ORONO WEEKLY TIM 38 by R. A. Forrester -- Editor a-nd Manager Ia U.S.A. $2M5 Pbshdeveuy Thiursdlay atHe office of publicatin Var î ToJOIn anaaska iicaicn a-s a-deby a-iton Townslpto john the Athorîty-. !'his actioni by the Twsi is criitable a-ndone if acepted, viùh ould beo")bi eft te tem. Soýme t-ime ago tihis column-n advocated thlat a WVilmiot River ,Atoiybe setup 'by Clarke Township to iniclude onie of the f ewý reaiigwaterýshedLs which are not included in a Conservation Auart.The W'ilmî-ot systemn is wedged bcetweea the Centra-I La-ke Onitalo Atoiya-ad the Ga-naraska Authority a-ad comnes ,under the coatlrol of no author-ity. Failinig thie setup of a Wilmot Authority it would seemn most desirable that this watershed then be included in the Ganara-ska- sytmas already a portion of Craihke is ha thie Ganaraska. This inove, if ta-ken, would the-n place the whohe of Clarke la a position t,) reap the benefits cf such a-n Authority. If the Wilmot system dhd eniter uader the Gaiia.-ra-ska- systemn there 5hould be no increase ia pa-yment f rom the Township to the Ga-naraska as Clarke, evea though a sma-lh portion is iachuded, is pa-ying the maximum share, It certaiialy appears that Clarke should ta-ke som-e step) to -include thle Wilmot either ha its Authority or irnder the Ga-aaraska The l'atter ma-y be th'e more feasîble as it is now in full operation anid ase from'the viewpoint that Clarke Township is paying the -full, rate now to this Authorh'ty anad that no greater cost to the tax.,payers shlould be iacurred by entering. the Ga-naraska-. The Ma ple Attacked TIhe ma-pie leaf is one of Canada's most noted eunblems a-ad ha-s from the beginniag been associated with ýthîs great nation. Reports received at the Orono Hydro meeting on Monda-y from the Hydro manager,- E.. Dent, points to the fact that the nobl, niýa-pie is now being atta<ekeîl by aorne disease which, is a-s ye~a dcfined a-ad uncoat-olable-. This could threa-teni extinction of one cf ur National emi-ble,-ns. The Hydre manager points out that two difereat sources ha1ve coafirmed the fa-ct that the ma-ple tree is- falng prey to an uniknown disease, a-nd one whhch is ca-using considera-ble damiage- 'l'hi-, ca-n easlly be noted ia the Village of Orone where hard -na-pie have been affected by this disea-se. Over thie past year a-a increa5i1g aumber off£?a-d limxbs a-nd branches are appeariag in l.he trees at an alarming rate. The bark fa-ls awa-y from the limbs aýnd branches leaving them to the elemeats a-ad fhnaally dying. The extent of this disea-se is quite easihy aoted- ta Or«o heedeadt and bare limbs ca-n be easily detected. This became gu-ýitê apparent whea the Orono Hydro set out this yea-r to do their _,rnuual tree trîmming. Mr. Dentcdaims there couild be no end to it a-ad that the disease hia-s apparently ta-ken a command of ma-ny It la- to be hoped that the disea-se ca-n be defiaed a-ad brought idrco-trol before it, ca-n wipe out the ma-pie tree. The elm is al- ae affected by disease and miany coatrols are beiag useçl to Save llicel~n. lt aow appears that we must have oïe for the ma-pie ~vihProvides the leaf of our most cherishied emblem. ,A Need For Coaches Last Sat-ra-y a- meetinigvas called by the Orono Amnateur Athletic Association inana- effort te ebta-in coa-ches a7id managers -,fr three inrboys teca-mcs a-ad one junior girls team. The meet- 3h-ýu was ca-ll idfrte o'clock. Not one intcrested person shiowed 1er te meeting to assist fr the summier program of bail1 for the ýAhlldren f the areýa, This, we undcersta-nd, places the promotion of miner ba ', in Orojno in a- preca1rhous position with the likelihood _-hat n noomr bi i xst hs er 0v -r the years it Waays seems difficult te obtain an a-de- quate sut ly of udne&managcs to assist tai thes-e programs; a-d a la o -p pace with the Wiceasiag nme of boys a-ndl girls who der te ph gaie sport. This ye-,ar the bottomlha-s a- zparenitly been hit. 7h1 sai nhytrc l Ooobutt a1so jhappens ita other -eeatm s mvaryi ? meree tyis uite Possibe thut a years