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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Apr 1961, p. 7

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iii iu,)0U, Lajf. t'c i. nA.,er~..s was., aôrrested 0o1 suspicion of cons mit- tîng a munder çluring a New Haven liquor store robbery. For sýome six heurs alt-er his arrest lie was questioned by police aI- fijcers but wos.ld Say nothiing t hutiis supposed crime. But the th ie off icers worked a ruse. They pretendeci ta issue ani order than his Tife 'ne brougist la for questioning. And at that poi1nt Rogers agreed ta confess. Thse next day, still ineonmmuni- cado and wîthout counse], Ro- gers repeated his confession to a. coronr Ble was tid conivicted, and îentenced ta deaih,lise trial judge holding that thse polie frick *Is "hd nautendency ta, pro.- ciice a conles siun that was r.ot ini accord with thse Irutis.' But lcw tise United Staïýtes S$upreme Court ha-,s overturred ise Connecticut courts, inivaii- elating Rogecrs' confession and .ordering- his retnial ý1itiout il, Justice Felux Fnank,:furten, de.- livering tise coun's main opin- ioyn, made it Plain iaI, trutis 2lone is not sufficient te, justify tise admission of a confession in evîence. Il. miust isn 1he tî]Y veluntary. "Convictions floigtise adi- mission int evideace of. confes- sýion)s which zýre involuntary, ï.L., tise produet of eoereiiua cýither physicat on psy-ýehelogiceut cainot stand," he wvraIe. "ýThis is nol so ïnuch becausesîh confessions are unlikely tb be true, but because thse rmthods mused ta extract themn oNendi an uindenlying pincîple in tise en.- fýorcemecnt of oun criminal Iaw; tisat ours is an accuisatorial and mot an inquisitorial system - a I eyste n a whlch tise state nîust establisis guiît by cevidencelas-. elepeadenitly an.d fre-ely~ secured *and may not by eercion prove ils charge against tise aceused. out of his own nieut."' Tise court isas said substast-i- >1ly tise saine thing many limnes beýfore. But il cannot be said to 1freýquently. Secret det8oeiti-n for, the purpose of lnducing a sus- p>ect ta incriminate lme~is ihfererntly ceercive. It le, iadeýed, a. substitution of trial by police e trial by a couurt cf law, O. john Roges, a former aS- eistant United States attorn-ey ge neral, hes; noted tisat crim'inal ihls ln our dernocracy d.o not *bound in confessions, as tiss hiCwnnunist countnies do. 'Thîisis ne accident, It la be- ecause tise Communist countnies hregularly employ trial by police. Et is because thisis an inquî- sitorial, not an. accusatonill, ys- tans - ostn 1era1d. How Cern 1? By Roberta Lee Q.Wha t e 11 tidck" i 1,rn- kng lias-eut gàrrnieits? A. To iron tisen witis 1h. "gr~ain" of tise fabrie, rather tisan fr-om neek to hem. This will prevent their sagging. Q. Hlow can I make a good job etf cleaning patent-leather shoees aixd other stieh articles? A. Mix up a solution of wo thirds viniegan and one-tlisird a ier. Apply Ihis ta thse leatheri, witis a soit cdots, and polisis withi lx dry clatis. Petr.oleuijm jelly, appiied in thse sanie wvay, ~will do the trick, toc. Q. Whiat vea) T do tbpreverit flue annovar. n- page in My kitchen draînplpe?, ý A. Fir ît( 1 void letting a)v of your greases go down tise dri.Tisese build up in the pipe and dtsngeal in lime. It's à good idea &aas te run piping hot water down your drain for at few minutes aiter your dsis- ahig.Anotiier gond pr-even- tive is ta give youn drain tise lye treatlment evTery: six months er so. Intuition