N rlmi ive just corne land, NO0 miles 303e' wlere for ýy lelpet iîle -My iniepl Wlat it ithey do? Build Efres, p ld ents, blaze tmails, finti waier? VWas ih roug]? Reporters, wîhetler ex - BOY Scouts or mat, lelti bailpoinis seady for a tale aoftewillt. The Vw-a youtlful explorers, Kent L. Goering, 18, of Neod(ýe- sha, Kan., andti Soren Gregersen, also 18, of Korsor, Denmark, a eitizen tcJ île ination whicl playýs host Va le Arimy in Qreerrand,1 cisplaycd t'le snihles of m-en who have bee,,n ask,1eti one primnitive qustion tco many abDouitao- plex ssibjs'cV. in, ileir ca--paciya'guest jîîn- lor sientîfio aides ta tle Umteti States Arny Crps Of Engineers research city, Camp Cen u y, Greenlanti, tle y reportetdithey 1earneti how ta: Finti water - by boring, mbt tht il tick lot witl luge steain ricî. ewaýter bigmehi.ed in sbernencvstlat w.Y was fouid purer than distilleti wate r; VIe lot fri n whic L i i mtie las lain unexposeti for ëcent1u1res. lazze trails across the lot wt à parallel àires, burieti in i'h e ,;now, vwhicî broaticast sgas that keep surface vehicles on eourse even when Ancthe fo.g or v*ind.d1riven snow cuis visibility ZO, zero. Buailti "fires"ý - by learning lsOw o operate tle master ýonj- trol ol a portable atoniic reac(tor wilsaves tle need for lauliing 'n hluge quantities ai- diesel fuel A>r lent ni power. Builti shelters - lby ecvt ing luge trencles (with 1special tractors) sir.lar ta tle way mao- eln coni mines are dug. Inisîde tise irenc.l1ies complete barracks are erecteti and afterw'ardth îe trenches are covered wtl corru- <ateti metal roofs anti thz-snow 15 biown bacS on wifil machines. Filltijays ta store gasolile, nachinery, anti otler supplies; in unlineti ice reservoirs. Gas can be purnped into tise ire cavemns withryut losing is quai1- ity. Toals cen le stored writloui llsting. - TItre was at least one tOucl &,filheaid Scout 1f e, tlough. The boys buit an igloo, cut- tiong t(le iles labs "with macff- etes." Tley slep in i one ngh ehen île temperature was 64 Delow zero outsitie, 30 inside, writes Fredeurick W. Roevek,.-mip in ils Christian Science MOitor. "We took offf oun Aretic wear ani w ýet nto double sleepinig baïgs, in aur umdtr-wtar," sait Kent. "W. sl5pt ail righ-t."' Nor was thîs ail jusi a Scout11 ex-ýperience-, however inodemn- Both boys are interested in- naturai sýcience and tedlnology. Kent "probably" wants Vo le- îrome an engineer, Soren, x nu- eitan plysicisi. "I was preitiy sure af tîa>t le- fore I lefi for Greenlanti," le ,aiti. '!Nw I arn sure." T1'hs saummier, Kent plans to r'eturri o Greemiandt t work as m scientific assistant. Was lIV be- cause le lîkedt t so muchs? "Yes, anti because of île rnoney, you know," Kent sa5id. Assistants get $650, pracflýialy ell of -icl iîey cen save. "I like tle moncy, too," ;soi Soren. "I arn irying ta gt bacS tItre myself." On tleir reitu.nta 10NewYo, tise Vwo Scouts were each pîie- xenteti witl a specially egac Boy Scout 50V1 Amniversany \e 0-1.' da oVaslow thtefle lows -bacc 1ome ethîe iamPf ire. REEL SOLDIER -, Jacques...Cher- rier, former husba'nd of actress Brigitte Pccrdot, fudged out of the French army, but h.e's in unifo'rm again -- for the novie camneras. lle's