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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Apr 1961, p. 5

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OtîONO WEEI(LY TIMES THURSDAY,, APRIL Zitt, 196t1 ,ee Io1R. C. Forroster reported that the LP*ULL Fro pgeT: ~ u i e s~Ontario Municipal Board had gîven DTo Cana:iCrn - elo ,Hallue.DeI atifon I.n B siIJs ection, their approval of the Local Improve- Mr. and Mrfs. WeldonIi nch and a h ra rni1 _____________________ment Bv-law to conistruct a munici- Mrs. W. J. Inch of Westoni visited on pete At IMi os[ort 1het order would dissemninate. lu pal tp water supply for the Divi- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl During thue turning over of i- TheOrno olceTrutes mt o ookaferlhed annig.n te îin sro "-dvso.He further Billings. - Canacla's outstaniding sports car keyv to Bro. Chater the solo ýBLrs onr -Monday evening with ailmem- uiia uldn.'yný out that the Engineers hadTh' bers present. General busine-,ss was benrAeteiopear te~ r. R. P. Rickaby, Mrs. 3. W. driver, 20 year oid Peter Ryal, of This Huse' \as sung. heenreou-te to repae4fe ne- Mon Tremblant, Quebec, is flying j1 Bro. Vertie Wilson of the 01,eo- conduted fr th gre~er pat of Mr. Ernie Leaman, reported to thie1essaýrv specifications for the water Jewell, -Miss Mary JewellI, and Mrcs. over al $15,000 car for the "PIayre'sILdoepesdtetak ftr ýh-ïc-ig PieTutsta hd- n-lemisadas odtrieleC. A. Cummining, ail of flowmanville themeeing Plic Trsts tat hedog inth mans ndals todoermne hevisited on Sunday with Mrs. Rober 200" at IMosport Park on Junie 24, Orono OdIdfellws and Rehekaha to 1Village seerned to ho well controlled s.,ize, and capacîty for a water pump north of Orono. thle Dedicatory staff. The chairman reported on prices He asked that the Trustees se a nd storage. Tenders are expectedJ Ryan, in his third year of ac j 1Bro. N. Foster of Kingsion pa reevdfor painting -the O(ronlo minimum fee for Ibis duties which to ho cailled within the next week or IMr . . cCu1llchreturned, lias ordered a Lotuts* MK 19, the narfkedsating that theinglit a Hydroý_ office and onle lOcker r 1oom wvas done so by motion Of Sirnpsoni'rtwo wt completion prior to the îOa 1 ens aaLer spending same car England's Stirlinig Moss akdamlete nhe itrr aýýt the Orono1 Municipal Buildling. and Lwr.The minimum Yearly endl of My if possible. 1tae winter in Bradenton, Florida. wrldiei aaa' rti'eni of this Village and of the Oddfellow On motion ofLçer and Forrester f ee w'as set -it S50.00. tional sports car rýace. The 200limile andl Rebekalis. The people, hoe sa'd,ý the jb wa awaded o Mr S. at- vallLowey reorte tha ho emeniiber the Junior Gard&enex rac o 9,0 nshePaeswould certainly rocognize the ;rn rýOn foir a sum 0 f ý90.00. The car A brief dscuission followed onri" the Road Super int-endent lid lub mieeting Thuwsday (tonightI a £l ifil officially open Mosport p)ortanceOof the building and hoie n ixe as sbite apic orpi-1few ovorduie garbage accounts viewed fthe roads and that the i i 7:0c. p. Ail children interested un o Jne24h.gat,_lated the lOdges in utser- tin prkng ins n he.usnes.whicýh %ere delinquent from 1960. essarv work \would ho completed t adn1gaewecm. IeLtsc-b0 ftpIng 1501ton.Ho also paîd a special tributau secti'on of the Village. Furthler quo- tesmo 4000.M.and Mvs. E. Samuel and fim- miles per hour, is now Lunder -on- r.W .Rdel taton ae o e ougt n hi mt-The rste supported the colleet- ilY v Iin Buffalo over the week- struction in England and wiil b e O na theirweLed odges complete ter be-fore definite action is taken'stated inIlle garbagoe by-law' by plac- Rý' C. Forrester1 reported that 'tec end. Mr. Samuel is in H-alifaxt and flown to C,ýicandaarly in] Julie. Athieir weeend of ctiviisw to have the linos painted on the ing- of those overdue accounts as b -1 inot as yot beeni able to get ithe Quebec thîs vweek onbuies car ýsuch as tbis only weighs 1240 lbs. lhyatne eine ser-vice atih tre.G. E. Simpson was aýpjoninted ing them on thle tax bill of ithse petition forms for Incorporation. 