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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Feb 1961, p. 7

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j -tish Boys And Girls, They Say, Té*ègher Thon Amorican By TOM1 A. CULLEN NêwsVýpaper Enterprise Ass. London - American youths ai' "soft" tthe Britishi say. And the Britis'h have the muscles te prove it. Even seme British girls, with onse band tied behind thecir baclc, presumabl. could] lick American- boys o!- comrparable age and îze. Anid the girls have the Ifigures (menthemnatical) te prove itL To put it simply, the Amner- con lads fleppecd in a recent zeries cf fitness tests given tci 10,000 on both sidecs or tme At- lantic. It aIse indicated thet thie soth nd WVelshi, who took prt in the . test, arie teughier than thse- Americans. To addInIJsuit toe enjury, tIse Londlon Sunda;y Times says that tIse vrg 14-year-old British ueholboycanwrite a better as- ,,er," the lassies from 10 to 13 outscored American beys cf thse samie age. The Britishi beys wvere ahead in six eut o! seven contests; tIse Americans only provad su- parier in armn power because they cid more bail threwing than the British. On an average, thse British lads were 14 per cent fitter. Bitishars neried am Americas affluent society weak- ans the Am-ericen young-sters While childran ini Bntain gen- erally walk, or pedal bikes te sehool, American hie-. achool students tee oten are diven or drive their own cars. An American meother probably would be Isorrified et thie sighit cf sehool girls with dnripping heur eftcer a swim lu a public bath go- ing outinto thse c-lt lb iscern- nscnplace here. AT EAST 0 fw Amtrk(an boys or* trying to tay fit, aay tan the meicncJie~I~gLnt8 bDsi 1ght Tbc ievnesPapar alse dlaims Oiat it, Is Possible for an Ameni- ezau to go thbrough four yeairsi et higliseshool without aeven -vrtiug Pan or-iginal Englisli (com- Contrast this with tIse young- rters inl Nttinighpam iwho daimf tbey a4re fed Up with TV and beg for more Ioework, liead- mauster Wle Bond says il,,tIse And iftIshe A-nierican yo-ung-, Watas weut te make semethîing t)! t, [et 'em put uip the-ir dukes, thea Britishi say, and that will oteide whe is smarter. 0f course if Ameicans naad tRie result cf tests conducted by tRie Amreican Assn. for HealtIs, lphysical Education and Recrea- tion, th.)ey wouldn't diare tussle ,with Ise British. Even tIse British lassîes be-at Amrcnbeys o! tIse samme âga -- 10 and 1Il - in "4endluranice for, Rutle civity." In "leg powi- Ne Wus A Happy Millionar. i At 28, Alfred Carlton Gll.rt Paiaready acc7omplished more Îban most men~ achie-ve lu a life- 'Lime,, Frail as a child, ha h Iad gwnlshed mimd and body te be- türmr- Yale's ouitstanding aIl- erounyd athilete, an Olymrpic Poea- vtul chmpion, and expert huis- lt, an aecmplished physicýal icilturist, a, top scholar with 6a .medical degrcea alhuhh npnacticed), a sleighit-ef-. bod rtist, zand e successful manuactuer nd ratailer o! mgegadgets. TChe-n, lu 1912, while idin'g ho eon th raih'oad oeeday, clothes - pl.ay soccer in tir.e raili,- tloshing around in the mud. Altogetlher, thare is mutch mnore mphasis hlere on physicaýl aducetion iu the schools