ber____________Tus~y Apriile l3th, 1961, 0Or: uesr oys H. ixo 's )ono RanersChari Barns And Li*vesçtock Dsus rmseNIs On Tusdayeven jng, Aprwil 11, the Mioiif Drono RaP.ngers alitflc lore()11ter bein)g m eMa t t h m 0 î mie . 0o)nsh i a r n a s y c o mel - J ~ 1 ~ 1 D S s e M jo r . A it e r i t e re a cin g o f :roye on;]ud y ev n J "i ~ f li lî> "I'j thàB y ý-e minutes of thle ast m eeting and j In his 68 I left inoting ,but ahstetreasurer'sreotoucaan athso r u s u a ~ s h a e, o n e dp a s s e d o n to u s in fo i' a tio nl re g a rd . I l' u n ryNixon, Lot 35, cýon- LJIIIUf reeue i n.- several Ranger camrps in Swit- i'I,1thelnia 'lrk O w sI p T er ze land, M exico and U .S.A . A R n - O c t. 19, 18 9M 0f versavngthe barnlovngtrbtewa1 pi7t cke Rally is also gQinig to be hield rin ried -in Bowil pu e , wi ,th ti (j d 0f a aer of H m t n by nmoe than îithener 0o A pil 22 n1d. _115 cifhisfrie dslie gI1lOUlýs a diL22, to the caui perg lr tetd t e 1 0 o i fiend11C ýs, neihou a nde:bank, who su c a t c h e in l i f r m t e S o r h r a t i s o c a i n a h t w a s d e c id e d t hi a t a n y R a n g e r t f h e b u n i g a r , o m u n t y H a l l ; S o l i ni a O n F r i d a y . sel i g p rlfh r c i o m s o î H e mn o v e d *nlly soe 0fueet away. pr fhe rfrr ol snearby residents werel Darlington Tonhp Revieelehi.0 h ae as a fari o0 carry aert dweGar-net Rikard, told Mr. Baker: was known i e. Winds xeea firstl"This is an occasion Mien Shor-t7 We began ur pre-enriolmiýeiitpr-o- uiil h is (deatl e flamnes toward te hrn breeders of Durhm County -gram vwttf a cdiýsussion of1 thle Guide -4FrtW ter, sÈIfteijd i anoppos- vyish to pal'y tribute to you, Mr, Pomjise and law anddcde otr irtW The lire xasffrst lt ae,-frtesrie Wih L asour enriolmnent curriculumdeeaedwa !l:3ý saturday ngh. av endered to the Shiorthorn As-bir eoo lss y aigbocateUîe soc;(:ation îi general and to tfdsmeeing per lno nth1.jInaito CoUny in partcula " -is surv ved b 3 thec three barns, eight; Mr. Baker was the first presiden!-t Our1 discussion becamie rathier A. Loggan (Jea. efrypigs, son2e 0fJ the Durh'lam Shorthorn Cattiele d over 'd MrS. Samue's question wosns'l ayand straw were de- Associalion. The first entry noted in 'Wýhat is our duty tu Cod ?" as stat-, and Ross of T( -,,as able to save~ a record book kept by the associa- e d in pl'rmise, "to do mny duty to and sonme majc[jinery 1 tion is dated June, 10, 1921. Anether, 'lod'. os'l that it was somle-1 He is aflso si urning buildings. A ientry dated Marclh 9, 1922, states thn ery personal Whijjch echter:rs. T. Iiar the barnls escapeci' that the association lia-cl 34 mem- r shOuld arv tOnlly aie uhJhm r.l bers.fLJ ithoughit. iBowniamvAllc.* W e c osd'ur m eeting , hajv ing istili lotWreached any deciso to eul- byour hses the Orono Fil the ire, hliefe likeLy that 11- leatheti1 On ThUrsday ýctors o< jutio Authorizedi as Second C'lass Mail, POst Office Departmnent O tt,,,,, Subseription in Canada_$150; in US.