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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Mar 1961, p. 8

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R, A. i'orrester or and Mranter Sulbscription payable in advanice CAR D 0F THAN KS In Canada $150 In U.S.A $250 Ilvn eeftly bûeenaplnti rstoc ý.d - Sl c!tly, usedl knap) Fublhshed every Thursday at the office of publication crmnvleM ora irl, I s aSpracy -Cn usdfr3an taff paricul y nr sand Dr. Also o0V rstocltekt- 20 ppe McKenie, fr nd n faihfulcare Trees, se dwar \V aritis f a andp h]st o/frie. -s for vstIts e eios 2yas K .D L NEW S - Farw Calendar gft fo cr1 s1i ucfhaksgow o e toRv ,1 for, visits and to 1h sel per, ree f$.0o aeda r rsGialand Cathicart, Wednesday, April 5-S8:30 p - aros o ns rIoups of 01ro110 for, the _0. C~a Tompsn an Artur Drhai Couty Seed Judging Com-1Uni ted ClIi ch. ýeather- Rebekahi Apply a arm rn - e C-bourg on Thurlsdiay of last petition. 1:30 p.m. -organization Lodge aI to1 the Bowmrjanville njorth joni the Sth!i ie, 250 yards offS - ý ning the funeral of the Mveeting, Durham F lb.Ba& a a oin teSl fgwy3,poe-5 - teWi cridle, Mris. Thiompson's Hope Junior Farriner Meeting. A. O. vation A ýmy Bowmi-anville, for ex- - r'- M. criehad been in Daîrymrple, Guest Speaker. preýssion1s co reinemb;rance. AndI N1DT ' 4 I g - a t h a d s u f f e r e d a s tr o k e C e r n e (n t i e r, a l o r o n - e p r c e i n M n d y . H s p s t r e d e s a y M y i ~ - 8 0 0 p . - t a n v e r y t r a t f ui l t o t h o s e w h o f u r n -_1 U Wednesay, My 3visits t me. taiCenef Ld fa ri io itColci- elwyconducted the ser - lia oens' Institute Sprinished[ailtransportation'L ab -~ -' ~ Bazar, Solina Community Hall., 1 Po jl-s. .,-a dr e , ý rx-tet boseanany1enovelty ibooths and lunch. 1 1r. \Wlm. Geary, who lias been in Frda, Vay 5-7:00 pm.-Dur-1N MEMORIA cwmanvl emorial Hospital for biain4-H & Junior Fariner Live üf parronllsotatlOg flci1 -Nigbit tCOUVIEE- l ovin memnory of 1956 2-to ,8c inder, hard-top trndhome on Mo1nda3fY. orda o r asda Ponitiac, ra o etc (nei owner since of par of bi otherleg, Sock Coching ew, god on in. Phoe Oron 1\r. and M ýrs. E. Couroux ami fam-1Studa, ay 13- S:30 a.m.- March! 31, 194 1734 f oiYio.Pon rn 'y sp e h cweeend with relatives Durhamn County Live Stock Judgîng 1hrei7an3ahcant1ee -fl iii Cache adBay.lLý omptton oe n m rnelast for- CARID o THANKS Mr.AlnFse and Mrs. Roy vents Sponsoreci by Economics ever. To ail the, kind friends who hay Totrvisited Ms eQgYuso ~~~~~~~~S 1,e fteFotrbohrs iBf evice, Ontario Department of Ag-; riculture for March, May and June.iVeirn amand jîke. Madelixre "aibe lhuhf fmesn ~alo or th weeknd. IVic, Ev. and âmily. a- a enil! ish to say.taxnk 'Th seoo tecierswil b hoe ay l7-West Durham Ditrict _________________ you so very mue for, tbg love] i 2-rthe Easter bolidays, 'Miss Bever- An-nual, S t. au's United Church, flowers, (cards and treats., Àspecial ~yAnderson of Kendal Schiool andBo anil.I 1 . [ tnstoD.M eziteuss 3V1r.~Nl Dai rne fMCen5Letter jo E [ito. f ]Memorial Hos ,tai, owmanville ý,clIool. My 25--East Durhamn District MrstB. Graha nVn rs. Carnian N ew pe xs and carpets have bee n A nual. M r h2 , 171 To T he Edito r at s n t ac - M s. Ca et n ntaldin tie Kendal ,0 United June 214-Durbam iCounty 4-H Oroncr-Week-ly 'Tirnes. lien iVIiCalol .