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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Apr 1961, p. 7

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Crcfkc4rViji On U.S. Prce Fxers Along vwith s;erak rad fldope smuggle5ýrs, the govern- menit's list et 'n1iost waznted" cri- minaIls had a surprising ncw <':- fi-y last month. The hea-t wasn the price fixer, w.Iierever hie .-i ight b-e found - in the boaýrd loom, on thle golf cýourse-, or ïn smoky suites at thýe trade cc- vention. The niews was roe by At- torneiy General Rlobert Kentdy, wvho ano"c l tat the Grvat prkce Fix casýe wloh i enlt seven *lectrieCCompany eeutvsta jieila,ýt nmonth was just the strt of ka 4natiorwide" JutiLice De- partment ecrrnîpaîg-n toi irr igI priig osprais.l a T-V in- terview with e Yr'sPe publican Se-n EunnethKeang Kenneudy said that pîce-fixiýng invest igations were under wa,ýy in "almiost Levery mprtntme fro)politaýn area ;in the Unitted Staos. Amngthle case e ciew ih je h 11 v e already ruhtindicteLnit-sthis mcoxnh: State pharmaceutical asca tiens in Utaih and Idahio have, been chiargePd with setting "ar- bi- trary and noni-compe-titJve gries" since 1957, Th.e Utah as- soiri nsy the trLustburs went soFo ýr aS toset up i)a Mr iite for préscriptio1n pr ýin-g, waeandI hours." wihrigging -sas bke4cd in. rnorth-ern Ficricia nd <u- Eightmilkconipaqnies wr chared ithconspirinig to ig prices et milk sýold to Baltimore sechool boïrds. Thie conspirators aZllegelly -met a mnhbefcre biawere dlue, paýrceled ot ge graphie aýreas, anti set a "break privee" for each area belowwhh eniy onie would bid. Kennedy ailo irevealed that bis investigators are pressing for .!indictments in the meat-packing end electrical-equipmient indus- tries. And last week it was ru- ý-inored tha-t stili another probe was Lunder way in the buildîng,- maiterials industry. Why the sudden drive on price fixý,ers - and how far and deep ii the Justice Departmient likelv fa go? The biggest impetus cornesl itom theilelectrie case, with its1 ariamiitie overtonies of jailed ee 4.utives and connivance amncn-g hie blue chips. The headlines it jnade tIiove home the point that pric. ixi'ng îs a serious crimle iinder Federal Iaw, andI atepped vp the, coanplaints which , ive trust busters their initial lerdýfs. "The publicity made people ùhat there la a way to do gomnething about these oltI and esbtabliahe-d riggigý operations", eaya clne Justice officiai, unitoltI does flot rtturna. t wýealth la thatwhc appear on income tax -VCASSIFIEO POT LUCK - Skîi and patience pziy off as Martin Ljunggren, of Stockholm (Sweden) Govern- ment Museumn of History, nears th,-- enid cf his reccnstroction of thýs ocieni- Viking pot-. The tiny vessel wcis found in t'iny fragments in a graveyci,,ýrd. If youL havie a shadCy spot la the ,gardetn, or liv-e ;inoa mîld, sunny climate andI have a lath house, you can raise those love- lies t of shade-loving f lowýers - tuberous begonia-s. These bhis tropical plants withi their hutge, abundlant blooms can fill those hayplaces with rich colorsa al suLmmer long, There are se manyv formas that youi can have a. variety oif fow- ,ers ia an Pnil-begonia planting. The camellîa..fbowered are per- haps mnost popul!ar, the big satiny blooma sa lîke their namaiesakes you cari scarcely tel! the differ- enice. Thiey look Uie rose-s, toa, some of t1hem five inches a.cross with a pe4fect rosebud ln the center. Theýre is also a carniatiou-flow- ereti, %ith f rilled, ru-ffleci petals. Frosty la liew thia y'ear, wit.h deep rose flowers, eiach petal tippe la wtn Other typeýs are U.