President's Wife Digs Up Treasuires Littie- has been seen ai Mrcs. ;Kennedy durirng her first mnonthi or more as -a resident of- the Whbite Ht-ouse, but her pre-senice lias been f lt, in a veryý positive For she is obvîjoUSl arathýer positive w-om-an, with a strong feeling for the artistic ftesof things. This wvas apparent -i- most îmmiediately. Like any wif e coming iiitoa new home, she looked lb over and saw things to beacdone. First of ail she was struck by the lack cf utentcperiod furniture i Sthe downstaîrs pubýlie crooms. A quick tour of the Wite Bouse broughit to liglit hiddenl "treaýsures"' ln downstairs iroomis aind tucked away in locked cab- inets. As a result somne of these have bheen brought forward for use as pulic display. She saw paixtings wvhich she- feit could be more prominently displayëd t'O advalt-age in other parts of the house. 'Soin bhc Amnerican pbi be-ntc realize that this yaung woMàýn wibh lier quiet, alxnost ,0,y appearance is a person with PRINTILDPATTERNê A deep-descendinig cllar frases you in saf test flattery Ajb0ve a'1sllminig sklt.Sait In &aytIIe cottons -- elegaiiilI silk or faille for gala evenlngs. Prlnted Pattern 4704: Hall Sizes l12½, là, 164, 18, O' 221/2,Size 1 ½requires 3¾ iyardýs 35-înrh f abrie. Send FIFTY CENTS (-50e) (sbamps cannot b'- accepted, uise pstal note for sf t or- this Pattern. Please print plainly NAZE, NAE, ADDRESS, STYLE Tj M BECI9. Send order ta ANNE ADAMS, Bo>, 1, 123 Eightceýnbh St., Newv Toronito, Ont. ANNOUNCING' the biggcst fa- shion show of Spring-Suinmmcr, 1961 - pageýLs, paýges, pag-es of pafberns lu our ncw Color Cata- Og - just Out! Hurry, se'nd353 Slow! ISSUE 12,- 1961- a mmid of lier ow,ýn and not afraid ta express it, Indeed, cai)t aite pation's First/ Ladies, it is doubbful if -a-v las corne into tlie Whitc Housè and given it the imprint of li er persouality in so short a tîime. Ea-cli First Lady lias, lu some way, left lier signature there ln some contribution ta is historie mnosaic, but this lias geue-rally corne over the course ai years, rot ek. Mrs. Eisenhower, for instanuce, madle'.t lier proj oct ta cmplete tlie china collection so tha tbtere are now pieces rep- resening Pai. lfirst familles. Jacqueline Kennedy plunged inta White IBouse liouselioeping like ana art collector into an an- tiq.ue shop. Slie liinmediately came upiion a bistoric dosk mad& from the imnbers of the Bribisb The desk -,as anc given ta Presîdeut Hlayes lu 1878, and used by m'any Presidenis since. B ut during bbc remnodelling of bhc White Bo-use .',n the Truman admninistration ilb-was moved downst irs ta wbat is knOwn as theý "broadcasb roomP." Mrs. Kennedy saw l-ne)t only as appropriate for bbc Preslident's, office. because cf its historie value, but also because ai its connoction with blie sea. The President, aýs a Nav\,y man, liad requesbed lier ta secuire somle paintings of naval battlo s enes for bis office-. These. she founid amrong WHitouise art, but blie dlesk waianunexý-pected dis- covery. Many itourisbs have long adt- mirod 'bbc lovely Howard Chan- dler Chiristie portrait of Mvrs. Calvin Coolidge on bbc ,ground floor co-rridor. Sa did Mrs. Ken- nedy, andLIpromptly liad lb liung lu tlie more elegant seting of bbc Red Room. Moat significant falla, per- liaps, is lber conclusion iiat som,,ebhing sliould be doue ta rcmnedy blie lack aif aulienitic period _furný irin bbe firsb floar rooms-tbiat is, bbcEast Roou,l blie Red, Blue, and Grecun Rooms,, and the State Ilning Roosu. Mrs. K-ennedy was by ne mEan b firsbta note the un- fbnaeconrast bctween the beauy aofbliese rooms and the rather nondcscript' furniture lu bhem. This bia, been deplared by vislbors and by previaus admnin- istrations, writes Jasephine Rip- loy ln bbe Christian Science Monitor. Now the present First Lady has takzen bbc linitiative toward remedying this deficicncy. Sh. bas been lu close toucli wibli tle Fine Artbs Commission in al af lier thiniking about WhibeBouse changes, and out af this devclop- ed blieaplsaintmenb ai, a cam- mitce of bbc,- Fine Arts Commis- sion whicb b'h.d just been given thie task of locating aublientie. furniture of bbc period - and blien rmore ipran-fraîsing bbc funds ta purcliase bliese itemis. Modern Efiquette By Antie Asley table, and tihe