,. -~ THURSD44Y, >PRIJt 6th, 1961 ORONO ViEEKLY TIMES lV -e L'u1,t i FRESH OVEN-, REAOY VWITH DRESSING BOFLE s-MS ePO0RlÏ SHOULDERI ROAST RESH B-ONELESS OVEN READY WITH DRESSING PORK ALPINE BRA ND CH-OPPED) BEE COMBINATION OFFER Table rite W E E fZ S Pkg. 0of 8 Wlx INER OLL EXTRA = a total of S34.00 IN IGA BONITS TAPES WVIT H $.0 ONUS TAPE. No 1 - 2 lb. PJýaMutc Tub BEK IS T W UTl I0N E Y Oc 0Oif Pkg. of 60 Jjl - i ç Prh TEA BAGS gocd-Aire DEqOrJýWZERS Whlite, Yeilovv, or Pink Twvo Pkgs. ~ Hi'rl-l $200 Q NiUS TAPE 2 - ý oz. Tirin' xlzen LIONEY IYEW WIT $400BONUS TAPE soz. Pk. IngrsîlCILEESE -SLIC9S Swifs Prm~it~¶ afldi ty'le -Vacuunl -ak 6 f-k) Dempsters Pkg. of e il EE9 AYLMER CHOICE B TRL EIfT ARS- i l5z tr 2fo4,c GACHICKEPN NOODLE SOUP -ýMIXES 3 pkgý, 29ç Corn Flakes 12 oz. Special 'K' 612 OZ. Kelogs EEL 2 pkgs 4-9c SUNNY MORN IGA COFFEE Ilb bag 5ýr 3c Th-. Vegetable Powerhiouse 0u swq an acl N o. 1 'Pl 2t51 b býA g Frýesh, Crisp and Trendier California No. cPGacie size S' 25e -as ce IIj1IU VU 1 jI No iGrade A.rizofla Size 138s Doz. lnidýl River No. 1 ÇGee ,Nulby lRed Size 96,s Vaeci RANýGEs U a eàai o Cream Style 2 20-oz. Tins I 49e 1Ae Aylmner Chice Corn 2 for 35C.. Bostoni Brown 2 15-oz Tins Florida Aylmner Beans, 2 - 15 oz. for 29ec. ' Oid Tyme Table Syrup, 16 oz 2,5c Aerowax Liquid Wax, qt. 79c. I____________ GA PRÉSENTS STORIES rROM ilTHE SATURDAY EVENING POST FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT il D NEW STR~WBERRIESTHÉ 8 VOLUME GOLDEN 80 F THE 2 1zDICTIONARY Il pkes DAIRY-DÉPARTMENT e c Cracker Barrel Old Colored EVRYTHRSA FVFNtGKRAFT CHEESE3 Buy a book a We tr oa 7 ta 7:30 P.M. AS VIAL 02: GOLDEN BOOK C T TV CHIANN~EL .cutc OLATSan OPRT1rNç DEFICIT are lookin-g frad~eempio(ymntI-n SCICED ou-r un technical occutptions. hey will eventunally becomne skillïd re- The Osha\va GenreralHsia men orý foremen in inditry. Somec eedits 1960 oeateswith an cenýotinl4e their eduicationin rinsti- ~'xcss rvenu ref$26,015, . _Bj. tutes of f thInOlOgy suich as Resn Ell hspialannalmeein..Leskard î New sv Thare nus an peurlg dfctof $,7729i, however, cdunatlin, lnvest- M.anMr.Agsockan mýentLs incemne, bd ebsreovre anvsd \VIth Peter LOUSksrin adnon rcrin rdisaddet ttw o tehlia ekn l p pE c a l e t u o r r y e a r s t e t a l e df o , i o 0374, kslaing the $25,016 ex Ms nu Wto a rtr NV ERUCE AFFLECKinOIý'a ATTORNEYMr.Norman Fee is convalesing î the rovinc. Congatulations to Mr. and Is , ay, Gamble on the birth of a dnh Mr. ffleck has beeni-. Assista-nt r CcnAttorney since Junec of 1959. le too t1his as a juil time -1job iný Mr. and Mrs. .Fre Andiicei-sonjin Aiuct f 1960. As Crewn A tnevLaura, Teýonito, \isitedl withhr fi sceesHis Hlonor Adx Hll» n, Mr. and Mr s. C. Grant for the :!117tly appointd 4 dg frOni le oi ldfays. treCeunity. .iyi. ~vîi;'l'erLsn, i 11u K, ANNOUNCE SALE COFOURG FIRM The sale fiH. W. Coey MachinO and Armis Ltd, Cobourg, teo0iný Itsi announced Iitha aep-ý arat7e may Winchester Western Lýtd., will be establishied at Cobourg for the 2distribution cof firearms )ion- -aomptitive vitII the CnnPy models. Both operatiens will be associated wît Oin Mahise'sWîche5,ter- WsenDivision. H. M.Taylo et Cbour,vie- 'Coeey, .has been lectedpresideiît cf CONFERENCE W!LL STUDY ETNCGROUP INTEGRATION Mrs. L e r oyv Hdmilton ha1,s eturne-od ho me afl't er p-pleasant visit wr n îeg, - ý- M The April meeting of theLe!ad W ansAssociation ill be ed at the2 home of Mrs. A. Vaugha r uon Wvednesdlay, April l2th at 2 p.i- THE GIFT SHO? Agents for Operated oy Jack Lees FOR PICK-UP &- DELIVER Y PHONE ORONO 252J1 SHORT PHEEL FAS-IONSTORES 1' i,,,1 ' H Style Pm 7.9to 12.05 Oe~ Cots1o~oe ý,;. -Our uale ci, g o g g g r, UJPTOWý,N: 3095 BA*THUlP$TST. DOW,'NTOWN: 270 YONGE ST, TCORONTO ONT. DU I I SEBRICE- o g g g g n 'T'f -st stop Dn a program 10io our soial cmmunit was ade ai a spcia metin atcit'y jhall, Wed ndY lasi \Approxiately 50 Osh- awa peeple ;eprsenting themselves as ndiîdulsethic e'groups, and varoussericeorganizatiens met clih ~reqestofMayor Christine '~hcas t exporethe possibilities of hu~acneec ehŽpl The gre1-up discussed t hepîeem whic immirantsface i îyngt f OIhlwe cornewrs have is the aîns, tien as te what orgai in tewn and how te()contact Mryor Christine Thomas, in lieu pening rearnks saidthev puTrpos ryT, threugh the goupJO finid m IaQt lpjpg the many nsuQeais- rECHNIýCAL ÉDUCATION Ný OSHAWA - TheinduistrIal refolution of the] eîghtfecnth century sgal, t111% b& ginbig of a ehnpe in raîning WOli u!$n imdieval Plan cf passig f ukïils from thile mstrl. ftm gul vtm et uries cf U1iL imeW I/ two grea,ýt wars, and tremndous cndtehnîcal knoldgsand sbils have shown it h best pr.epara1tien for en. is a ound cade iad techniicali scholingfollWedby priailcal ex- peerice ini a chosen 1 ield. Technical edlucation is offered i n Oshawa at Unhe O'eill Co1legiate~ and Vocational Instîtute. The ter h- nical course (vocational) leadng te inaifl th tech iel(shop) optionj for general course students planning careers as i engineers or techniicians, afford these students an opportunity te! £jindeout, throuigh abîlity iand zadapt-1 abîy, whlere their interest Nis and lgives t he man sound technlcal back- ground. The tjechniical course 15 planned ito meet the nieeds of students wvho il il Il Il f