- singles, the petals frîlled, and singles withi tufts or crests oni each petal, called Crested, the ceaters a fluf f of goltI. There are varie- (les that look- like dlaffodils, andI there are several variations et the cainellia type, particularly the Picotees, famoiliar la cor- Iages. As for colora, fthe range la wide, fromu deep red velvet through the reds, the pinks, in- cluding rich, rose, coral, salm-on, to goltI and Idaffodil yelloW and lvory ïnto pure White. The leaves, with their thick, often reddish ,%terms, are a beautiful s>hape. A coflction of potted tujber-oua, begoalaInlua lath houa, la a. >ight to remezmber. Par-k plant- hgsIp1hae. dnalred In Canigds have « nevell been fargotteni, tith*r. But weevrthey are grown, they m'ah.e.0 beautitul STEADY PRCIï!îr SELLING matie te mpeasure clotleis4- recclto wcarer. Firsu e,î,tbuiahed 193. AttractIve e I asil>'soîti. Generana cokiiislona, law. prices , froc isuil boctuses. Pol or part (ins. Expeýrlence net ne-esser>. Tremendous OPPortulty. Write for !samlples. Itotne>' Talloriugï Ce.. -Dept. XIO, Box 2018, Montreal. BABY CHICKS ARE you rc-ati> for peat eeason', Order alvfow ra goad ti sortmcnl Bray started pilleIs, vas-loue breetsis ludîna Amais Ta-Cras. Dayoltis iatchedti taortier aos socs for prompt shipmsent. Ortier Msjfy-jUne broiere inow. Ses local agent, or vwrite Ibray Matchery, 120 John North, Hamciton, Ont. BATTERIES CATTER11ES REPAIRED pieceti, etc. Freaý pick-ulp zsud delîvery wlýtisln 7ï5 mlle riu.E Lîcliti, RR. 1. fRY &ROOT PLANTS« ONTARIO'S LARGEST STRAWBERRY GROWERS ALLCOMERCALVARIETI$l 12 MILLION PLANTS Returas oC up te $2,500f per acre undIer aur new growlng sîystenI. For: complets Information ani dprie. list, writ: BB.F. BOSTON BERRY FARMS 1RC-.) R.R. No. 1, WILSONVILLE, ONTAIO PfIO'NE: WATERFOBD HICKORY 3-5W0 MdAGAZINES 1Ot, $3 f60 orders prepaiti. Wecstern, romance, djetective, w, a r, mehnîe i5intr, sport, ceducatiossal, movic, Frcach, medical, mnen's homer, scec.Stat e Vwnts. reas en v.a, ,Ont. UUIESPROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR Sale. well establisieti retail coal, fuel ail ai ice business la Sjçih est- ern Ontario. Goati camninge. Mýinimumii c:ash re<juired *.15,000 plus inventorie.. WVrite ta Martin anti Aistff, Auditor,, 53King St, W., Cisathem, Ont. COMPLETE cemont black, manufactur- ing- plant for vibrateti steeni cureic hiocits. Close ta new bydroat5(0mb en- erg>' projeet, tuli prîce $10,000. Apply William Il. loo:e. Pt. ElgIn, Ont. Phtono 136-WV. in the Christian Science Mfonitor. The tubers are round with the top concave, For early bloomt iu the; northerni hem-i.iphere start them indoors in ,MarýCh or earhy April. (Some dealers sell sý,tarter sets with tubera already plant- Set the tubera inta soil or peat mioss, the colicave side up anri cover theým not averhitanf e inch. They neeed good lUght, and a temiperature tram 60 to 70 de- Jgrees. Water sparingly until they aprout, iceaigthe moisture e s the pansgrow.v Iiu a- month or so the tubera sýhould have good i-oot systema. and can, be transplauted into in- I dividual. pots. By May lu mîild Iclimates they icau be put out- Idoors, directly in thie grouud or their pots set into the grouinc. lu. the North this should not be dloue until June. Large planta miay rneed àstaking. B3egoniasInuat Ibe Sheltered -from wind andI hot, sua.