and such ou,ýtdoor activities as Camp- inig. "M/ost British ehuîdlren i ke te, get eut inte the counitry even If they live in towfn,"ý says Dr. Daîzaîl Ward, medical director cf- the central Council for Hat "But in tIse U,S., a5ven young people dlriva cars and a. coun- try walk would probably seemn a bit odd te mauLqy oe!themy." Dr. Wardl says a Blritish cerrn- mi.ttee was set up ini 1904 ta examine tIse "physical detaiora- tien of the nation" while "i, i5 only lu receut yearsftisaI the Ameicans - hava gotten arouud te taikiug about this. That could mnean we have- a 50-year lead" ln physical fitness. Se yp wana nmaka sumpi' <ef it, hI? lie watched fascinated wle a- crew - of workmnen consructeda network of steel girders into a high-tens otwer, Froym that fasinaionspralig the idea for the Erector Set - a coll]ection of miniature wheels and girdera from whlch a boy eould bulld almost anything. The sects ha.d a univers?.l appeal (the designeËr of th,- World War Il Bailey Bridge used one for hîs original mnodel) and supplied a solid un- derpïinning for the A. C. Gîibert Co. Thse company has sold more than 10. million sets, lest year crossed about $13 Million On everything from )electrîc trains to "atomorie energy" labs. Gilbert himself became one of the happiest millionaires, en- titled his autobiography "ýThe Man Who Lives in PaÈadise."- Stili acive as chairman w-len lie died in'Boston last month, Gil- bert, 76, had already written e suitable epitaphý "V've neyer worked .at anythîng that wasn't fmi.ý If 1 had my life te0ljve~ over I-dor't think Id. change it, Ex- cept maybe te take Up mountaýin clibirug."A Thse ,dea ot perpetual mnotion mnust ha-ve been solved. Hocw eise can you accouint for thse fact old mYovies seem to run foraver ontIviiu ISSUE 1 - 1961 Petty Criticism Couki Be Costly Bully for John Hay Whit ),,YI The retining AmecriCani ambas- sador te Britain, in a tarewell dlinner speech, unleashed a broeadside eat thse "extraordiniary p ic tu re ef a tigger-happy America" which =ay Brit' harbour. We're ha.ppy that "4Jock" Wý'hit- 3ney had a nationwýid1e Britis'h audience for his ambassadorial valditcy.The pseuido concept ofl tIse United States' desiet force in thse Lacotian crisis deserves te he destroyed. Car- tainly noth;ing la further ifi-cm the truth. Britain, cf course, secks te ne- aictivate the Inter-naýtional Con- trol Comm-issîop a a soluitionsto ?fhe problem in Laýcs. In short, Britain has net suipported the American position lu thie tiny, land1ocked countlry. Beybond the Laos question, Bný- tcns are miffed because th-e Uni 'ted State-s' eýonomieý course hias steered clear cf t1Ie Ettro- peau Free Trade Assu-., prefer- iug toe acktfhe BuLropean Eoo nmic Community. Let's keep thse AgoAea friendship free of petty criticismn. Thse erronecus portrayal cf U!