shown on loca- tion in-Milain, tcily, where he piciys U m 01 ro0,afascist unit duri.ng Worýld Wtir Il in the film -"Pigeon Sho.ing." Musial Reveals Batting Secrets Stan Mîýusiî aaS Sittinýg in] Vhs shaýdec of the Cardinal cdugout, .Urnd natu1rally V wasni't long le- fore the conversation gt RouLnd ta hittirig. "The oniy tine 1 ever had [amy real trouble wsin tVýie sprii g," b-egaýn the great St. Loui-is vet- eran, whose 3,294 b1ase lits are second onl1y to Rogers Hornsby in the National League. "l'cl f eel strong and think bout hitting hiome runs and I'd get fouled up. "I'd be thinkin~g my body gen- erated the power and I'd start lunging. But you get your power with y,ýour -wrists. If your bat is stili back -when you talc. your step, you'li snaýp wood intoanay pitchY A . 'ellow sgffested that the Cardinal star wa6 sei oi faled on a curve ball "Well," he comitinued,"hn f first canie Up 1 realiy ecoukl it tle fast bail. I mecan, nobody could throw it by mce. So hey started curving mne. Then, whbex 1 learned to bit tîle curve, t'hos pitcheirs were in trouble." Musial's listeners lauighed Wt h-im for Ra mon-ent, but then 0l2 veteran suddemiy got sernous again. . "However, it isn't as easy as thait," le went on. "It used to b. yo'd se. the fast baIl, the curve, and the change of pae.. Now hey have the pýs-ky lider. If you don't watch out, it can get you ail fouled up. It's an optical illusion. You swýing und it isn't ibare; amd it's always hitting you on. the flîts. "If I was a. young hitter just starting out, 11l teli you what I'd do. I'd get a big bat with a thick landle anti I' choke ,f and rma:y'be 'cl handie a few of those 5sliders." But they ail weant homern; tley ail swing for the lonlgba, down around the end o'f 1th. bat. "ue"Musiai said, "W lI lad ta change, When 1 f irst pot started in this league, du.ri.g tle early years, I just tried for bagse lits. I used ta talk o myself up there aýt the plate. I'd asy o my.- self, over aýnd over again: 'Get the fat of the bat on tle bal and hit thie lime drive.' I figuired tInt if 1 g gondwood oCn thebail, it 1ou - drp in the(re sre Stnlauglied ; aain. "Býut Lhen- eveybody started going for îlei home nuns andi I lad ta chanige, too. Tha's xwierc the oe w as. ' Jot GaagilIe one-tirme Cardinal catcher turneti radio s;portsc;-ster, broke in~ witl: "Af- ter l'Ci been traded o Pittsbý-ugh1 and would catch behind Stani, I goit sa I coulti tell whn h was going ta give the bal a ride. I'd seethe bail coîirg, rigît do'wml hs groove and I'd almost wfant tO turi ~My heauid away, go I -Oldll't see welat 1le was gaing ta do ta it." "I trainied imyseif eeprIy,' Mu.- al contlnued. "I developed aj zone of vision about elght f ot Oui in front üof the jplâta n d knew urthow hexrd ery ý!t- icher CeOuld hrw. ý-%0 'd follow th*, R>. fl E à rec.d at -But as Isihi e f or e, loW the I"re tlrowing thaît slier axît it isn't as easy as it uiscdV be." Wa î rue tlIai le coýulti.sce tehe ail domimg offthe bat? asýked Bd Rumili of the (Caris- ianl Scien'ce Mon,-itor. "Oh, es' replied tt. rn-îan wYhose 51596 total bases andi 675 doubles are NL records. -The ouliside pittil, 1 il Ilitirto left field, $ ightin my lune Of vision 'amd Icn see it coire olf* tIe bat. Picling up othecr pih le,'s is ougler, be-u,,se tlecy're nt in tle lime of vso. "But gettng bnck Vo the home runI ihnk youg payor has ta maike up liis mmnd in the be- iniig. Ifle 1tisý,n'i built for poî,s-- er - if le doesn'1t have thle leverage anci the strength tOa rend îlhe fences - if lie doe.'n'V lave the tobl, le's writing ls release by s-wingin)g dowýn ai ilht, endi of the bat. 