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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Mar 1961, p. 1

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Orono telephQne Co. Stili Remciins Unsold Heather ýeehahs Meet Tuesday night the regular mneet- ing of H-eather Reblekah Lodge was ~held. Therce was a very pleas4ng attendlance, Sister lMaude Coope-r, Noble Grandiic officiating with Sister Olive Milîson, Pas" Noble Gralld, .acting as !ce Grand in the assene of Sister 'Emma 1Lunn. The minutes of the two previous m~eetings werýe read 1y Sister Mae lAllun, Recorýdinig Secretary, were ap- proved andsgnd One account was approved and passed for payment by the Finance Committee. Commîunications were read and deait,tW Easter Greetings were received from Sister -Stonberg, Dis- trict Deputy President of District No. 7 and from our own District Deputyv President, Sister Jex of o!, Ganaraska Lodge. The semi-an- nual return forms were receivedl and reto be comiled and read at the- niext regular meeting.1 The Sharehokiers of the Oronol Telephonie Company Limnited met on Satu-day vafternoon when t hey again considered the selling ofth Company to oneeof three ptenta purchasers. Those in the field to pulchase the Company we-re the Dunnville Telephone Company, The Bell Telephone Company and the Port Hope Telephone Company. Cbtwal Socieîy BriDgng' j PIayTo Onoý Bowvmanvtllc Choral Society's "Trial by Jury" is cemîng te Oreno Town Hall on Fridlay evcning, April 141h. Il will be sponsoreti by tic WV-A. of Orotie Uniteti Churci. Tis will Uc a rare treat for ail here who' cnjoy a musical play. It was very wcell receivet in Bowm-anvillc anti playeti for two nigits, being one çwf tic mest success!ul evenis helti ticre un recent years. There are tiirty in tic group; Mr. Milton Raincy is tic presîdeni and - Lt1~ n(SI. Ju)17 8. y e, pnIlil, f .>VLL t OS TSvo bandits. one arnied with an ail{omatic, field uif the oaly bank i Bethany on Thursday last and es- rcaped by car -with about $1,500. Piolice said they drove to the Tor- ohto-Dorninion bank. held the three- mn tstaff and one customer at gun- point 'while they scooped up the Mney and then drove east on Hîghi- ~way 7 towvardJ Peterboroughi, 17 miles away. The job too)k less than two mii- Last week the Orono Memnorial Park Board laid plans to hold a Blitz Camrpaign of Orono and area to raise funds to complete the new swimming pool at the park and ai- s0 to construct a newi wading pooli for the young-er children. The can-1 vass is to be heold on April 14lt1 and, lSth when it is hoped that the area will be completely covered by can- vassers. by the Provincial governniient with% ,rovincial grants. Thls money how- ever is liot obtainable until th.e $3500 is raised locally. Mr. Wm. Carpan~ heads the can- yas and is being assisted by mem- bers of the Park Board who are pr- canvassers for the varlous sehosol sently organizing and arranging sections in whicli the pool wil pry vide a service. It is expected to ean- vas flot onily in the Orono area but After a full afteteroon ofvoting AretS. veUrCelMknV wni Oron. Mje. $3500 nmust be raised locally olaiso i n t Lskara, .tirby, KentIai the shareholders failed to g lart e vr pfI wi nOon.M.complete thetiioetso ,jc neesar mjoît fr sletoan'Hughl ri nis the cirector. Teller Marvîn Wrightly said he e'wo'roietsopooi l ad tarkv i ras be opee neesay aortyfr ai t v1Li erving the customer. Emnory ýamount $2600.00 is needed to furn- Tha olisl asbe opee lof the purdchasers. It is necessary to It is the hope of the W.A. that tlle' 1h he hy caei