ý They are heavy feedera and will ap- preciate liquid plant food at in- tervals during the sumynmer. Keep them well watered. The tubera of most 'kinids need tc, be dug« up at the end ot the season, dried, anid tored. Q.Ihave troeuble eoanetimes makîng decals stick te palnted furniture.. Hw ean 1I remedy this? K. By tiret goizng over the par-Lzta a 4hthese tranzfera ere ta be applied w l omei whit. ,1iellace, nd aaUowlag this te dry tbeare applying th* d&- B USiESPRO PERTIES ?OR ALE il, aoùth of Gravenhuwrst, both fu.iy equipped,, doing gIod ibusiness. LOW tiown pynnbalanýe open i.otae Applyby Motors, liiw.orthiy. Mun- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MEN OR WOME) N ! Chance of a Ide- tlat! To gel intoa vineil Paying busi- nle5>ss it 1(1e capital. Details for staip. Volier, Madcison 8, Wisconln. MOTELS MOTELS MOTELS INQUIRlES Invltsd freiln operators lIn. terested in Cisla Operatlon MJotel, 25 Units wlth Gasoline Bar, and Cafte. Bar. Locations available Ontas'la and Quebec on 25 y cars net lease basis. Capital te furnih reqlred. Lease se- eurity, excellent bankidng references. A gooti oppqrtunity for zecurity of oper- ation in Ail Cassaf.lan Motel Chaisi. Write: BuutConstruction larc., Couin lvd. , Ïat, Monitreal, P. Q. Tel4. DU.7-8. CHRISTMAS TRIES C$RSMStiece etun Austrian aiidàScotch Pine. Best pos3sible ïtocýk, .$15 per 1,000. D. A, Tiffitu, Cookstown, Ont. COLU.CTION AG'ENCIES (MM'RSNationwide Collection) Al creditors having baci bis, andi notes that have net been paid, cap y down ai,11ssises andi mail tisemi to: 2925 Hlaw- thsorne Avenue, Ricismondi 27, Vîrginia. 0005 FOR SALI PUREBRED Scotch Collie Palps. Born Fabruary 10. BeautlfuIly msaricd. Slred by importeti grndsn of Lochinvar &~ Ladyýpalrk, Eugllsb champion. Dam's sire: Xehl.groye Duke '2nd, champion. Aýjtelght weekýs: maies $40.00; femnales $m30. QPlapers $200 extra. Johin C. Moiore, 1,R. 1, Richmnond, Ontario. EAVESTROUGHING ATTEN(TION *TINSMITI4S YOU u uht ta know that haIt round cesetrougis, in 28, gauge can 1)e bought plegrs han current prices. Write Enas, S ' Martin, R . 3 Wallenstein, Ont. FEMALE HELM WANTEU STENOGAPHII,shorthandi: at once. Alsoü gooti plain coak, exclusive Yacht club, North Chsannel, Laite Huron. Ape ply inavwritlng iwith full backgrouad anti photagraph. llighest wsge. Bar- bour Islandi Yachit andtiFlhinE, Club, Eýagawoaa-i, Maniltoulin Island, Ontatie. FARM HELP WANTED Mé,ARIBO man for, fari, purebrti hast cattie, Gooti wâges. Separat'e bouse wýithil I conveniences. Apply wlth ref- erences te Box 233, 123-lBthi Street, New Taronto, Ont. 19ARMS IFOR SALIE ATTlENTION farmi buyers. One ofthtii mnost up-to-date farma deug the Ottawa valley route franc Sa'it' Ste. Marie' for s;ale. Heavy soli. Bright future foz dazirylng. 450 acres, 180 under cultiva- tIan ,obmpiete linse ofPower aperâted new maciinery, 60 head dtairy cidtte, bouse, 3 barne, ilkhouse, garage. eoultry bouse, isydre, telephene. Price ~55,000. For Informiation write box 23U ,-1lfth Street, New Tarante, Ont. 60 ACPrS, 25 untier cultivation, eeededt te bey, balance bush andi pasture. G'oo4 twor-serey bouse, M bedrooms andi bath upstairs, 4 roanis downstairs, fiee kit- chen, large sunporch, goati weii andi citr,2 pressure systerme, hard atzi aeoft water ont tap. Bous;e partiy furn- ishet Iif 4esired.. Nice Iavn vwtth .tes, glirubs, ilowers, etc., gozd garin, somne ('mit trees, gooti baln, large'new tirlving