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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Mar 1961, p. 5

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à"'tMngReady The Poliy Express William1 Fnney, with lavish help from Ben Hlladay, bought 250 1mnu]ts and ponies, hired îwcnty-oýie lean youngstcrs as "irsad station agent, then krgniZéýl them into a wagon, traiin a4d set out thirouïigh the Sierras.-ý building- stations and Iaying o~ut supplies while they snoved 'east. Some of oithe statioas--doubt- Iessly fast of the Rocis--Were avishly outfitted wîth supplies. The Setties' research uncovered Denver records caiin-g that manteriails sent eut tec.stations be- t.wcen laramie ansd central Kan- ý'ssicue ros'candiles, bucket,ý rope, widew glss, dtrtinwaire, putty, stoveý-_pipes, 4adartur-pentine, castor u, &sGrse iniments, Iiétand edicines. The food upplies inecled ma- caroni, dlried fruits, bams, bacon, picklccd tripe, eoffee, tua, spices, Qeorned b-eef, sugar,' sürghum, and icorn meal. (The lists were lin- cluded in legal briefs 0f law- -uits filed against Russell, Ma- jors & addell dlurïing and after thle w. .. . Quick as crocuses sproutîng on al sunny south siope, the job vwasý donc. Some of the swin.g sta- t1on., :"ble the'Expess rîes obahnged hersesz, weren't mucýh larger thalin a modiem stailon wao.Therea stations, wbere rier ived beGtwee,,n iuns, were larige enough to hold i fte1en to tweaty menan a irmuda of hoî ses during Indian aittacks. Slimy mountain dgucedar- ribbed miesa cabin, gaut dobe nonlith on th3e Nevýada de&sert- within sixty dy the Central ROte was openCFjl-, and manned, froasi the MUissouri to the Pacific. Would it sta.y open? Could the yonseswho caine ciamoring for dcathrisked daat-tweas- able 10j ruas the thread of national dcstiny, between these crude she!te-rs, lie Basai and Wes iîito r, cohere(nj, coopeýrative Union end, in1 tledoirig, "ae an 1865 Arpoatx In they strolled-at S'an Fran- ci;sco and Sacramnento-at Sait Lake and Nebraska City and St. Joseph. Hasl'a- Harigtn Ranahan Wesctt -- King - k'ellvy-Keetleýy. Avis - Fred - Brin - Beatjeyý. Mormnons and Baptists--Catholics and Quakers -Iriish and German yourigstems who haýd lumped ilowni New Y(ark gangplanks f rün the Old World only months 4ýefre-des- ert kids who ha-d nyrseen a mtearni-boait or a ste4rs enginle, a1nd neyer wv'oufld. eayot them euldbav bec ým 1 tag-ged "jtlvenile delin- quents" in 1960. A few would becomie stite'îoiPn and world- lamnons figîires. Ail were destin- ed to bec-orne immnortls-even thougli their names bhýve been loat foreve-r. One by one,, tbey toak ,thie Alex Maijors cath and received alehr-on Bible, a gun, a Bowie kaife, a scariet flacncel sirt and a paiir ol denim Lcvi's. That w,ýas il. The gate was opening 0on the Ccln.trqi Rou-te. On Aprîl 3, 18,60, the PonyEx press was readly to rtn-From,, ullcofbeais of Destiny: Tlhe StorY «f the Pçny ExpresFs," b.y- PRo)b er 'West Howard. We undierstnd tax inst'l'ctort hjave been asked te) treat tax- piayers wýith courtesy e V e n thaugh the customner igst iecês- tsarily right. ISSUE 12 - 1961 ATTENTION-GETTER- Ira Sc-hul- mon, unemployed salesman, dramotizes biis job hunt with a donkey ride? down Broad- way in New ,York. Sch-ulmcmn, 23, said - he just wanted t0 draw attention te his pIight. Murder WiI Out -Even After Ages Hle was low-'browed and long- jawý,ed, this early1 Stone- Age creature uncovered by British anthropologist L.S.B. Leakey ias the debris of