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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Feb 1961, p. 8

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Theeen nnucmetthtieeju, as inow taught -Ln grades nine and 4en in HghSchool xiýii be taught in the PuLblic- IScbool Must be aïore, nnrtooth11er chaniges atcpae n dlbe present-day currium of oth He primnay and elemetary schools Greater stress îs apparently, being mnade in the Public Schiool w'here many ý'feel onit the course is row liited toIthe abiity of the students. The brend to drop couss from the High Schoolpt the Publc Sebool curriulum Wil overcomne this amdithe chU&ide ilface a greateur rsponsihility 0n te field of eduaon. This receCn mve could also he'r--- a preparation for the elimin- ction of grade 13 as bas been recommnended by the president of the Toronto University and chers. By dropping courses back inito PWuicShool, where apparently the stress is flot tao great for the studtit could leave way to the droppIng of grade thirten with- ont loriéng the standard of education. Am equivcalent of grade thiteen would be replaced by a preparatory year for those furthi- ering their education by attending University, The change eould also be a fnrther step toward eliminating the small one-room Publie School. Teachers /«'il fînd the-. wider prograirn more difficuit to cope with where they, have ail eight grades and where a definite course of study must bè adhered to. There could be further changes in the future and one which might be feasible is the teaching of a language in the Public School. This ocorewill niecessitate laniguage teachers and witb such a sub jetthe oneroomner couki be a thing of tNe past. 1NG Tai Febrojary 28 at 8:30 p.. LIONS' GOMMUNITY CNR BcOWoli - -LLE .iON"W GUE8T SPEAKER EVERYONE WFLCOME CILEN CfRY, E. R. LOVEKIN, Durham Counity Liberal Association DIED -PTHERFOR D-At 25 WVa er St.,1 Penetang on edesdayt,, ebruary 15, 961 a yL. Rutherï6rd. Hu- bavai of the late Ethel .Mlsn fahrof ( ndry) Ms. George Snelgrove ofCookstowd. Age 381 years. Rested aýt the ]3a/ow Funeral Home, Park St., Oronp, Ont. Serviýce was field frÔý the uFtneral Homne on Saturday, ýpebru ify 18, at 2 p.m. Interment OrÔio C 'metery. MEDICAL CENTRE DESTROYED THIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 1961 CLASSFIE NOTICE The- off i e oAY .LjetO¾~ wil beclosed fk Fbrarit to March! 11th, 19A inlsiefoib ol-, holdng heirS aingarty_ on Sat- uray ebruar 2 w at.8 pm. Bl,rombal it a lcSkating. CARD O THA AK S I wan to say M)'Taai yo "loir havepho dsent/cards and in manywaybeen 4othoughtful. Sa-p C O 0F T H AKKS I wîsih to express thanks to Dr MýcKejzie, nurs and istaff at Mý,emoria1; H-ospit, Bowmian ville for their arje dur' g rmy stay there.1 To the tdetouncil Of Orono Higb Scol eather Rebekah j Lodge. frieýnds and relativ'es .for gifts and d receîved, a special t haniiks. Oshawa firfighiters battled a FJJ~rancni TnnaniI. three-alarm blaze wbichi gutted the medlical-dIental building on Simcoe FIREMEN RESCUE CHILD street soutb for nearly five hours FROM VENTILÂTION PIPEF SMoiiday. A department store janitor,- returning fromn work first nioticediA1-ot-l girl escaped nnhui't tÈhe, bulding smoldering- FHe in- Thursday in Port Hope when she formed an unidentified mnotorist fel ninlefeet clown a cold air ventil- wbývo notified the Oshawa Police De-. ation sbaft at lier borne. partment who told the Fîre Depart- Lee Anne Smitbi of William street ment. Eigbit doctors' offices, a d!en- liftedi the register in the livin1g 'OOM« Itist's office and a Medical Pharmacy