$2& A. Pruern hamber To Pro. alt Bowmlaniville fr n eathe deceased J Aie Jate -Mr. and( It. Hie Was born Jo j iear Bowrnanville, Prout Was mari ITheOo, oChamber of01Commnerc,;., ~ibraI A PUlltmet o-n Thursday eveniing at fl 0100 Restaurant withi twelve pi-eserËF, Colvenitiol Delegates Thp meeting was iconductd by in the absence of fthe presidenit, A_. E. R. Lovekin, 0f Newcastle, thie MeLaren. resideit of ithe Durham County iberal Association today announic- I the delegates fromr Durhan 'l'The major portion of -the 1neetiïge ouiity whio will represent thie As-1 was takem up wivth recelving rtý, >ciation at the Annual MUeeting of 1ports of the various projects whiceý ýe Ontario Liberal Association to are "underlaken by the.' Ohantw field in Toronito on -April 14, ancidring wlthe course of the sumimerl. The delegates, in adidition to Mr. Mlr. Charles Armstrong reported Ila ývekin and Russeil C. Honey 0f 1financial balanice in the treasury et -t Hope and E. R. Woodyard of C,$47Ü000 11,t was reported. tihalthIe ono, the federal provincial can-I iae r lr whc wl b tý, [ates respectiveîy are Glenholme Travel riefr which wiiî liete ýges, Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers, Fair ini August haci been paid for Iii ýn Fry anid Robert Kent of Bo-w- the amount of$5.o nvulle; Gordon Trîclç of Mi- 4e; Harry Wade of Clarke Town-' p; Mrs. E. R. Lovekin of New- Mr. Gordon Watson, who is in. le; Elm-ore Scott of Hope Town- charge of the annual draw, report#-rj ,and Tho'mas White of MIanvers that everytinLg Was well ti han&k( nelipi 'for the draw and thattikswol r.Lvknsi htiecon- soon be out on sale. Thiey initend têG bon would hear an address place more boxes of tickýets out thla, ,eteran, the 1 f Nwi M-iane z .iI'bartrmntVrono Diall CilbIr Rev,. E. C. Woodlanci of Newcastle coniducted the services. -o g - ieets birthiday ý,Party at Port Perry alicl a Of lst wel, car oad wil attend. ~Mrs. Irene ýMurray, It was reported that arrange- Ys Gamsby attended miens were completcd for, the it- ti gfor t hle Re hb fr. dy Pat to h h w - , i l Élis Te final J meeting foi Ie he pst year were submîtjted by R ep ese~~~ f r'om ea ch L oge - ititNO,8 cils.~~~~~~~~~~~~~r Dane Fand spok te0it the ae ucspâasotioeneti mme UMV reriý)1,es'fulpsaý- Ost visles ereetetinxg M anc advaucd th pi pat agisthte adeso te uin- esao the ChmF SOio SaiudayApri 2-2d ani or 1111in aer, e gW 1 heew W u"r um Deut rejf 1 ai -)fceý au 1ni-es 1 th succesweeenev(l, 7~~~~~~rn 'm -1onvevement1dntSie yerPBslise er itmh lde of theps th sal esI o-f thePairthsy ad that A 1 A e O ) onsel p o e Co. Bak e a um ,Ter."ak e eifr a sW ucs f yar. ere - dei1os lu c1as srv c beh ina rea ,0zec . Th g ou ls d n sofni tea. Prida an reaim nh de s day at th day. lit i c d b m e m e r s 0 f G n a r k s a L od g e . 0f he sh re oîies yn ny ou b ck a~ OnFriday evening Mrs Et Iwokar N ~ v c a t e G a n eP U l is e e me d a)ý re lui n hic wil 0 p- tee arear records Of Shorthorn ion , rs. rene M urray, r s Gad sja th fir n Pid y T e u- lieeu ani ais un er her cro -) ('e~~ an. Mls.a e h t h pe the~11 Bel fl p o e C m a y t ey as 730 aI 1780 th na e metng 0 isrct N .'7 eli i andae i 3as t iI~g av0xie' ,rei tue. Dist W:rict dM s i:y 7,l wad1,1 enton e t e i pre ome 0-te h- 1OCiatio soe w s hlal tek T ie h lsi h ui vrg c o bi g t e ec d a t h r and ~ No 