- C,.hunch and it will be reopened for Hornemnaking ClbLAneeen rnOt -theBaster 'Service on Sunday. SomýehDay for the pric ielrigDarSr -f the young people are uiniting -wit i Fruit" at Garden Hill, I have purposely chiosen te Wvrite CA RD 0F T HAN KS iihe church at this tine._________________ this letter prior to the forthicoming To the mianfriv ends in Or-onoý Some of t'le roads are in badci on-1 vote for Diingi Loungies in Clairbe- who wVere so kind and though1ful -lition, now ltatlte fnost is Coming i Twn"pThrsusothsvtedrnteilesaddetofm ý,1 fthe ground.0.1 ýýisSuteFoster, dughter of Mr. H bea nio relain o thetoughlts dear nmother 1I wouild ask thin toP E ~ jwhichi have occupied me the pamst ccp mysncr thanks. ewMrw Nedi oste,.ihe fraGnfew ,weeks. It is the Me hodwich PR' by P/ter Clw ay, f rom i Whitby. leiasj L interests :ne. ben oing- part of hIer rnursing I S ýraning in the hospital there. 0- rOM,,ING VENT two groups wer -.DVERTISING COMMODITIES t gents for Gfrnvcl'l inl' É:xc 1e s1e b heW .o t.Sviu' 8EST WAY TO KE-EP TRADE G N4 CAS LE Gcamaiingboan.Eveydrsorce Admssi:A d s 75, ildre The Bolard of Trade sboujjid make îou111,!ýiî,- ea.Eryesrc tduai] lsin dut lide *;eielvl efforts te acqua.ýinjt pol R L E S was uz ,isnconitact, ý1 '11c.Conean bnil yo r f riends. rih the cmoiis.hc are o and advertising. This is highly cont - - ~vailable in Port' Hope, 'Deputy- GANI) LA DERERS -mndbeprcdue-pulc - - Reeve W. A. Heberle ,sp;idat regular oU and - ithout hpcy o nf the town couni-cil. n1il Oeaedb akLe What interests one, however, is PRESO GOL REGl,$RATION - efring to he omplintthat OforateSbyJacNLee tîntsiesaesenteeh e mllbîg Port Gthe -sini' uflar lack of organiza-io e- Prescho registratý frS.: o ,H-,ýpie peolemtire sai ngote, O PC P&DEIEY idenit il,.two other issues which iii12, Clark Townishii(Orono) \vlll ï1cId polthe f smlai ercbanstsj GOR rnUP&-DLIE y cpýi! in more accutely affect our be h__ld inonclassr a-t1 lower p risltoeal euhty-evl PHComrnunity. Whiere was the organ- d'ayApr13tb om 2:30 te 4:001 esa -,o nerstan t h,v ertsig f h t -rONE O O 52' ized group to plead fr a Higli .m. Mo e1an -itd is asked to ~s vail-be n or Hpeisth olPi Schiool for 0O-o!o? The onus el O ttend l b ngi g verification of te sovalabe i otIe the prolei. a f etv interested persons wbo tocl< birthi date.ýý_ - way osletepo1ï_ time and trouble to attent meetings _______________ aind support our High School Board FRSL members who could see beniefit O SL froinsuch>ia school beingl oc-atedc in BV TENDER fi~Oronoy.Nw it evolves that. oui, Tenders will be received by th-ie *~' ~ sehool is to Ioate on this sanie plce udesine olici Upto 12:00 111-rea1iercus n 7-îway'a- Ï11. -.uiesgcl1 -trp OPEN TO GIRLS ~OS OVER 12 ON JANtJARY 1, 1961. and UTNDKR 21 YEARS 0F AGE ON DEC. 1, 1961 Cluib Memnbers must attend rnorUhl mceetings in the ;pd ect of thieir oice T.[he follroin celu ýbs will be organized providîng ý-,lere are at least te emer a club. CAF LUS uam-uio-Diy Caïf C , Durham Senior Dairy C f Cl-ub, Beef Calf Club, M rook Mixed Calf Club, Ho e Mixed Calf Club. 1/ G RAHIN CU SuhDranGa lb North Durhamn Grain C' b. SWINECLBDraSwnC POTATO CLU, Durham Pot Club) TRACTOR MITNNC ranTractfor -Maintenance Club. AUTMOIV ~dFARMI AFETY CLU-Dutrhiam- Automio- tive and amSaf y vClubl. ,APPLE CLUBADurhia Apple Club. POULTRýY CLU rhami Poufltry" Club The Pouiltry, heMilro Calf, Hope Caffand Apple Clubs are nwognd If you ish tojoýin and have flot clone so, additional ppiatonvill nbe acc(epted.