Tanganyika's fbs- sii-rich Olduvai Gorge. The geo- logic layer -where the skull and jaw fragments were embedded were well over 6;00,000 years oid. That made this the oldest cvi- dience of man or manlike life yet Cdiscovýered. Frmother fossil eieneat the site, new facts of life in the dlawn ef fthe Stone Age: couid now be- reeonstructe'd: Thef crea- turc kiiedtortoi(ss, ducks, anad them ith aCrude stone tool, adate them- raw (fire-rmkiig was b1elyofld themn) Sýince tbiey dlidnr't kasov howr to make pot- ter 'y or ther carrying vessels, they pitchied their camps close te water'-in this case a lake that covered ~sn-a Tang- aasyika. Thîs- foirrunner of the igl,.ier ",Prîma'tes wsquite unlike mod- cm ma-xep in one sordid respect. The fossil xvas thiat ol as-yer-dchild, sex und-c- teirined, wha hd nmt death vilnl.The siculil had a bale in it wýith fracture hases radiat- injg cut juatý as if thechîCld had recelived a 'isharp blow. It was flot the, kind1 of f'racture that wouljd bc eaused by a faîl. The Natiojnal GoraheSociety, sponsor of the eýxpedition, point-, cd out: "ThiustChe oldcst knowa crime 1hascone 'tolight" Pr'ogreas? Furutber ac(hieve- ment in making theý tele-vision vievWer irmmobile is niotcd- with the invention, by a Californian, of a new device miaking it pos- sbie to set a televisias receiver for an) entire evening of varied programs. The Queen-MAother Shoots Sniookzer As a guesi tofLondaýn's ail- maie Press Club, Qucen Mother Elizabeth set an eye-cpeasing pre- cedent by becoming the first w7oman ever ta be served a drink lin the club's szmoky bar. The Quceasn Mothier sipped a dry Mar- tini, engagedc in gracious chit- ïchat wthclub imember, and ev(-îtujaIly founýdlber way tethe billiardromadcld'me sisi a spot of aokt "Le-t me try" she eeamd and ,sh e heftd a Ue, d rew a, southipaw bead on, the eue ba 'Il and stroked auway. It waast pictured rýund thewodad eveas though tbe redc bail did fail te land in a pocket-it soe whiat la jokingly known as ,the sign of a mspn ot:Fam1i- iliatritywthapoeu.Aer wardi, a press of(ficer cknwl cdged tbat the roýyal famiiy en- gaýges inlasjbiard]s and .srocký-eî - naw and a gain, and tha"t the Qucen, Mother is; considered nel, Booksbop SmaII ' But World Famous 1 Longing(- to mieet,"thEo great Mr. SamuelJbno, a lits'rary lion bunter iasmrd -James Bosw,'1 fiaaly bï,aoged bis prey in Tons, Davies' Lonîdon buokshop. Evur since the dasys of thiti historiec meeting in 1763, the psnmn on of the bookstore-salon- h place where writing tran cana ba eacountered not oîlylas print but in person - bas hd some kind of spotty survival 1 ne where. Poabythe nees thing to thîs whichi the US. a'- fards today is aiasamow, siep- down g'rotte las New York City's West 40's where racsStelo, 74 - a wbtebare ldy In a diust smnock - ,,il-s.the Gotbam Bock Mari. Here, on a winter's evening Lot long ago, Brendanr Behan rustIed las from an' inipidily lamre appearance on tise Jack Paa-r Shiow ta addmcss a meeting, of Miss Stcloff's Jam-ee Joyce Saciety las the Book Mvart's back roam,. Oas the air, Paar had macie a saeering, reference te the probable cduliness of the book- worms gl-gthr.Pasai should haive genre along-. Takini)Ln a heady whîff af the Bocýk Mart's atmospbecric dIust, Beh-1ýan plunig- cdc into a "J'yce lectuire" - fa~ll of anecdote, song, and ribald.ry -which packad' enough etr taiasment value te keep Paar iii but'inepss for the ncxt year. The Golbam- is a b)otlOMclss fountaiasbaad for nm dropping. Martba Grahamr - emnpress af fliceimodem idance - Jhashelpedi wrap îibere duint-ig ithe Chrisîmnas rush (cul cf abiding g-atituLde lbecaluse Iba Bock Mr underwmTote heicistconcert) - Theodlora Dreiseramd H. L. Menî- ek'en, Aful et g(ocd Gcî-man beei, once droppeýd las of a-as atternoon iind created a bibuliophile-'s treasr- ure as a tîpsy prank. Askad for [ý1an atog-raph Iby Va ustomner, Mfeneken seP, afineiy vboUind Bible and sicdil s -aUt1hoLj wihDreiser counlersýigning as, 'his disciple." (The 1book wocmC' tupI in 'the famnous Adolphlew Lohas collection.) Mloît of the exilemiieiwhI3ch1ý the Gotham holds, hwveis a radiations of ïMiss Secfsowin f-eelinigfor lier boks,. Tisis ,a love affair wvhieh gocs back te 1907, a year whan, she thoughtiý. sha hadi reaohed feIicily's pin, vaale because a Broo.klyn de- parlmencrt store pulied bher eût of the corset departmeni and lec, Lae,sel books cduing tiseh-h mas easn -aapinewage of $7 a week. Later jols bohtienkp hem clcse tew the o bjeetssheov ed, but tammemvedfmcm pros perity. 'For yerars," she saiud,' m AGENTS WANTED profitakbilines "iking" creai sepas'- atJors 'aasd "V'iking" miikers, suapended and fioor types, as LOCal Ageiat,, we. havýe sossie territories vac\a(,mn eOrtarioi anld Quebre. Write today for full de- tails to: Sw-,edîsh Separattor Co. LiitLed, 720 Notre Damiie St., West, Montrea l (3), P.Q. BABY 'tHICKS ORDER early te ensure dlivery he required - Bray hatchinig tü order, aise some dayolda and started, prompt ship- ment. Amea In-Cross and otlbe.breeds started pullets, to 16 weekýo].el, Book May-June broilera now. See local agent, orwrite Bray Hatcliery, 120 Johil Ncriti Hanilion, Ont. BERRY &ROOT PLANTS ONTAR1O'S LARGEST STRAWBERRY GROWVERS A'LL COMMERCIAL VARPITIES 12 MILLION PLANTS Returns of up to-$2,500 per acre unide our eew growieg system. For comnpiete information aýnd p)rice liat, write: B.F. BOSTON BERRY FARMS (E. R.R. No. 1, WILSONVILLE, ONTARIO PHON E: WATERFORD IIKOR-V 3-5807 BULBS GýLADIOLUS 1Bu1b., treated, ready for planting. Large l½ ýte 2 incises diamu- eter- $3.50. Jumnbo 2 inchies tip - $4.010 hundred. Post paid, William B art- ley, Waterdown,.Ontarie. ONION SETS lat CLASS governmeetinspected. Sire ,sa /8, produce very tunîform liOion -, wthout seed, talks. Price i request. State quantity. Newh)use aeilzn ias Sets RR2 Niagara on h. Lake BUlL -lT-Y OU RSE LF BUIL Eictrc Pi-Bal Cme,20" x 30 h 6 ighis. Wonderful projec( for ail Es aipiied Jplanus $200. l'Mas- ri,45Linole IPlaceBoolb 8 MARE Pengu n mt, Wtl.r, ce, So Power, Trailer'lTop. mpee ea than$19500. nsteuctIons $3.ý, l vester McKee Engýineeýring, P.0. IBox 247, 1;iuington, Wsosn BuSIîNESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE COMPLIETE cemient bloek nmnufactuir- ing plant forvibratd steamo cured blocks. Close to new hyroïtomio enl- ergy projcct, fuil price $000.Apply Williami H. Roos, Pt. Elgin, On»t. ïPhone RESTAURANT-service station, Hsighway 11, southl of Gaehuaboti sfully equippedi, doing goodl businiess. LoWý clown paymient, 1)ba'ïlnce open mortgage. Abpply Wlby MtrKiworthy, Ma koka. 5H00 STORE FOR SALE F-AMýILY sboe store ,tblse i 84. Clean S.AiCabl(e stock aýt mchhelow , coat prise. The buiildinig, 17' by 65', ta yours fret, if yeno buy thelt e $lî0.0 ad the stock. OWVNER WISMES TO RETIRE CONTACT SH1AWV'S SHOE SHOM CALEDONIA, ONT. OAIRY EQUIPMENT Save On Milker Repairs Ifaonmilk and. ai tubles, and gaskets. For ail maleca ofmikr.Ma puisators repairetI. Looia & Loomiis, Port hMeNu-ol, Ont. FARMAS