n ishi the new pool with the proper and paid for with only the equipm receive a 661 2/3%, majority to sell1 Towni Hall will be filied on1 thisisnouted "Everybody get 'on theeqimnfosattonadaey. etneddobeaedang it to any of the Companies. A vote Wasj occasioni, tickets wiil be on1 sale in finoPliTe remaining money neeied for a fence and walk-around. The total taken to seli to aIl three Comipanies'the noear fuiture. Keep the date in lo i the two projects will be supplied cost o! thle project is $12,495.00. without the needed -majoi biimdan lnt ted One jumped into Wrightly's cage receiveci. ryb in _____ad lnke ttndnd pointei the gun at hlmr while _____________________________ tinues as it has inthe ps n h other grabbed the moniey in $20, The Comipany, at this time, con- BOOK SERViCE PLAN $10 and $1 bills from his cash ci.raw- actin s as ytbs nt e t ben O THE SHUTdINS mr. Smith ran out of the bank ow s i slated for- the n~ear f uture. The Sat- 1atrthmadgaeplceteh urday meeting w\as well attenldedj Scouts ini Oshawa are planning- a cense numnber of the getaway car and held ini the basement of the lîbrary service for shut-ins. whichi was stolen in Peter-boro the Carke Townviship Hall, Orono. TI-elo hect's2biop OPP put up road blocks on ahlD w L q ui vill offr fllowcl b th Bel an llî per-formt the service on a week- roads in the area while a conistable T r o n L q o vilote a first taen onthe Belunn-d Bosf Por Hoe Cmpay. ly rotation basis. circled over.head in his ____________________ - . plane yî .r ii ,-c +i, the"No,-" voie ov- I ixthe'Kend-al nol where the yes's Th nulArlmetn scl-1elpoeae ýen.i-Jtri h %ektecrws iIun lveanesaay LîC ne r4 vole uv- * -u- -- - -- e Annuai Apri eyeiiseau _______________________ eplothe I1uIIJins AUwhatr i te eelV crnaserwhelmedil the "Yes" vote in the pushed ahead of the Nos. The Oronc ed by Distric Deputy Presdent, turn tli h cotwhlbksr fou-nd in a parking lot in Peter- Cire Township Liquor vote by a Lockhiarts, Leskard and Oak apeas ~Site Jx orThusçay Ari 6h Rbeça AseblyinJce ~ ep what type o! book they wud iewîde margin on both questions to gave the greater percentage YthVe i 3 p.mi. ai Ganaraska Lodge, Pore sentlative and Sîster irene MJcrray jto read.trwotaytugso!iqoet-Novt. 1-ope. Sister Mildred Rainey and, will] attend as Schiolar thlA' n hogiso iur u."o oe Heter Ioe and iIl giere ne eX Saui ni Caysfie ilaveoflets being establishied as a resuit of A great maliy ballots %were sol Sistaler IreMad will greparentlich ooSaturdaygoys ompbi i uneC tl aetevt.i h oewt Sbigsodo port o! the ativity cf Heather Ail members saving Canada tetop îîg t h ulci ' To allow licenses to be issued the the one question and 82 on the other Packers labels are asked to counit brary, ciscuss the shut-ins book re 64ýn ii .'Yes" vote wouid have badi to carry________________ Lodge for thîe pasi year. Sister Gladi- qe$2 Receintsbara ad he fi Meting as the newly appointed Dis-1 what they have and repor)it al i( heluet w the ibrrian.nV 44enU RJ c with 60% c f the vote. Botth ques- trict Deputy President of District ïext meeting se these labels May be livrtebos tions were far below tuis mark. RYERSON-TYPE SCHOOL Ys Gamsby wilI attend the District used to good advantage. Quinte District Caille Breeders The unofficiai counit gave the 'Yes' SUGGESTED IN OSHAWA N. Arrangements for the Dedicatien Association reports 41,582 'c ows vote 33.1 percent for a Dîming o! he OOF.Hah, fanget e iiajjifs UB jJI1ssU lfred lasi year în the six counities Louage licenses and 28 percent tqr .A university, and a Ryerson-type h wa~decied t iodtheherth1and C ),ch PaaeAl, 2nd andtc.comprsing its area, ai the annual a Loungelcenses. 