'A young hiVter shoulti firs cotincenitrate o n gtilgone lit overy four Mimes up. Then he shouiti think about iw,,o for four and tîrce for four. UnI 97 rd lit 19 home runs" Stan agit. "Ile next year I jujmpeti Vo 39. Sa in VIe spri)g op '49 I couldn't wait tu smvng týint b&t for Iîle f ence. 1I v as ging o bea B lRth's Zýre- cordl.Bttabout the firs cf'dulIy, 1hcn Ildonlly a dozen honieis, I got smat anti went bacc Vo 1-iting srgt-wy-andtimfi- isled w7iil 36 home1rs. 've clan.get my stance alii- ie- from turne fare. "Flow couli anyone teli?" Put im Garagiola. "You alwavys look ail wrong vwith ihat coi] spring etanc of yours." Stan smiied. "Yes," le said, "I opened up imy stance one year enid nobody even noticed ti." '-I don't, know,,," tlewi- cracking Garaýgiola, wenV an "I don.'t think Stani ever got much fun i tcf pliying. My big tIui ii was ta wallc over ta tle limeup card on >. dugo-ut post and se. my nairne was iwrîitem in, TItre lwas nothing quite like àt But Stýn:wvell, le neyer lad to look.- R-e".knew h,,i wstItre. JHedoesn't kmwIt, but le jmisseti m lot,"~ Grat Discov.ry By High4School Boys Embetideti in [fle slab of bledS shale ,7,ere île Upper Trias.sic ag-e (175'million years ago) faLs- eil romains of a gliding reptile, perlaps nature's firsi expëri- mental atienlpt a arial locomo- tion. 1V was one of those rareý tiumiphs of paleontoiogy - R. skeleton ilat was ancient, per- fectly preserved, representative af a key momnent on VIe ievolu- i ianary cdock, anti sounpeti no one had a naine fcr il. Untier amy circuinstances, îlth discovery announceti lasi e by tle A.mierican MueuofaiNa-i itural His tory in Nýew York woulti lafuve been exciting. But, wlat gave ilis finding is parti- cular cdarriwas île fact lIai Vhe discoveners wcnr not pill- lelmeteti paleontalagists on, sa- fari but three high-sclool sapla- mores namred Aifret i Sefker, Mi- clati Bantirowski, and Joscpl Geiler. Anti their tiig was mot in Tanganyika or im tle Shanitiar caves, but lu a northern New Jersey quarry being excavateti to mnake way for r, suburbarl shoipping center. ,Che Construction compamly i mnot f tle he2vy tigging," saiti- tle 17-year-old. SitfIker, who,' 1ke tle ailers, is studying bi- olgand lapes ta become a paleontologist. "We tidth Ve usual -dug down -1about 21_> fe[ tîirougl some -shale. ThIen f ounti ihis rock, sp1ý lhoe-n tItre iV vas" 'Th finti CHl go on dsply t tle musieumn. "Actually it's stîli thir, explainedth îe )muspurn's AGENTS WANTED STEADY PROFITS SELLING made to measure clotheea di- rect tVo wearei'. Firm estLablisihed 1933. Attraictive ciotbs easily sold. Gen1erousý Coummissions, low pricer, f ree suit boises. FOU or part lim-e. lixperience liat uecessary. Tremendous opporlunity. WVrite for samples. Rodney Tallos-lng Ce, Dept. XIOj, Box 