FOR SALE GALT 'district, 100) acre diayandi pouîtry farmi, ucqas to paveti road and village. New, staulqchionis anld box staîlS, accommodation suld eqilpliient <f de- sired) for, 8ý,300 lroilerS. Comipletely modcrnized 8 rooms,)datnos. This is an outstandinig pT0rpperty'Orgeneral farming, pouzitrymnan cor conntry home. Asking price i S$25.000 wýith substan- fial dewn pymeint. Cotat loyd Brown, R.R. No. 2, Gaît, P'hone 62'-1-9200. Associate CGiaytosG. logLi1nted, Galt. FARM H-ELP WAN5rED THOIROOGHLY reliablec ouple, imid- dlle-aged or een -partly etiedfor gtlmnafam niear Toron~to. Man wih iryeprecpreferably some ga-ilrdig i t epo elç-endts. For' appoinitmIent wite or' cal Frasil Vaeineimer, nmager, Cprs6-1318. FARM EQUIPMýENT 20 CAN' Woods bulk ceoler, chore- boy milking machiine. John Gibsen,. RR 2 Caledenia, RO. 5-2172. MYERS power take-off Orchard Sprayer with rocker boomi, 200 ga11. ta, 20 1 gal, per minute pumlp. Bou-ighit n used two seassns. Farm sold. S;prayer can be bought &t big, discoueit. Pl. C. Wells, R. 3. Thedftord, Ontario. WR have cieveloped a tarmi wagon that bas proven te be reliaible for forage racks andi bale hauling-. Its mrain feat- uares are a very good steerlog for short turning snd htgh speet ne swýa 'y trail- ing, For illuistrated feider write Horst Weîdiog, BER No 3, ERîmira. Onltarie. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR sale: :1Swyer Ma;jsaey Thrlieshiig Machine wvith straw sbredider and long feeder, aiseodole I.H.C(-. griniindier, both in good conditien. Apply J M\. Laird, Norwich. Ont. Phone ,Nolrwsch 286-W-1. FARM MACHJNERY FOR SALE NEW Hiolland Crop-Chopper, Model 33. tused one season. John Deere Cultîvator, RModel CC-147, used one sao.28" L.H. Thresher, cmpe ely eqipped. U1sed tour seasons. Contact C.feýrgusonI. 1298 Tepipes' Road, Burljington, Ontario. N.4-o712. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOU$ CANADlIAN exclusive avýailable,, patent- ed- wave and. curi comb, %wslnted Wy every w oman. AJproven $j nmais ordeir Item InILYS. Write Roya1 Scot Water- bury, Conn. KEEN RAZOR BLAýDES- four to seven smooth shaves guairantced, free sam) pies. Order direct, 4C0 b1les4 $1. -Agent. wanted. Lloyd Jaegear Co., 120W Rtex- borough West, oo' o QIJILT PATCI4ES. ASSORTED Broacloth plainand prinit. edt, 3 iba.8. Speciai, sîmaler pieces, 4 lbs. 0. Assorted Flannielette, 3 Ibs. $149. Quilt Desigina - set of 16 - 500 Drapery:- Becttev quaiity assorted mil ends. 1- 3 yards ~leigths, 44 inches wide - 5 1bs. $7,798; pieces for cushions, 2 IbS. $1.98. Po0stagje aid, refund. Cordon Puilian, 481 Abel $t., Toronto 3. CHEQUE protector, - recentlv over- hiauýled $00, T H. Graham., 296a Glen- foreat Road, Toronto 12, Ont. H-U. PHON-OGRAPH RECORDS W) are Çanjada's nmail order head- quartera for ýail types of records, popu. Iiar,casiaf olk, frinlaniguage, country and wsen- \we have themn a-,!Safe dElivry posjltively gua2ranteed. Sed ,ne,-t in coin or stamips to-day 'ff"' uro upjV-to-daïte catalogue. Bob~ Destry's sc Centre, Box 747, Mfýont- real, P.Q. Please enýclose this ad when FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Full, sale, tradte on geood car. Terni,. ' section wth buildings. Information on roquesi. Mikê Hanus, Gencalrn, HO RSES QUARTEE lherse conignment sale, D»- troît, Mýlicl., April 8. State Falrgrounds. Write: Leetels and McKinley, Fenton, INSTRUCTION EARN More! Bookkeeping, Salesman- sliip. Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 50ý. Ask for free, circular No. 33. Canad an Crepnac Courses. 