îcle vexes sorine Anicans te otn trwith "Johin Bull is a-n ap- pýeaser.7' And Amiericans wcuoLid do wl L t study seriou!sly ,thse editorilal comment e'f the ïManchestere GuLardian: "You have te convince thse enemy that yeu nmay intervifn,, but at the same time, net frîghut- cil yoir frindts." Distcrted caricatuires cf allies cut a cruel. swath beth w.:ys across thse At 'lamtic. Americaad Britain must continue te be united against tIse common ee .my, international commuuism.1 Itý's trne Witel.l and Wasýh- ontn realize the folly of en ingless bickening w1hile Krem- lin agents are knocking et uthe1 Free World's gâte. - Daily Sun (San Bernar.dine, Califl.) How Con I? 1By Robexta Lee tobouaions in slieed bLBmanas? A.,BEy dipping the fresbly- siliced ban nes te fresh orange juice, Q. Is there anything f ean de about some depressed ispots 'ci tii. easket aunê the edge e<f My refrigerator door, 18hiüh are periiilttlnig air leak-s into my re- A. Yoôu can often eliminatte these air leaks by placing strips of adhesivje tape behliud the spots under the yasket te bring tliem 1 out flush with Is gasket. Q. How caIt lauinder chamois glhtves sulecessfully? A. When rinsing themn, use 4d'ean water, but just as soepy ns , )Ie wter lu wvhich they weý7rte washedt wi keep th'emlnîce aud seift. After washïing, slip ;,A the hands, squeeze lui a tow1ýel, blow eut tIse fingeirs, anid Isasî lu an airy spot te dry. Q. How vcasa1I dean white fat bats? A. Mix equal parts of cern- mneal, sait, and fleur, and rub the powder well into, the whlite ha.Let t t a y vernight, 1then brush eut thoroughly. Or, m-ake a peste eut o! plaster of pari's and benzine, rubbing ever isem hait, and allowing tn remain foGr awhbilte befor, brusing off. e e u e BABY CHICKS FISHER1 ORCIIARDS' CHICKS OUR 41Lat ye ar sarving Canada's peqltry Isdustry with baby chicka, fameous for heavy laying r efficient mneat produc- tion. Sce.our catalogue and psice liat ba.fore you order. Farly erder lavissgs *ýaabïe on day.oid puilets te Febru- atry 2th, 1961, Thse Fisher Orcliards, Box z1 75, Burflngton, Ontario. BE READY, m~arkets impreviug, order Bnay stanted pulleta, prompt shipinent, several venellies &vallable. Amaes In- Cross puliets, fluai purpose, dayolds, te enr. Mý1vay brellera, order now. Se local agent, or write Bray I1atctei'y, 120 Johin North, talaaIton, Ont. BOAT$ BUILD YGUR OWN BOAT Mfould Mahogany Hulae - From 12 ft. (4 ply) to Cruiser luIsIs 25 ft. (12 ply). second linad Jehftaon, Evînrude GV$board Motors, Boat Tradlers ânel Access5ories. jJOHNSON'S BOATS9. MAOTOIS.-, PEFFERLAWe, ONT. BOOKS 10lADcover novels e;2.00. 15 Poeket Books $1 00. Sand waut liaI oosa magazines Michael Fleischbacker, 1642 N. Fairfield Ave., Dept. 2, ChIcago 47, IlIIneis. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITffS BE A TOWN HEROI and INCREASE YOUR EARNINGS UP TO $5,000 A YEAR- Many of y ur neigbeuring conrii- lies »ew enjeying tIse luxury proe- vided by a coin-operated iaundry. Yen will be loved by avenr housewife. in youn iocality. ÇOI\WVASH will prevîde ,*)u vsth flhe finest coin operated lauindry equlp- melnt fe4,uring SPEED QUEEN corn- meraI ashnsand V011 conmp etely plan) and szupenvf'aathe construction et yoiir store. A complete package dleal wiil includ*e s'pecial Premetional Assistance. Opera- tienal Gidal.nce, MVechandising Aida. ~E'tIse final and thae niy memnben et yourcmunt te own a pnotactad f uliy licensed aýnd exclusive COIN- WASHI STORE. Cil cllekt or write Coinwash (Eastern) Ltd., 125 The Qseenisway, Toronto, le, Ont. CL. 963 BUILDING MATERIALS '1CORNERBRAD), Cornnrile, E a v e s- trotighing. ila mri n a rTackens and Steples, Special shïiment specially prie- ed .,Write te Box 313, Oekvilla2, Ont-ý' COINS TO BÙY 1913 liberty head ickel, write ý nInt. te Ewýald Engel, 485 Douglas St., acilt Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada, 19,61 ILLUSTRATED' ratail pice bookiet of coins, blîls, mnedals, coin and stamnp c.ollactora' supplies, 40 pages 35e. Whlesala retail. Canada Coin Ex- change, 80 Richmond Street East, Tor,- Ote. DI NNERWARF %NLSLnouie China DLmsenr2araAil leading plakes. Big sýavings. Write for Information. Emenso's Chiina, mce Oularlo. 0008 FOR SALE- SIBERIAN huskies, beaauttfully inarlied puppias for show or racing, gojod with ebildran. Phone Paris, HI. 2-4310 or write Eau En oyd, 25 Rurweil St.,Prs Ont. FOR SALE -- MISCELLANEOUS CHEQUE Protectons: R3econditioned sud guananteed. Savaral miodela. Very nea- sonable. Iniformationi: T. H. Grahamn, 206A Glenterest Rd., Toronto 12, Ont. -FRU IT îFA RMS PFOR SAL E APPLE FAR M, 52 a cres, ovar',50 Young tracs, populer varietias, îfirooM brick tenant bouse, on large creek. 72 ACRE fruit arin, 40 acres grapas, 1balance ixed, Iwo tenant bouses, fui. finae'equipmýent, $65,000.00. 54 ACRES, 24 acres grapes, 7 acrerj i ars, balance lu wheat and bush, Harold Jarvis Real Estate Lîmited, 130 Main Street, Eat, Grimsby, Ont. FARM I4ELP WANTED_ SINýGLE minu18-24> wltth fmnintg ex- pacrîence wentedt for genenal farm, ralaing, Angus catîle and beef fead lot. Will provide excellent living accemnmo- dation sud* weges for the men wth abiity sud characten. Write or plhoue G. L. BuroughÏea. R.R1. Ne. 1 KIela- burg. CY 6-1350. HELF WANTE12 MALE BEEKEEPER.* Position open April 17, 1961 in oreeoe Canada's largest bec- k Ing bssinasas for expaniauced beaeepar witlr chauffeur-; license. Write te Rideau ïHeney Ce. Ltd, Kemptville, Ontario, stating aitge,' experi *ee, height and wceght,reenes and ayyother belp3ful Information, an- close photograph. FIEO ABVERTISINO NELP WANTEB MAL@ TRANING reauhred il U want aà à6 !iome-stuidy Course wi1th lcan $75.00 code machine qualifies for Telegrapbeýr. ri'Irst pay over $U0. Free foIder. Cassan Systems, 10 EabunTor,- onto, 14. MALI OR PMrýALU HELPWANTIED LAISORATORY TECIINICIANS (RIGISWERU9> Reqlired by Mjarris 1961: SENIOR, wtlj advencement te CHIEF TECENICIAN, musst have bieod bank ,-xperience; aisé JUNIOR. Modern Laboratory Rn nn« hosýpItal *ing, attractive personnel pol- cies. Applicatione atating experiene. end salary expected t0 s. J. johnston,. Adniinisgtrator. LEAMINOTON DISTRICT MEMORIAL #4OSPtTAIL Leemingten , -Otarlo INSTRUCTION EAEN More! Bookkheep1ng, $aieamazn- ship. Shiorthand, TÈypewitinig, et.les sons 50e. Askz for free circularN. . Cznadiekn CorreýsponîdencE Courses, 12" Bay Street, Trno "tEOICAL 1E'AD THIS5 - EVERY SUFFERER O01 RNIRJMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SI4OULD TRY DIXON'S R£EIOY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE "35 EIGIN OTIAWAy $1.25 Expres Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE VIANISE! the torment of dry czm rashes 1and %weeping saldu trouibles. Post's Eczema Salve will ot disappoint you. tching, scalding aPnd humin g