3018, Montrreal. BABY CHICKS BIIAY has good aýssýortmenit breeds, in btarted pullets, prom pt shipmnent. Dey- olda, lncludlng Ames In-Cross, sonie for prompiirt deliveri', and hatclsed to order. Jfeuybroilers, order now. See locRI agent, or Wvrite Brav Hatchery, 120 Joýhn Nerth, Hamilton, Ont. BATTERIES REPAIRED LROFEN,ý casesý, poil.s, covers, cells re placedï, etc. Free p ick-up aud delivery within 75 ile radius. E.Lîchîl, 1.R. 1, Stafr.PhoneSeeae 2 R 18. EERRY & ROOT PLANTS ONTARIO'S LARGEST STRAWBERRY GROWERS ALL COMMERCIAL VAItIETIES 12 MILLION PLANTS Relurus of op t 14.$2,500 per acre under For complete informration and price list, unIe: BE-F. BOSTON4 BERRY FARMS (REG-) P1K. No. 1, WILSONVILLE, ONT'ARIO PHONE: WTRO HICKORY 3-5807 MAGAZINS l0~, 3 0 orders prepald. Wetrromance, dtetective, w a r, m-eehaýnirs, Jsuînor, sport, edueitional, mnovie, French, medical, mens, home, scec.State wanls. Freemans; Corta- BIJSINrES PROPERTIES FOR SALE 'TEXACO station, tohabzccos,, confections, grocenies, meals, novelties; f ully equip- Pe(' modem building, 4-room apart- mnent vilhit P iece bqU1i. 2 aicres, pieunic tables, ïmain lig.hway P aI 23. 111 health. i'rlvatc. J. Church, ILR. No. 1. Pal. inerstein. IDEAL FAM.ILY 6U£JINESS OPPORTUNITY GENERAL store, post office, snack baýr, pumnps and four bedroon ihome. On mnain hghaybetvucen Northi Bay' and Quebee- ore r. $23,000 plus stock. Con- tact E. C. Alpeter, Feronla, Ont. FARM EQIJIPMENT DEXTRA Ford diesel, tised 185 hours, $ 2100.00 Holland 63 baier, slightly lised, 1100100. Spn'lng t'ooth "sieg 1point bileh, niew. $1l50 00. Raïy Sider, 36 Elta- betb St, Welland, Ont. Phone 1.E. 2-5562. POULTRY Equipmepnt andi Farsu Sup- f lies. Write now for your free cýaa Igue. Rideau Specialti' Co., Box 277. bimithis Fails, Ontario. 196-0 LANGEMAN asparagus harvester, tised less thian M0 hours. Reasossable. Lot Sm5th, 3285. Watkiins Rd., Columbuts,. Ohio. BElmont 5-07419. FkARM MACHNMIY~ FOR SALk MINNEAPOLIS Mollue 44j tracter, 8-4 plow size, wth torque ainipifiér, fUe power take off, S pLt hitchi power 5teür- ing aud bell pulley. Like new wth enly 00 bts. Real bargain. Walter Swauiston, R.R. b, Rockwood, Ont. UL. 6-97J. WD9 DIESEL INTERNATIONAL Iraclor, top coutIl- tion. (Cood cash buy. ruiie Duckett, Concession 3, Leamiinglon,. Phone FA FOR SALI - MISCELLAMEOUS FOR Sale - fOne ba.,concrete mixer uith bydreulle buicket wlitb or without Wlsconsin motor. One. bag tilting eon- crele mixer, bothln l excllent condi- lion. One concrete blockt machine iin new Condition. Write: tusos S. 'Marin, IR. 3:, Watl.ensten, Ont. HNES1FISHERMEN I CAMPERS I THE sprls1.man's beat friensi - safe, ecoioic(-al. Don't be caugbit in the wet: or colS wvith nothiug o tari a camp fire. Carry one of Our resinous Wood blocks ln your jack-et or lacitie box. WilIl lght sud hum n isantli', aveni wbJeu el Four (4) blockts - 10 otmces. $1.00 postpaid. Itesults guarauleed or mnouey rei unded. Caiboo pitch Chips-, lBox 672, Wllilems Lake, TBili Co- PIIONOGIIAPK RECORDS VOUR record requiremients are Qs close ai, youv oua mailbox! Sledelivoi guaruanteed. Seud '25 cents lu coin o stam ips Iodai' for our up-to-date cala.» logue listing evenythlng recorded ln Popular 1-Ita, Country and Western, Latin Amnerican, Polkas, Classical. Folke ansi Foreign Lansguage Mulsie. Bob Destry' s Musie Centre, Dept. W L.10, p O. Box 747,. Monîneal, P.Q. FOR S'ale: MHap p Pelr, Dmaie, baled June 15,damGo ilSandra, ire Hlappy lionor. Hle is brok~e and vr' quiet. Pnîce $500. 