlbok owad. r Iligl Schol Crauate and heir chaied te meeiîîgi~' buines secton coid li cloed ofheoul flo onlyreap ,beneitrem-bTh two rono oalsweie have k lad hav compeîed heir --anillies 'on Wedesda eveing nopnn embig Mr-Sai- m(i arrargements lie made such as selves but lalso make Oronio a better Stve Wsî wo generaîîy stars - rd yearOf 1mono1polizing the tour- ilarh th ci stated liatIlthe 9urpose Of he ai Mail with a Merry-Go-IRound and j conmmunity. for i'is, teain. M\argaret Taggarî -)iokaiCmig ollierpicked -ip-an assist on one of tieýLt liMillbro nCnig .-I ~llowintlih -tsiesMs.H etigwsr0pooe omre entertaIiiingfeatures. (On motion 0f IHarvey Parteer ad ol.DugTyo n aryA--hiisoefrctertai ii read avng artbuilelIre Ncw iiiic illage of r -no10nd Iglo -Anidy McGil fhe lunchleon meeting1 am-s played good defenc"0 oand Raye V1tn.Thi ,Ue leoli Ile, "ýt'v oanieon from i- ie gallierîe na AiL d d r Allen OC A m~~~~~~~~~~~-otion by P. M. Luine and R. C, 1 li e held the seconl ai four spsil n ftebsetg~ st i o-iee hscmn red lara p1l _Wes ayer sbl n o e us turd" ' at Caniwngton.ti cinn - Wornn's oraiiizaion, wich ~vll sugested roposa fr Ilie Coi-. Forr ester 1moved that suclh a promlo- Tudy of the moII nth eeting fromý ntb c s i a*awy b~ 4tp~pd~ "T~1i~ ~JI~g~Iqinr~h mere Çonmitke. lie sntid lhat -Ihe' 1tiorîçiýîdb le fief(! ~d.affer soI 2.00 o'cýlock i11i1 oo 1:00 p.m. FThîs ip uto h uk r Cnigo e ýst 4Wýronen 'rl ts ,oneutiolia nmccl II-Iomhittee& iad met and iad recin- j dis(e b&h onffie «jn oioin tid h~ liWs irfi~Tteain for, a,ïriderbth ie' 'ing will lie Air. witfi Rev. Mr. Long mended consideration of holdieg a day 'is 10 be held prior 10 the end of LifterOn 't'ie AMaie .strec-t also: ORONO PEEWEES FIND score of 11-0. oiTuesda- ftcroon Februarly 2i', promo1tionafl sales day in iic VillagelMy.came upI11 for discussion.1 COMPETITION STIFF There was 'lot limie forite play- tstudy bi ewogni ati d j 0f Orono ileIlite morfil of April. lil Anyone wý,isinig til attend ihiese TFie( Orono PeeWees found the offs for' lOe Bantam-is so Ibis gain,- -il flieadres r uigd b ten .suiin efort it, would he flie wish A motion by Fred Lycett anc -'L H luncheonis are welcomne to do. so. cm iinrallier stiff on Saturday too is bo be playedinlCanninglon on -,'!e mehg eoe Itlle VWA.1j o lhave ail local merehanlts partici- M. Mercer g ie h (omimittee Ilie! j'Themeeting was adjotwe IWhnleyfcdasrn nt- audybtee1awnlnas lienediction, _ pale Inl a sidewIalk sa-1le anid also toI g o-a head 10 appoint s ub- commnit tees 1 :10. rmMilrok h inal score h ilboo antans