We, the undlersignedl group, have tried to 1bring oiji str'aight fac-ts, and figures concerning the "Yes" vote On Mari-2th It has been our policy not to try and tell youi what tQ d9o. WeN hhli no &,i'ub over you..such as f ear of somnething that may nevéïx, happen or social or mioral responsibility.- In our group arie represented miany mnen and womenwo- cept these responsibilities as humnbly and sincerely as,,, aiiýonie .ho might be opposedl, In our group are sonie of the T n&ips largest taxpayers, social -workers in community proects for, 6dÙr yoUm$_ ' peýople, active Churcl i embers and supporters aniic',, enerai ~~~ sectio-neof responsible men and women whowiIn harm to anyone, g S We do flot wish to see progress delayed - in i- ur i),li 'îhis is our main concern.We have f ounid thai itra Diniing Loungoes have neyer createdl a social oirý'n-iôj rl d,,g, dation ïn any wa.it has neyer caused a need for ap xnh 4l~x oie - and xe speak of mnîcipalities whoc have hiad this týýé"f:stablish-~ i ent in op.eration for a numiber of yer, ,Iey olf'iitbepft. aobe in many ways ior the 'i owrin,31ips, He-rec is a point discussed by t1-ie--iotfers and (o4s' f ôjw grioup and that is Teenagýe de1inque~t S and alcohoI". 'r f oudvry .ittle o l his in CIarke an~d iii looking bac o e $ P. St"ewei wha litiedidexst was neyer ceaused or attr-ibuLte-,Ito legaio tlets, Ofrgop eels that most young people O-cayhave a b~ettr'; une~stnin'~m'any subj.eets than w'e rea11ze and we CI 0 -l'ot thhnk our younjg people should be used as an exc'use in thîs vote, To use ths aigment ould. be saying to our younig people that they do- inot 'have tiýe good sense and judgemient we had, S Ouïg-rupis voting "cYES"ý - ~ ,' k k' - -s '-~ se' *5 Progressive Taxpayers of Clarloe To~nsh~p ~ s' 4' 4' j~' Si' - se- -21 MO - - that "tt ~establishments cwex' jquit uia'eand respýçtabJçý,, V'iii butiitVýip whero Vpubfkte 'fati- I poration :-vus a.và-iaPeY labut tâ iliey w eýot-fý Peleon iîeye ta0hihVydriving an 4ikngshould O-' uc or a -LdÊ lihonestly bolieve ba it iislouw, ~youÙ mus'--also ith honesty-. accept ORONO WEEKIJY TIMES Roy C. 1 orrester - Edîto)r a-id 1anagcr Siscrîp -n ay', ble binadvan ce1 Thie coming vo)te lf-y,1r rwnship in connection wvith COMING EVENT 1«cc"sed Dining Louniges an'd LounigesCpIas now advanced to the Lette r to the Eclitor Thie West Durb.am Canadianl Cluba a1 weeki of carnpaîgning for theYe n No groups. These two 1 ilmeTuqv ajc ýth cmc 0(ae OIdceýte anpaigrns in a comnir(id- iOrono, Ontario, Lions trCO_ ' mnil,81 a*manrofwh!ich recognition should be é40 oth Th ca- NMa#ch ?20, 1961pea r ')PheUR. J. c- ainitselfflhas operied to discussinrn the issue of alcoliol coasumo- The Editor c3- triand lias laid bore th~e publ1ýKxmixéh informalion on the sub- Orn1eel ieseo's ioc jeet l-tih woud neer hve been soughir çnown by -thie general DerSrmnd pako"o u lc.T is in itself is a step w hkh ,1i a il hel p in bringin 'g a g reater In connection w ith the forth o d R f r C n dsr st bfore cer-,ttain adverse conditién al 111~gtd.Polm àîsmn of