Y STOREHOR OPEN THUtRSDANY TO 9 PM.COE ALL DAY FRID11AY OPEN SATUR )A Y TO) 9 PM,ýl Prices Effective M"arch 29, 30, April lst We Reserve the Right to Linit Quantities SUN BEANM HOT COSS UNS dzA4Q GRADE A PRE-DRESSED average SWIFT'S PREMIUM SMOKEO SHANKLESS SKINLESS R£ecdy t'o eat HAMS MAPLE IEAF PURE PORK Sau sage EXTRA TOTAIL 0F $33.00 JN~ BONUS TAPES WlT*H FREE $6.00 BONUS TAPE Aylmy Fýay,-48 oz Tin -1&4 , 0p~s eposit) j pz. Sottle 1N GIN GEr Betty Crocker Devils Toasted Cocoanut. White ý,ý EMIX(ES - 19 oz. Pkgs. REYNOLDS WRAP - 12"& 18" rolls WTH FREE $2.00 BONUS TAPE Blue Bonnet - 1 lb. Pkg. YELLOW KWIK Fraservale - 2 lb. poly bag MIXED VEGETABLES Canada No. 1 - 3 lb. cello bij COOKING ON IONS Tablerite Sliced - 6 oz. Pkg. COOKED MEATS Mac & Cheese, Chiickfn Loaf, Pickle Pimn- enta, Dutch Loaf 1TABLEIUTE RINI lb cello 43c Side Bai iPELMONTE FANCY Fruit Cocktail ,STO'KEL-Y J-ONEY POD Fancy Peas Iaf-o whole lb 59c DLESS SLICED con lbpkg 69c 28oz 39c tin39 3 tins Je4Â9 c PEAR SHAPED kEA Ham-q lA'lb tin $1.39 IGA o z .7 9 c Instant Coiee6o [GA ROYAL GOLD ,îe%&lv Priçed Friresh E Attrai-.,.. -il, Fresh EgS For The Easter S~ fÏibacco Growirns Uear1 A otNew Yarietieslc IUniite d Counties tobacco gro wers Ivreadvised of twoj new varitie which are exp-ec-tedl to be widnely jgwnin 1962 at xneetinigs recently L. S. Vicýkery of the eprmna ,ubstaionat De.lihi said that the 1two nle w v ri i sYellow Gold and I eIlhi 61, hand ShloWn good resitls ini three years of experimenital gr'owtIl. Yellow Gold fias proved most re- sistanit to weather, f leck, %vhlle Del- I hi 61 had showni the biggest yeild otf anlY variety as well as the belst iu'al- ity on a three ye ae age(. ~Suffic(ienit seed for growig ithe two strains is exý,)cted to be avail- ale for, 19632, hu- said. Somne seed wiIl be sowii on experimiental plots i D ha anid Northumlber-land t1his Ila, e added. jTepurpose of the two mleetings iaU CastfIeton iin the after-iooni ami Or)Lollo at igtwas ta acquaint d(is- ritflue-cured tobacco growers withtelaeï departm-lent of agri-1 jclueiniform-ationi. î s1 sîn Mr. Vîcker'y were M. C. Waso, .E. MclCann anaid N. W. I ~De)hli. Coioured sfid:ý ere sec Ioillustrate Varjous ýisunde-r discuassioni. SThe, following was 11he ,progurme: I ~ agneium,(b)siedressing; cuuitvl of de s~ onmaggot lnd othier iisee(ts; thee of sUchierl }oro ils an]d bulk curinlg. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD VETOES FRENCH SCHOOL À m rotioni to build a Frenchi Lang- uage school ini Oshawa was defeat-i ed by a narrow margin Wednesday, at a special meeting of the Oshawa oe IPaîWet'4 Cqaeco«fe4il ORONO, ONTAR~IO Open week days until 10 p.m. except Wednesday EASTER CARDS EAST1ER WRAP NEILSON'S BOXED CHOCOLATES NEILS'-'ON'S ICE CREAM. ç7~ ~2ykP~J CIGARETTES AND TOBACCOS AGENTS FOR BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS - The Best in Dry Clearting - Also Shirt Laundry -j- I I il FRESPI AS SPRING~ Tender Greeni, US .No.* Grade A AGUS lb2c CRISP GARDEN FRË$-I U.S. LErt-TU C :4 2 NO. 1 GRADÉ Ia-ge hea&ls 29é CELEIRYf e. s tgast k s 2 5 WCA SPA WHIOLE OR ELD CRANBERRY SAUCE POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES cartt 'iWEET. JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES 5lb cello bag 49c A SALAD FAVOIJRIYE - U.S. NO. 1 GRADE Gree n Onions 3 bunches 25c -1 I5 oztin 21c ýn of 200 $3.09 L.ADY' SETH ASSORTED CHOCOLATES lb box 87c 2 lb $ 1.59 FROZEN BOOTH COI) FISII STIX 2pkg--st 59c -s START IN '61 Towaird a Wonderful JobFutuire - Énri~ awfor the E aster Term at t[he coinnefri.cin g Ituesday, April ,iô If you would I lke a career wîith a fine salary, good wvorkiig conditions, pleasant co-wvorkers, andi excellent promotion opportunities - get specialized Business Training. At the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE your training wl be concentra1.ed on practîca'l, job-getting, pay-raising sub- jects. You wili find expert teachersfredy considerate, eager ta- hel.p you get aheaci. Even i n this job- scarce period - Graduates ofl' the Oshawa Business Colice are in demnand. Eight Courses from w vhich to choost. College is open, throughout entire year. Start now - graduate in the fall when jobs are more plentiful. Mocier Eguipment and Teaching Methods Ask about new stuclent Ioan Programi. Phone - Write or Visit - Obtain the latest literature. Act Novw DIAL RA-5-3375 r 'r r r - r r r n il v i Lzý fil S;epttr;4e~h~bô~ Five trustees vote-d for the mnotioa, w'1hlhe ive voted ag"ilnst the nlotion, Cýinia of the Separatê School Boaýrd, John Meagtuer, cast a nlega~ ivu vote tu break tle Lie. CANAbA'S ONLY SHORT HEEL FASHýiON iSTORES HISYEFLAT'S 1' Hd1 -l d Syle Pumps 7.C,9 to 12.9s (SUZES) 4 t.Io 1 UPTOVc lN: 3097, BATHURST ST. DOWNTOWN: 270 YONGE ST. .T(OONTO ONT.