1290 aySrtToronto. MEDICAL A TRIAL - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATiC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOUIU TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 33-5 rtGIN OTTAWA $L.25 Express Callect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISI thr tormyent of dry eczeme, rashes ande weeping sk1in troubile". Pist? Eemai Salve wiii nùt disappoint you llbblng, scaIding aný-d burning ecze- nma, acnie, rinigworm-i, pimaples and fot 1c1ea wiirspon(l readfiiy to the stainiess, oderless ointmrent., regardiesa 0f how sÏtubborss or heopees they vm Sent pot Fre on Re.Ceipt of PriC* PRICE $.50 FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1965 St. Clair Avenue Basf, TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS SENO,; walet aire photo, card, Uicense, seaied in plastie 50, 3-$1.040. Other bar- gains, catalog. Agents wanted, profit- able. Galiardo, R...0o 2, Box 42-A Rilo Piedras, Puerto Ritco. MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE Loans. Ftfnds avilab)Ie on siuitale frm, omies, stores, spart- ments, heGteis, motels. Pleasant, cour- teous service. For information write, phione, or drop te. Unfited County In- veaý4iments Ltd., 3645 bathurst St. Tor- oto 19, Ont. RUl. 9-2125. LOcrns-Mortgcigesý FIRSTan second long and short term loans and moiýrtgaiges f rom $.,000 up on business stock. mnachinery, ight or liaavy equipmienit, contracta, and ac- counts receivable factoring or pur- chaiser. Capital for niew Ikusinesses or recapitalîze present. Complete financ. ing of motels,,hotels, hoazpitais, medi- cal chonies, factories, office buildings, commercial buildings a n d deveiop- ient-is. Bank loans on time deposita or compiensatIng, balance. Interim f unda on ail projecta and construction, lease back on ail types, commercial buildings and motels. For, financing let us assist ya.u. For appointment eaul Comimmer- cial Loan Department Investment Dis- count -Corporation. 10906 Gratiot Ave., petroit 13, Mils.llone DR. 1-8415 or NURSING HOMES FOR SALE NUR-SIN-G home, liiensed for 9 patienta, fuJly equipped, in residentiai. district. Aplply te 68 Gladstone Ave., St. Thomas Ont., or phone ME., 1-9301. No reaï estate dealers. Palmierston Seniors Homne Equiped with Niagara Therapy See for yourself- the price is right. Lieeýnsed for ten guesta. Rates $10000 to $15000 per monnth. Large soiid brick mnoderized home, double garage, huge treed cor'n(r lot. Complete with furni- ture etc. flv'ner bias purchased another busineýss. Write or phone now: Pal. meraton, Box 1945 or phonle 491, Rurry. NUTRIA ATTENTIO--N_ REGISTERED NURSES !immeédiafe openings for General Duti Nurses in a 20-bed private hospital Iocated in 4O modern PuIp Mill town in No rthwesfern Ontario. Starting salary $25900 per Month plus roomn and board aI no cost. fnnuaI Incre- mrnns in recoegnition of satisfactory services. Accommodation provided in1 single roomsf in comfortable Nurses' Residence. Employée benefits include Group Insurance, Pension Plan, and I i b e r a 1 acaton allowance- Year- round recreational facilities. Apply, stating full particulars of age, ex- perience, avaitabillty, etc. to Box No. 230, 123-1 Sth Street, New Toronto, Ont. <OPPORtUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRORESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAOING SCHOO'L Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages Thousands of succesaful Mai-vol Graduates America's Greateat Svstemn Iiiustraitcd Catalogue Free Write or Cal MARVEL S4AIRDRESIt4G -MIOOL 358 loor st- W., Torontot 44 Ranig St. WV., Rlamrilton 72 ideau Street, Ottawa FB RSONAL GET 8 heurs eep Nervous tension may cause 751%1 of sickeiesa. Particu- iarîy leeplesnes, jitterynesa and Ir- rltability. Sîeep calmn your nerves vwiti "Nappa", 10 for $1; 50 for $4. Lyen'ts Druga, Depýt. 