and toppied feet-first dlown the pipe were cdestroyed by flanmes. t-hnbsmn, r.Sitb immned- iately rusbedl below f0 t'urn off thie POULTRY 4-H CLUB furnade. Shie summoned the Port Hope Fire department who had to' dsmanle the pipes to get the c1hild Thie organîzation of the Durham frece. Cony4-H Poultry Club was beldý in the Arclua office in -Bovv- -ÏSHERMEN HELP RIO mn-anville, on the eveninig of Thurs- thyile sixteent'h of February. TheRCELK 0FC P mýieeting was started at 8:00 with ia fim"A New WoVrldI for Farming". Frtefirst Urne ini tle history of Rc Lakýe carp are higfishied JThien the eleefloil of officers took fori commnercially and by ie hun- pIlacýe. They are: PresidenLary res Welsb; Vice President, Gary efe Since the latter part of October, Secretary, John Alunl; PrEssReor- lse to 1000,000 pounds of carýp er, 'en ~Kox. hve heýen nepttedl from ibiis lak 1an sold o te arket. Teliterature pertaining - te Tkn dataeo h lniu cluh xvais given out, Lorry \Welsh, spl ffsaecmeça ib our ew resden, anoucedtheermen, Jim Scott, i sbrte Elgi meetng ajoured.i and Georg-e Howard, aIl of Picton. ilhe Scotts are old bainds in t"isý NEW STAMPS TO BE ISSUED f igmfsbing commercially for theý pt twenty years tbircughiout var, ionLs parts of Sounthern Ontario.! On, April 19ýh, 1961, the residents Tbey find aj ready market for the' o)f Ororllo, Ontarlo and vieinityv wil llap in Toronto, M ýotreal and a b(e able to purchase a special co0m-J considerable nun-ber are also sold mlemnorative posta 'ge stamip 1honourl- on IUS. markets. Quite offen tbeyp ing tbe laie Rt. Hon.1- Arthur Meigb. îare transported by tank-trucýkaie en, at the ,Or-ono, Ontarlýo, Pos;t 0f-ý The Scott brotiers have abouit fice. ~~20 nets set in varions lctosi This five--cen"t stamip will be bine R,'ice Lake. Eacb net is 200fetln in olor ad bars the likenless of with a nine-inch mesh. Witb a netý Mr. eigenand hiry-'wo .Il-lnof Ibis size, only the "big ones" are of th1em w ill be printed. canghÏlt - it is the little ones thiat1 Tl'le Rt. lon. Arthnr Meighe was The average catch runs from 15 a rermarkahle mian wio pla-,,edl ai[o 20 ponnds per fish ltb,.1ough quite morrole in! Canadian politics for, often tbley will go np1)f0 40 pounids. m-any yvears. First sent to Parlia-ý Carp fisbing through thI Ile i-ce is a m1ent in 1908 ,v as Solicitor Gen- bre-anope,ýratoný and taiçes a Liral ini 1913, Minister of tie linterior dnt a of skill along witb t-re- in 1917, and Prime Mnstrfrom m1endlous patiec(e. A m S(coft Juily 1920 to Dcmbr1921 anidi states (cuttinig ithrougb 25 '.-inchles of frmJunie 1926 fo September -1926. ice can be qite acoe Teoperation is serving a lo i3ornnearAndeýrson1, Onitario, hieifold pur-pose. Besideps,begprft gradnaitedl fromr the Univer-silyofae to theù fishiermien, it is bielping tive politics in 19412, and died in to c(t11f, the poplatýion )f a Toro-ýntoÈin 1896. He retired from ac neial pces of fi-shl as far as August 1960ù. agesaecn nd Dear Ed,-Cit ,ori At a meetig of the citzens of I1H ~AE0 ClreTownship, hield in file Town WILLAM AMBERSON GERRY/ Hall, Orono, on Tuesday, Fbnr i esn aigdisaas l4t, 161.A uilsiae f oficrsthe Estatý of Williamr Ambet son were elected f0 carry on the cam-Grynasfte ilg f0oo paign of "VOTE INO" on the M inteT nspofCaknte pending election for liqumo ufets Conn,.te of nhamofeCake, iWbt in te Twnshp o Clake.died o or abouit the l7tb çfay 0f De- WV. J. Riddell was elected treaws- cember, E196p, are brb oiidto urrand Chairm-an of Finance. The sedini f0 the undersignedi on or doniationis at the said Meeting were beore th-e ~t day of Marcb 1961, v-ery enconeraging but aff or a ,e- uIîpart(icuars of 'thir daimls, tain1ing the varions ite'mIs of ex-ate icjaetbEaewile penditures fori. scsf a m-Pdstribt1tecl býaving 'egard oni1Y to paign it was feit a fnrther contri. shaeh thnhofa'-i notce butlioin of $7,00 ýIwill bc e neede1.The committee see(kthie cooprain dmi/ sMuprt financiallyand otberiwse of DATED )ait Oýawa this 9tb day of our citizens so that Clarke Town- Fehrnary, 1961. ship wllstiiomi as a Town- H-UMýPHRPEYS, BOYCHYN ship free 0f iquor oute.siILL &N The last election on, the liqitor quetin asin 1905. Sine thn Clarke Township lias been free of said ontl1ets. Let ns keep if that wiýy. W. J. Riddell 36i/ý Kin.- Street East, Oshawa, Ontario SoIlctos for- the Administratr-ixý MARY ELIZABETH- GERRY D SECTION TENDERS FO~R _EATING PL.Aý,T for he stllaionof a new heating, nian, f edby 011l, in the T~nY~ on pln andsueciicatin& ýs be -tandfroirn 31-J l'ln _Stone1ý. Orno 141V Wrkt, le corn- nletd oor efor Ap 8,1961. A crfechuei eamount 0f1,' of the contr t Mbld to ac- Lowe oranytdEr 10,not neces- M 1L LSO0N, Orgaisý and choir ja ér re- aurdby ýOrono Unitec ýChurch. Please se îdwritten a a ion f0 Arthur Dr kmmond, Cl ojýeýf Session Orono, On .b-p Orano 1413 N wcastle 4371 , COB N-SIMPSON Fujrnitu e Finished fld Re.finished PaperlI anging - oodworking Paintinà Interjofrand Exteriar First Ciaý Wo k - Cai Us Naw STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Wor1Tbk Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundlas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Lei us erect a handsome, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place Of vour Ioved onles. It's flot expensive. And seeing this Iast tribute wiII give you endiess comfort. rre".deilina your present Foneydircontact Phone 2191 Oron01ý fFoundations and Septic ' anks poured. Farmns avail [be. - t4 ISuflrance S ervc 1 Insu rance in ail its Branches Aôuto, Package and Composite Policies Fire, Farm, Lite, o JBurglary, Liahiîity, Marine, Accidient and Sickness, Wind , J Boiler, Ficieiity Bond, Etc. Sade amilton I g Phone, Orono 11 gFIRST MORTGAGE LOANSg te4-Op.m, 7:00 to 8:00 p.ns. Saturays ad Wensdysb PHONrE 1471 ORONO DR. Rl.J.TA AR VErIERIARY SURGEON 1Phone 01 0 1rono, (OW. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Homne MA 3-5553 W. KAY LYClETT, B.A. 1Darrister - Solicitor i In the Offices of R. R. Wýaddefl Q.C. j3MAIN ST., ORONO I Tlephone 138 Orono L J. SKrAIFE BY APPOINTMENTS Lyce-tt's LIrsurafice office l'.O. Box 6.3,,Orano Phàne 12514 IN SURANCE Cenieral & Liue SEE OFFICE- MAIN ST.,. ORONO Phone 12516 Res.. 117-13 JACK REJ ()09wý'B e Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furiniture Sales Confflit me for terms and dates Phone 5 r 18 Oronc TEII> JAjCKSON Auctioneer and Valutator conducts Auction Sales of ail[ SI* and at reasonable rates Communicate with him at Port Per",~ Ontario- Our quaiity a-id service leavez n othing to be desired iAsk the person who bought ftrom us- a neighbour, friend or, relat4ve The RUTTER GRANITE So"m PAN y 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in Souttherrn Ontario,, PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM andIlOTSET WIRING Free Estimates AP.PLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire ta ail kinids of Eiectrical Equipînent and Appliances Stif-,h as Motors -Water l-eaters V.- Radios -sto'-es - Iruns 1 ý'i , , ý ", S - 0 mo ý i 0 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - . , 1 1 -, < 1 - - 1 1 1 moi

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