Phone And Put Your Kids To Steepil For any to in Huei England, f iryiand is as close as the te- phone, Jusi dial 211. A swecet feminineý voice answers -- sheý couid beth le goodfir herseif - and shez tells- a bedtimeii, story about Fathler Christmnas or ai goose, or a pony, or ahmost anyý- thing fo the land of neyer- neyer. The local telephone coiPany» ;Ince istDecember has been- providýing eaeb night a àdiffer- ent, origi-nal, tie-n--af miut, ae-recorded bedti-me ; t o ry for its subserîbers. The stories hvebecome ýSa papui ar that one reent week the comt- pany lggd12,000 calîs to Huli 211 -- sone fram London anid Glasgow, and isome fr& s f ar aeway as,,-a, West Germariy, and France. Perbaps of most in- terest, al of the stories wver wrvitten by amý1-îateurs - studelits in the creCatice-writi-ng Course oî thle local Kinýhgston n HuII (teachers) Training College. Last falý, Mrs. Màry . Sowr- by, aà3-year-old Sýotsw-,or-nan who lcue in educatioün at theC, coeducatinai school (314 stu- dents), oFfred original bedtimeý stories by, the college's noviýe writer-s forthile phone com11aîýy 1trmtta subscribers, as it does cricketscores and cookbig recipes, Teleýphone m a na ge r Hlugh V,.1J. Harris aiccepôted. and the bedtime story was made a regular 1weekiy assigment in thie craiew igcourse. Student Wvendy Richards, , wvas able ta dash off a stoy An thlree iuts- abouLt aTeddy bear and a candle, separated and later reunited"ImwnedtY help children understand oneiiners 9and finshp"she ad Naturally,_ the eldrnare ithe final JUdges ýOf a stor's mefit. Haworth,v hose imother dials 211 for hlm, sang outo qI lke the ones about aniimais and Fa- thýer Chrmas-,D." More sophisti- cated, Sue Rihardson, 7,who dials ber owýn, said unequivo- ýcalIy: "I like them bc-cause the.ýy -don't hav ýe thlose old-tiýmey words yau getýa in Grîimm-s' Fairy Tape" Easiest Ever 1 This baby set has everythmpg ~1ts oveypractical dbest -f ail, à%'s sôeasytacoht Jacket and cap art crceed a atailt Bo- bhas- plain baud at ,ck, sevc-ap odge; ghrl'shai uffles, Patterxu ?70;cch-etdirections. Send TjIRTY-FIVE CENTS ,stamps cann-ýot be acpeuse p ostal.nt for safety)ý for this patteru to, Laura Wheeler, Box J123 Eigbýteenitb St., NwTor- Ont, Ot.Prit lailyPAT- TERN NMEyour, NAM &uid ADDPESS. JUÎST OFF THE PRES>Sî i4nd no io ur exciting, n-ew, 4961 Neicrf atlg ver 125 desigus ýta. crochet, it, s ~uriequlit, wve - f a sh - 1-pns, hom-refurnishings-, tys;, gifýýts, bazaar bits. PlusFREnsrc ýý40as for six sxu-art velI caps.' 1(urz-y, ,ierd 2ý iv HE SKIIS ON GLASS - Famous Olympic skiier a nd movie star Tony Sailer just after heý arrived vial a Lufthansa Jetliner, te attend a Wintcr Sports Show in Noaw York City. Mr. Saliler, in addition to )hieNkin parformances, Is; head of a factor'y which manufactures slkis made oF Fibre glass. hot courtesy of Lufthansa German Airineýc NeanlIy everyoule tiese days 1.1 worrý,ying about Ibe high cost af dr.ugs. If yoDu are one of lie w,,orriers V've gaI ew for yau - good niews. Tbere are certain persans- far toa mauny, unf or- tunately- who must take drugs aIl the tlme, mqybe' forthua tism a hartcondiion, asthme,' or- wheteýver your special cam- p1 a;int may be. people are used ta buyiug "repeaf prescrip- tin"so tiey are tie ones wha, y u g ireir heads, cen. sav themselves a It le maney - as 1. have founci-ouf. from experi- ence, Tablef s fief I take-under diocfor's orders -- came et $10 a hundred. The other day I nieeded a fresb sýuppiy bu[thfirnk- iug. the pr-es-,cription miught -pas- sibly be cianged before 100 long 1 thougbit 1Imigbrt as well order f lfly.I askedlie price- "$6'25 for 50." replied tie druggisf. "But I've alwaS paid $10 a "Oh, yes, btit'hCs jusf a spe- Cielprice for buyInl un t 1y. quickly changed My mind, took A chance and ordered a, bundred. Late-r I wasreayn Ibsinformatian troa afriend iwho sa-, "Wiell uow, P' ilinquire about lthat. Wih.'my busbaud gets for bis asthme ý-are 36 Cap- sules for$4.3,"f The next ,fLday she poued e back witi the esuunding news that Fred's cap- sules ,er-e $7,25 a hii iude. ZAIl theyv had been bùuyýing hitysi t a time Cfor neairly a ye!Sa by. figuring things ouf from lihe tainstances, I have given y ou, yoi-u ceni easily s ee bow yauce save e- 1i1t1e mauey. 