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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Apr 1961, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMEO 'TM URSDAY, APRL 13th, 1961 __________ AT RED & WH-ITE LOO K!! Eviscerated CIIICKENS Fryers or Roasters 2 1/2 - 3 lb. Average lb 32c LOOKIH Orono Brand Crearnery 1 3UT fERa lb 6,5c No. 1 Grade Ontario PuOmhTAIQE S BEST BUY - SAVE 2c - Javex -.32 oz. Bottie LIQUID 7?LEACH BEST BUY - SAVE 14c Hawe's King Size - Quart Tin FLOOR OLOSS 501hb bag LOOK!! Aunit Marv's White or Wheat ~A9 .FuIl'24 oz. 2 for 21 $,0 23c 89C BEST BLJY- SAVE 8c Giant Size a TIDE DETERGFNMT79 BEST BUY - Save 27c- White Swan TOILET TISSUE8rI89 FEATURE- SAVE 4c - Appleford's K.V.P. 100 ft. roli WAXED PAPER29 FEATURE - SAVE 4c - Jet Spray - 15 oz. Tin BuOwýN AMI Tree Ripened California - 163 Size oRmm- atANkoÀGESu & 65e dozeèn 3 9,,e Iported fi-rn Chile - No. 1 Grade,Spafltsh Garden Fresh - No. 1 Gradie - Large Head ONIONS 2 for 25eàS LETTUCE 2 1fde 29c Fl of Goodness - Hot House - No. 1 Grade Latge Head RHUBARB lb 23c CAULiIFIjOWER 33c BON ELESS PO"RKn" BUTT ROe"AST lean, meaty 'tbr 49cl BE'%EF STEAKETTES economical IDEAL FOR MAEAT LUDAVE-S LEAN GRO(UND BEEF PEAMEALER iBAC.,'K BACO-1N storesliced CHUB SNACKS Braunschweiger, Liver & Bacon Liver & Cheese, Mock Chicken lb 59c ?. lbý ès 7 9c lb 69e 8 OZ Chubs, 1I - Pariner- And Staff Attend Hieating School Staff of Partner Plimbing andi Heating are t oday and Fridlay ofi ions Newacastle HockeyLecigue The Newcastle Hockey league held. . Tp1wa, 11 ueed b"yis eR atnin nn~s -ja-its animal- banquet iast Saturdayý 'ietin w'asopuedbya hymu, ing Sehool in Peterborough. evening at the Elmhurst flotel Jin j s. H. Foster read the scripture, Newcastle. After a deliclous meai Jwa 23r(l ?salm. A_ was enoe yaladtispkr- it was decided to hold a pot luck Asq a resuit the1ýe will be no ser- d cnoudebdal the speakershi ~uppettrophy was presented by Cecil Car-' 3th, proceeds for the Missionarylopen. vèth to Gord Lowery, playing coach Fund. $3.00 was voted for the Quin- o h IhsoigOootâ h Mo-Lac Camp. Mrs. G. Cathcart read o1h l~ crigOoota h again this year took the oe& a letter annouf-ing the Annmal io ig nnshnu ft~capoa oee meeting of the Presbytery on Thurs- c o igHns houoftehapn. day, April 27th, in the St. Andrew's1 United Chutrch in Oshawa. Mrs. This is the second straighit yeaL, g 3rwnan MssJdyFote ete- Children should be encouraged to, a n d ith a dt " wai e n ute-form ood food habits, since tiese' that the Orono cuad has won theý GadnAlone". Rev. R. C. White will persist and become more f ixed ltrophy and me ieas the thirdhucl read an article "The Hlouri- Lte" as the years pass. Aduits who havc e honurlastheve ears tht he developed,.good food habits, includ- tegeha enoprtn'wt h Amuslcal number %was given by ing a ta ste for a wîde range of catiehoey fdoas. y h Nw theis Judy Foster entitled "Star of foods and a willngness to try newý aiehce as teSea'. Rev. White closecidite dsis ilfn iemr elhfui Browingserve rerhmnsdurng and interesting, advises the Food The foliowing are those who rnadIe Brü, SeIý edreresmets urn-and Nutrition Department, Macdon- up the Orono team this year: AI. At;oclal time. eald Institute, Guelph. Heard, Gord Lowery, Tim Cox, , the Easter service in - Mn- vantie, Chas. Hutton, Ken Lauzon, 11Al tedCuc te Ken. Garigy Cooper, Terry and VErie Carie- dalnied huch th flloi7ng BAKHNG WITH~ HONEY young people were received into thie ton, Ad Sutch, Ainslee McGee,ý 'iChurch; Miss Marie Littie, Wye Bob 'Reid, EddWie- Couroux, G. Lang- IIFoster, Robert Falls ru uts, Honiey in baked goods gives a staffe, John Shetier an'd Jack Wiý- Edward Carscadden, Joan Fais, pieasing fiavour ant cakes macle liaffs. l ai "on Therteli, Ross Jackson, Har- with honiey remain moist long-er Geach, Shirley Brown and BýiIIy of sugar, according to the Food and' IStapleton. Ther*e vwas one aduit