la aomnething ÉhtisItelis a woniar i ses rigist when aise MOUSE CH<ARMER - Striking ilhe pose of on Orientai snake charer, il-yeciroldHeather Wilding plays a concert on hr recorder. Her pet mouse, 'Moz- art'1 just loves the lune. She't from Engiland. A Face-Lift For A British Queen Skilled Workmin. rcecently gave at former British queen e g«ood seruis down and sonie beauty treatrment. S hL e is Boaicea, whose statue iin her great chariot on Loxidon's Thamfes Embank- ment was specialy groomned ini preparation for being floodlit to comm-emorate the nineteenth centena.ry of lier vîetory overý the Roman inv&ders in AD, 61. Boadiîcea, who could flot read or write, becamne queen of v powerful tribe of Britons known as the Iceni by marrying thieir king, The tribe occupied thse ar-ea wve now cal]i Norifolk and Suf.- fol.k and on~e of their principal occupations, apart from fighting was horse breeding. The horses they bired wer probably used to drew thïs: war- rior quee-n's chariot. Legend saya ti-lat ail Boadecia's soldiers, chariots had scythes attachied te thieir wheels, but sonie historiane haRve denied that this is true. Whiat they are agreed about i.aý tha't in the batties the B3ritons fan outniumbered the Romans but weepoorly armed and not nearly so welI trained. ItWa s uggested,. somie years &go, that -a skceleton found brick- ed into the, wall of a Norths Wales parisis church was that of Boa-. dicea. Somre experts cLaimred to identify hen bones thirou-gh a. deduction, sayving that her final battie with thse Romnans took place flot far from .whiere thse skeleton vvas found. Boadlicea iî. said to have died finm poison, self -administered, aften lier final battie with) the Romans. Before every encotunter she had declared thatl she would conquer or die. H. Liked To Test His Coff in In Advance Thte recent rnewmstCory abouta ropsan who sIept in his cfm every night la net ,viti-oit prýe- cedent. A mort uniusual case is founid in an interesling book, "A Rus- sian Chiildhloodl," by E. N. Vodo- vosova. Whien hie waýS tfiy, a Russian iandownr dremed isatI-he'd suddenl'y died and a carpeniter, one of his serfs, had taken his measuyremnentis for a coffin, theac' got drunk and lost tisem. Frorn rmemory het made ont tisat turned ouIte obc too short. fie had tb be pushed imb it by brute for-ce q'and, although lie was dead, the pain was exeruci'atingt fle was so imp'ressed b3Y thse dren tmti e decidedi to have A suitable coffin made neady for hlm iwhite he was stilli alive. Ile sent isis carpenter ta os- cow 10 be trained. Wbe'n tise man had rmastered the craft and retuirned, h builît coffinas by thse dozen. But none was suitable, qndjthe rich mnan kýept tel a barn. Sne de-veloped cracks, Some tceI to pieces. Others wisicb dý'idn't oreup tb hie irequiremnente for salas ucelfis THE AL P.a0.Y aut necesaary. Troin Write for sainples. Ce. Dept XlO), Bu: BABY BRAY helps you gel ready for your markats. Order froni good assortant breed, i n started 'pullets, prompt .ship- Cros5s, sorte for prompt deliveryv, and Ilatc had to , order, Book Jneul broilera nlow. Soe loc'al agentý or write nrsv Hstchery, 120 John Nor4th. lamît- ton, Ont. BATTERIES BATTERIES REPAIRED BRýO KEN caseas, covers, (cilis re placed, etc. Free pick-iup anid dellvery wlithin 75 mile radius. E 1Lichti, R.It. I. Sztrelford, Phonie Shakespeare 2 R 18. BERRY k. ROOT PLANTIS QNTARIO'S LARGEST STRAWBERRY GROWERS ALL COMMniERC'IAL VARIETTES 12 MILLION PLANTS Retlrons of 110$,500per