0f course Ibis- is ouly- possibe wireu drugs are mn'ore 0or less e part af yaur regular d[iet, >as if were. For emergencies -w h le -n antibiotics aybe -necessary tire doctar wil order only ýenlougjI tablets or capsule:s ta teke care aIý the sit- Ssituïati'on. Suci, medicine cannaI ba oîdered lu b-ulk. WIell, iwe seem nta be Iaviug a lit'-le snow. - ai-d doesnI'+t il look nice for a change - 50 clean euad sparkliuqg. Somne dis- tr"icts eietygotI mare tient otfiers. Friends phoned-, us fram Milton on lie Thursdey nIighitof île storm. Theybad s tarfed out, ta: pauy us a vsi;gat asfeas bglndingsowstOrm; ftouuid evea transports weîe getting talled so they tuî.ned arouud and w ent home again. That was th3e same nighit Ed Sulllvanq's planre was unable ta land et Mato.n. The rie-xt iorning Partner was busy from uiluie ocokuntil tour Jin the aflèrnooni, diggin, sivI.n audscapig way snow f rom the bouse and garage ta thie road. When he got tbroughi witb aur awu driveway begat busy for a grass widow wba ýives next door. Partuer is feeling very pleaised with him.self right now f 11ej reeping thec benefit of ail the. barýd work h1-e did last fali in raising the level of tbe grounci at the back of thieboue. ith a highier level tain now bhas a chance toru off. Suow,7, it meits, will dfo'tbe sam-ie tbing. Thus if wvill, save a lot of wintep' digging and sbovelling and pre- vent slippery patcbes from foirm- ing- around the back of the hlouse. Our Toronto grandisonts have just started a round of cbickeu.. pox. Pave Came out with a rash last SaLturday ,so 1 suppose fthe othertw will get it evenfumally. in the -meautimre Pave is -capital- liug on the situaqtion, getling bis youing brothers to waýif ou b'im while be stays lu bed or on the chesterfi;eldl. 11e really kceeps lhemn busy as be isn'tthe east bit sick, uer bas he 190mally spots ta wjorry bimr. This ideep suiow ,and htbe boys having rcbilckeui-pox rermids oie of one time on the f atm a ny years ega weo ur two childiren haud ted measl]es, Bob Sa baý,dly you couldu't put a pin--poiint down btwee the spots. Ee the doctar bad tao laugh vwhen be saw , h im.Ad then Icame dW with fonsýilitis at the samre ,tme and ran a very'ý high tempera- ture. We were all in on-eten- by-tw-enty bedlroom-, 1I can see US yet. Thien camie a haysnaw- fail, about the same, as 'we had justreety There was no nýeed ta le-an out thie lane because there were no cars on the road - just horse2s, sieigbjs anid cut- tersý. Partner waout at, lhe rchappîng wood to keep iec lbree, fires ,oýing - we didnA'l have a furnace at that time. pîesently he camne limping 1-nt the bhouse and called ta me - "Get a doctor, quick --I've Ch t 0ejn.1 foot!", I jumpeéd Out aý4 t an totahIe pnine ffeý,i5aly there was no "'an- swering service" in hafise deys so01I got the doctor . on the Une rigbt away. Tien 1 collepsed et the phone. The doctoi --was soon on tbe scene. 