By DICK KLEINER Newvspaper Enterprise Assai. NFW YORK - Behlind the Jack Paar vs. Edi Sullivan feud à a icomupiex story of show busi- aess economies aggIravaýtec by in- fiated Cegos. It bo5is clown te two men who have honest differences of opin- km and clefiiîu. On the surface, tLhey feught, over the price paîd te perform.- ers on the two shows -- a flat 1320 cee for an appearauce with Paur and one considecrably high- er with Sullivan. What set Sulliyan off was the cýasecf a pretty, ycung singer nained Joan Firfax. She took 51,000 for- doing ,tw,.o nsîmbers withi Old Smiley. Wher, she weývrked.if he aar show, she also 4d two nuftbers but her puy. eheck; was only $320. Sullivan blew bisstak Paar defended bis position by saying. zhat guests on bis show don't' eorne on primnarily te perform but to be imeybers of the panel. Sullivun's contention -- and ths is shared by many show buiesissiders _ is that there may be menit in what Parr says whstn :applied te eçiedians -- but not to, singers. A comic, such as Euddy Huck- ett or Mý,yron Cohen, can sit on the Pa-ar panel and adi lib. H1e is YRot uising his standup material. H1e can then go on the Sullivan sohow, or similar variety TV pres. entations, and do his regular rou- tUne without being afraid that the public has seen it al before. Sullivan's frîends say he wouid neyer'have objected te the dif- fereuce un price for cosnedianis. But singers are another matter. When a girl suCh as Miss Fair- faýx sits on blhs Panel of Paar'o u~oshe lcnowz she's going ta, ihing. SuIlIvan and hîs -supportert, oasa use littie dUference between a inge-r performing f rom the fft of Paar's easy chair And tasadlng up and si-nging on th&, uUlvan ,how. A gong h a ong ja song Ats one vet*ran Broadws.y man- *eêr sym, "Vna blockbutetei estt ïgoeon aiPaar's panel and hiowx h. hkkc o ing. His ýeye tre, open." What makes Paars stan1d iard for Sulivan anri thers ta s-wal,- .lmw is that hie '"panellsts!" ofteni ai-e requIred ta reherarse their >%irbers. At ther times, they are, in heworlds «. cone Broadwayjte, "conned" into perforrning on the air. He mentioned Gracie Fields, wý,ho was surprised on the air by a% request te sing, anid trumpeber AI Hirt, Who was s0 starbled that he didn't even have his instru- nmient with lhim. <11e borrowed ene from oeeof Jose Meils' mnu- %.icians.) When the Paar Show started, it was a panel- show. The price for guestsý was established and' noýbody obiectecd. But gradually the panel elements have beou droppedi or, et least, relegated Vj o second' place, behlnd ypei-forn- asaces. It is this elemi-enrt of sub- terfuge w1lich rankies Sullivain. But Paar obviously believesý that guests on hifs how a; re net quite the Performners they are on. the Sullivan Show and others. On the so-called variety shows. thert are production numbers and «ther devices lo rmake the enter- tainers stand eut. FAST GAL -. M rs. Gracice But- c her , m ot he r of tîwo, collects her breth cfter hreokîng the wortd indoor record for the wyomen's hif-mnile rue., She did 2 minutes, 21.1 seconds. It is this hones t dilfferceof opinion that bas got eut cf hand. Advisers of both sm-en are engry because the whole affair became a public clisgrace. The feeling is that neither mari helped himself in Ilhe public eye.' An ceonomic oddity (ifttbe Pauir-Silivan problem is that botb shows are bo1ked by the ,smie man, agent Mai-ty Kummer cf MCA. The Sulivn show is an MICA package; ICA hiandies Paar pe-rsonally. Therefore, the whole business cf booking the shows fails eon Kummer, who je 1961's candidate for "The Man Ou The Hottest Spot." When