7.e, , os peren calleci jl (Cntnuf on-i pag 4) Rbk deN.33 a edjyr eese Maso he district.efu bar ns Qu bc hici sal Ma b t0 onmda t, H,, On mo ion , 0f " GQ de l Watse and Tuesdaye April llth. in àýý the thOOP T e t p p e oft e sl a e 2oQ. a l an average praltn'a tohan -H Clb d Hl 1,t Site Maudev Coopeerg as eed ohn saeorbder f llJOý New-i ,fdae ieor2 Ih var- o No le G anen wiseME m L nfcate fot piec hot or l r hn R ck r, e reay. g ai 0 vet, hJ ihl rei Bo erea n~ '0 1h rurea Associa- dentden waf titrct app in aii t und'ma for n r is~~ f a tp uc e i M , u n w h d h o e e f w ý h e n r s 7 v r r a e J a n e ti n V- o -t e d tuh a t h e a l e W a ofe pp rdSn c e s t u~ h iousty ehools -ntih po __ __ __ he sad, weilushy V.J on__page $600 n0. Thos buln w a ou t by tve a "neryonaiý v _________ sitors fro Ga ar sf cna r a (d l ervita s 11sJh he pr icaer eci e - - A, retoivs Ie pas ha n Lodg CNunt 4Hs clb wer 0ene eo Msoiu Welome JeDsMartpt Peiet a -ae ei nneig tle shon asCar- ast ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ îýr week. Preid nt ann, lien, Brooks Be m nvîe ohep andbe wosh wec me1 A~AL 1 nLr n o ri a ug t PMIo panc fer talue arno f oh o ikrBw a ISno ar af arliYl' Mntsr e ci tating1. thatt ane avera iq, avralo b ntnace James Tra'te Nwcstle Juio Dair Caif] Pr fer taheir byl the finance 'oopto DonaSs Wesh Bowman Brownr %omniî tSisters Alhc \-foe ble ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M~ CadadS e niiaL mi atefi f Ný,, IF Jii pcý ,tise sioli tie fb-,t ttî Pr,- A~~n basebaîleu aéa r m th ilg 0~~0 O ro noh as bu en e t r by W tPv e s " ni n g g mer o f o th e rono e ntr l te'ý tiP eP l (S ut ur a o l) o Cu, as aso frm c. is r sl en un n h vsti g ani ads s nt L ag e au il pa a s he ue f Belvile wll povd t e opîti n Len-~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h stom tivd and Parf baoc~ W t , B b C rr t es a e h r ru p r. s ie r Ats Ohnetee tng' Pe C a i Ch rinike a qeu e p i' $str r n ur y a d Sstr A m ei g 0 hs so ito a r mbeo% w avRe wa le- br h r s o b ic si n o r to Dore L 1.1k1t ck D f lo nin il r e Cl b e des.Màcre'Rane-av7nc.r p rt-hli-n o t H pe on S nd y h n ci s crtry anaitr. L wr norp rti n ftfoVlag a d ara à'b cMlbok Donoihi Wonsfhar ttehetigsic ha ew Crrseesene a ra1ad Ters nerc ii h lausoetwon 1ewa11)e sa hrdi tismttrfolwigtu ree Clae W nsl w, da; Caî me ber wo ld e a mite~ o t e d ait Wit. i cl isne flo fithrc n, New meerv e bc is wih p oeîs a t ai n oft e acs ttP nc m e- 1p) )yth M omW -difrnclbupntl ay1Teewa nivtto to hecsePrHoeadIeevle the maursig uv vciescay, noogments are~ -'le iNatîonal LIberal Party and -a luncheon acldress at noon o-n Satur- lay by' John j. Winlter-meyer ." Ontario Liberal Leader, [ea And Bake SdIe t Nets $37.00, Mr-. William Reid, ehairmnan of the affIÏIt Colt Der-by wih iîbe h'eid agatin this year in Mid June, stated thalteertigw wlii hniand that it lookedt as ifa goo4 turnout Of Colts wouîd be out for thje ChaMiber of Comm,-erc(.Trph Mr. Wllia1m Car-man %vas auýthor- edto spend UP to $200.00 from- th,, Dha ulincl for tho annïun-1 lire cirk iLay to 1 be hleid on the 2t f1 Ma1ýy Holidlay Tu ~ ~ oo Itz ampai il e ames. ne; TI