cocktil ba,,rs or din. lýn r('i' be tOcked in aq darkcloset and crrected. They must be ing 1îciages in Clarke Township, it CMN VN ont ur'htioutin the in plain viewý, and wlth a clear undel(r- smt gratifying to nlote the reas- s,ý;!icing., This vote arid campaignl tends to dIO ius.t that. onable and sportsmanflike manner in ievdb h l." tSvo,' lt is iloted thattw-tirsOf our adilt ppli dtion do make wvhiCh the opponients are carry4flg Cuc nt a'bf4 e uiseof ac hlibeverages. This is contaln«dhin';i\piAmphlet pub- o tei cmpigs.li i prtcu ~~- x)jtario whi al erchni cnrs it gsaa Dl~h& Yhdbv thieAlohc4oism Rsac tmsî- ."~s7c hlr- continues that only a ini-ority of tbis percenta e, C feates ate cproa-gnrs phodingý O an ingyý i ns 1-em~cilleconiomica1ly ai-fidin regardsto> heafitl. Iît>is estima- b-p tedth t'he prcentae f this group r iýges ýtnaiil-.foday at 2 - iw ihthe.", etl eve___ per-cent alcohiolics. The problem, thus Io-day, iith, percent whut reciminations and per 0f uradut opuatonwhoar temé ~ 0i- csonal attacks which so of ten ac- CA RD 0FýTHA$'rqK$ deinte copay amaiosof this ntr. temttof ouv strow V Thie problem of the misuse of a) ohol is one with riloT ea-,'oeoeto wis t qss'idJareM answers r1 Tere re.O i1 n sr t"toirvrlti s awcsThýý e faciat alcohol is hori to s ay rnust lie filuom and imisconceptions about this issuL r-W n cghar a ide melanis muILst also b,- fouind tocorrect the pr&llemns vý'tich Iýbrjings i 'h, IblivsolbelafI smahvhonnflie1s ith it. Almolst eeyoeagrees that the proNleirl canh Ilt bé erased ;Ilb' or1th voig takbes plavifiSd aooe u pd'~4 th 1,'~~ throughi seokfig- total abstainanco buit rather aro la om ta h eutn confusion wil not a 11ktotimC of moderation mnust be found for the two percent who, a bsethe unuyafc th cois 1N uir uise of alcohiol. The li1quor laws of the Province ar~e con iinu i>O,-ýe ïtrsmst a1ke. Onoli of tl"'1- l' jgfVfi nsÙg s'a ingdtisb ass 'rf ~4+ Il e hel ~iid igattacked a --inadequaite in to-days society n hiIllwl-ra- te ee-ecrigreferenco 11othe ffiiet ,v,, .,li ouled men as the Duke of Edinboroug-h who on oneo (caiqXt1cmed *'et"!ndth."ry"fnfi-lsis MicJl q , 5\W our liquors lawsý as antiquatod. In this re-spect it was oatly last suie. Thýis is no Wet" versus xW. rO ~ year that a porson coruld legally take a drink !in his own baek vard. "Dyca ai, the issue, i oa Cana1,dians lmulst eeo a sen-sible- driniking habit. Il~oi o me, is solely a mattor of wheffher bevoerages a re used 1-y Ithegrae numnber, of its populatio-n and or, not w ewýish to haveo% dh'fj >IM'Ê( wIll rno doubt continuue through tho fuiture.Moeots mwil l bý, os- tecnsmtOf aicohol placeci We wu](1ike ôothanlk everyonejr tablished even intisarea, nwor in the .future, and soty rmust 1o, a vry usy-nd 1'4ýQu-i' . 