1cu-i a hîfte woih o heOon1nte0huc. h R1 Kitchen was the guest speakos ltak-, _________________________________________________________-Mvissio~n BaLnd CiarM a ing as hlis subioct the 1961mun ______ RYan is cun> n on Lbc :'otsto of the Oddcfellow's order,"rgts. ____________________________ ______There were thîrty two present ai cfcatypîhuaitebgbauswt ee-ia tin. l of rcn and hopes to race un the Following the churchi service0 i the ýmission Land M\eetinig on Mon- United States, Canadla and .Eîfrope Lodge members along wvith visitors dlay. ýitIbi. -f rom neighibouring lodgos mardhed BOY' A K T e idoreu owrhp ang Last year at Harewood, Ryan fln- to the( ()O-o Memorial heaei b Windbreaker typs jackets of Cotton Bedford CordiwthZpe the Mi1ssion B1anld Hyn and gave ishled aheadLCI0f the ronowniec Gen- Ille ()"(no0Band. Here they piý0 ký front. Shirred elastic side inet o nu ta aihnte e ission Land Purpose, led by debien,-tlie three-time winner at Se-,a wet otoecmeoa çoHiar and cuffs. Rayon ifled. Green or tan. Sizes 28 to 34 Sharon Alun ,e collection was bringIlwhlo vwill also bo facing Moss, by tIel em,', N. Foster o Pred k$75 aken up tby Allen Vaiker. and an 'd of thrt at Mlospiori onj Kingston spoke at this ceremonv, Johin Duvail r-ead the Off erlg' Junie 2t.IThose atending the' services wera MaeJE N F RTiEHU K B YPrayer. Th le Ryan ts huilt the famous Mont f rom Orillia, Kingston, Lond , n,Str î E N O .a director of the Quebec ski centre. lnWnsr iesdBwau wMaetr ules o tehr-to-fit. Wabasodr Ralphi de Jonge, and Alan Walker Trý-emblantl Lodge and Peter is now ville and othier points. -.abp r, sanforized. Green only. Sizes 10 'Io 18 yearýý. eau tne Biblle reading and Donald Ini 19,58, lic was a inember of Can- Priced at $4,95 Bickle gave thle prayer. We enjoyedadsinrntnasieacmt- W 4 S N l piano solo by Johin Duvail and a i nsvrlEroenmes e... eeting BOYS' PANTS ~~ý(ýy toldi by Mis cLrn broke both bis egs in a skiing acci- TePlebtra MS rs Safrie oto.' hrrdeasi hi oxrwas t ak We then joinedi our group to dis- t and turned to sports car' drv 1en, Arsr l','.eec, itme Nî i Sa.oie otn hre ls.. a...boxer 1 wamufcsthearlos sdis f - e ng in 1959. jrintrUnited Chli wiih the vice prsident, recorlîngofcretai BO(YS' FLANNEL PA3 Well taiiored pants with elaý w'aist, maolne washable fabric resistdnt finish. Bell. to matoh. Grey Sizes 2 to 6x yrs. iPriced at $2,50 to for snug fit, cuffead ottoms. Green UI'Iy. biz s «., as.ý Priced at $3,25 -BLAZERS FOR BOYS and GIRLS Navy blue flannel blazers wvith white cord trim and crest on pocket. Sizes 2 to 6x yrs. Prieed at$39 MEN'S and BYSJAC K E1S Witerproof garments, cut wvith neat Iooking sports collar, two patch pockets and zipperedi breast pocket, rayon ined, zipperedi front. Navy and browfl Men's sizes 38 to 46 Priced at $';J05 Boy's sizes 8 to 14 years $2,95 SITS MEN~S SPORT SHIRTS ýstic at back QaiyPadSitgaate with crease QaiyPac 'itgaate e an brwn. washabale. A good assortmeflt of plaids. Sizes mediuml, large and extra large. ý395 Special price $2, 45 Sto re Open r itron e Eýenngs Fi'iday and Saturdlay Open AllDay Wedinesday TONIO 25c Rainey's Barber Shop - Matt's Barber Shou Quinney' s Barber Shop- Crago's Barber andi Beauty Salon BUSINESS'HOURS '~Mýnday and Saturclay 8.30 a m. to 6.00 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8 30 am. to 9.00 p.m. Wednesday 8.