the debate was sched- uled, and laer caled off, there uppears te, have been another houe ,t diiffereuc- cf opinion - JOAN FAIRFAX - Stcrted twe swelied ta get swelte r. thkis timo on the definiýtion cf the. word "dpebate." Sullivan apparently thought a statemenit and rebuttal constitut- ed a formai debate. Peur belleved that a de-bate required-an open, discussin. The feln*round the telt- vision cenrtér-Q is that neither "welched" or "backed out" but that b-oth were sincerely unalblt t(y agrce- on ground rules. With people other thanx Paar Pand Sullivan, who are bot'.) on the egoisticul ,ide. probably ail of the issues could lhave been ironed out wMtout the publie gett-ing mbt the act. Show bu-Lsiness, in general, and Paar and Sulliv'an, in particular, would have been better off if cooler heads had peald Does Nobody Thinlk Of Thie Vlctims? Not too many months, ago > mnotorist in eastern Connecticut sideswipect a State Police car, driving it off the road. There followed a hot pursuit with the driver ,,Ig-zagg-ing ail. over the- road until hie was finally caught. When his re&ord wvas checked lb was found that juat a icouple ef yea,ýrs before in almost exactly the sumne spot he had collided head on with an innoen1t motor- ist wh'o was out driving withý bis famf)ily. The innocent mnan wa& killed leaving a widow,, and smail cbîlid. But when the cu$rit up- peared before the court to 'be charged with tiie second offense the lef ense attorney pleaded righteously that the man had nýtayed conlpletely out of trouble e-ver since he killed his first vic- timi until he nearly killed the State policeman, tIwo yeurs later. Contrast this Point of viewv with that expressed ani a recent dlispatch f rom Kingston, Janiaica, According to this story aPha, feur was r )eceýntly arrested-for dlriving clan,,,'erousl *y and driving wh-jilie undler the influence of liquor. F1e was fined a few poundls and his licence wvas sus- pended for, 50 yearsý. W'hich atltiu, we, wonder, e7xpresse2s more co-mpletely -the idlea Of 1rue justice? -HFartford Q. Wh'Jat caseI1 do abewut retnov- ing- the lime deposit, hard-water sceales, and disceorations "rom the insides (f aluiminumi vessels, wh1iCh1 have been produiced by thie constant boiing of water? A. One ,ood methodl is to boil inegar ýin 'the vesselsý. Anofheýr is w to utUpra lemlon, puit it into theý vessel -with water, and boil for 15 inuteits before scourîng it. Stili another ap ahis to hourhuarbin thýe iscolowred SABY -CH CKS IMARET trend Is goodi, bave chic]Le yau want, wisen you want tlwm, by ordering earîy. Bray hatching to orcler, aise came dayoldsansd started, prompt shipsenit. Anses in-Cross sndt otber breed starteci pullets, to 16 wveol-old. Order ay-JunOi broilers ne w. Agent - Se« local aigent, or wrte Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, t4am;ltc, Ont, BERRY 9, ROOT PL.ANTS STRAWBERRIES ONTARIO'S largeat growets. MIî com- mercial vareties. 12 mllioun'.pants, Redcoat voriety 50A $2 50 - 100 (,ù $400 - âw 'ý *12.00ü-1,000 ('1 *20.00- 5,000 (é M7ff - for complote infor- muati onsud 'prece list, on other var- icties, and -lsô a new .growing,, systen write: B. B. F. tBoston Betty - 'Fars (Reg . . 