sisedl. letricity. on -N.0 IlIghwey, la asmalillage wits toes Ouirches, etc. Bus passes gate. Close to rallway station. Innetilate poge5esion, gooti termes. W. lm. Suttton, Berkeley, ont. IFARM EQIIPMrçNT 1960 LANGEMIAN asparagus. harve5ster, used l 3 (a 0 hours. Reasonable. Lot Smpith, 8285 Wtkhins Rdl., Columnbus, 0hio. BElImont 6-0749. DÉXTI1A Ford diesel, useti 165 hoursý, 1$2110.0() Haland 68 bhaler, slightly used, $110>0.00. Sprissg tooth drag 9 point hitch, new. $l50 00. Ray Sider, 36 Eltza- beth St., Wlelland, Ont, Plions e R.1 2-5562. POULTRY Equipmient andi Parn Sup. pie.Write naow for yeur fret caa- lge.Rideau Speeialty Co., Box 2,77, Sniitiss Falls, Onitarîio. 20 CAN Woods boit cooler, chore- boy 1milkig më_chine.John Gbn.RRU2 Cledionis, 1R0.5-12 PERU. they are! Be an early bird! Heavy duy wagons with 15-Incli tires. 9128. A, Vanderkool, Geacral Repir hop, Beachilile. PARMALL M.D, aew ,condition, bigli clearance ad1gstable front ixle, aiSe iiarrow front end, bell>' pusnp, two-. way reirte v vts, Muodo 25'. since collte rebutilti. effl0.00. (* aider tralde astId dlivr ta 900U1% fatituc. IARI. IAMUIPE KR NeÉ. & 0ummvlLLS. PHONE 777mt A D V EftT1SIN G FARM FMACHINERY FORt SALE NEW lallanti Croap-Clipper, I,lel 33, :l'AliE I usetioeesao John Deere C,îitivatar, Nutrses, 13 -Motici CC.147, uti ancrese-asan. 28 " 1000 l frr 1.1. Tros e,irpieteiy qcitipýpecl 1917 BacleR seiFOur ,sessens. Contact G. Ferguson, oll âýus-I 1293ý Tepper Roti, Eurlingt(onb ntrie. NE l. 4-(J712. WD9 DIESEL ITERNATIONAL, tracter, top condi- to.Gooti cash buy. Braie Duckett, concessý!in , Leamjingion. Pisane FA FOR SALE - hISCELLANECUS CANADIAN exýclusive available, paten. ed wave anti curi comis, wanted by eey Woiaa. A proven $1 miaItartier item lu- U.S. Write Raya! Scot. Water- bury, Cana. 37COI BootsE $200. Hart! Caver Book dlispasals, 4 different 1$1.0(). State wLiitc. Goiti coiaured necklet crossesý, rhine. stan. centre, $2.00 dlozea, sample 35ý. Cashi Postpaid. Oft.prlce merchandis. bulletins 10é. Freemnans, Co"nwail, Ont, HUNTERSI ISHERMEN i CAMPERS 1 THE s portsman'. hast frienti - ste, enumicai. Dant be eaught in the wet or colti witli nothIsng ta a5tart a camp tire. Carry one of aur resinous wîoed blocks la your jackýet or tackie box. Will light anti bura Iastantiy, eveai whenl wet! Four (4) blocks - 10 ounces, $.0poetpali. Recuits guarantcet or money refundeti. Carlboc Pitch Chipe, Boxý 672, Wlliams Laýke, Ertisi Co- luimbisi PHONOGRAPH RECORDS N71Rrecord requiremnents are &as close as yaur own mialîbox! Szfe divr guaranteeti. Senti 25 cents ln coin or stainps taday for aur upta-dûate catk- lague listInjg everytbing recardedti l Popular Bits, Counltr 'y anti Western, Latin Amierican, Polka e' Classical, Folk k.nd Foreign Language Music. Bob Dsstry's Music Centre, Dlept. W L.10, PO. Box 747,M ea, P.Q. #4OUSZ PLANTS AFlUICAN Violets. WVrite for Bast 3ffer- laS aIl the finest varieties anti coors. Aiken Nursery, Chute Pa-ilet, Que. HORTICULTURIE DAYLILIES NEW WONDER FLOWEk BLOOM all smmer, sub-zero hardy last a lifetime. Rush usaiesand atidrese, fer colooreti catalogue cf (liseemraz- ing fiewers Floridel Grtiens. Part Stanley, Onterie. HERS TuA JERB 'FIA, very goedt for Arthritls,. Neuritis, ls of pep and appetîte, buaIlds riolhreti blooti. One. menti sup pi>', *4.00. A. DeLuce, CarnIciatl, P cansylvalai. INSTiRUCTIoN 1EARN More! Booklteeplng, Sal(esmni.n slip. Shorticant!, Typewrlticig, etc. Les.