bap- Nutrition Department , Macdonald tism £ Institute, Guelph, 'ATJ UdT'J~ J OIJ '%.AN L tRF,..LL y s y N s s s N s s N s N N 5 s N M vrs. Aiva twrbîc eturniecç home for Easter Sunday afte'r spen- ding the winter moths wvith ber daughter, MNrs. Edith Fe rguson in Toronto. MArs. M. E. Foster is visiting lier dlaughter, MIrs. George Russo ln Buf- falo for, a f ew, days after which sh 1$ going to Vîrginia and from there> I to Tennessee to attend the wedding of her grandson. Mr. and Mvrs. George Mlercer 'went '~Fiorida ýby plane on Sunday of last week and spent a ,weçk the~ %vitiï his mother, 'Mrs. Irene Mercer, and aunt, Mlrs. Luxon, and motored back home with themn. They arrtved in- Kendal on Sunclay nio'Vvt ndn, Money is soid in both granui'ated anid liquid forms, as well as in the comb. The colour classes for honýey are: White, Golden, 'Anber, and Dark. Colour is an indication cýf 'flavour and, generally, the larker the honey, the stronger the flavour. SLiquid'honey is coinvenient for use in baking bot granuiated hone 'y ray be melted in warm water if es sary. Use water that le no wariwer1 than the hand can stand. DATE HONEY BARS Were giad to get home before the These bars keep well and may belI strm broke. made 2 or 3 wee1ks before use. Beat, 'lI Kendal friends were sorry to hear 13 eggs and gradually beat la 1 cup of the death of MWr. Hierb Reynolds of lîquid hioney. Combine, sift, then laweek, The funeral servicew stir in 1 1/2 cups of sifted iake fheld in Toronto on Monday, where flour, 1/ý2 teaspoon of sait, and I I is parents live. teaspooli of baiing powder. Ms.Dave Sutch o)f Ponitypool visited hier parcn, Mat r. usin'g a food chiopper, grinq 2, Gea' hio'n Easter Sunday. cups of dates and 1 cup of nuts; ! stir into batter. Plac-e the batter in f Mr. an Mrs. offe Ruhe , a rased anid floured 9 x 13 inch Orono were Sunday guests ocf Mrs.I panjj. Bake la ai 350'F. oven for 3M A. Swarbrick. m inutes. When cool, cutinte,4 j An) apron Is going thIle rounids for *2 1,/2x1-in'chi bars. Store l1a a tighjt- contributions which are in.lser.î C111-1 1y- covered 1tin.1 for the Wýoiani'S Associatin Aresîdntof Stratton for the paIst sixty-six years, Guy Gril Garnsby passed aa on Wednesdlayl April 5thl i the W innipeg Genierali Hlospital ln his 8oth year. He wvas bon at sturgeon Point, Ont1ario, on October '3th, 1881 Land on is inothers deat ih, twenty monthls later, wvent to live at Orono whiere fh(- attended public and 111igb scbool. Hle camne to the District of flainey River at t gie of urn and later married .Annie Atider-soii. His fleinelathe comu ihas been ore of service to others andý hli has led a richl, fuli ifU. e.- I-le w Clerk 0f the Municipality of MIorleyq for- fifty-one years a memiber of thej jCaniadian Orderi of Foresters for sixty years; surved as amme and secretary of the Morley Schooi1 Board for, tirt-y-fiveyar nda ýSeUretry4rasur-er of thle Tcelpone Corplýorationl for fortyv years. 11le àl- se took anl active part ina[lie Munijci. p;al Union and served on the Mýothl-1 er'sý Allowýanue Board. dauighters, Mrs.Gere ocht Livey, nt.;andtwosons, F re'd of rerl ndfour gret-gadIdrn A -(se, MrS.FlrneMCnhi hi"s brotherClrnc îvsininy brothers predceased hîm, FuneI(rýalsel CAREER TRAINING ' O AT ANY lIME g ___ OThe Oshawa Business College iopen all year and our method of inclividual OO instruction pernits you Wo start at any time 8 Day-School Courses fromi which to choose EVENING CLASSES TUESDAY and THURSDAY 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Choice of Subjects Special Classes for iJ Housewives - Shiftworksrs g Teen-Age Typists S FREE LITERATURE 10SnceStreet 1North j Dia] RA. 5-337.) o YAL Bowmanvflle MA. 3-55589 TIURSDA Y AT 7:30, FR1. -and SAT. 7 - 9:25 i~C,înacope AdMETROCOLOR MOTUES, and WED - at 7 :3)i "The Tird Voice"ý Edmond O'Brien, Loraine Day ALSO v~: i ILO,ýl I ýý Z Ide

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