portioùskheld clos- est to you is too big, 6r too Weil dune, or has tooc mucli fat on it, is lb ail right tu", seareis through tthe portions until you find a suitable piece? A, This is ail ilit if yoiu caný do lb wý,itho:ub baking, booacuh tlime or wsbliout disarrangingtbbc w4iole disli. Q. What do you do when yoru have accidentally taken 'some 'foreign miatter" inito y outs moutis at the dinner table - stones, f isis bones, and sucis? Are 'tise. remloved with thse fork? A. No, do nat use thie fork. These fareigu bodies are remo'v- cd witli the bhunsb and fore- finger, and placcd onrtPie edge aif the plate. Q. When mreat is passed at tise THE GOVERNOR'S GIRLS -- Janet, Ieft, an d Kay Welsh are twin daughters of Mattliew, Welsh, Democratic governor of Indiana. The 1-eo igrls are freshmen at IndanoD Un- versity. That's the family Bible they're cr-cilng. Friday, Mardi 3, was a record day in Ontario insofar as warmn air and brigbL it snaine wcre concerned. Partner was nul, for a walk late iliat aitern-oon and stopped to talk ta a neigliboi-r. Fred rexïarked on the lavely spring-like day. "Yes,'> agreedI Parbuer, "but there's rouigl wa- th er ae4 "ýRougb wc;ather!" reapeatcd Fred incredulouis, "'Yes," answcred. Partuer - and added "Ever heard af sun- dogs, Fred?" "I've heard ùof bbcm but I cani'b »ay I really know whab bbtey are." 4%,6oh over tawards the wcest audyou'Il sec thlem."l .Fred looked, and tliere on either side of bbc sebing sun ,were two perpendicular bars af red-golûd lighb. "Those arcresun- dags," expiaîned Partuer. "Wblesi- ever you sec blimyou m-ay iook for rougi weablier wibhin about bwenby-iour licurs." And wc go'at lb-- snow and wîind düring bbch nigbbt, follo\vcd by rai wibhliebbcpromise of freczing rainlate-rin,> ,and Chic-ago gat its trnado. We dan'b ofLUitf'see suni-dogrý lun Ontario. Out wc-sb wjeused ta wvabcl for them. Alber tliey ap- peared miany a f arm-er would mnake a biurried brip ta iown ta get supplies before bbe wcablicr cbanged. Samnetimes tbc change miiglit be- delayed forbyv-eight biours, bu-t lb always came. WelI, VnI'm lad bbc weatlier staycd fine boere uintil I1liad my spécial littie choie aeccmplislied. That ls, gcbing my new Iîcence plates for b ar e, a anc ai bhc labe-gtters, nat fromn cliaice b-ut uecessýiby. 1 couldut vcry weIl cet tbem wbule -I was cohfined b) bed. 1 gaita a ur lcoffice abot boni o'lcil to e bbc marng oa Mardci 1. Te arI-n lt ac- commdates aout100 cars. I drove iip ndaud tro imes but eye a saecould I f;ind, Finl1I doule,parked w-ble1 went ta opak a a trie ffleor "Isn't t \ere ever aur lo-up arun bre" woe tili r iil. "Then ,,,wh-on is the best time ta came -- ean yau bell me ta? - htswhen wo open." Sa 1 came aciad xveut baXck rext mrin arriving at E-i2ht- twenrty-five,. Even 50 tfhere wr nino mnen abead of nme -waiting on the stops for bthe cdars taý open. I gt îin bblio-uIl abouitbwety miiLiubes zýI was ait again, myv preciotus plates cluitch- ed jealoiusy lun -y armns. By that fiime bbc office an~d lbywere fuli ancil the prigspace takon up iÈjagain. hewatg around'.I noticed the recluired proof of insurance often.proved ta be a stumbling block. -One man said he waý insured but, couldn't find the voucher. "Thonýi you, must pay bhe, extra $5 or corne back witli your vitucher." "If I pay now and find the voucher later will the mcnley be refunded" "Sorry - no refund.'" The man paid bis extra $5. Two women were filling out f'orms for renewal. Oue said - "Heck, 1 don't know iflIhav llability insurnce!". The othier girl took over the form and fi- ed in thé answers wMtout ask- 1ing any questions!ý I had mny lu- surance- policy with nie as well as the voucher because last year ouir agent hadr't given enough', information and I had ta go back for the policy. This year I came prcparcd and sure enough it was needied. Our ag-ent is going ta hear about that, believe mle. Another bhiing, ncxb year ll be getting my plates the first week in January,'vas I have donie other years - that is, DV. and wea- ther permitting. -Whiat's the sense of pubting it off? One miiglit ju-st as weil pay first as last. Money îsisjust as liard to find one time as aniother. WelI, here wve go, back to farmi 1tapics. ýYoui know, somnetimes whea 1Iwateli "Côountry Timne- on TV it almosb