1 IWilsonville, Ontas-10. RULS GLADIOLUS Bulbs, tteated, rodYý for piantlng. Large Il/,to 2, luches -diam- eter - $3.50. Junmbo 2 incies up - [ $4.00 bundred Post paid, Williain Bart- loy,- Weierdowni, Outanîo. ONION SETS Ist CLASS ggoveïrumenti nspectedl. Size, 58 78, produce ver.y uniforrli Onions wýithout seedà staîka. Pnice ti e ucat. ste quantlty. Newjhouse speclallzing i Sets NEWHOUSE RR2 itgèaéa on the Lake eOOKS« BOOKS of Fortune! Thie Trutb wlll mnake you Rich! Power unlimniied! Un- told weath, rush *2.90. William Gl- mer, 7201 Gareiïlý,F-(,Cee land, Ohio. adnaiy 30,Cee 1USINESS OPPORTUNMÈIS MOTELS MOTELS MOTELS INQUIRIES lnvited frosp operatots iu- terested lu Châin Operation Meotel, 25 Units wth Gasollue Bar, sud Coffee Bar. Locations avsilable Ontario and Quebec on 25 years net bease basis. Capital to furnlsh requlted. Lease sýe- culty, excellent baniklng refereuces. A good. opportuniy for securlty of opet- ation lu Ail Canadisu Motel Chain. W.eBosuet Contrucion Incé., 2, Goun lvd. rast, Montreal, P.Q. Tel. DU. 7-8839. 8US[NESS PROPERTIES FOR SALI COMPLETE cement bock mianufactur- ing plant for. vbrated steamn cured blocks. Close to uew bydro atomlc an- ergy proWeci full price *10,000. Apply Willam BH. Roos, Pt. Eflgin,' Ont. Phoste 136-W. RESTAUJRANTr-service staton, lilghway 11, south of Gravenurst, bots fully equipped, dotag goodlý business. 'Low dowu paymeut, baance opon miortgagc. Apply -Walhy Motors, Klworthy. Mus. koke. CI4RSTJ*AS TRUES CRISýTM.AS tte seedllugs. Austnian sud Scotch pine._ Beat possiblé stock, 16Sper 1,000. D. A. Tiff s, Coolkstown, RAVJESTROUGI4ING AYTTNTION TINSMITHS YOU ougbt to kuow that haîf round *avertrougla lu 28 gauge cen be bougisi ait lemstissu curreut prices. Writé linos S. Marti, R.3 Wallenstein,. Ont. How con J? By Roberta Lee Q.How can I c4Jpe with e ,stubborn screw-type far lid? A. First, tap the edges of the lid td "Fpring it" a litie. If the lid stiil refuses to budge, wrap a big rubber band, ad(hesive or friction tape arotand the lid, or hold a piece of sandpaper over the top, then twist. The acided friction you get should do the trick.' Q.110w can 1 make a good carpet - clea.ning compound et home? A. A gýood- one is a grated raw potato rubbed over the sur- faRce of the oc arpelt, arnd finish'ed off with a wet, war'ncot.ThisF i,, ver3r good for stained or spot- ted rugs. Or, use cornstarch, dam-pened and rubbed on, and Vhien your sweeper to remnove aN-ei dmit you're a s-elf- m'acle nan," advises a philoso.- pher. You mnight be criticized for not ealling ini compe-ten.t help., s I A SSI FI1E 0 I EMP'L0VMENT INFORMATION COMPLETil step-by-step Information ,,s h.,w Io et a botter lob, lmprov youýrself, spnti $1.00. Pbielps 118 Gregl- ory Lune, 5a1enm, Oregon. FARM ItELP WANTEU THIOROUJGHLY relable couple, maidde aged or even partly retired, for gentle- man's farm near Toronto. lMan witb dairy experience, preferabiy some gar- dening. Wlf e to heiji on week-ends. This position wlill be attractive te couple who no longer wish rerponsi- bllitv of farmn under their own opera- tion aýnd would lll<e for fmiyresnu to' be close to Toronto. Aply Frank Vetenheimier, Manager, Cyprus 6-l318. Rleînburg, Ontarlo. FARAS IFOR SALE TWO 100 acre farins opposite, five milt!j frontr Clinton. Buildings on both. One wlth hydro sud considerable bush. Carl Diehi, Bayfield, Onit. FARM, 200 acres, 12 miles fromi Sarniàà clay loami, 130. aecs well tilled, gooà firaie bouse, 3~ piece bath, autermstic bot, water heat. Oood steol trus barn, hoenlbouse, granary and nilmenent shed. Apply Ralph Vokzes. j R. 3, retrolia, Ont. FARM MACH)NERY FOR SALIR WREIUÇKNG: il steel White 2875Ç grain tbreshor, Hyatt Bearlngs, adjustable sh&Cffer and screen clover concaves. Ail parts cheap. Aise 13 hin mlii -rinder, for $2500. Auguat Bauer, .R. 5, Mitchell, Ontario. NEW liollaud Crop-Chopper, ci oel33, used one season. John Deere CÀtivator1 Model CC-147, used one season. 