1350 ballots were cf techniicai institute for Oshawa day pariy on WVednerday, April 12, 23d., wre xPrade aplnd omea-d meeting of farmer members recent- casi for the Dining Lounge and 1328i were among the subjecis diseussel ~tbs oc~i~ t behel ii th f r d.,ran ee ets w ade sonie . fr. ra 01i>wiS Iy at Belleville. on the Lounige question. Tis mark- Friday ai, the firsi meeting of the o!f a çinner with enteriainment andee a The counlty figures were: North- ed about a 65 percent vote Out O! 'l eciucation, commilitee o! the OSqhawa üards,. with husbandls as geesis. Two1 umberland 10,670, Hastings 7,772, total 2032 eligible voters, Chamber of Commerce. -eemtiees wère appaînted te p a,-iBusiessý beinig completed, loci- Te ce Kdward 6,176, Duriam 6.162; The oniy area i the Township TIke university for Oahawa is a,. ev~ing cised afie whsi tatylun-e 1 Fron~no-~h~V~ 85~ad te togive' over a- 60 percent "Yes" vote 'Long Tei tce wVCas served by 'tie committee ling ntiahe ike1idta ~enac 477 Details as to hreeds: _____________________________ Sister Mildred Rainey will attend chrg.ordred by the OHA after the pro- HoIsteins 31,32-1; Jersey, 1,049; Ayr- _____________________________________________ est men eti O onob s fnouiN- sire 501); Guernisey 470; Shorihorn Iý,I eeingOrforasbn he -1,1; l P9 ud oseO ron o Publ0;IlS hool Rate %ffil _-A à,%speciai breeds. Second ihi the Ilsi L CAs c 0 rs 0~~rono iodged a protesi wiihe were Ilerfords apparei ywitihIlhe p tD T h e 111 s ictc~~k QI Ployers CouLd ~~registering that the Lakefield total o! 1,019. wsfre 2 ~ __ p B he ii C u rb u rn rr e r S rts plý7 Mayerrs on ~inr team. The OHA or- vas g.The extent of ils business A h ac etn !h O-Q iioi tanwconitraib, c uàmr b 5 L vilEDý,1, 4 5ZdUeredC tiat the teams play a three lasi year la rellected hithe finan- onio Publice-Schoo B-oard -Ne irus- presented to the caretaker, provid- gme series. rphnons were flot Adsci nt oal revenue $3244,- thi ili rate ote yeau. ing f or the saine terins and C-cni- j ~atisie wih eecls ifn and. \vroe 011, and expenditures $151=~7. jTie rate saw,%,a jump o! 3 milis ons as bt aésgned in l960 The Oironolaesare up ngainst lay. I oH1A cmliig odate Itheyc Some details o! coshs were: ser-j moisi set the m-iti'ýierate ni21 1iisifoNemn gshl a-=aHibeing aed with a lack of in- if thePljny cannot be presenied hvru e pnive reply. The Orpi- vice and sales $L22029: inciudingyTs at, i 160was 18 milis. The Ený"jrolmeni rticcmn cc Uterested persDns!_,to takepartin tuIhs year it will affect t ic priogram ns walso re!used in playwilh the $64,98g in salaries and commaissions hterm ietxpunted 10 eacf 190 stu wihis c '! rereation providedcv by the Ah- hard-itting Lakefield squad. o! technicinns; and $43,000 techni- MLAie.was sm é et n oton o H. estdpe.This cwillplace a strain on the ýi1-nbIsOnIFriday nigit LtUe Se Ag ()!lcianst rlted frotn ann estimate o! expendi- nJh coemkr iretrt-nitowudntibeable 1 0 im played ïWelingtonin the nexi istration cost $05160. with labora- tures for lie coming yeari' n \wich 1 o-is hs oýme.vilb civ AnS mue, ierm ' viie gl o eal opro, ~ ~tory barn expeinses o!