20,. 471 Danforth, Toroný-te. 3IANDWý1ITING analyzed; e o m p 1 e te analysas by expcrieneed grapholegist. Enclose $1.00. and self.addsessed en- velope te Mrs. H. Ingram, 454 Geneva St., St.,Catharines, Ontl. HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED, guaranteed, mauiied an piaix parcel, including catalogue asnd sex book free witb trial, assortiment. 18 for $1,00 <Fineat qualityl. Western iDistribýu- tors, Box 24-TPF, Regina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPH-Y FARMeER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT. ONT. Films developed and 8 magna pi-mis 400 12 magna prints 60e Reprints 50 sach. KODACOLOR, Developins iroll900 <net prints Celer pri-ts 300 esels extra. Ansco and Ektschromne 35 m m. 20 exL- posures mounted la slides $1.20 Celer prints from lides 320 eaeh. MIoney re- fundedi in full for unprinted négative,. RooFINO CONTRACTORS ATTENTION Churches, schools, homneowners,. Havtr your alate seof and metal work checkedý and repaired by expert workmen.Ai maâterial and workmanship guaranteed. Free esthimates. Caîl AX. 4-6205 Normr Math "s, Parkhill, Ont. STAMPS A IMIýTED suppl y of genuisie oa werl mixuresamples sil>available., Write for yours ioday. 250 for postage aznd anilgJsbramek,-Dept. E, rBox 556A, Toronto. AIRMAILS, aimals, birds, fîowýers, plus 10 different large U S. commiem- eratives and 7 lovely Nigerian stamips. I0< with approvals. Stellar Stampa;, Dept. 5, 23 Scott St., Toronto. BRITISH Colonial and USA usd. Seed 20< and 100 different from vour tas- plicates and ha-ve me send von an entireiy different assoriment of10 different.. Approvais of abeve, at / Scotta catalogue., T. 1H. 1Graham. 296s Glenforesi Road, Toi-ento 12. Ont. TrEACI-e'RS WANTED <OTTAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Requirea for Spebrtea chers et regulai- grades, HomneEcn iaI- dustrial Arta and Auxiiary cass BENEFITS Physicians' Services iciprtd os ulatîve Sický Leav e Plan,Tecr' Credit Union, Modern, vwell equijpped schois. 1SALARY SCUEDULE Offerrd te Teaclhers by Bord, Firat Minimum 3300 Second Ces Viiu 200 Allow'ances: Onea ionilrinid experi- ence outside o et;tta'vaUni- :-iiiy De- gree; Speciai Certif ica tea; 500 fo mals married ealar, , itb O iear experiene. Addresapplications giving uaifes tiens. experience, came oS L1it iiai)ac toi-, etc. te -A. Arivisai, BA. .CI. Secietary -Treasurei-, 140 Cumberland St-, OtitaC(E1r,747N VEGETABLE SPONGES GROWVegeabieSponge' !Plant cort- ofiy.M'ured, fruit ,cred for btia w.asiin r paintedtomie.beutiuld ficwer decoration9. Seeda 200. Zcay Box7 4913. Pittsburghs 6, Penna. How Con I? By, Roberta Lee Q. 10 eau 1 retain the soft- h e s os',chamnois gloves afteel wahsgthemt? N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N -ix N N N '-N N N N -N N N N N N N N N N ix N N N N N N N N. N N N N N --N --N N N N N N N N N N N N -N N N N N N N N N s, N N N N N N s N N - N N N N N 'N N N 1., N -N '-N N-N N NI ix y ix N 'N -i Ni N -N i $3 N N 55 .4' N N. N 54' ix r, ~1 ~. ., NS» ,. - N. ~- -~-~ -~

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