1l forget what he ,vas drivi'ng l;but 1 d6 kowhe walked through our long sn1ow- filled lane, 1I wonder how man doùctots would do it today. part- net had gashled tbe inste2p of bis foot rigbt ta tie boue. If re- qýuïred several stitches taclosýe the wouund, Thatgt he rd rnmffic Ule c&*ý,s ust theSaine -there was na one, else tO do iL. Bef are fibe foot bealed infec- lion set iu and the wound iad ta) be lanced. Ilappily Vve aR survived but as I look back I wonder how wve dîýd it. Maybe it wvas a case of "stby need so shah tbhy str-engtb be". They PIay At Work And Work At Play "Pated against ctber nations. pasf andiJ present on their fond- n e ss for, Parties, the modemn Ttiais3 would doubfless comrein fîrsf, witthe-u Greeks of Homnet' lime and ai the test of tbe field strung -out fat behind along Ibei track. MIile if is perbaps ual treof Tbais, as bas- somnetime been said, tiiat they play et work end work at play, il hS true thet tiey get fun out of bath farms of endeavour and fielý ibhis fun bas lui it a large element ofthe gregariauis. As good an indication as any athe way lu which Thiai con- trive ta enijoy whateveîr theýy mnay bc doing I presented to auy pesserby byi sgt o road-gang eat work. Mare - in hall of lii. workers in suci aU gang are likely ta be irsor -young %women wocostume-i consists of huge straw sun-bel!- mnets and dark pasins fasteuted by fine ieavy sold-gold bell which l at once a Tbai wotk.-iug-womn--e' imajor iuvesfment and edotun- mnent. The work conisisîs largely afý carryin-g dirt or gae about iný siavel-siaped wicker baskets ta) the accompaniment of sop nfiuch chucklin--g and joking fief fire passerby may junrp ta lhe 1-urmise that verytleibig acicyImptlishecd, rWben it beceme necessary ta re av ajor Bangkok treffie aýrtery a few yearsg, a prjec wbhiob aiso iuvolved dhann.e:ing two major klangs bia versized sewer-pipes and lieu laying a coucrefe surface oaver hie-m, mîany mJate aulo-conunuters voic- ed irritable opintions liaI lire job was takiug too long. A fore.igi cugineer was fiually consulted end bis opinion, 1handed clownl after earneit cogitation, w as tief, usi±ig'Anrrican earhi-mv-r îng nachierv and tie ae bugt he ,w7ork would have fakeni abaut 50 per ce nt langer. Umibrela Saves Hgh-FàIyigBoy A smraill boy has bDeen recover- ed fromn space in Launceston, Tasmanlia, A imanscaiiedp a bmUiding an1d hooked five- yerodDavid Ankers otiof the sky with the hadl f î umibrella. The -youngster lhad been holdc- ingý a buinchi of baplloonis at the, Launýeston f air vwhen ýa gust of win"d lifted hir hiýh off theý grounïd. AnotLher yotungster from "eout- er space" broke up) a mi-Pssiorn.. ary's outdoor meeting ln a vil- la ge( n e aà r Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, recently, The preacher was telliug a sýpeil- bouind auidience that the rea dlay vouflq o~e hnanelz -Mmid P-jèý r-i the sky and galber alof GOdIS chld-ren bt ITeaven. In piaus g-,estur,,e he upraised his ams-and then screamed witb dismaY Ras a iny co1loured chilld suiddenly dropped i nt them,. the fojrce2 of the youngs- ter's "arrival'" kacig Èlmt the ,g,,ound, H-1e wasý able ta smile, later, whien hie learned that the boy had climbed ani over hang .iug tree ta listen to the preacher, but h-,ad fallen asleep during the sermon, lost bis balaince, and dropped intotewatn ars modern Etiquette Q.Does 'a mail who l travel- -big alene prefix "n"we registering at a hotel? A. INo; he m-1erely reýgis[ters as JonB. Green, Pe-oria, ELI Q.Is it expected that thie bride put her iweddlug. gifts on d eis- paY'? A. Th-is ù esaften seen nw buti, t s sltixin ood ta1s te t) For gfts, bazu'Laars nd. OU -- tuhis triaof penny-saver prettie take littie fab-ric, stilch up ila jiffy. Usef remua-nts and trân with scraps of bias biinffig or ruffling for gev acce-nt. Printed Pattern 4 623: MissesW Mediumn size only. See patte for yardeges af eaci apran. Send FORTY CENTS (stampe cannat be accep)ted, usze posta) note for saefetyl for tulls pat teru. Please prinit plainly SIZE, NAME, A D DRPE S SSTYLIÉ NUIMBER. Send aider ta ANZNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eghe tS.,Ne Toronto, SEND NOWV! Big-, beaýut! 'fuil COLOR-'IFIC Feul and Wiýnte) Patteru Catalog baLý-over 104X styles ta sew - schl, Lca're baîf-sizes. Ouly 35'/! i I I i I I E r e m 'J - i j qu iniare déstin'ed frto res ýfior modelinig clothe.