acre minde, our newv growýing 1systeni. Fut coniplete iilnrtion and J10price lia, rite: B.B.F. BOSTON LBRY FARMS (ltEG.) RR.. ,No. 1, WILSONVILLE, -ONTARIO PON:WATERFORD 1HICKOIIV 3.807 MAGAZINES 10<, ,$3 00 orders prepalil. Westernl,romnance, doctective,wa , miechaies, hurnor, sport, auainl mo1vie, French, mnedical, nmen's home, science. Statc waiits. Freemna scorn- wlOnt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOTELS MOTEL S MOTELS INQUIRIES inyited froi operators lu- terestadi Chain Qperation Motel, 25 Ijaits with Gasoline Bar, andi Coffae Bla-. Locations available Ontario and Q ueblec on .25 yeers net lasse basis. Capital to furzsdsh rcquired. Lease se- .eurity, excllent banking references. tA gýood opportunity for sectlty of oper. ation ïn Ait Canadian Motel Chain. Write: Bousquoct Construction [ac., 2 Gouin Blvdl. -East, Montreal, P Q. Tel. DU. 7-8a39. DUSINE&S PROPERTIES FOR SALE -ELECTRICAL Appliance Store, building und modern apartment. Equipment te service refigerators, wsshers, etovem, fr-eezers, raiios, television and a1'mati eppliancai, no competition. Appilybox1 isumber 234, 123-18th Street,Ne o ronto, Ont, TW-trybuîlding- 22 Y 109 sltuiated Is tise heert of Waterloo, prasently usedl as sutationery ,store, suitable for aInoet enly type o f business, excellent ternis, contact Lester Brun, Refltor, i;7 Fred- rckSt., litchenier, IDEAL FAMVILY )bUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GENEB.AL store, post office, snack bar, llompal and four be-droom hme. On in highiwey hetwean Norths Bey and Quebec border. $23,000 plus stock. Conl- tactE. C. Alpeter, Feronla, Ont CHRISTMAS TRIES CHRISTMAS trc seiaa Austrien aind Scotch plies. Bs possible stock, 15f per 1,000. D. A. Tif fin, Cooktown, Ont. EAVESTROUGHïNG ATTENTION TINSMITHS YOU ouglil to know tisaI iaif rond eaetrougb lIn 28 sauge Pcea ha bouight ait less tisa current prices. Write Enos - S. Martin, R. 3 Wallenstein, Ont. PEMAL.1 HELF WANTED SýTENOGRAPI1ER, shoxthand: et once, Also good plein cook, exclusive yacht club. Norths Channel, Lakze Huron. Ap- ,ply la wrlting t-vitla fffli b ckgroua4 nnd photograph. l*lghest weges. lIr- bour Island Yacht and FishinÏ Club, J.Kegewong, Menitoin Island, Oatairio. wert pre,,sented to serfs fin whose familles uthere hiad been' a death. Dry fstraw was Ikept in *ach coffi, and he, would lie in eechi in turn to test tbem even thoulgh thly dia iiot gOmlicwp t o the r.ç- quiree stan.dart,. FAM ;oPMN luît GO96 LANGEMAIN asparagus harvasten, onaf used leas than 30 houra. Reasoneable. Lut Smith, 3285 'Watlciaia Rd.. Columbuas, Ohlio. Uilut 5-0749. DEXTRA F ord diesel, osed 185 hours, $2100.00 Hofliand 6lhae, lightly usad, $110000. Spring tooth drag 3 point hltch. ncw. $150 00. Ray Sider, 36 Eliza- betlisSti. Weýltnd, Ont Phone R.E. 2-5562. FOU.LTRY Equipment and Farn Sup- plies' Write now for, your frac cala- logue. ideau Specialty Co., Box 277 Smiths Fails, Ontanio. H4ERE they are! B e an eariy' bird! Ircsvy d'uty wagonis with i-inchi tires. $l?5. A. V-inderkooi, Gencral liepair srp, Beachville, FA$LMALL M,).D, naw condition, hîgis clearance adjustable front axie. aIso neýrrow% front end, belly psamp, two- wvay ramote coatrol valve, Model 257- I-H-C. cultivetors, good tires. 