1F"lig Ilerbe ritef- mie, foaIed May 1959, dam Gondwill Sandra, si re Danni' B. Hlerbent. $hie la ve' quiet, been hboolted a fe Vîms Price $400i. Ernest Berfflavdl, Hawvke- aton1e, Ontario. CONSIONMENT SALE SATURUAY, APRIL 29, AT 1 P.Mj. OVER 100 HEAD IIORSFS, pule(s and equ'lpmienl. CIRCLE MVRanch. RIGHWAY 27, Kle.liiber;g, Ont. HORTICULTURE DAYLILIES NEW WONDER FLOWER ELOOM 11all summeér, isub-zero hardy last a jifetirne Rush nfime antI addreas for coloured catalogue af Ibese amas.- tuig flowers. Floride] Gai-Sens, Part Stanley, Ontario. INSTRUCTION IIAliN Motel Bookkeeplssg, âiaiesman- ebip. Shorthand, Typewrltlng, Le. Lee- sous 54. sk for fretetcrular No 3. anadian Correspoudeuco Courses. 1296O îai' Street Toronlto. JA.PAN Directory, 145 Japanese mantu- facluring .expürte1rs, iJapai an)d'long Kong tf'ade journal information. Aïsia oppoDrtunitieFs-. Send '$I CO todazy. Nippon Ananai, -Bcu 6266-M. Spokanle 0, Wksh- în gton. LAN136CAPING TR'IEES and plants for home anid gar. den, Wite air phone for' free catalogue or visit Wlndover Nurseries, Petrolis, Outarto. Ph. 6. V.oNrÀYTO LOAN M!,ORTGAGE Loans. Funds available on ;uitable fr. homes, soesat meta, ho3tels. mjotels. Pleasant cour- teeouisservice. For information wrIte, phone, or drop bin. Unitedl Comnty In-- vestments £14,., 3645 Bathurst St-, Tor- ounto j19,Ont. )RU. 9-2125. ARTHRITIS, Rheumalýi Suffering! 1 cure mysif wth imple HomeKf- edy. lIl send colete information t() you for 191.00. Busseli', CWVR, 694 Kerr', Columbus, 0h10. SATISFY YOURSELF - EVERY SUFFRIR OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS 5140U1D TRY DIXONIS REMEDY. MUNROIS DEUG STORE 235 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.5express ColiIct POST'S !CZEMA SALVE BýA-N ISIlthe torment rof dry eczemsz rashes and wee-piug akin troubles.- Posts Rezesus Salve will not disappoint you lleling, ,,caldling ansI burning ecze- sua, acue, rsngworm, .mples sudj foot ecZemla wlll resýpond readily to the stainess, odorless ointmen11t, rgadls of how stuibboi or hýop3eles thev em Sent Post Fre on ReceîPt of PriC, PRICE 63.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1845 5t, clair Avenue Es5t. TORONTO REGISTERED NURSE ONTARIO Homes For 1Metally Retard- e-d iifants, lue., Pleilifield, OnrIro. (? miles-,nortb of Belleville) requires lm- mnedlately, aldditional trained staff. 8 hiour duity, Nig1ht or Day. Salary $,3,6Q0 to $4.500 with car allowance and Îf11nge benefits. Appiy Inu rting ilh refer- eees ta -MrS. Leonora Velle-man, F. Box J1, Plainfield, Otartoý THREE REGISTERED OR GRADUATE NURSES Reqluired For' 15 bedl hospîla!, ituated on the beau.i tiful ARiIOW LAREýS. B.C. Standard salaries, ]hlidays and sm-nulins- cretases, 40 hour week sud living la accommodations et 10w post. APPLY TO ADMINISTRATOR ARROW LAKE$ IHOSPITAL NAKUSP, S.C. NUTRIA --- AT -TENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA Wïhen purchasIsis Notria Considtr thse i'olowing polnts wlslçb.,.tfhi organiùm- tion offers: I fbe~beast avallable stock, a £10 s br-et or standard types recommended. 