1 . nerY nrthflerboa i1i preparo itself to ostablish bhetter drinlking habits. The use of.liquor strolc of highwaly iii Clarke, Town* lctters, cards, gfs lwr n shlould flot boco- ioe as smart or wîtüh an attitude ihat ît was ý i.Idemn fu h~jYspca iinse htw ae~e ancsiy to overcoine problems. Common soniso must Prevail ascaldikare goingtevtecivd , -ý 1 or1d &avrit anddesin thie gotrmajority of orpopo.Rpot so ta "oontis issue. We are -ot -. ý L aBI)iara Cra iItly hore the ma_ýjOrity conlsumel wine almost entirelyr w-th Dy"btejutdnt to_______________ non ndevnig eais and whoere drankenes Pber hersponsiiity and- rjk ORsAi,. ana regarded as evidenco of immaturity -and also %whore abstin- WUf helctono uh etbis- TE"N DER' ence is nlot coi-mon but Jis socially accepted that very f ew alcohlolics ,iits~ may ontail. oiei\ j îh exist. Thiis appears to be a reasonable attitude towardis the use of 'jAnîothl1ýer imisconception b lr osWIlh etvd h alohli bveaes. isacsa ~ est lv rsni i t l(N igned Solici'tor up te li2:Ô0) It 1 tfi ng to note that in many isane narew a- cut~~yGet~i~X1 ocb no aturday31fo He Fr proach isbintl aken tow)ard1s alcohioîic boerages and their use. teU rd~~sesc ~~o.f l Ap,)ril. 19G1 fûý, !t ho puçl 1 cmthicpt1 and yflfi we areto F'gg-rr H. David Archiibald. eeuiv ieof Ileth oime Rs - i onlin dt~a e~ iteciiitn o'hiand~ Found(ation said in is report to theo gsatucoholîsi-a xthat 'e i tI imes iltnnth orhiîe.&o Sttlf Leiitr uedyf~h m or drtouxists. âà ,ïi-J ot Ii le 111 through studies it liaýs beenj found thiat price rise and fal i Las more <%tta naaryrcn ht Sret,î-lieVlaeot lMg affect on cosump ion andlcohollism thian lhas the fimiting te iogthheéaeso fciaI n ThspretisŽ nuilibor of outiots or., hours of sale. dina hlelnos. lissofurichign~and- wi 7 r s roome,- 1(ig M'isuso Of achonust ix- faced by this generatiop th1ýoùh Colorado Itid' ôt see bni- taveria ha sound legisiation and home teaching inl order that cur drinriing or cocktail bar locatod 0on the high oil-etii-i habits may develop along proper linoes. way. Undoubtodly the feeling Wai balanýe to bo paid in'cash ielos o-' in,, ccsing date1 to be arraruged. -lHighest or hny tinder tO 1C es- ___________________________ ýsaly àç ý ýý isp eýîoýîI of Of fr-buî ~ai-taiÈ,è-by ,coitatinÈ-Joln -TO THE CITIZENS "ý'0F" oï - splcitor for ié>\neiýors. Newcastie 4371 m-eýlt N . 'M RKEI LC uos irect a bandsonmq, dMg. niffed- monument over the rest- vigpice ofyour loved one$. ,IÏ's' h6t epenSive. Ar-d seein'g l-isàttribute will give VOU eKetess comfort. PrsfebsionaI Directory A. F. McKelENZIE, M-». pHjYSICIAN and SURGEON office Hours 2.00 to 4:00p.m-. 7:-00 to 8,00 .i Saturdays aiid Wednesdays by appointments only ORGNO PHONE 1471 WA NTE O Baby Sittor Ator a four year old and six yTear 0oj for four afternoonsý a woek. Profeor an, older person Who vîll sit at hoo..1 Phonoe Orono 5R9. a-c FURNITURE SALE Contij)nil Besomplote With eeadboad, n-buton mattrOss, 59O.2pie CetrfOd.$99.50; i~ely Mat'eses 3~.5;Goneral 2lecriçFityr Plishrs.