-Contact your local '4-1 Club Leader or the Ontarlo( Department of Aicmulture,, 3 King Street East. omniefr furt'her information. Francis Jose, A. O. Daîrymple, Presidient, A'cutrl'Pe)res en tative Club Leaders AscainDurhamn, County ifTo. W A.Goodfellow, MinIiste Agitue rovn fOntarto Goodj Ivory En mel CI-rle JeWel Cook stove with ater nk.j Apply Orme ails, hone 16R1, FURNIYT RE SALE Contnentl B s complce \ith iead oard n~ tton attress, 595.2piece C esterf leifs. $99.50; Sealy Mates $39.U,; General Flectric Floor, P lishier . $34.95. MURPHY tIRNîITURE 47 King lWe t. BO mranville b-p PlumingFixtulres - Pressure. Pum-ps - Glass Lined Water Ileat- ýrs - Surnpf Pumps, Pipe and Fit- ; ngs. Wve seil and install. Cauli us todaty for Free Estirmate, .scott Plumbinig & H2ating Ltd. f2a7 Simcoe St, S., Oshawa Cail Cotlect Oshawa RA 5-5132 t-f Orono IAI13 Newcastle 4V.11 JACOBSEN - SIMPSON Furniture Finished anld RF-fise Paperliançjing - Woodwvorking Painting, Interior and Exterior First Glass Work- Cali Us Now STAFFORD BROS. Mo0numfeental Workb Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsome. dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of your Ioved ones. It', fmot expensive. And seeing this last ,tr-ibute wili give yuu gluibb uiriuuI 111Building a Ilouse? I or rp.monde[hflgn your preset mne then contactSo FOyd iNiholso posed Loung1es. 'The danger fri()o dock noon oen -a turd-y the First ~ trafi o Hghay11 eIst as Fday cf Apri 16 frte uda-e Pho 2ý 191 Orono much for our students as for Our 0f the prop rty ofthediat. Robertanks tourlts - ut th imp'tus t DO Sitiî Litticonsisting cf house and Funainsad ete ak 80 M ET 1.11 ING cntrcive wa-1s lo)t on the north side of Stion pueFrsaalbe sînulaly ackng.Stretin t e 1 Villageo Ooo Next we had a vote for water in Tvsp pryis afaebu the ,j- ,is pr nder a buzge bla-ck , iha i arId and soft w . - î, ibtng ; er ie osideratlin, àn elsN gdtKt e ragd or- anyIl tel r enot rneces-ad ID 7 , 1"itGoioREALTORS is caabe fonga-izing oly to Inspec ýion of e' bildinlgs nMay1n77CrcS. I ;ilEP Oilthe it cI (,orns r -b -aged b conitacting John inc bsu'h higs s chclsorDouiglas Moff , Orono, Phione 154112 F Bowmanville MA. 3-3393 E watr w s-t cnspacetlyseUr'e or Rb F nklin Rutherford, Or- tha Oon . aterai AGO l ,P hi)i e 0116, Executors. Yýours sincerely, Ooo nal (Mrs. Marot SamueLsolicitor for- the Vendons.- PLAN BOWMANVILLE SUPERMARKET PLAZA A CTION SALE - ~The bous boldI effects fc y Bar- Jia itn Plas ere broughit before Bow- rettincludif g a refriger, \wasbl-g naileTown Council regarding a ing a-ci e coffet e bfet1 prpsdnew supeninanket a-nd two Chairs, tw bicycles, four fîshing- orl thr in(11a-lien stores te be located' reels jet îpurnip, geden tools etcgnu on Xing- Street East, immnediatelylvWill be s Id at theDurba'-m County gnuac evc Milîs, lyMarc i,l-h00 oro, represot Terms ca0. nslJranct in all its Branches I MDon-ld MiI-and Casey, a-ppea- ed beomre coucil on the mater. 