2. The reputation Ge a plaD wlh le provlng itaelf 3substanitlated By files 04f stlisfie2d ranchers. 3-..Full insiiraisc, againit replace- ment, shoid thiey flot Ulve or Ïn th*e evesil of sterfty (alf ulli' explaInled lu Our Cert1ilate of merlt.) . ýW. gi'. y ou only mutations wheh ere lii deuspsd for fur garments. u Yeu recelve from this organlgatioe aj gsaranteed pelt markset lu writtng. 6 MiV er1p in luo ir exclusiv breeders' asociation, wlereby ol y purchasers of ibis 8tock may particl. pate lun th, »bnefit5sa0ofere1d. 7. Prices foir reediug Stock start at $200. a pair. SpLcial oeff er 10 .those wbo quallfy; earis vour Ntrria 0on our cooperalîve bRsis Write: Canadien Nutrla--L.td., .R. Nu. 2, Stouffville, Ontarlo. OFPORMUtITIES FOR MEN AND WOMIN 8E A KAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LÎ!ADINO UCHOOL Great Opportu,,niti' Learit ilalrdressîing pleaýsant. lgulfied pr-ofessýion;, good wages Tou oid f su1ceessful Marvel Gracluates Amieics's Greateït Systesu Illustrated Catalogue Frce Write or Cal MARVEL RAIRDRESSING ISCHOOL 359 loor 1St. W., 'reronto Brau.ecsý 44 Rinjg St. W.. Haýmiton 72 Ridleau street, Ottaws PERSONAL GET 8 hours sleep. Nervotis tension i' ycause 75% of siekucas. Partilu- larly leeplessutas, jitteryness and Ir- ritabiLlty. Sleep calta your Ierves witls "Ný,appa" 10 for Y1; 50 for $4. Lyon'm Druga, Dept. 90 47lDauforth. Toronto. HYGIENIC RUBRER COO08 TESTED. guananteed, mailed lu plaifl lizareel, lneludîn.g catalogue sud ses book free with tril assortusent. 18' for $100 eFines't quallty). Western oïstrîibu. tors, tex 24-TPF, Regîna, S.sk. PHOTDGRAPHY 'FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT ONT. Filmrs develope(ê sud 8m naprints 40e 12 magna prints 60* Reprints 5e' adis. KODACOLOR flevelopins rol 90e (not inlcling prints Colon prinîs 304 ecacb etra. Ansco sud Ektacbronie 35 m-mi 20c- posures mounited nu sildes U1.20 Colar priaIs tram sldes 32e ecri sonoey te-. f(Ilded lunfou lfor ournPted. nseativeas. PROPERTIES FOR SALE 750;LOW taxes, new 6-roosu bunga- lows, treed lot, 15M,'ina. Peterboro; also) 10 acres gardon landI, ternis.J iKm,- man, R.t. 1, Fraserville. Phioue £14J21 MUlîbrool,. DELAWARE, corner 81 anS 2 Highways, -2½, acres land witb 5 bedrooru bouse,1 bath, o11 beated, alec 28 acres, feed lot, fuiy equippcd for self eeeding cattle, running stream. F,.1J, Baenuan, l3elx- ware, .151. Brysigeg. 322-P.39. MT. ALBERT Mý,UST be sold 1* settle estate. 4-bcd- rooins family aiseS ou plusi large bami. Siluated 01n mains atreet,$,0 or closest oiffer. ËlarI V. Stewaer, rkeAurora.,'PA. 7-9079. GIO.GIuW. STR(AIN Reeljter box "N", Sere IBy, Ont&rle, PI4SS. WO71.SALE;: amr, ranchen, aummer aottages> teïlisnlt resonts, modem hoes, lakm :shorêepreti' ansi ntiuig rigistai pROpeIRTli£i FOR eSALE j RiEGýISTERED ltM l ecLaks Slmrcoe, $1,0Mi. Apffly 6Ot8r0 i Ave., Haliburton highlands SACRIFICE price just $,0 cs.Dyno Uranium Mine closure fýorces uldcl sale. Twoe bedroomas, fuilhthae ment partltioned fr recetnroomn, automnatie 011 heât, pressur_1, svstemi, automnatic hot water, heavy d utY Wir- ig, plenty of kitchen cporsand 10w, 10w taxes.