ORONO WEEXLY TIMIES THUFSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1961 ORONO WEEKJJY lCiNCTEMS Roy CF'U es- r' Eîtrand IMa uager SubCrlptien payable Yn advance In Canada $L50 I .SA -$2.5 Estalisect n 13S b R.A. Forrester Published cvery Tusa t h fieOfpulctn MainSretPon10,rnOtai Onhi usdlay ef thissuueek au effor-lt as md hc ere to b wel v-ceiedte Astimae MOronobusine.ss sec.tiona's acnr of commerw e fr the area. A noon maeetng was held atiwbIcb twlv 1o the lclbusiessmen wecre presenit. The purpose of the luneirheon, wvhich wýNas premoted by the Commerce ComiWee of te Mrono Chamber of Commerce,\waste create a move in erder 'hat thie local businesmen would wrkas aunit 1tomoe helca biusinless section. Thtis type of promotnoion bas been lackinýg ii Orono and if succoessfuýl thrioughl the suppIorýt of the businessmien couild do mucb te extend! the- services for those in the area. The princ-iple of baiv- ing a more ninited front seemed to win faveur ýwith theose present. It was suggested afthte meeting that a p)ron-rotional sales da'-y be held in Orone, by the locail busine-ssmfen in t-he spning. ThS suggestion was vote upon and passed wittbf uil support. The mode of shopping dees change smwbtfrorrý year te year and varlous centres being aware et this ban together in order that they as a group mnay offer more services and c>onviences te the buying public. It is apparent that notbîng stands stili and that every phase of business mnust keep pace withi the cbanging times. ODrono has much te effer as a shopping centre and could easily through a utIle effort on tUe part of tSe bmusSmen, do better. The creatiôn of shopping centres and tbe promotions frem centres are ehanging the conditions uinderwbich the bouseife shopa. Orono shoulid keep pace and tbrough a concerted effort amy do se. The plan is being given a try and the rsishsould be in- tcrestng te watch. (aEscentrcilizeci;n Chief among Che conicernis o, the Ontario Regional Develop- men Coil, as ?CerSSedC in its recent subrissien te the Onitalo gevernmrent, is the present tendency for industrial developmaent te be centredin the larger c-ities, particularby in metropolitan Toro0n- te. Tbesouncl eelýs that existing legisiation faveurs, wyhen it sbul-dscouratge"l,ïsibis etrlatien"l. cnte years from 1949 te 1958 tce numiber of jobs in marnu- fcu ingin Ontarle increased by about 50,000. Almost ail!eofIbis increase wyas in the metro aréa, and in the Niagara and southwes- ten parts of te prne there were actually fewer jobs in 1958 tSan in 1949 WiHý a n1eed for 60I,000 more indufltlarl jobns in the province each year fo the next ten eyars, tbe euncil's interest in premot- Ing industrial development outside the major centres is timely and urgent. Am=OPgtr suggestionis submitted te the governaient by Oie iounci is a change in the assessment act te alleviate local1 taxes on industr. At prsent maufacuiring industries pay te the munici- palîtis, in addton te thesir real estate taxes, an extra 60 per cent described as "business taf". As the ceunicil peints out, a 60 percent tax is a ubtnta load for) many a small business enterprise. The cuclsplea fel' geverrnment attention te te problem is wel-tbeught out and bigbly conviincing. It is te be, hoped that induitstr'ial developmnent in Ontario will be- adefuate te provide thte needed emloymnent, as well as providing prosperity tbrougbout the provhnce tbrougb greater overai ecovnTy and a foirer geographieý dIUsutiofetnew enterprises. via NirthCIberlandlan uramis L.US TO) MIT GALLLAdV ei~de thediretionof te Shr1ff Majr h .Foe bs fie '~cUS C L-- i is Lcate iniCi- w1l<n.kawf~ t oi~. 11!,- the ouces'buiding <n~~ a SoSa u,~a AJ~hîbn1 a-MCo, ur. u on týt Ms. iarlo forfur Trnt1,Ontario. COMING EVENT Port ope, îit.