scares me. The progrese thlat 'has takenplc since e w ere actively engag-ed in farnmiing l astounding. Eggs ~never touchcd by human barids except wintaken from nthe lhens - even that wiouldn't be ncs sary wthtrpp-nests. Sucýtioni- cups pick up eggs; conive-yor beits take them from -ne opera- tion to another; eggs rmoved frorn- hens to packing plants lu ,18 hours. it would bake a wise lien these days ta know bier own ecggs. Efficiency.,. wonderful,ý but 1 ,votrk-dt't waut it. For the serjoIy of farminsg ýive me th? days whMen we w'orked %witli our biddies like budes iitli nnmes for to ith uusIual charcteistos.And they were neyver sýcared whien we wa wlkcd amýoug bhemi. Thirty* years ago mroat smIall fokshdth', run of the farm', laying some-what sItro(ng flavour11Ae ggs. But ohi, the, joy of it when w'e found a mIotery heu ntrg forth with a clutchf, aofluf chýiks hatched ilu a iueýs t hAied stolIc)en away lu a dark r - ornr hfebcbarn. Those w~ bc dy when, even if f armning r'tcrlacked efficicncy, there was colour and cbarma that pro- vided a tremcndously satisfying., w ay of lii e. r-r;tsh Mothers Cail Him "Bounder"# The ever-worrying mothecrs ýof Britisli debutantes knew ,the name well. It was that of Ed- ward Langely, 29, a taîl, dark, sard'cnic man w-ho bad cut a swath amonig the-ir daugliters that sometimeýs secemcd wide as a beabh. To them lie was "that bounder," "thiat awful man."' The Indian-born. sGn aia Brit- isli police off icer and a Spanish manicurisb, Eddie Lang,,ely had racked up so many conquests that the courts repeatedly werc called on to keep hlm away fromn susceptible girls. Until l asb month,' there had been four sucli cases: No. 1-Kabharine Dowsebt, 21. Ber moillionaire fathor chascd lier and Lairglcfy (they were, elop- ing) to Scotland and broire dowin their hotel door. No. 2-Mary-June l\loare, 19. Her stepbrother and tw~o friands lut the Guards kidnapped lier in the mniddlc ai the ni.,lit f rom a hesahote and drove her back ta Daddy's Sussex mnin Noý. 3Ld aahSeymnour Le Po Trenich, 27. She joined Lgeyon acolà albinge that laýt ed ttil lier ladyý,lip's checks boUnce,ýd. No. 4 Pat Dunu, 19. Langlcy's Daughber I sao robby i( this whirl-sýkirbod dress, ColarfdW cmbilroidery trimns neck. A practical jumper!' Car) b. worn wibh blouse - wibboub, îlb'ý a summer 'dress, Pateru i M- only bbc jumper pattern; aizes * 2 4, 6, 8 iucluded; tranýsi or.1 SSenid THIRTY-FIVE CENI,$ (starnps cauliot be accepted, us* postal niote for saiety) for thi,- pateru ta Laura Wheeler, -Box 1, 123 Eigýhteeuth St., New Taranito, Onb. Print plain-lýy PATTERtN NUMBER, your NAME and AD- DRESS. JUST OFF THIE PRESS! SendJ now for our excibing, uew M96 Needlecraft Catalcg. Over 125 desiguis ta crochet, kuit, sew, em- broider, qulit, weave - fashions, liomefurnishings, boys, gifts, ba- zaar bits. Plus FREE - instruc- tions for six smrarb vcil capýs. Hur- ry, send 25( now! DOINGS IN THE ART WOR.D -- Corne international cries, èconomric rcess;in and cold war tensions the art weorld continues ta spin at its own pace. ln Copenhagen, Danish authore-seà Isak Denesen, left, examines a statue. of herseif completed by U.S. scuiptor Emile Norman. At on artists' bal in St. Louis, Lee Pope, cen'ter, shows up as a iving mosoic. And in Paris, France, the resemblance. is neted '- cn Annabe1 Buffet anrd th*. painting oi her crated by her 'telebrated husband, Borný-c - t 1960 fiac t-uitl ie r pa wrcutS steppeýd in.11 Last onthstilil iv7ing it Upý hislbasemenjt.flat on thAege oft London's BcAhemiar Chelsea dis- trict, Eddifý Langley adJd d No. 5 to the heiras,,ses and detntest from whom li1labe 3, 1-.n more oroý less fribyseparated, She :waS Catharine Cadogan-, 20, step- daug-hter of the British masa der to Brazil. To tear her fru Langley's charms sýhe had just, been whisé-ed off on a 550ml fliglt to Rio de Janiero. Natmally, this called for a party. 4nle itrew open his apartmient toý a swarm of Lon- don'-, uppercrust teen-agers and playboyý, aned just about every- bodyly wio wasnobody. During it, Lan,.ley mused to a reporter: "Chamjpague and caviar without a cent 'in my pochiets That'a myy of life. 1 love it." People are funny. They want the fà tcfth u, [the bauc'k«e the C11h7rch, ani the middle 01 the /roadl. SFor -Year 'Round