ecza- mia, acne, ringwormi, plmpies 1nd foot eczema %will respond readily to tthe stainlebs, odorIeýsa ointmnent, regrdl es. of how stubborn or hopeless they seem Sent fPort Frac en Recelpt of Price PRICE $3.50 PUR JAR POST'S REMEDIES lus5 St. Clair Avenue lest, TORONTO __ --ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA Whlen puirchasing Nutria ,onsilder ifb. f'llowinig points wihthijs orgaizt- '1ion offers: 1. -The hast avalable stock, noe cross,- bred or standard typesreoneed 2-The reputation of a plan Jeihl proving ltsaîf saubstanttiated by files etf Patistied ranchers. 3FU insurance P ,aaist rpe- ment, houdthey net l>ve r. Intg avent of sterility (ail fulfly explainee ii our certificate of rmenit.> .-We give you oniy mutations which are In, demland for fuIr garrmants. 5-eureceive from this organizat aguaranteed p it mnarket I writlng. 6-Membrshi hIour exclusive breatirn, whereby onlýy Purchascrs, of1this stock imay pas'tici.. pata In the benefits so offerad. 7.-Pni'cas for Breeding Stock ïtarýt et $200. a, pair. Special offer tc theýse ,We quiýfy! earn your Nutnria on ounr cooperative basis Write: Canadien Nutria L td., K.R. No, 2< Stouffgilie, Ontarle. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEtI NDWOMI$EN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'$ LZADING 2ICHOOL Great opportuslly- Laarn HairdréssIin rleasant, dignifiad Profession; gocôd wages. Thous.ands of successful1 MavlGrauates. Americas Gr:eatest System Illiustrated Catalogue Prte Write or Cal MARVEL RAIRDRESSING ESCHOOL 358 loor St. W., Toronte 4KigBranches: 4KigSt. W., lHamilton 72 ideau Street, Ottawa WOULD you like a penfriend orpart. ner for lif e? Write to "Penmrral", Bot 65873. Los Angeles 6.5, California. En- close $L.00 and stamped envelepe. HYGIENIC RURBER GOODS TESTED, guara.nteed, ma&iled ii plain parcel, including catalogu-e an a book fIree with trIiai asortment.10 o *1.0 hsest qaiy.Wetern Oltrîbt- tors, Box 24-T PF, Regina, Sask. UNWANTED HAIR V'ANISHED away with Saca-Pelo. Sacs- Pae l different. t does net dissolve on remnove hein from the surface, but penatrates and retards growth ef uri- wanted hair. Lor-Beer Lab. Ltd., 5., 679 G-ranvilie, Vancouver 2, P. C. PHOTOGRAPHY FARME#'S CAMERA CU BOX 31, GALT, OjNT. Films (devalýoped and 2, magna prints 40e 12 mnagna prints 60é Reprislts 5é each. KC>DACOLOR 1)evelepinig rol 90f tnt olcldingE jprints. Cler prints 3Ô, ac1 exra Ansco and E7kiachrome à5 m.m. 20 e,- posuras îmeunted hi alides $1.20 Clr prInts from slides 32f eh. Money ne. fuinded în fluli for unprited negaives. g, e e s 9.1. Red crossed Celumýbia Ri)?èt - R.1, Red crossed LeghUlorn. Recl 3 wa7y cross. Availabla now et IAustin'e Hatcheryý. Phone 3692 Ankonea, Ont. HAUI4NG POULTRY? Do ii; with Sta& Ship)ping Crates. Write to-day for dee- criptive folder and pnices. Stadc Maln- fatcturera, St. Jacebs, Ont. PR9FITABLM OCCUPATIONS MONET M,,aing Ideas f-reïin Alaslkal Bool-iets ioaded %Ath idAs.