îor Grdene'5 C ivhI bne eld o Dear r. Hoey: nc~oa~ s~'erv y23rd at y P.m. A ltti wileo I aslmd W. Earl 1..O.F.Hall SmtQ'(I,crvinicial Directer of cf jsi-aam wvl, pesent cAotersides Legal Aid, to %e ehave the namcesand mcn d npg ofbns 8000 ile cf ail Mmesof the Bar cwho par- nit nrýoIrOugli loie CSt- ticipated in the Legal Aid Plan. en nolicaa ldte States. A~ bŽe san 'egiarSenior Vt appears he wrote te ail County otctua meigthsmn, and Dstict Directers fer Ilsts.Inb , Ie member areivtd oatn due course these lists were reced. this meeting and especially the par- 1 had intended as Chairman of the ý.Fsjneii il esihl ILegal Aid Committep of The Law ensci i etngwl esihl iSoiety of Upper Canada, to Write lon1ger uhian usual se parents are la the indvidu'al lawy7er commend- j ýuqet teir children home a lit- hlm or is asis- le latter. ing and th'anking WniNfrtelbooks an hyacinth ulbs ance but I found that in point of la rei shnblocm l mayl'e f act a very large mcajority of thel nearly 5,000 lwestook ]part in brought fsor dilay.oiclol.i_ 1h45 vork. The taský therefore. ofAmsin ivr olcin - wvriting te each oie swas consider- able and 1t was impracticale ness1 COMING EVENT b wrote a circular ette wichmi, did et wsh te do0. The Evening AixHiary of Oronou fTited OChurch Wil'l bold lts regul'ar TOWNSHJP 0F CLARKE Applicaitioýn3 for Warble Fly I!ispiector setrfor' the yeair 1961 will be reP- revdby the undicer-sigied Utp to antd: February l8th, 1961 Anplicants re rqetdt tt remuneration expected. Duties t commence Maroli lst 1961. H. E. MILLSON, JACOBSEN - SIMPSON Furniture Finished and Refiniished Pairiting,, and Papering Cuphoards eIuiIt PHONE ORONO 1413 or NEWCASTLE 4371 STAFFORD BROS. Mýonumketital Worký0 Phono Whitby 552 318 Dundaýs St. E., Whitby meetng n Tursay, Feruay 1, M NMENTSAN i iedt wie oyo s rsiet oigi, t5:1 pmi tefomt MARKERS ~ cf your C-ý ounty Lawrss ocitione ~rha upr Lde fS. Let us erect Da liandsc,-n, dig- thrug yu e xpes t te eri-Saiour"S AnlicC burcb grel Yup, nifý ie monment over the rest- bers of y-OUr Association atlou of our. W.ýM.S. and WV.A- ad leaders îng prlace ri y#ur Ioved es netor awlore lln oftb C.G1.T., Mision u1d and Its not expensive. Ani seeing ais may be convenliect, my sincere Bay, aaiar ivied e ttnd a apreiato of thleir indivkflual ef- ýemie u:reil - this iast tribute wllE give forý1ts, wrkand censieieis assisi- ocld cofrt ancwe in the interest of leg-al aid. _________________ 'l s inter (esting te observe ta-t ii OIG V fve bewen 151,95 1Te WndDay Of Prayier will be, bbc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Uie Prvnee oareneiia r hlêichuireh oni matter 8,310aPplic-ation.,foi. ar ida, CIay7h tl' weeeeieiand aid ,givon 1in a-p: - ,780 0f whicb 62 were nmurder cases c eoeln o.u rsn land 765 we're other serieus eDffences o eoeln-yu rsn amid on the civ-il side 14,.233 applica- one then contact- tiis vweue received and aiid gîven in COMING EVENTF 0.0.Thiýs is a formidlable s'lw'glTe Crone Uli.-hScbool will hold F ,fwichi the Bar Cani be justlY their annual Commenceement on provinc crie\ntoly J arch Sth itbicTownship Halyl,'hoso Theefec o tiswork g-ivea ree.1Orono. 'rl Roy F. Ward, vice-1pres- I Phone 2191 Orono ly and gratuitously by the lawyers ident Of fthe Bulova Watcli Company of hisproine ceats ot ýnl ex ,l b thg9esl speaker, a-c1 Foundations and Septic Tanks cellent public relations but gives I~pured. Formis available. great assistance lu the unmfortunate I needy. CARD 0F THANKS Will you lini1ly expre(ss my deep Mr. and Mrs. M N. Keast Jr. sbtI feelng e graitud te our em- xprcs 'their appreciation te titeir bers. b enlist lteir continued supporttiesanrltvsfralwddgg fror Legal Aid. - adsoe iî eevd Witb kindest personal regards _______________ mont vvs e he a-p WALTER FRANK an Isln ýyou a-l the Compli- - î,imso leSeason. b rema-in RATR SînceelyDIED McQU-AV and KIDD f b.bvitr. MLL-$ON 1 At thle Ross Memorial c'ALOR fos ital, iday naie on Tus 177 Church St. HJOG PRO DUCERS 1aF cîr 4h,16 ar dr B owmanville MA. 3-3393 MEETIN