EXIRA$36.OO,)inIBOnus Tapes RECEIVE FREE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES 48 oz. Ti n Tomato Juice Libbys Fancy 15 oz. Jar Corn Relish McLarens Super Fab 45c off king size Tooth BPaste Crest giant size ','2 Gallon Ice Cream Royal GoId RECEIVE FREE $2.001 IN BONUS TAPES 2 6-or. Tins Grapefruit juice Donald Duck No. 1 Florida - size doz 4 ~Florida Juicy No. 1 Grade Size 96s Marsli Seedless or Rul4' Red Grapefruit 10O for 49c Floridla No.Nl Grade Crisp Tender Celery 2 size 24's 35c No. 1 Grade Leamington Hot House Size 24s Cucumbers 2 for 25c Green No. 1 Grade Gardlen Frislh Onions 3 bunches 23c B3unch No. 1 Gradle Ruby Red Radish 3 bunches 23c Discount Value- Save 14c .whiîte Cross TImOILET ýT IîSSUE 4 rolis 39c Discount Value Save 6c Aytnser's C.ioice 15 oz. Tins PAS & (CAROTS Discount Value - Save 13 BigElF' STEgW 215 45 3 lb. Cello Bag .Cooking Onions" Canada No. 1 Discount Value - Save 13c -Neinz Strainied or Junior 12o.Pkg. BBYFOD Qn 1- - n6*4- O, "1cec1 vologna 1 ablerire FROZEN F*OOD DEPARTMENT Farmhouse - 8c off CHERRY PIE 24 oz Turkey, Chicken o r Beef T.Vy. DINESiloz FRESH PORK LOIN SAL ROASI O'PORK Tenderloin Portion Centre Cut Roast or Chops lb 5 9c Economical and Nutritious Slicecd Fresh Pork Liver lb 29c Tablerite Pure Pork Sausage smail link lb 49c TabIerite Rindless Side Bacon lb pkg 69c Discounit Value - Solo M ARG ARINE 2 lb pkgs 49ge Bright's APPLE JUICIE 48 oz 2 for 65c Aylmer Choîve SLICED BEETS 15 o)z 2 for 25c LIQUID JAVEX 2 oz45 64 -oz boule 45 IGA~ PRESENTS sTrORiES FROM THE SATruRDAY EVENING POST 'BEST of POST'« over CFTO TV Channel 9T.t EVRY THURSDAY EVENING?-7:30 P.M. 3 for 99c DE SCHOOL AREA ALGAMATION two Ihigli painitedi on thlem are to be- re-- ,ion figures put FRESHER BY FAR No. 1 Grade Savory Tropiýal Ftavour,' BAN A NA S Plans f; orplacing the buildfing on-ý tile 10 aceSite, formly 1vmod Iby thle Land ssmby n ope townl- ship were ýsubmlliltted by site chailr- 1man J. S. TLalrie. Hie was reque'stedto cmlt an agreem-1-ent vwith Rd Woods, real- toi, acting on1 behlaif of Jamnes Wal- thirouigli the Walter-s oprt.13Y Ilhe agreem-ient AMr1 . Walters wl deed Ile right of way to the tovw;n whichl wiil in turn Surface the area. Thee hospIitai board wvill provide se-w- er, and w ater services. Thse proposed street approach to thie hospital will 1run east from On- tario Street to the hopta rI will becoim, e enx odnorthiof Ox- ford Street. Dr. \W. H. A. Richard of Tor01onto, has been engaged as raciologist for tise hospital. H is ervic'es wfll comi- m-enle .uly 1. J. . ilson, treasurer, receîved thle approvai of the board for pay- nimn of accýounts for, March-pl total- liing $20,3081>.0. -hgMr. Wilson StaIted. Thle femnalei svard hu a nocuac of 117.3 peri cen; mie ard96.3. Private roomlsl weeocuied 97 .5 an1ld Semi-1pri11Vat e 11..In miaternityIthe private roomy wasunocupedthe semi-p-iv ate pu 0 ir centocuany ward, 321 Pericet. ccupancy of tise child (- ~rens wrd as 87 per cent and nurer 1 percet Medical and sur-g clocpnytotalled 102.71 per cnt;and total occupancy 73 per (cen)t. dnreported a total of 67 opera- iosin March. Seven w er'enmajor 51i rnio n ine tonsillectom.-l, Thlaboatryreport so-e 0 tests and 1103 units for in-patients ad91 tests, 247 iunits for- out-pati- jents. The liumber of out-patients vvý1s 64; total te-,sts 59ý6 and total uni- i tS 1350. ithe(X ay dparctmyent there were 198 radý1iograph)Jy, 49 mino- graphy 1vanid 4ECG. SLIGHT DECREASE IN UNEMPLOYMENT The unempioym-lent situation in thse Cobourýig-Port Hope area stili continues to brîgisten. MNanager A. Cooper said that hie believed li wvould continue thiatwy as thie spring openls sasnavork for, the unemployved. aeaSo The figures for the araso, decline of 24 for tise week of April 21 as compared i th the 1)re-vious week. Thle total at thle enid oft tisi weoek was184 OF 0CHOLDS TYFtXEIUTIVE MEETING~ The newly eetdexecuitive of th Bwnvle Chamnber of Co'm- me rce