6thuey preferred to use a rmetnod ana .1uiStu '," on imi ocas ord er cf voting that again costs us theý, feit it was their last ehaxice mnoney and caused a stalemate. to seli? In oth er words the Bell whichi is the poorest of fer of the Now they are trying to make the tr~b arcie nacml Sshar-eholders believe they are hold- ation of yes votes becauise they were ingý this vote to sell to thle Bell be- of E. D. Smith's Pure Red Seelessp 9 oz. jar R aspberry Jami Green Giant Medium Small PEAS Domestic - 3c off pack SH OR'TENINle'G 2 f'or 63e oz 2 for 35c tin 2lb 65c Chieken Noodle- Tomato Vegetable LIPTON SOUPS 3 pkgs 35e TEA BAGS PORK L RIB ROAST CENT 3 lb. Avg.* lb 43c lb FRFiq'zý% PO:ZK HOCKS 60 per pkgr 73e ESOIN SALE ['RECUT 1 )69c 'lean, meaty Swift's BRO9K'<FIE'.D SAUSý"AG ~skinless Swift's PRIt.MiUM FRANKS Swift's COJKED HAM sliced 6 u Libby's C ATSU P o, Sunspun SALAD DRES9ING Ycrk STEWS Beef, Irish Catelli's EGO NOODLESý L~oin End Rst 31/z lb. Avg.- lb 49c lb 25C lb pkg 49c lb cello pkg 49c z Saran pkor49c 2for 35c jar 39C 2 for 55c 2 f.or 35c 2 for 29c oz bottie 24 oz 15 oz 12 oz ceiIl PLAIN NOODLES 12 oz cello Sweet, Thin Skinned - 48 size - Florida G R P-mE F1045Tclo Crisp, Crunch.y, Hothouse - No. 1 Graide OUOUM$?3ERS Tasty, Nutritieus, Florida - No. 1 Grade mWmPOTATOE% Luscieus California STR'AW SBE R RIES Garden Fresh - No. 1 Grade NEW GARROTSI 20Ooz cello. f ersas1 Fromn where 1 sit it looks though you wer-e conspiilg to sab- otage this Company and 4unitoe to thie Bell free, gratis, together with six - seven hundr ed suibscribeýrs1 and a perfectly good franchise, j Another th1ing I must cail your at-I tention to. Vvhent this Company wasl formed, it was a community effort. The original shareholders done what they could to proteet their. interests and to keep the Company from get- ting into the hands of speculators and any corrupt perons in thieir1 own ranks. My certificate reads, that no one person sliall hold more, than~ 5 shares of this company. So it "must follow as the night the day". You can only vote five shares of that bunch of proxies you have. ha you and the board of directors hve voted more than five shares each you have vilatedi the consti- tution of our Company and the last vote that was taken on the Bell of- f er is nuil and void and you did flot receive 61 ýper cent of the vote and you are- not justified in calling an- other meeting and adding a lot of expense to the debit side of the ledger. This company has been operated for 50 - 60 yeýars efficiently and there is ne reason whyv we cannot continue to do just that. If Mosport wan-ts three-four Uines and phones, make them pay for it in advance, like the Bell does. Nýow if you undertake f0 vote that flock of proxies you may be accused of criminal conspracy. F.VY Warren Letter To The Edlor orono, Ont. April 17, 1961 Dear Mr. Editor: The shareholders of the Orono -tTelephone Co. have received notice of another special meeting called by the Board of Directors for Sat- urday 2:00X p.m. to again vote on a resolution passed by them to seil to the Bell Telephone Co. Ltd. This will be the third time that theyV have held this vote to seli to the Bell. 'The question was asked at the last meeting why they did not find ,-utut what Company the majority of shareholders were in f avour of scli- ing to and they madle the veryl weak excuse that they have con- YOU CAN BEGIN i, CAREER TRAINING AT ANY TIME f The Oshawa Býusiness College mtof o!individual instruction rmits you to U start at any time 8 Day-School Courses from wh ich. to choose U VNI, TUSAa CLASSES 1 c Choice cfndTHURGDAY f 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.n Teen-Age TShitwsr g FREE LITERATURE g fi AVAILABLE g 10 SiMIL(ýe Street Dial RA. 5-33W Imported Neddlace and Earring Sets from $5.00 up from Italy Lightweight Summer Jewellery - f romt $2.50 up, Blue Mountain Pottery Jewellery - froni $1.95 in Cooper, Silver, GoId with Natural Stones Our Selection includes a wde choice of- Braeelets' Earriýngs, Neekiaces at ail prices ORONO 7ke 9 1 Ska PHONE 252J IORONO TINSHOPI MASTER PLUMBER PRODUCTS WASTE PIPE CLEANER CLOSET BOWL CLE ANER CESSPOOL CLEANSER ROOT DESTROYER R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario ROYAL Bowmanville MA. 3-5589 THAURS. 7:3ù GEORGE SANDERS t~BARBARA SHELLEYj AS PARENTS TORMENTEO BY A FIENISH SON WHO S SOT TREIR OWIN 4x i har1tl lp 1P, , SAT. Matinee "JAYHAWKERS"' (Coter) COYIENGTIRSA- SATUIRDAY APRIL 27-29 Named wYînlner of the annuai awi p 4" . ,, , - 9c