400 hirs. sinco comnplete rebuild. $1995.00. Con- ider trade and in 300 mnile raiu ARL DEAMUDI R.R. No. 6 DUNNVILLE, PHONE 777V,2 FARM MACHINERY FOR SALI MINNEAPOLIS Muinie 445 tracter, 3-4 plow aira, %with torque amplifier, lina powocr taka off, 3 pI. hitch, power stear- lngj andi boit puliey' . Lika naw \with onily 600 hirs. Real bargain. Walter Swanston, .R. 3. Rockwuud, Onit. UL. 697. WD9 DIESEL INTERNATIONAL tractor, top conçll- lion. Gooti casihvby. Esrnle Dueat, conesion3.Leaminglon. phone FA FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 37 COMIP Books $2.00. flard Cuver Book d1isposais, 4 differernt $1.00. State wants. Gold colourati neeklet crossas, rýilïe- -tone centre, $2.00 dozea, semple 35e Cash Postpald. Off-priee merchandise bulltiins 10. Freemeans, Cornwall. Ont. HNT S FISHERMEN 1M~R THE aiportsimen's bast friand - safe, econonmital. Doni't be caughtIt hîe wt or coldi with nothing lu tart a camp fira, Carry une 0f our rasinous ,vood blocks i your jacket or leekla box. Will lilgt and bursa Instantly, aven whea wvel! Four (4) blocks - 10 ounces, $1.00 postpatd. Resulta guaranteati or mnoney refunded. Cariboo Pilch Chips, Box 672, Williamis Lake, British Co- WATER HEATIRS ELECTRIC Waer Ileeter! limmerïioa. tsype 110 Volts, 1320 Watts, 55.95 pos5t- pad ear Guarantea. Larson. Televi- Mion, 10132 East Warren, Detroit 14, Micehigan, U.S.A. PHOINOGRAPH RECORDS YOUR record requiremants are as closet as your own mnailbox! Safe delivaa-y guaraateed. Sead 25 cents la coin or atans todey for cur up-to-date cea- logue listing everylbing recurded la Popular Hits, Cuuntry and Westernl, Latin American, polkas, Clessical. Folk and Foreign Languaage MsiBob Destry's Mulisic Centre, DepI. W L.10, P 0. Bo,f 747, M'ontreal, P.Q. HEALTH CATALOGUE KEEP Ileaithyt Enjoy Lifel Send for free family I.Itli Cataloguie. Naturâl Vitamins, Foods, Herbe;, Appliances. W'agonar, 3225 Southy ti. at, Salt Lekle City, U(tah.~ HOUSU PLANTS AFRICAN Violets. Write- for ist off er- ing il tise finest varlelies and colours, Aiken Nursýery, Chute Panet, Que. HORTICULTURE INSTRUCTION EARN àMore! I Bookkeeping9, Salesmnan- Ahip SothnType)writing, PeLes.- sons 50&ý Ask For free irculai No 33. ,anadian Correspondence Courseýs 19M Bay Street Toronto, MAPLE SYRUP FOR SALE MAPLE 5yrup, guaranîeea puare, 0i gal- incase $2950, 4 gallons $00,smaller quantity $-5.20 gallon. Howard lier, Flinton, Ont. MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN - EVERY SUFFERER OF RI4EUMAATIC PAINS OR NEURMTS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'5 ORIJO STORE 335 ELGIN IOTTAWA $21Express C'oliect POSTIS ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczemeb rashbes and weepîng sakin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve wvllI not disappoint you ltcing, scalding and hurning ecze- nia, ecneinIgwormý, piomPles ana foot eczemna will respond. readily 10to th stainless, odorless intrnent, regariesu of 1mw stubborni or hopeiess thes,, seeni. Sent post Free on Receipt of Piice, PRICI $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1845 St. clair Avenu, Ert. TORONTrO NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSE ONTJARIO homes For Mentally Retard. ed Infants, mne. Pliainfiold, Ontario, (7 miles north of Bellevilie) requires im- mediately, additional trained staff. S hour cluty, Night or Day. Salary $3,600 to $4,506 with car allowance and fringe benefits. Apply a wrtingwith refer.. ences to 'Mrs, Leonors Vellen. nP. Boxý 100. Plainfield, Ontario. THREE REGISTERED OR GRADUATE NURSES Pequired For 15 bed hos>p1il, situated on thie beau. tifl A',ROWV LARES. B.C. Standardi salaries, hiolidays and senil-anniual inr- creases, 40 bour week, and living hi acconmmodations atio1w cost. APPI..Y To ADMINISTRATOR ARROW LAKES HOSPITAL NAKUSP, B.C. NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS 0F NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria consider theb Fdllowing points %whieb Ibis organisa. lion offers: 1î Tile best avallabie stocknon cross- bred or standard types recommended. 