hield its firs mneetinin iitise' Town 1Hall with Presidenit J. Bell bin tise chair. Chaiïrmw of stan1ding- c(,ommnittees were appointed: Mernbersisip, W. G. Pascoe; retail Merchanits, W. B. Syer; welc,,coinig, i ,W. G. Lander; municipal affairs, N1. Osbornie; beautification, 0. KowaL. A owmiittee of E. L. Clifton, H. G.I iMeNeiïl and M. S. Dale were ap- Îpointed to investigate means of idenstifying Mosport Race Track -ithi the towni. t is thse chamber's deW;ire to work in co-operation with ail' town activities. The chamber's TOWNS, VILLAGES SEEK RO0YAL COMMýSStION STUDY 0F COUNTY GOVERNMENT A metingat which funictioi'z of couty ovenmetswill be, dis-us- e-d ini fuilI be atteýnded by Port Hope's mayor, 'reeve, and depu-_! reeve in Renfrew MN1ay 12 - 13- The to)wns and villages section -)f the, OntarloMucialAssociaioýn, mieetinig at Renfrew niext montiih wýil consýider the advisahillt\y 01 sweeing evisonsof Ithepren Chief topic will be a r'esolutio0n aIskinIg thle provinicial governmjjent ,to appoint aq Royal Commission to~ study the1( present sy stem and'i rec- ommend 1necessarY changes. The conferuiice is timely as flar asPot Hop)je andBomnve r ronjce'rned in the United courtIeOs~ roýads. Por'It 1Hope Council and Bow- j man1ville 'arecain for, a bi'gger re- j bate to townls and villages ftromil roadis. At presenfltIthere is a 25 per- Sen rhaebu a50 eren rebate CANADA'S ONLY SHORT HEEL FASHION STORES HI-STYLE FLATS il antd 11/' Heel Style Pumps. (JET HEELS) 7.99 to 12.95 (SIZES 4 to 11 Write For Our c.týoqoue Q, Visit U UPTOWN: 3095 DBATHURSt ST. 4OWN TOWN: 270 YONGE ST. TORONTO ONT. Tlie South Hope School Arèa Board recently put forward a pro-: HOPE TOWNSHIP PAIR posai for the building of an addi- 'O0SERVE 4th WEDDING ANN. ti'onal four rooms to the George M Ar. and Mvrs. William Liîghtle of lHamnilton schooil at Welcome. This the Telephone Road, north of Portl wouild mean the amalgamation of Hope, were hionored 1w their family four one-roomied schools, Zion, Bu,-is-cet3,we hyclbae 1c } kér Hill, Canton, and South p i,40th wedding anjear at ts _ rove, inito the scisool at Weicomet home of M.an-d Mrs. Brodie 1Rais- in a propJosedl eight-roomed building. n1ah. Thse proposai came at a rate- paer meeting to which mnembers The coupfle were rnarriedAri iof the Hope Township Councîil and 14, 1921 at United Church Mn~a some 50 ratepayers were present .i1 alior1y11v C . ah1go addition to the members of the Tley moved to their farm on the bo(ard. outskirts of Port Hope and hv 1 l~ived thiere ýever since. The Port Hope ho.sital boardreTWN EESM TIG IT- cetlyathorized lits hospitai con- TO NSE M TIGWT- isultat, Gordon A. Friesen and with TOWNSHIPS TO DISCUSS .arcjsitcts Barnett and RMeder to INDUSTRIAL LAND NEED proc-eed with developîng plans fora cd th oe own Couniappih t t'ýv olevel building. themyù,thteeean hedp Th uy-reeve to a committee whi ch ýs. Tiedecision to endcorse the t c .to eet wt represenitatives of tise lee basemnent and on1e storey) coun icils of Hope and Hamni.toin bu ingisteadi of a thiree leveltownships to discuss Port Hopes ,i sruct;ure \was taken on~ the r-ecom-- need for more idsra land. mendtionof M\r. Friesen that theý j form-er type was mrore, funetionial The council discussed nal1t r ai 1hadf more possibilities for- alYl from thle Port Hope Eoard of T-_ide futue epansion _from -a 70 bed o to the planning board mwichlia7ýs [ia120 bed hospital. b Ieen referred %y thse board totlise Cmaaie css uine na counicil, statiing that rpnore iiniuLriýa1 Il eterfrm E Brnttindeaedaland was badly needed ini PCrt H-o- pe n posibe svin of rom$50 00 toand urging that steps be take' t $5Ollby <chcsssing -a twrs leve1 anxit 1anrenng. 2lbs Brimming with- Juive1 Oranges s i pie 49c pkg 59e Rib Portion 3 lb. Avg. Robin Hood - Choc. Mint, Outch Devýl Food, White CAKE MIX 20à oz *uy One of Each" Lemron Puff, Assortedi ÎGA1BISCUITrS Delights, P olar Wafer pkgrs 89c 216 oz27 btis27 il 1