ORONO WEEKLY TItMS TI'U1RSpAY,, APRIL. 27th, 1961 trait that any law which is not well costs involved in fighting the f rf. Wiea otii 1 uhl Upgrading your se-ed grain o_-ý - F or st ire D oenforced and which does not have A good pollcy is 'When' in doubt gri pealiereste trphneyoineret age Saoo That's a $23 return on a $1 invest- have to bce a violent "buy, buy, non-observance is usually ignored and be sure." The Ranger Stations xnet.pxogxam during one year, and _;11:1 suchtim as hares ae lid ae oen svendaysa wel~What does Mx-r. Whitelaw say a- restinig on your laurels for 5 yas untl sch imeas hares re aid ar opn svenconva eernceboutthe euntrietsedlokd1s U nlim iatddpDnati es exactd. the lire season fox-r e xn othehe experimentlit can be an easy, graduali impro-.-ze-- U n lim îted D a rna g e , ~~~~~~This also appears te becoone of the of the public as well as to safeguard "Teutet4 edloe si eto edoe h er.C 111>1drctwyso praig n orfret.the drill had beefn seeding only hali o edee heyas .~ Ea<zh spring regax-dless of the them and endanger land nearby. In omtireco thsef pble. dini-ex rst.'iceouh"-Knbry fteOtaiDer -çnany methods used te tLry to i nlo)rm sýome cases this is grass, and in eth- jcharges are laid and fines paid thie SeojekE onta, lsi ner se e ithout tee t ofanchs utyu e Feld the f -hepublic living within th. e lire dis- exs it might bc 'aluable buildings, news spreads in a manner similar ing again." Ilowing ideas in mmnd: tricI, and the summer residents wÀho timber, or a bit of land with great to the.way ripples spread on a pondn m.ray corne occasionall 'y on week. aesthetic value. jn the last two cases, when a stone or other ojc is O)f ' "_______________________________________ *nds, that the fire seasgon opens on it mnay take mny> years tc e rai? dxopped in the water txF na Àpril Ist, there are, a great ntany [i e dajmage caused by f ire. Charges are laid under the Forest. Ofljsials of the Ontario Federa-~ i-eple who still persist fin burning When thîs pccurs the -usual ex., Fires Prevention Act against anyi tion of Agriculture and the Onýtario n .u" ivithout a permit earlyi the seït-'.cuse is ta h at ocre'jewost u ie ihu.frtFre' jinýrtkF thulthat the f rty eas n d o bn who ets elresmit hou is a l-gt he 1r-e', nio etalesg ation toP IN H e- I On som occaions hese iresin- iopen uintil some time later than Ap- xeady happened in one case inth moe from wire lencing by--the eway on the person whoý startedj It seems an unfortunate homian ible for, th 15 e-isaise hiable for al IThe decision te make this move C WHITE WASHINC, STABLES an-d PUMIPINO OUT SEPTIC TANK# Soet TuI PhomePne Ncnvill' 4721 jervice %ouuruntees, Lom,-1.iâ -e-ith Economy! 1. We thor. QUghly dlean and ' recondition your oil hurner. Remove j and scale from tir , furnace. Uclentlfically reg- u late your 011 humner so it wili run efficlenitly and wit'h li o 01con- ' sumption v ce which may be needed du ing the repaîr womn or de- etWe paeo automatic deliver- les of top-quaîity grade c frclur buri, 7 Alil tIis for a Iow annual maintenance cha1 plus the cost of the ail you use. Not only is it the iinest kind of heating service, but the miost e6 nomical cand satisfactory. Phone Us Now For Detaoils For ý u i Oron uel &LinberLimited - cme at a special àeeting between executives of the two faxrn. organi- zations held in Toronto oii Aprtil 20. It was the second top level meeting hewld in the past six months bet#ýeen the OFU and the OFA in an effort1 