2a" -I.1. Tbresher, completcly equlpped. Used four cessons. Contact G. Ferguson, 12"8 Tepper !Road, Burllngton, Ontario. NE. 4-0712. FOR sale: Sawyer Macssey Thireshiing Machine ith straw shredder and long feeder, also one i.LC. grain binder, botb in good condition. Apply JJ. M. Lairdl, Norwich, Ont Phone Norwich 286-Wi-i. FARM EQUiPMENT 20 CAN Woods hulk cooler, chire-» boy miilking mnachine. John Gibson. RItP Caledola, RO. 5-2172. TRRE they are! Be an eariy bird! Heavy duty wagons witb 15-inch tiree. 15A.Vauderkoci, General Repaît hoBe achville. MR have doeveloped a farax wagon that bas proven to bie reliable for forage racks and bale bauling. Its mnain feat- ures are a very good steering for short turning and hlgb speed no sway trai!, ing. For ilustrated folder write Hoirst Weldlng, RU No. 3, Ebuira, Ontario. FARMALL M.D, newv condition, hl gh clearance ýadJustable front axle, alze. nsrrow front end, beily pump, two- way remnote control valve, Mode! 257- 1-11-C, cultivators, good tires. 40I lira. sinec complete rebulld. *1995.00. Con- ider trade sud deliver in 300 saUe radius. EARL OIAMUDE .R. No. 4 DUNHVILLE, PHONE 717MI FOR SALI --MISCELLANEOUS PRESERVE. Flowers! Instruetionis, in- graedients, $.00. Morley Stephenson, 174 Ssiston, Burlingeton, Otro CANADIAN exclusive avatiabît, patent. ed wave and eutI çoib, w2rted by every womran. A proven $1 mail order Item lun U.S. Write Royal Scot Wter- bury. Conn. e7COMIC Books $2.00. Bard Caver Book disposais, 4 differeut $1.00. State wsntu, Gold coloured necklet crosses, rbine. tone centre, 20 dozen, sample 35e. Cash Postpaid. Off-price mnerchaudise bull3etins 104,. Preemans, Cornwall, Ont. QUILT PATCHES ASSORTED Brdýadcloth, plain und pint- Id 3 ibs $1.89. Specil i aalier Weces, hs l9.Assorted Flannelette, 3 Ibn. *14,Qili Desigus - set of 16 - 50 Drapery.- Better quallty assorted mii ends, i - 3 yards lengtbis, 44 incheýs ide5 - 5, lbs. $7.98; pieces for cushions, 2 ibs. 1.8 Postage paid, refunid. Gordon Pullan., 48 Abeil St, Toronto 3. MERRY MENAGERIE "ne'$ rnet much o TI ewer, but wow! Dues le lave WON'T wer!" Save 10% on round-trip until April 14 PAY-LATER PLAN AVAILABLE SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT - No One Con Serve Yeu Better c Tel >rner Roy & Wellington Sts, oronto, Ont. el: EMpire 2-2911I 6'OCIO Eraniches ýrai: Holift-x -* Sant John , Quebec M4ontreal - Toronlo - Whnpeg Edmonfion ý,Vancouver AOV E R TISIN G GOURDS SURI GOURDS! Fantastlc 3-lu. isandies. NURSING Groxv yourself. sell *2.00 escb, makie fuily equi good lucarne. Generaus paclaci fresh Apply tet seedi, Instructions $1.00 posipsiS. Ont, or 1»rco, Box 8310, Asheville, N'.C. oestato dei HOUSE PLANTS AFRICAN Violets. Write for lisi offer- Ing ai the finesi varieties aud colouma Aiken Nursery, Chute Panlet, Que. MORSES SHETLAND registered t y est old fil)y with white mane and taîl. B. S. Bazl 21 M4aple Street, Gait. INSTRUCTION LPAlN More! Bookkeeplug, aemn slp. Shorthand, Typewritlng, etc. Les. sons 50q' Aski for free circular No.3, 'Canadien Corresponidence Courses. 121,1 Beây Street, Toronto. MEDICAI. HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXONIS NEURITIS AND RNEUMATIC PAIN RMMEDY? IT GIVES YOU 0000 RESULTS. MUNRO'5 DRUG STORE 833 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1.25 Express Ceilect POSTîS ECZEMA SALVE BANISI! the tormnent cf dry eczemna rashes and weeplng in troubles. Posta EcZema Salve will not disappoint you. ltching, scaiding aud burning ecze- ma, acue, r1ngworm, pimples and fot eczems ll respond readily to the. stainless, odorlesa ointmnent, regardîca., of bow stuibbo:rn or hopeleca tbey seera_ Sent Pot Frce