ý Write C. W.Barnes, 504Boir St., Peterborougb1î, Ont. RECIP&fS 20 DiFFERENT BEItR Land WINB Recipes, ovecr 100 yesrs oldî. Complete ins;tructions for easy home pro-l-ductiont t1.00. Russeli, CWB., 69 Çr.Colum- bus, Oio, U.S.A. SALES HELFP WANTFD "INTERNATIONAL loswrsInc. lias an opening on thie asîti for a representative in this aeEighteen top quality rad Naine pout such asMýýelmlne DinneIrware, Silîver sud StainlesastýelFtrej, Autoimatlc EIectic eCooking Utenalsý, Cai--g 1Sets Famous IKitchlen QueenStileaSte CookingUtencils. $&wingMahiesan Vackuum Cleaners, Plus ohrueitems. car neceýssary. Willicontid-e part.time as well ias fuil-time aPPlicant'4. FrIn- terview Write: "iePeîet 9 Hajrrison Ave., London,.OOt." SHOW BUSINESS AGENCTS ,ACTORS, SINGERS WITRS-why mot get conIthe 5hov> usnesbaud wagon by contaclÏingrcons1d fran- chised agents.' Long lists avebeen ,cilyprepared for , oiu ùiywood Chicago, Sn FraYorsc $1cach. Ail four $4. urecyonly please) KONTAKBo -, S.Luth Statlin, Austin 4, Texa ,s. 200 CANADA sap;~1 1feet 11sed, $1. Ilrsigst ah 1 M., J. Wilsoni, 12G9 Cner yRdi.. Port Credit, Ont. SUMIMER COTTAG)ES FOR RENT VELLA - VILLA COTTAGES 2 or 3bero uelepgcotes city convenience, op)en Apr -,15 10Oct. 15 Re2asonaible. Phonie Wsaa56 or write Robert Brown, R R. 1,, Waa Beach, Ont, TEACHERS %WANIe CATHOLIC leachier reqIred f_ or girl' private 'C1001 l, ciefly for nglshand Hlistory, in COrades lx Esud X. Apply Vo thle iPriuipal, statin uiiains<,au'd salary expected. Loreztto Aaey Hamilton. QUALIFIED Ca hoUie teaýcher for Graf- tonseprat sc0o, to start SeP ..191 Eigbt grades, about 2r, to 39 pupils. Salary $3,200 plusqulfcto extras. or stat e 'alary required.- Reply b oFred Canuan, Sec.-reas'srer, G-raiton, Ont. IPUnLIC SCHOOL SECTION NO. 3, COLCMISYER BOUTII Rtequires experleisced teaer_ for sept., 1061, 7 grades, &sqalry accordiug ta qlualifcaetiois, iubetantial alwuefoi' Àxeine ddreess rl fo _MrM Ro îrRayuer, 1.R., arrw, tating quaifieationiS, experrice suast in- sïpetor1.q namne. OURBRIGHTON T~.Slolarei. eè ures a Protestant teacerE for sept. 1.por four grades. Sealary sehedule in effect. Appli', statiusg çqueéJlfcationt4 ds&lary expected and l.a.5t,et insectorate, ta Mr Cecil Ai4xantki, Se.ra. 1..1, )Brightonr, Ont. ueIIdT.a'chei' Wîented6 e RYDE TOWNS i1P $CHOO'L AREA Duties Io Commence Spece.1961. salâry $fflû. Appui' statiug experieiQce, Rmeand address of last inspector te MR$. FLORZNCE RUSMfAN R.R. 1; .GRAVENIIURST MUSKOKA, ONTRIOý PRECISION FIRTIIZER DISTPJBUTOR Now avýailable in 3nsodekr- -pIt iteis 1P.T.0. driven as, illue-trvte, Tow type grounti diven anti Tow tp ,..driven. Hopper capacîty up ta o 1 bpo)nîds. Do your own "Bulk-Spradhl" 11W ad have îles.pPlus feattires toqi! *Sp**d - aprtoda pt 0futwldc 25 ocres cun heur, 0 eon.m y - edjust4W* Pelseuný, wind centrel 4Vereetilty - eeare c'fral yQku 24D etc. *,un Se w nvomt- Y.i -ibale fer Im 4g@e141 *e3mnÉç «.ec.y of the e'4eviIh.%,. N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N j' N N N j-j .N 'N N 'N N N N 'N ON,. N -s N N N N N -j- j-' 'j '-I N -j' N N N 'j s N N N N N N j-, N N j.'