to seek answers to somne of the fax-m problemns. I The O-FA-ý and the 01FU will ask their national countex-parts, thle Can- adian F"edleration oï Agriculure and the NationalFame ' Union, to mawke a joint appeal to the federal goveram-ent to haye the sales ta on fa1rm fencing remlovedl. This pro1-, ject1 is vee as im-portant to) bothI organizaions, as il wil be the first tim-e jointl action will have beeil takeni. seh: Ontaria mneeting al1sodics secia nuber0f needs of fres among themn such matters as price stability, quali.ty production, produc-! tiïon planning- and developmnent of, export mar-kets. The relationship ofj the prices for goods and serviTcesý iwhichi farmrers use and the prices I 1 hley rcie for thieir products. came in foriome pelimlinary ,exam- ination, as did th c (Os( of education to farm txaes The ()ctve f the 1tWO Iorgani- zations wex-e pleased wvith thie neet- ing but dleclined to )n-ake £urther '~oirwntexcptthat another rneet- ingwod likely be held so-nfe time in the future. TV VISITS MOSCOW CHURCH A, special R1eport from MscwI filmeci by thie NEC iia co-ciperation with thle U.S. Southern 1Baptist Con- vciltion, wl be presented on1 Sun- day, April 30 at 1:30p.mi-. M1ost of Mý,oscow's churches are closed or hv been turnied into) mu- seumns. One stili ini existence is the Moscow< Baptist Church, whlere NIBO hlighlights of six typicat Eaptist Iworship services including a wed- ding,, an-,or-dinationi and a g-roup bap- tsTREATING SEED PAYS Treating seed pays. Or does it? A "Welling-ton County farmer, Georg-e Whitelaw, started on the! outside of a 20-acre field with un- txeated seed, last year. About hiall- wvay throughi he switched ovex- and finishied the field with the samne seed - but it had been treated. 0. A. C. crop sciehitiests look 2 samp1es 20 f eet loingI ron each. part of the' f ield, and compared the yields. The resuit? The plot seeded with untreated grain g-ave 42 bushels per acre;. the treated seed yielded 56, bushels per acre. Was is worth it? For a cost of 50c. per acre in cleanîng and treating, g THE GIFT SHO? 1 ti Agents for g NEWCASTLE DRY CLEANERS 1 AND LAUN'JDERERS r! 13 Operated by Jack Lees g oFOR PICK-UP & DELIVERYg O PHONE ORONO 252J O Phone 14816 AND BODY SNOP 1.1K1 N G ST., E. BOW MAN VILLE MA 3-2301 NO DOWN PAYMENT UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY 1961 CHEV Conv,, toaded---------..$3875,00) 1960 CHEV Belair, Aut....... ... 2375.0t) 1959 FORD GaLiaxy, Ioaded .... ..... 23I75.00 1959 VAUXIIALL, Sedan............ 1545,0b 1958 PONTIAC, One-owner ......... 1545.00 1958 PONTIAC CONV.............. 1895.00 1957 BUICK, Coach......... ....... 1150.00 1956 CIIEV V-8, One-owner.... 1955: 'CHEV V-8 ................. 1145.00' 1955 VOLI{SWA,%GON, Sharp........ 645M,0 OPEN FROM q - Il BODY SHOP 8 - 6 H ARLEY HAYES Bus. MA. 3-230 1 Res. MNA. -2Â OPEN HOUSE OPEN 1 p.m. tLo 4 p.m. Daily $12,950 Full Prfce $7.5.00 MONTHLY PLUS TAXES No second Mortgages - No Hidden Costs - Just Value! Full Down 1I - Payrnent only ý>771*1 LOCATION: Oshaw'a UL lui %J1.fl* i ' Ira MaK oPhiIIip Murray - -eft to aur Sign o ýt. -Turn on Oxford This is What You'il See! *Quality construction second ta nione *6 room Bungalows, 3 bed- rooms, 1050 Sq. F±t< . 'I *Brick Veneer, Oit Wèat 6 DIFFERENT MODELS OPEN FOR INSPECTION Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor RA8-5123, RA 8-5124, R~A 8-5125 ROY Wu NIOHOLS BOWMAN VILLE ~~~~~1- .COURTICE Orono, Ontarjlo --m- mmmuwowui 11-1