2. The reputation of as plan wh;Iich l e provïng Itself substantinted bv files ut ,satisfled ranchers. 3. ..Full insurance againat replace- maent, should they flot liye or i tIs event of sterllity (ail fullly expWaned ini our certificate of menit.> 4. We gîve you only msutation~s whlch are in demiand for fur garmients. 5 Yiu re«ýeve froini Iis orgaflizatlon, aguaranteed pol nserket In wrItig. 6i. Memrbershiip In o u r exûlusivw breeders' association, whereby oniy purchasers of tbis stock maiy Pa rtIci. pate in thse benefits s0 offered 7, Pices for )3reeding Stock aetarI Sat $200,.4s isair Speclal offer É9 tisose whe quallfy: ern vour Nutr$a 011 Dur icooperativ, basis Write' Canadian Njtrla 14d., X.R. No.. 2, 'Stouffyille, O*,terIo. OPPORTUNMT1S FOP MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER lOIN CANADA'S LEADINO ICHOOL Great opportunity Learn Rlrdressing Pleasant. dignlfled profession;ý good waget Tliousands of succesaful Mlarial Graduates AieiesGreatest Systeni rIllustrated Catalogue Frac, Write or Cael MAIIVEL HAIRDRESSINQ ICHOOL 358 Bloor St. W.. Toronte Branches: ,14 King St. W, Hanifton 72 Rideau Street, Ottâwa, GLET C hours sleep. Nervou.s ten.5ior ftasy cause 75%1,0f sîckness. Particii. larly sleepies.sness, jitteryncsa and la,- vitablity'. Sleep ceins your crves VwJi "Nappa'> 10 for, $1; 50 for $4. Lyonlg Drugs, dept. 20. 471 Danfort1t, 'Toronto. HYOINIC RUBIER CO005 DAY LILIES ETDgrateaae. su rewt1strial assortmeat. 18 for NEW WONDER PLOWER $1,0 (P!laest qualfy), Western Oïstrlbar- BLOOM al auimmer, aub-zero har 0 rBx2.TF la i lest' a ilfelirnse.Rut*h nante andafidrae POUTRY NOPoNSFOR ALE for ,oloured catalogue of tises. amnoe- ,ing flowerS. F1rd1Gaýrdea,, Porti, Peasan al,,fui!-puts. .Staaiely, Ontario. Ê n) 'sM fà e DIIçJawinga LANSCPIG erbutt oic 'eolige Ai-change;;wulrl s 4 fl- 2REES andi planta for hpinme#»a -xi.cý n i e daen, W iteor p one f or fr e t tfk 5ýlq el W e &r5 o Ph. ~o 'nt SIE YOUR LOCAL AGENT - NO ONE CAN SERVE YOU BITTER Corner Bay & Wel Toronto, Ont. PAY LATIR IP YO'~ WISN -~ CD ~ t: iy' ~ ~ - FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT ONT. Films developed aýnd 8' magna pints 40e 12 magna pnints 60*) Reprints 5eeacIi. ICODACOLOR Developina roil 90(, mot including prints Cotor prints 3U< escis extra. Ansco and Ektachromne 35 niam,.20 eu. posures mnounted ln lidles 81j.20 Coloi, prints froin I ldes 32C each. Money re- unded ln f ul for unprlnted negativem. PROPERTIES FOR SALE $7,500; LOW taýxes, new 6-rooni bunga- lowvs, tred lot, 15 mina. Paterboro; also 10 acres garden land, terras. J Rins.. man, 11.11. , Fraserville. Phione 214J2]. M%,illbrook,. PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS ADDRSS EVELOES, ailcirculars for nationl derisr. aspleasant work iborne for, extra incorne, Coni. plete in structions, 51.00. Ma,,fparký, Box 5374, St. ýLpis 15, MiSSOuIri. U.>S.A\. SALESMEN WANTED FULL ,imne and part-lime saiesmien re- quiiÉed at onice to seli exclusive formu-, ltions of the weli knrown Agricids, Insecticides, Calegrsprayers Dis- infectants, etc., direct ta Dairy Farmns. Exclusive tarnitory arranged. Liberal commission on first and repeat orders. 