- sons 50e. Ast for freip circulwr No. 8M. Caïiadiasi Cosrespontience Coures. 1190 Bey Street, Toronto, TREES anti plante for home anti gar- é[en. Write or phono for frea estalegue* orv itwindover Nurserles,Ptrla MEDICAL PEFOPLE ARE TALKINO ABOUT THE 0000 RESULYS PROM TAKINO DI1XONIS REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PRAINS AND NEUITIS. MUNRO'S DRU@ STORE 3M LGIN OTTAWA POST'S ECZEMA SALVE eANI'SH thse torment of odry eczemaj rashes ianti weeping skia troubles. Pfost'a Eczema Salve wil nDot disapspoint you. itcb)ng sealding anti bornIng ecas- nia ane, rlagwOmm, pimupies and foot eczema wlll reepanti rcadlly te tic stainlesam, cdorless ointmeut, regarclesa *t hoiw stubborn or hopeless they sacei. Sent Met Fr@* on Rkecelpt off Prics PRICE 83.50 PIN JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue leêst, TO0RONTO Mg&CELLANEOU% SPEýCIAL Offer! 1,00W enibeeeeti buti- nees, nt(ent or2ermengl carda» ou 39 poýti.,. ,elAccurattl r ree iterature aa 4 samples. Mutciler, eox 254, Lincoln, 1DInois, U.S.A. GE9R4B Waa5hino'Couslin'.ç Oeil Paem Maauscript autographei, 10e,, Free chillrens nialtar>' k>' atheg lnclujdeti. 1028 N. Keumere, Mollyweood MONEY Tg LOAN MORTOGAGE Loaiis. Fonids avaâibi oi smitable ferme5, homes, stores, apari- mýents, Ihjotela, motels. Pleatant, cour. "teous 3service. lFor informliaion rite, pheone, Or drap ln. (Unitet Cou nty la- vestments Ltd.,5645 Bathurat St. TaI- enta 19, Ont. au. 9-21ý25. music YOU toecan m ate moneywrtn sangs. YVou toa cen releast your owca talent on recarde. Comiplets detalla anti tour montiss suliscriptien (o the Sang- Leadler Magazine for ani>'$1 SoBng- Leadrr, Bielti, Manitoba, Canada,ý NiURSES WANTIEO REGISTERED NURSE ONTARIO Homes For. MqenatallRetaýrd. *d Intenta, lac.,Plainfielti, Ontrio,( mlles nr0ofB ev', rqiealn >8 g NAME LIST$ ists of floctore, Dent1ste, Restiauranits ! 500 for $5 60o g $l.O.lorence Wellmeyt in Avenue, St. Louils là, Mis. NMIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS 0F NIJTRIA iWisea purchiasing Nutria conelder thoe follo\wlng points whlcb (is os-ganiza- (ian affers;: 1. Fise besi avaiâlabîs tock, no cr0sý boreti or tandard types recammendd.i 2. lTh. reputatien 0of a plan whicb iln proving itself substautiattO b> files .11 ratistieti ranchers. 3....,Fol inisuranc* againest replace- m -ent, salitise>' net lve or Iritha e"Vent et sterilit>' (ail foUl> explaiet in aur certificatse of mes-lt.) 4. We give you only miutations wisi1cL Are la tiemanti for for garnients. 3. You receive franc this arganlzatioae a, guarautecti peit market ila writlngl. 6. Moembershlp la o u r ex,5clttslve breetiers' association, wIereby aiy purcisasers oft tus stock mc>' particl' pate ln the beniefîts se efferei. 7. -19e frSreilgStock atari a $2 00. a pair. Speclal offer ta (homse ewio qualif>'; eara yaur Nuts-ria on Oulr coaperetive barsa W1rite: Canadîan Nutr;a LIsi,, K.1. No. 2, steuffvîlle. Ontarlo. -OPPORTUNITIES FOR MýEN AND WOMAEN SE A HAIRDRESSER SOIN CANADA'& LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportosiity Flessant. dignified profession, geati wages. Thauseande of succeestol Mlarvel Gratiuatss. Ame rica's Greetest Systens. viltrateti catalogue PresD Write or Cal' MARVEL HAIRORESSINO ICI-bOL 258 Utloor st, W., Toron to Branches; 4« King St, W., fHanuton 72 Rleau Street. Ottawa PERSONAL 1:NOW YOURSELF I Complets- Graphtq Aays.Senti severa llineoaf awsa h antiwriting anti $1. fer Sclýent!fier Analysî!s. Dandy, Box 337-C, Lethbrldgý, Aiberta. GET 8 boure sleep Nos-ous tension ena>'ciause 75ý 0f selknesa. Particu- lerly siceplebssaces, jitteryapss and àh' ritEbiUitY. Sleep calm yaur nerves witkq " Nappe", 10 for $1:;.10 fer $.. LYn'a Dimoge, Dept, 20 471 Danifortis. Tarante, HYGIENIC RUBRER GOOD5 TESP1ED, guarantûcd, maileot Inpai p arcel, lncludlng caitalogue endi oeu boekfree witb trial assortmeç.nt, 18 for $1.00 (Flntest quality). Western Distrlbv.. tors. Box 24-TPF, Regina, Sâsk. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT. ONT. Filmis developeti ani 8 magna prints 40e 12 agna priate 60e Reprints 5C oacI. KODACOLOR Develaping roll 90,ý <nat lncludlnýýg Prns C0b0srpriais 36f ssci extra. AgseadEttacismome 085 masn. 2G ex- posoires maoontet Iin sIldes 81.20 Cler ,int8 froc elides $23Ueach. e- m onded In full for ouprinteti nrgaIveme. PREDICT THE WEATHIR JIOST closely guartiet Secrets la th* World ! Nexecr revealeti befere! "30 WaYa ta 1retiiçt Ramla Intivesice.'l Will il relu tamiorrow? Telle you te- n¶orraw's weather ioda>'! Senti for tisesRain Secrets, oni>' *1.f0! Weather eec1raI, P.O. Box 472, Alýe at PROPERTIES ?'OR SALE U7,500; LOW taxes, ncw 6-room bisa a. lowa, treeti lot, 15 mIne. Peterbýoro; aise 10 acres gardon landi, termes. J Kins- mîsa. R.R. 1, Fraserville. Plane 214J21 SALESMEN WANTEO PULL tne anti part-tir-e sabesmien s-e- qoireti etronce ta sI exclusive formix, laes0ftise weil kaowa Agrlcide# Insecticdes, Challenger Sprayers, Dis- (anfectants, etc., direct le Daim>' Fari& Ex-,clusive territar>' arrangeti. Lberai corission on tiret anti repeat orders. Mduet blie k ,nw nlaares anti have a M od record. Apply b>' bIter ta Mm1. NK. eldtamîp, B. Se., Provincial ýManage-r, ,cd Lins Cheilals et Ca.nada. Ltd., Mýimico, Tamronto 18, Ontario. STAIMps 200 CANADA stamips; avl dîtterealt, useti, $1. Interesting set, 1 ecdi, $1, M. j. Wilson, 1269 Cauterbus->'Rd., Part Creduit, Ont. ZIx b"Uutiftul Karea stamnps, catalogueç vailue 510 - oui>' 104 te new approvai itpplicante. Marîc 1More, Box 572, )Port Bragg, Calif orna. SummER COTTAGES FORt lENT VILLA - VILLA COTTAGES % or 3 bedroarnshousleepin9, cottage, oit>' convefleance, open April 13 teO ct. 15, Reesanablo. Plions W-saga 456 or wvrite Robert Brown, R.R. 1, WVzaaga each,. Ont. TEACHERS WANTED BXPERINCED eader requireti k> Tupperville Sciseel U.Sa. -Na. 2q Rhlathamr anti Carnden Townsips, Koutý C ounty, for Sept. 1961 - 4 grades.A- pi>' statlng qualificatIone, saler>' oxm. pected antin ameati atitres of lart inspecter ta s-, uchsia Brown, Sei. roter>', R. Neý. 3, '1uppervillls, Ont. VILLAGE 0F RO'SSEAU ýREQUIR'ES (cacher. Grades 1 tea'l for tsrn commsnciug lu Septenmber. StatG qualfiîcaiona, experience anti salar.1y exp ectedti t, C. S.' Retymond, Socy,. T-reae., R0sseg-u, Ont. WANTIED -FSTMR PARENTS AN, O Dà,1FTC EPLYM... WANTED UCNDERSTANDMING FeserPaets C 4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N 's' N s' s s. N N N N N N t- s' s' s N 't s N N t- N s s' N .5 -i N N s s N '-i s N s N N N MORE LEISURE ... MORE PLEASURE ...MORE MEMORIES TO TREASURE that's Eurodpe iý n Sprîing Cunard- First Sailings from Mon treal & Quebec sel YOUiR IVERNIA April 13, May 5 ( LocL GEN- AXONIA Ar" 2, ay1 NO ONE CANApl ,Mym SERVE YbU CARINTHIA *AiI 28, May 19 DETTIR 5FROM QUISEC POIJOWINQ DAY Tel: by EMpi n tt., mCU N A R Dm Toronet oy ,OngtenN A Im< .i- oTlr ont 2-2O1t PA Y LATIRRIF YOU WISH

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