$40,203; and ed hin 92wien the Higi School temip1ýte ocnta threenetplay butlvide ither bail for the boys and , unrstooTi wi i n$951miclaios Ttlfxdycosd"eiewa,1epl ill vac oca e te uiding Ieaving fwasfced Itha problm o! oU- gis or the park summer prograin. d, ws1a rug-, ltair $9,57 msellaneous ,Tota3f1xe ie sH& fteie ln hs on lwue ý i l t '~igeo g uai haracters. nt is tirough the revenue o! the an- With one o! thleLaeel players First services ai Belleville wVere -inumri storma i ndowvs was discussedl. c ooî opn t i ublic s,,o Sfurtiher pay %was then chosen, jnual play that the Assoiationi iscllctn a Nbo e jaw. 18 881; Port Hope 12,179; XKîngstor Theeapertit e eealar e T i nrolnt in thec Public School 1'yTiree Angels ,1;-witli alesser Aile to finance tic-sunaer prograi n ie sawNanneeOSHeries.518; Wi!e Island 482; Frontenac -ment tMat the workmansiip andia- hdis ycnr bon totallet 175 studenis. Jmnber o! caracters at vnnow ,for those n Itie aea.In e- whlaane er Norti 357 and Amherst Island 165. trial were satistactory and thiat the tuýs play lacis to maie char aciers. If anyone couiti assist with tic found thc clubs tîed *\--ihvo ti wo Forty-one per cent of tie cattlene widw had been of consider- TUeN orimeln - Durhamu Thoe cstin hepla ar Ms.L Ipla bytaing-oe e th io r- pic c-eafier the IMonday gaineFin hseiars.inthoensonar uinah r Npac. h fithgi o ieppuaio f rcdnoaeinne o 1able benefit during ftherecent cold Halti 'Unr i have î-quested more Ain34aR JonoA o ining parts ty a a e ,'o pie. T(was Qua-i o intititwr be rîiil weather. ipinygrount iaaUcprovided tiait ol ar ad H-elmetBurslke. Two ,phlee Mr. John Scidenmnaker ai hsees pla s en aeda nigh last year. Dr. J.LM. cLean, treas H. Butsimoved, secontietiby Mrs. eary date. fmrthier mlemrbers are, ho:wever, Or)ono 1028. These two parts beingTcseissasvngiefetr urer-m-anager, saiti the .AssociatponI__________ cleecled. filled tie Atiletie tien has an op- - iped te breeti 44000 cows in 1961. The piay. "IlyThree .Aýnges' is portunity to finance boti line parkihefrdWis neide atie6p er cenmtc thite '-A o P lc r s e s M v ~b Agatha Ciristie anti is n mrder prograinant fichebasebailiteanms tiisx eae60prcn fte r n l(Icse f u s s M siysery; anti stateti an inîcresîing;summI-ler. IlA Quinte caille population could be ______________________________________________fi ~. en oid mean imressnofn1non- 'Cross :,ountry Ski î m i.cnr oldTin incresns on19operTow ards 1ncorp-or'e-tionr _____ neniber farmiers tic, neeti for effi- M any Gies ssVi itortitrce or foujr hund- in tic- daîry and bec! business. Dr. Tic Oronio Police Trustees miet;a total cosi o!f3360 hfis maltel relnimbrsofthe Oshawa Ski McLean saidthetic use o! frozen jn MAoinday nigit wien preparca- I oUonYasitereti van ib udget Chi lubenjoyettiir besi -skiing o!cl semen hati grown. froi 272 cows in sis wore mate to fbinalize tic plan- 11S set !Inlichiti s expected. tint O rono G a d en C lU b1959 to 10.278 la 1960, or approxi-ning o! Village work clurin1g ;eti ppiationi for týIc fired- Ail huis at tic local club at Kirby., nately 25 yer cent o! thc total bus- er. Thc Board atso planneti a patnn ilb rut 15.0 ______ ere skiable, froin top to bottom m iess. C i meting for Mondny eveing of ! ic TicsecIretr, H.E.Mîsn Tce Junior atenrsclub m et and prizes will bu awvardeti aiticheanti covcred with five to six incies Dmnifor froznisemen from com.iing wewheri tiey vwill me saeiltint ticTowvnsiip iad con- li e Guide Hall onursda-_y ev- lose o! tic year for attendance. o! snow. out o! tic oince was also in- wiîh interesteti persons in econncc -dth te rond requests froin the AeIigMaîrch 23 ai 7:00 p.m. Susan IHampereti a1 senson wiii' poor creasing. anti coulti represent this tien witi following up on Incorpor-ilTrustees antisare inclutilin btic Cliart tc Pesiiet, cîcme ti jMrs Fariothr dmostrtei conditons tic club championsiips, year tic brceding o! approximately Lation. At tus meeting tic Boarti rond