on Recipt ef Pric* FRIt! $3.50 PFER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue Iset, TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS 8,000 INTERESTING Offers only 254. Get Llsted. Receive free samples, îmaga- ines, etc. Williamr Browvn, 426 West 4ftb, New York 19, NY., U.S.A. MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGR Loanis. Funds availible on euitable farms, homes, stores, spart. ments, hotels, motels. Pleasaut, ýcour- teous service. For iuforma;tlon write, phono, gr drop ln. United Couty In. vestmnenta Ltd.,ýý3645 Bathurst Si., Tor- on1to 19, Ont.,lRU. 9-2125. FIRST sud secod long anid s!ior term loans and mortgages f rom *,00up on business stock, macbiuery, Ilght or iioavy equipmeut, contractsan ~d ec- counts recelvable factoring or pur- chasser. Ceptal for new businesses or capitallze. preseut. Complete fluanic- ngf motels, hotelsý, hospitaJs, mecdl- Cal clinice sfsctories, office buidingse t.onsserclai buildings a n d evelop- mecnts. Bank lobans on timct depoElts or eompensâtlug balance. InttIsm funda on ait projecis and construction lease bsck on. îi1 types comm1ercial buidinges ànd motels. For financlng lot ur assiait you. For appoiutment esîl Comssmer- ciel Loasa Depariment Investimern Dis. counit Corporation, 10906 tlratiot Ave-., Dçtrofit 18, Midi. Phone DR. 18415 ojr NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS 0f NUTRIA Whien purchasinig Nttrie consider tise foilowing points wicb tisis organiz&- ion offers 1. -The besi evailable sok no cross. bred or standard types ec medd 2.-Tise reputation of a plan whlcb 1% provlng Itscîf substautiated bv fles 0of satisfied ranchers. S.-.Full Insurauce aginist replace-, ment, should ihey not live or ln tise event of sterility (ail fully explalued lum our certificate of merit.) 4. -We give you ouly mutations whicis atre fin demand for fur garments. 5. You receive from tibis oxganiatlois a -tuaranteed pelt market ln wrîting. 16. Membershlp' in o u r exclusive breeders' association, wbereby only~ purchasers- of ibis stock msiy partieî- piate lm the benefis so offered. 7. Psices for ureedling Stock siart et $200. s pair. Specilal offer ta thase wào quallfy: earn vour Nstrria on aur cooperative basic Write: Canadian Nutila Ltd, RR. No. 2, Stouffyllle, Ontario, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'£ LEADING SCHOOI. Great Opprtuniity Learu Bairdressing Pleasaut, diguified prof ession;- good wages Thausauda of successful marvel Graduates. America's Greatesi Systeni Iliustrated Catalogue Froc W1rite or Cali MARVEL I4AIRDRESSING ECHOOL -358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Brancheýs: 44 King st. W., Hasuùltito 72 Rideau -Street, Ottawa t il a u RSINQ HOMES FOR SALI Ghome. licensed for 9 patienta, lipped, ln residential district. 68 Gladstone Ave., St' Thomas phone ME. 1-9301. No reaf PERSONAL. HANDWRITING analyzed; eco m p 1e t«. analysia by expeienced graphologiat. Enclose *1.00 snd self-addrep cen- velope to Mrs. B. lugrair., 454 Go-eov* St., St. Catharines, Ont, CET 8 bouts sI eep. Nervous tension snay cause o f sickness. Particu- lry sleepiessness, jitterynessansd ir- ritabililty. Sloep calmI your nerves witb "-Nappa"., 10 for $1; 50 for $4. Lyon'e Drugs, Dept. 20 471 Danfantb, Toronto. HYOiENic RUBBER 00008 TESTED, guarsnteed. mailed ln plain Carcel, includlng catalogue sud mcx ook, fré0 witb trial assortmnent. 