OONOdison Milsoni, beloývod,han etf FNnae0linoRore0y fNreo,0 (Coninuo fro pae 5) Ont.Aged84 ears. E~ghtdiretOrsatlaurge were ;aise mProtOra.Sriewî olectcd heingtRusel KÏý1ennedy, Don-1h î dfeoteFuta oeo i a LoesMurraiy Mllm1, Balfour TusaFhur 6b16 tf ,'li Carles Morton, Artown2po nemtOrocmtryIn Jack Wlson anid Lon Wood!.inat9pm iam h sg Bigs, de umiister inithe De-;g u rmete Agic(ulture and whe O, f is i: l ofhare 1eltu Ma ,etng oad DiED r SaV îy c bb Govrumnt l maketig Hmo, Newcastle on edy Fb a hbc h poinited eut iMat i te r 1r 3th, 1961, George B. Simp- U -,suraince in a-Ilits Branches I Gvermcn ba gantd amaret-so, Orooin bil Iis 8th vyear. Beloved f irplailnilbut bad'(' delegtd ts auh- busandet illa Smith 'and Cdean Auto, Package andi Composite orlty te the Farro Prduets arket. ateretSineElsie (Mr\'is. Rob- f ingBoad wlchin um a--11rs), 'Walter, Lettie {Mrs. l{arry Policies , Pire, Farmn, Life,U 1 lority te the varlo)us Marketing Carer, Ralph; Carl, George, Wil Oj Boards te mnarkýet, ýollect tees and fred andc Fra-njk. o it e scbusiness. The respcnsibil- ý Servcewa al a lt Mrrs 3Butglary, Liability, Marine, ty 11 state(d, s lîl bow eýVer rests Funeral Chapel, E w nIavDle on c ci e t an Qns , W ývith tbhe Minister eo gicluefensd .February b15111at '2:00 f cietad$cnsWnc wbo theretore must keep in close o'cijocký. Iterent1,a-gVault, Or- 1 touch with ail the Boards. . a-CJ Boiler, Fidelity Bond, Etc. In going over the records, lie said, _________________ it wvas apparent teo see thec tention I building up between the Fýarm Po sd-inwbio upheld the acîlon et1 of duce Board and thic Marketing tihe Marketing Boa-rd and the publig ad e Board. This tentien rmust be remov,- cation "Manket Place". He sta-ted ed eaise critizedl the publication ho didni't dispute the sîncerity ofetl 3a iio konas "ýMarket Place"~ as being FrmPe>oducts Marketing Boa-rd c biased in thieir tacts. This pbi but il seemed odd that Ibis Board's f Phone, Orono 1 R16 tien is issuedl by the Hlog Producers. reqetadtr-.tlt akr a Mr. Art Rowa-n then introduced ;simîlar. lt >FI RST ÏMORTGAGE LOANS mr. Clare Curtin, direc-tor at largelM.Ro is Ie f Ota-rie etf the Ont4arlo Hog Producers' As- bO rîefiy. r Association spoke U'f By L wyer QRAN1ST WANTED CF.-,SA LE A t a rcn meting cfhe ort h- Ogmtadcorbrdrr-W1t îiceBntmLgt Pl ei by rno tJited CirbrhaBantam. Onmentl b11elandand DramLw es0l i rtbu unsLlotiCerkof SessionM s. Robert Allun, RR 2 ex ceivd fom r. sadre Lvinerb pcasle. hon N-vcatle3027. cAaimanof te Lgal id omt- OroF70,ROSAt- ~e f te Lw ocf t fUpe p *wed peson bylocl lwyes. ~da5. -c[FOR RF-NT Phone 10616 Oronoi- Ont. LUGÀ L Lawrenee C. à-aSoI!, B.A. Barrister and S,-olicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: OfieMA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5553 iW. KTAY LYCiETT, LBA. In the 0f fices of R. in.Wacidell 4.C. MWAIN ST., GItONO p elephono- 138 Orono L. J. SKlIlAIFE Chaxtered Accouiant BY APPOINTMENTS Lycett's fr'surance office -P.O. Box -61, Grena Genfe rai & Life -SEE FE"D LYcETT OFFICE - MAfN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. IM7$ J A C'~I i --E Auctioneer and~ Valuator Speeialize in Farm and4 Furnitire Sales Conuilt me for~ terms and dates Phone 5 r 18 Oroi T EDf)JAC KSO N Auctioneer and ValuatS A-4;-T5 UCI-9 bte -mtau -. Ma and at reasonablýe rates Commnunicate withi him e3t Poq-t PerMy Ontarjo OUr cquality andi service le--avet nothirig tiD edere Ask the person whe bought f rom' us- a neighbour, f riend or relative The IRUTTERGRNT 73 Ontario Street P'ORT HOPE "Largest Display in Southern On~tario"~ Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS- FARM, and HÙJYSE WIIRING Free Ëstimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and4 Guaranteed Repairs ta ail kincis of EIectrical quipmntn and Applia<ces Such as Motors « Wastev 1-eai-irs * -Radtios - Stces -Irn 7 TE R 1 iqAJR'Y s jpG EO N D 1 e