'Must be known in area and have a good record. Appiy by lettea 10 r. K.ý Faldknamp. B. Se., Provincial Manager, fled Line Chemicalas of Canada, Ltdi, Miînico. 'i oronto t8, Ontario. SPARE TIME _OPPORTUNITIIS ME, omen, make mioney, big Profite showing 89'- Protein, Mïemican Wallets., Purrsas, Bongo Drums, etc. Free Cala- log. Frank .Fiarenra.ý 5224 Doris Way, STAMPS SIX beautiful Korea stamp)s,ctlou vle < .oly 10< to fnew approval applicants. 7ariçtlie Mor, ox 572. ,Fort Bragg. Califomnia. 200 CANADA stamipa; ail different, used, $51. Initcres.ting ýset, 1t cd, $1. AI. J. Wils on, 126ý9 Canterburly Rd., Port Credit, Ont. SUMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT VELLA - VILLA COTTAGES 'Z or 3 bedrooni lhouisrlkeping cottag;esi, city conv'enience, open April 15 10O ct. 15 Reasonaýýble. Phlona Wassga 456 or wvrite tiobert Browa, R.RW 1, Waýsag* Beach, Ont. TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT teacher waLnted for S.S. No. 2 _Mars, with about 18 studients, A nice school neaïr No. 12 Higbway oit Lake Slmeoe. Inspector raference and saiery expected. Secrýetary-Trieasuirer IL F. Newmnan, Gamebridge, Ont. SOUTII BRIGIITON Twp. Sohool area reqiIres ae Protestant teacher for Sept. 1961. Fr Tour grades. Salary sehedule in effeet. Appiy, rtatitg qualifications, szalary expected and last inspeetorate, te Mr. Cecil Alexander, Sec.-Treas., 11.11. 1, Brighton, Ont. TEACIER sequired for niewly-decorated u-ne roni chool, S.S. No. 2, Dawn, fout miles f romn Dresden. on. paved road. Protestant lady, good referessees, with or without exper1eace~, waatetiyta begin Septamjber. Apply, statïng Fsal;Lsy expeet- ed by MaY th, ta ICeanneth AMcFadiden, Se.-TFreas., R.*.2, Dresden, OntDrio. 1TSA Kenn~edy, Brower 'Fox an d Pyne requires qualified teacher. Duties to commence September, 1961, Enrolment approximately 33. Grades 1 ta 6. New ïully modern scbool situated on al. Wieather road 12 miles east of Cochrane, O nt. Deiiy bus -service 10. and frorn Cochrane or boarding place ini mmadt.- ae vicintty of school. Salary schedule la effeet. Apply .stating qualifications, experience and sname and address o lest inspector te .Jack Mian, Secretary- Treasurer, Box 1441, Cocline, Ontario. QUALIFIED Catholie teacher for Graf-. ton separate sehool, to start Sept., 1961. Eight grades, about 36 to 39 pupils. ýSalary $,3,200 plus qualification extras, er state s;alary required. Repiy to Fred aeSec -Treasurer, Graflon, Ont. WANTEXI - OSTER PARENTS AND DOME&TIC EMPLOYMENT W AN TE D ($NDERSTANDING Foster Parents, Cap- %bl ofSuprviingGirls of Schoo Age. and will be under boarding cara. Do- rastic emnployment also required for gil s 16 10 18 In sa good faily setting. easýonabla Wzags. Apply Suipeintend., *nt, PýO. Box 507, Galt, Ont. -WRJITEIS SERVICIE WTUWIIEES Service typing, Revislng, Rs.. g GrhChot-Writing, Stonies, Books, elevisioni Radio. Reasonable rates. Penci, 01 Ih Avenueï,-,Lo.sAn,- g 43, ni. ISSUE 16 - »11 I I I v ANs, N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'A N N N N N N N N 'N N N NI N N 4,,, Ns N N N N N - N s 'N 'N - N N N ' N N N N N N Ns s N -'a. ~ 'N N 1, N 't s N s N N N N 4,, s s N t5 s N N N s N .4' s, 4- -'4 Ai N 'N - - - - n MORE LEISURE .. MORE PLEASU*...MORE EOREO RAURE that's Europe 'In Spring! Cunard First Sailings from Mon tr.aI & Quebec SAXONIA 'April 22, May 12 IVERNIA May 5,26 ÉARINTHUA Mayl9' ------g---CUNA----- \ID

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