18 for *1.00 Finesti qualityl Western Dlsýtribii. #ers, BOX 24-TPF. Reaina,Sak PHOTOS YOUR PHOTO on Stamps f£rom any gize photo, snap. 1001 uses, personializb statlonery, greeting carda, etc. 100 -$2., free particulars, samples. Milbencis, Tyrone, Ontario. FHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT. ONT. Filmns developed sud 8 magna prints 0e 12 magna prints 60<î Reprints 54, each. KODACOLOR Doveloplng roll 90e (not including prints Color prints 30ç eacb extra. Ansco asud Ekiachiramie 35 u.m '20 ecx- posures nmounted lu slcldes *1.20 Coloe prints from sldes 32U each. M,,oney te. guyided lu f ull foi, unprintod negýaives. ROOFING CONTRACTORS ATTENTION Chrh schools, homneowuers. Hlave your late soaf and mietal wýork ct)ecked tnd repalred hy expert workmren, AUt material sud %workmansihip -uaranteea. Free estiluaies. Caîl AX. 4-6205 a Mathers, Parkhill, Ont SALESMEN WAt4TED PULL tilme sud part-tinie 5sabesmne..e qulred it once to seil exclus-ive formiu- lations of the well knowin Agricide I1nsecticIdes, Challenger Sprayes, Dis- infectants, etc., direct to Dairy Farnis, Exclusive territory arrsinged. Liberai. commnission on lirai sud repent ordets. Muai ho kçnown lu ares sud have 'a groo record. Apply by letter to Mr. K: eudam, B. Sc., Provincial -Manager. Rcd Lino Chemnicals of Canada, Ltd,. Mimnico, Toronto il, Otro STATIONERY C-ARTOON STATIONERY, an exclusive f.roduci to smake leiter writUig more n$1. postpaid from: Otto A. Meis- net, Box 320, Chîcaga 90, Illinois. STAIMPS SIX beautiful Kotea stampa, catalogue vailue 514ý - only 10ç> to uew approval applîcants. Maurice Moate, Box 372, Fort Bragg, Clifarnlia. TEACHERS WANTED U.S.S. No. 10, inloss (Witechburcb)., B8ruce Couuty, requites ant expenieeuced Protestant te-acher for s modern, wel-. cquipped school. Apply siatlng quali- 11cations, salaty expected and name of lest luspecior. Duties willi commenc* Sept. 5th. D. J. M. 'Moore, Soc.- Treas2., RU No. 5. Luckuow, Ont. Teachers wanIted by M,'JI>RDCHVIILLE INTERMAEDIATE SCH~OOL Intermiedilate Licence, Salary' $3,200- *4,95. Elemientary Licence, Salaty *2,850 - 4,600. Mlodern 7 roorru scisool. Slck Leave sud Reirement Gra-ulty Flan 1u eff oct. Town of 3,000. Reerea- tion Centre with skating, curling. slaïi- mluiig sud bowling. Good sking, hunit- ing sud fishlug. Apply: TlhE Trustees, Mlurdochville Protestant Schoal, Box, 879, urdoclivllle, P-Q. Newcastle Public School Board REQUIRES ITEACHERS FOR MIDDLE GRADES Salary achedule in effect Minimum $3000. S200 per year for two years experienca, ennual ince ment of $200. Apply stating ful ariclas o E. S. Barchard, Secreftery Newcastle, On tario N. N. N. - N N. N N N N N. N. N. N. N N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. * N. N. N. N. 4 a-. t-. N N. ¶ N ~ N. b N. ~ N. N. N. N. N. N. N N N. N. * N. N. s * N N N N. N N. N. Sp N. N. -p Sp N. N. -N N. N. a' N N. -p N 't N N N. t-, t -p t-t N. N. N ~ ~N N N N t- -.4 t-v '-t ,,~N. p. N N N N -t N t-t t-, t, s N N. N N N -t t' s ALL THIS INCLUDED IN YOUR CUNARD TICKET s275 Ibs. free baggage ellowance, * Superb cuisine *Duty-free shopping ek Dancing,'parties, mnovie!î *Stabilizers for smooth sailing w Flawless British siervice FAST, FREOIJEIT SAILINGS TO ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, IRISHl & FRENCH PORTS -FROM NEW YORK & HALIFAX QUEEN MARY Mur. 22, Apr. 5, 19, Moy 3,717 *SYLVANIA Mur. 22, Apr. 14 QUEEN ELIZABETH 1Mar. 29, Apr. î2, 26 SA'ýXON1A M.r. 30 MEDIA Mor. 3 1, May 5, Junle 2, 30 0CARINTHIA% Apr. 7 PARTHIA Apr. 21, May 19, Julie 16frmHtfxflei dy FROM MONTREAI. & QUEBEC IVERNIA Apr. 13, Moy 5, 26, June 16, JuIy 7, 28, Aug. 18 SAXONIA Apr-. 22, May 12, June 2, 23, July 14, Aug. 4, 25 CARINTHIA tApr. 28, May 19, June 9, 30, July 21, Aug. il Ifroe, Q.eb- cl.wb dy. RECULAR,,SILINGS THEREAPErr