buidgetIo!tic, Townshîp) a sui niembrs anti guesîs. ic Secrenry, nomsmaking ao! tw owsersarrange- 'iih ad tirice been sciedtuleti anti 19.000 COW5. IwHI proviie lie reasons for tic o! $3000.00for ciip-stoning the Annette Jorgè_nson, rend theric min- mnsuigatfca loes us oio were finally run off. Russell Osborne o!fNwcstc ove ant i aso pr&îide figd-res ioironds !in rono along witi an adi- noms ofthc lest meeting nfter whici \rilows, gnrarleti pieces o! wood, Tic ,future o! tice ompetilive sec- was chairman o! tic meeting, with conneclion &StiIncorporationof! ditionial $500%0 for culvert repair tic msig as turneti over to AMrs. , Irnîchiikens, candy eggs de. Eaciléhino! tic club was assuret with a an attendance close te 250. tic thng -Fau-to her.Scopenêti ,her part 'iîi snai cbi ngjusor hr lague etrýy in tic Pe Wee events, Drcoso i Qit1itit Tcbde st U rui On G. F. Simpson suggested Ithai o!fce nmetig by repeating the Enster arrangement tu thc nexI antifHans Etier sliould have Iîtle Cattie Breeding Assocation, electet pror to tic Mlontiay meeting along sm nnigU dn ntcHtr Ju io G rten rs ra er ti n a e eein . he metig closeci witi i! c lt n eeci g ro p W o i th i c upym etn sir:ntwtipan i gn!tigid w l. o d fic idois aso tn c cnitie retid tic roll cail. Tic m-embers viewei-i -ign !GoiSv icQcn-some day may challenge tic besi. Hastings, AllanlMlcComlb. Belleville 'anti street ligirting progPra ifor Ilewith [lhe budget. mnany dispîys suci as small faveurs MemLqbers are asieti to mWatci tie Tic vaýrious events o! ladies and anti John Caskey, Mlatoc; Prince y_,ar, Consiticration is to bc given a- A discussion f ollowcd on t icear forIlle 1En'ster table matie of arté i-Librry window for displays animens slalom, jumping anti down- ESiwrml Fred Hubbs anti Tom M4ay; miove to move the ensi curb on ticae cags gr smar- tiilflwers,3icturts mate of-vari itias for tliir w rkc. lii)runs werc hel. Duram.n Wsly Wery anti M l Main Street in tic busiess section bgueschartint tîe dort e h e e e-gatd sweets and a beautiful botile Interstetivisitrs i t uos m tn g In tic senior cross country Dick M H m ; N ortihumberand, Aymer 10 prvide rmoe parking space. - srvce i f i t t iey do ho useth et garten. w(ie Re v. antiMr.Wtladrs. s.Ruiefot, wo as doing is firsi cicC ~clotWalce But -InMr.Brue Mrer, Oroo F rve carg e ortic Ihsic. ldwas A lypcal ork box w s hsow n San Bro wni, AMiss 1Brara A inn AI- bit o! cross country Iis earu was tar, Gore's Landing anti Wm. AMoore, Chic!, met witi- ticPolie Trust ees point etio t N eus snot i n ac- enti ticuMggetionimatie thnt each ireti, Bti anti Judy Powell, Brentia Ile winner, wiile Ricli-Brown, who Cbur;Fronitenac, be \rooînan anti presenledtihticneets o!ftC fire cordani(ce with tic by-lawI. Il was iem-ber have a inUar one. Each BArown, IDebbie Darling, lBeth Lees, hUns donc wcIll in ouside conipetition anti Frank indsay; Lennox-Atiding- dlrment tis >yan.Tiefire chiow evrcostirt tnta vacant -- ,ailIti 1 ýil 1eIn no ilonbcgivn a argaret Zweir anti vely Ail--thms season ,vas tic winnier of iie1 ton, Arthur AMeLaugilin. Bathantirequesteti tint six n",w cents, hais dwelling woutd not bc charged the redit for teniing 'lie meet in dial o! Nexvcastle. 'juior eývent. Clarence Baker, Napance. anti rubier boots Uc purchaseti at fec if vacai ntmretien Iwo mnths. 961, Orono, Ontario Authorized as Second Class mail, Post office Depar tment, Ottawa ______________Subscription in Canada $1.50; in LIS. $2.541 ak At Bethany Blitz Campaign For Swim ti Obbed Lasi Week Po AtI1tA d1t

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