$34.95. ~ MUPUXFURNITURE 47 King W est. BowmnafvilIle ý FOR SALE 1.liumbingFitr - Pressure PuLmps - Glass LipdWator Ieat- or-s sutlIpp umips Pipe and Fit- tkgs adinstall. Cail iX 1,'ayfor Fr00 -e 1stimate. càjcotiý Fplum-bing &5Heatiflg Ltd. ' $ ime St. SOhw ,ýCofIleIt Osh,aaRA 5-5132 t-f 1Phone .10616 O0rono, Ont.. Lawrence C. Masoo, B.A. Bfarrister and Solicitor - Bý,,WMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. OHfice. MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5553 i ,:..'e. -q O e.e000t-000 n î'inte Offices of iII TORONO Te~poeLS 8Orone à'j - tbrîrd ccoaiant 'BY APPOINTMENTS Ltycett's Ii-surance Offioe P'.O. Box 6Oroçno Phone 12518 INSURANCE eef~ai & Life ~SEE 1,10 tYCET OFFICE--MAI-N-ST.,, RONO Phone 12516 - Res. 174 JACKRAEID Auetioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm, and -S -S' - Furniture Sales - , ( Con*uit nme for terms I and dates W ALTER FRA'NK ~ ~Phone 5 r18 - Oo M4cQUAY and K5IDD f rhgt\oy soqn ascu &a rort EALTRS ITE -~ ~eçduÙi 1¶fttht ~?o»177 Church St. JACKSON tj-e 'iehcliprtiea- ~i' Bwmaimîe MA. 3-339 Auctibneer and VaIuator James A. oy,~'CondIucts Auction Sales of allt slun 'A. ickay ,-- sand at reasonable rate£ TOWN MUST HAVE FORWARD j~coo~c ~~~ c Commtnicate witb him at Port Pernv, LOOK-' OR DECLARES -s J0 - OntarWo -,ur goeographiç position dictates -tle ncesityof lbing a com~inity wt.af orward look, MUayo'r Michael Wa!ja doclarod in.his opening 'DUIUU Iifilet anda ssatthie sec~ond aninuai amuni- ý èipal conerecè,this -iorning.- g- ,mfV~u our"cm- bsIw2'Îwc 'service 1411 nlity Vh]10resist g1ýowth", the- JDE~, Our quality and service leaves [*ýl 1àyor coiitinuol.< "Planning to 1 ohn to, be desird jh sem awaeF'ftime and AIthe person wh0' bought f r-om us thy kwithlai n 4t changes nTigh rU rindorreatv Ithat talko place in een, Community InuaneI I s rnle -anîgbrVndrItj. 2 -Wiesuch ï attdemit b Autqo Package adComposte COMIPANY undorstandlablo in romooe aiiid J- 73 Ontario 'Street ladcomntoPortHflopo's- ec- P o1icies ,FJ re, Farm, Life,0 PORT HOPE ao~rncally important postion on iU 1-Il argest> Dispýlay mn Southeri- the north shore of LàkeO Qntr,.o -urglary, 'Liabmî ity, Marine, o. Ontario" made planning essential, Mr. Wia- uu -'- dyka asserted. - k~~ ~Ietad ikes id T4emé of thje ',oufee a U - [ ad 1i1<esWid vvhicfh tiritecen hbards anlcmislilO o o~~ti S11 ïx epresoýntedl is "Planing.r Fidelity Bond, Etc. PHONEî Shôu,11idwo noegloct to'plan ou lCONTRACTORS FOR Sgrowvth.' absorb the industrial, rosi- 1~ ~e H m lo AMadH I~ rielntial and busiie' sd evelopment,1 S'>FR ad111S awi- plviethe idce9sary ossentia 1 WIRJNG t-lîtun soxcsto accommodato such gpts--- -Fe sae th. wve sliall find a future genrtoh -RS f flLA C AE vrwemdby the ticle of pro-U Phone, Orn-R6 t>?INý, AE grossanC5 our, hildre,,,wil, have te o oo Prompt and <Gualanteed Repaîrs C face un..- ,,o problomis that forover ~F S OTAS~~~S~ to ail 1kinds of' Electrtcai Equiprn'-1t~v. wîll b~ black masekkatgainist the ad- and Appînces m inis ra ion nf O ur. i, " th e M ay .v8w h s M ot rs W ae r K eat r s. jo~~~~St-e Sttc.I~* .Rdo rori - --,- '- - - - - '~- ,~,-' 5,4*5 '-e-~~-,'---~--4' M ~~-M - - - - - ,-- -~ - se-' ---2 S ---4- k ,BuýIding a bouse? ri- m od e11i oti ,br present 'Floyd NiChOlSOn P~hone 2191 Oro1nQ Foundations and' SePticç Tank<s, fipoured. F-orms ~avaiabe. - --- - - - - - on DRI. R. J. TAGGART VÉTERINARY SURGEON