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon Dorotby Dunlop gave oui thMs sion band àpapiers andi we elosedhbe1 meeting wiib benediction. Guide News \,We opened with roil cali and' tak- in- uip the Collection. Ne ithon learn- Vc 'Iîe SonJg -'Tbe Girl Guide Creed" anid re\-iewed other sýongs. Uniformn inpcinfollowed. Pwhiin ' their, patos soyme Guides siudied fir-st aid and others wvere l ested on dheir transportation rýouies1 ini and oui of lier commn-unit. The f ollowing Guides passed tests: Janet MeMneckin and Chris -Maartense, trannportiation routes; Dorotuy~ Duni-; - bp, Caroi N ixon, PaityPanr P11atsy Hardyl and Shattoni Burhey,i Mrs. C.arma.n Cornîsh g-av-e bet older girls instruction for thieir Child Nur-se badge -while other, Guidies played games. Carole Gil- bank passed lier Kim's gaie. We losed wi,-th prayer anid iaps. Ran ger N tWsZ The Orono Rangýers nmeýt i e homne of Marilyn Cobbedlick on Tuescta\y,Apu 25. Mr's. Saimuer pas sed on mire information Io us con- 1o commem-orate Ladly 1Baden Plw- eiî's visit to Canada in 1962. A Ranger MuLsie Camp is aisoben bield ai Doe Lake the last week of the- hoIidays and a canioeing tnpl and expeddîit iaff in 1962. We eoiinuiLed our p)re-enriolîm-enit work byT discussing the Guide 1Laws. and Ltheir significýance to us as Ran- ers. Viii cuiter gave an inïteresingi r-epiort on the book~ "The Wolf That Nover Sleepis", the siory of Badien Powell and Ille scout and guide movement. Mrs. Samnuel asked us to be ihink- ing of a suitable topie to île in w,,ith our enrolîmont work for a panel discussion to ho hield at hier home,I iwo week-s before our enrolîmieni 80 thai we miigbt hoe able to hiear our- selves express Quýrsolves, Mrs. Sam-j uel bas suggested thiat we recordil the discussion and play it back for' our own benefît. Delightful refreshiments broughit our metIin]g to a close: Diane Gilbart ~- . NITEDCiuRCH zfr t\ Orono Pastoral ~V Charge Re.Basil * SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1961 1L00 Oa.m. MASONIC SERVICE Mr. Jas. Rickaby - Spec(!ial Speaker - SUNDAV SCHOOL. Orono 10 a.m. ~ dit and leaders of thec younger ,rou tc Credi Union To plan the visit of the WV.M.S.Fil Drie F r emb -sSecretary, Miss Marlon R. T]iomsoý,,r Miss Thomson, wliolias done- The regular myon-ily meeting of ieaching on a Mlission Field in Ss. thie Board of Direetors of the Oronio Indiani work in B.C. and lielped at- District Credit Union was held iniihle Com niity AMission in Ah! Pecu- the Co-op Building on Tuesday ev- pies'. Wînnipeg, now travels across eing, April 25. Thie directors will Canada gving assistance in progrî hienceforth hiave membership cards planning, work in junior groups, or ftor thlose wising1 to juin tbe local whatever is needed. Shie wil ba Credit Union. The present member- ý,ing Street Unitedi Churel,Os- ýslip is 119. It was decided to put oni awa onu ltrsdlay1 and Friday, Maly ,a drive for increased memnbership 1 il and 12. Aipresidenis anid leadiers thirough ipublicity andi direct con- of junior groups should make tabt. - Ispecial effort to mieet with hler. N 's N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N "-s' N N N N '-s N s-' N s-' N N N N N N N N N N N N --s N N N N s-' N ~'1 N N N N N -I N N N N N * -s. * N N * s-' N g N N N * N N N - N N N N EFFETIVEAPRIL 27th, 1961 ADUL.T$ HAIRCUTS $I.OO STUDENTS 14&*OVER 75c CHILDREN 60c SHAVES 50c SHAMPOOS 50cý PRICED FOR REAL SAVINGS Men's Combed Cotton Soclis, ail white or assorted eolors, washfast 2"; Nylon reinforced heel andt toe, Regular- 65e This week............... 52e Shorts, Boy's Athietie type Cotton Kniit , sizes 2 to 6 year.s, Special this w\ýeek 3 pair 88e BysPants. popular Ramribler Cord, saniforized, assorýtedI colors, sizes 8 to 16 years Pair - - 2,98. Quilted Baby Pads, Pure Cotton filling, soft and absorbent, Reguilar 49c This weeký........38Se Purse Combs-, assorted colors, cello pkg of 8 foi- 17t, PAINT-UP FOR LITTLE MON!ZY Stedmnan's Quick Drying Gloss Enamel ]/"?pinit o11]V 49eQuart only S$.49 Stedmian's Latex Paint for, WallS, q uar t ....-19 Special - Children's Browvn Leather Oxfords, sizes 7 to 1_0ý12 Pair only ,............. $2.59 Sandals, Chiildrienis' 2- strap, brown or red', sizes 6 to 13 Pair f or...................... $1.75 Vacuum Botties, Plastie Cup, Special .....83e ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE !i

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