Àrynal 35< coin, vasSacretaniLl Service, 191 Se. Seward Street,JueuAaka IDEAL locationý, Western-, Ontario; a bou 8areswi large wintarlzed residtenbe,p2 larg9'e spring-fed pionds- reoom for ïanethen, sokd3yasa9o; fïshing I100 yards a-ay: severai1 more spring.s available. Gov).ennmenit parland ýbeing constructed ,earîby Ex- cellent for 1fýihng cltb, mel ýor cot- tages; lesat-ha n 100 iMes from Tononto. Total pnice $16,000, reesonaleteis Seni-er detils ýFred H'l-Reid. 1rokeir, 41 Victoria, Toronto. E.J -32 ESTATE SALE DOCTO'S homne with oficeatached, easy termns, 'phonete or viit Arthur Bradley,Riharsoni's Rei staLin- itad, 27o N Christina., Sia, ia Edge- water 6-2226. WANTED .FEMALES Wondierful ea,ýrning opotniisseli. Iug the fa)"sta go ing linaoftce- metIcs in No-ith Amertrca, rtIsaFaneus studio Girl Hlollywvoocl CieiaN tarritery rstitin. ihestcdmis siens ene'bles you te opev o'r w -business 1in part or' ftil un lig Wý1rite Studlio Girl oly odCna,- 602 IHepirina Ave., eerbr, n. SAVE ON SEWING' MACHINES Miust udean r70e, maehinies-125',lower thaneseretn $mîýdard od1ei le tr-ic Portable - reverse anïrocerp feed, $5250 Beat qulýîity$65.Sndheu or M.Sipdinpi.FrCOD send 20%;,depesit. Sim-coe importera DitiuigC., Box 1,BriOt AM breakiug up accu!mmlatinon e stamp s of 30 yeers, Bitsh Colne anpSAol. 5difnnt16,5 it- ferenjt 23", 100 different 0, 200 dit- tarant $1. ïNo junk. Add postaýge Bat.. tar grades and coeas on appreval. I. H.Gaa 296A Gefoet , Toronito t2, Ontario. EXHNG ourdulcts Senid 100ý stamnpa and 10é, receiveýc 100 dilffenant ýn axchanga! $1 par 100!Ap-provai o.,c22')E,-t SthSt., New york 3' N. 1 WISH TO Buy old stamps and envel- A. D. Dazy, 17 Lural y nu p , Aghineurt, On1t. Ne'peewissu e Deak Planes, Flagp Arsninals Cildren, Ai- venures, .kUS. Bnts mie WRITE for fully isrtdctlge Pýub1îshed weetky.lnti. Burýeau pIsSa- telle DivisAin, P.O. Boex 2092, Bsffaie à, N.Y TRACTOkt WRECKIN1G (2 only) 9N Ford tractera Ufsad parts foýrs sale. 25 uaEd tractera% toe hoie fromr. Spcial tMis weel Cockslustt No 60 with ctivetor $229. Cai Pospct6-7371 or P àspct-7172 ES SEX FARM,ýERS LTD. 27 VICTORIA 1. IsrEX, ONT. SAVE UP TO 40%'c ON FUEL OIL ! With FUEL ECOKOMIZER RasiIy rnsta2lied on your ci f unnace. important - state aoe-iediametel' when êrdec-irnga. Winter-end Cle0mcnee-$,39.O Reguier Price 51,4.(ù xpesPrEpaidl If caýsh wltfh order. SAVE-ON-FUEI. COMPANY Dunsford, Ont. - s BOOI lav e lo0% on roi ýund-trip until April l4th *FIawIess British seervte. * uisine to delight 01ltact * Dancing, parties, movies * Duty-ft.e shopping * Stabilizers for sni.oth tiling * 275 Ibs. free battage al.wanct, * AlII ncluded in yeur Cunerd t ieIet PcÉy Luter Plan Avaglcbl, SEE YOUR LOCAL AG 'ENT. No one con serve you belter. Corner iay & WeInto1. Toronto, Ont. tel: EMpire 2-29U~ K s- FAST, FREQIJENT SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK TO -ENGLISH, SCOTT1SH, IRISHt FRENCH PORTS QUIEN MARY Feb. 17, Mur. 4, 22, Apr. 5, 19 *cAtINTHIA Fel. 10, QUIEE ELIZABETHMeMnr 15, 29, Apr. 12, 26 * vIVeRM Feb. 16, PARTIIIA, Feb. 17, Mr. 1-7, Ajr. 21 *-SYtYANIA Feb. 24, MEDIA Mr. 3, 31 aSAXONIA e4r. 2, Mur. 10Ap, ,Mar. 14 4, mgr. 'a i j i1l - - s 30I - HEEFTRREGULAK SAILINGS FROM MONT,;EAL Ï NEW VOP-: - ~~Offices et: lIolifax * Saint John eQeo Montreoi - Toronto . Winnipeg e- Edm.éW. - *,*Weve - - - w W W W fl~ rirw -J bIteme -, - - - - - 0;= gz:;;à gz=p

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