4UCO AL MUr. Ranikine wýas He spokesman. TeF li acfey Leslie Ho ~ ~ ~ 1, exl-ne hthebsdvelop Eds,< ldig ni ernationa -Qvea shopping centres and is WV. 4 Tacter, a fulll)ne cf goodl planning a sntal shopping plaza on tactour ahiy w esi - h the100feet cf land owvned by Dom- Durba ]11Ceunty SaléAnena- on Fn- inlion toesat the cýorner cf Sirnp- day eve 'ing, Apni 7th at 6:30 p.m. son Avenue and King Street East- à -Y Theee deveioprnient is c:on- centsON SALE - tinigent to cur being able te obtain Ibvereeiedisructiens frerin titie, to the 6 (6 foot rigbt cf wa.-y ïbe- the :Executoes cf the Estate cf the tween fine Dominion Storeýs' prcp-. late Rbe Lijttie to seil by public erty a-nd thereWes'Retail Store, I aucîton cî0'/Sa-turda-y, Apnil s'that wh v4,w wouid like te have paved the Ornn 4 unicipal Building, Or- for parking. opno. A Il rge refnigeraton, Donn Deputy-neeve Ivan Hobbs saîd iOn Wa-s 1er, Finidlay 0va Cook doat an eaenent could be otie tva-l e like inew. Thrie ý/edroin se M the wn would be able te la-y, suites, ci4sts 01f1dnra - , ca-in-bot- and mainta-in a sewer in tire road.tom chairs. ongan aîntique china, al 1\1ac . Mn.Rankne st-td that cutg1ss; cruet etesail kinds cf he anticpa-tedne Udfiuty r-ega-rd- 1linen bedding, hie]s etc. Sale ccm- ing the ea-enent te be hid by the ' mences a 2 town. With it the gnounrd çould $ei Termis cash. Ne reserve. I cene antire i neessn 1 Jack Reid, Auctioneer. oAuto, Package and Compst SPolicies , Fire, Farm, Lie, jBurglary, Liability, Marineg Accdet ndSickness, ie Boiler, Fidelity Bond, Etc. SSadie Hamilton G Phone, Orono IR16 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Profebsi.maI rct A. F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours 2:00 to 4-00 p.m. 700ta E.00 P.M¾- Saturdays and Wlednesdays by appointment s only PHONE 1471 - ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART V ErERINARY SURGEON Phmone 10616 Orond, Ont~ Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Soicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones; fOffice MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-55U3 IW. KAY LYCETT, L.A. IFarrister - Soieltor In the Offiesý of R. I4. Waddiell Q.C. , MAI1N ST, R ONO Telephone 1,8 Orono LJ.SKAIFE 8-APPOINTMENTS Lycett's Irsurance OffiS~ P.O. Box 63,Orono Phone 12516 IN SURANCE Genleral &- Life SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAýN ST., ORONG Phone 12515 Res. 11714 JACK REWD Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize ini Farm and Furniture Sales Consu1t rme for, ternas anid dates Phione 5 r 18 Oront TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuiator Conducts Auct ion Sales of ail glus« - and t reasonable rates Communicate with him af PortFS". On1tario, Monuments and FamiIy Memorials Our quality and service leaves n othing to be desïre4 the person who bought f rom ua. a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTT~ER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontarïo Street PORT HOP-E "Largest bisplay inT Southern ontarie', Orono EIect,ý PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and I{OISE WVIRING - Free Estimates APYFLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guarariteed Rtepai.rz to aIl kinds of Electrical Equipme.nt and Appliances Sisch as Motors Water Heatýirs * ýv. - Radios - Ste , es - 1rons o Estbiihedin 193S b F r i -,-e -.,- E r 4 ~st 1~~ r r r c 'r r e- -I..- e-- e- r r- 'r -e r e- e-- e-- r c <r

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