lapse Y balcauAd resulYi grea-tr iaterest, for the fuure, itrs policy -duos, h -ver, weaon Cru ildren Otthout sujmmmer actiities a-ad %bey ni bear i -5-bh auof disconcera. in Canada $1.50 FOR SALE BV TENDER 1 Tenders will be received~ by the, undersigaed Solicitor up to 12:00 o'clock noon on Monda-y the l5th day of* Ma-y 1961 for the purchase of the property of the late Mianie Ma-y Cornish consisting of house a-ad lotý on1 the wegt side of Ma-la Street ha the Village of Orono. TIhis property is a- two-stôre-y brick house with 7 rooms, full base- ment, ohl heatiag-, a-ad soft anad hard wý,ater available, also hydro. Ternis: 10" of price with 'tender; balance to be paid ini cash on clos- iag; closin.- date to be arra-'d. HYghest or a-ny tender 'noteces- sarity accepted. Inspection of the building na-y beý arranged by contactiag Carmen L. CorniSlh, Orono, Onta-rio, Phone 1121. WX. K, LYCE'IT, Orono, Ontario. Soliitor for the Veaclors. Letter To Tie Editor Oronoý- Ontario, Anril 'U 1(I The Editor The Oronio Tim-es Orono, Ontario. Dear Sir: I a-m not a shareholder of the Qroni.j 'Telephione Compaay, nlor a-mi I tee fa-mia-r with the ditfering ýar- guments regardiag its proposed sale. I am, hewever, aware tha-t lanrost issues of this kind there are bound ,o be iffierences of opinion, a-ad I f eel that these ca-n be hoaestly a-ad sincereiyy held, freely discu8sed a-ad' sensibly resolved if ail parties con- ceraed will address themselves to the probhem without animôslty or recriminatiens. It wxas most disturbing to notice, ta receat correspondeace la your pa-per, rema-rks which plainly seem- ed to imnpuga the integrity of one of Orono's finest gentlemen, Mr. Carl Biliings. As one whio ha-s kaowa him for ma-ny yea-rs as a- -friead a-ad as an associa-te ia several organizations, FOR SALE FOR SALE1 Over stoicked - Slightly used knap Girï's Bicycle - 20" wheel. G-oodl saick Sprayer. Ca-n be uised for barnis condition, freshly painted. $18.00. etc. Capa-ity 3 2/3, gallons. ýta-nley G. Aflin, LS-E-5. Orono Also overstocked vvith .200 Apple a--C Tree&s, scmji-dw,ýarf, varieties of Mac--________________ Into)sh a-ndc Re! Deliclous, 2 yea-rs, FOR SALE grown froncertified stocký. \Willi Ga-îîdy Fetillizeri in excellenit con- seil per tree for $t!.0O r aeda ii for the 200. 0'r erPorc1Rb rono. Apply A.Var H01m Oono b-p nothont~~ thun. 50yadsof ______________9___ ig ay3, r 3rb-n FOR SALE _______ Trn ~s ad ba-ck muck. Stibsc ription -payable iin advaace HELP WANTED1 Awoman to work three days al week at the Orono Restaurant. Apply Orono Restaurant or Phone 01rono 1081. ap LADIES 0F THE COMMMrUNITY Please be remindied that Monda-y nlext, Mayv 1st, will be bal-paci day at Orono United Church at 2 plu n.fo, r overseas rle.New or dlean tusedcl otiitgl, nylonstcng plastic bags anid qI will be, glad- jvlyi acepted andapreite. - IN MEMO1RIAMll COCHRANE Inloving moyof a dear h-sbandî 1and fathler, Bihl Cochirane, wopassed aa pi This month uornes xith deep r-e-1 gret. IIt brings back a dayý, I shall neyer for'-et. Y ou if.,11 asleep wtotgoodbye, But memiories of you will neyer die. mseiby wvife and sonl Reid. a-p CARD 0F THANKS As a fa-mily, we would like to thanlç our friends a-nd neiglibors for the ma-ny cards, and other acts of kindness, in sympa-Vhy for us ti the loss of our dearly loved husband( and father, Hector Bowen. Also we are gratefuil to Rev. B. Long for his comforting words. Sadie own Ernes,ýt and EnM.(l 1 ý f eel eouaa 'w reque5i. patce in your H. E. MILLSON, newspaper strongly te deplore sucb Clerk, attacks. Hfe ma-y be rhghit or wrong OronoOnt. in this particýular issue, but ri-lht or__________________ 1rngI ould net hesita-te te de- TENDERS WANTED fend his hionour nintegitya-s I Tenders are being ca-lied fir the would my owan. I a-m (coid(ent that cnstruction of a- high school for 400, I a-m1 oty one() -- f a ho0si ef citizens pu,-pils on part of Lot 28l, Con. 3, wh odsimiar1 es. Towa7ship _of CIa1-kc -'- the' site tsi c-tof IHighwav,,y 115. The expression of dfeigopi- jPasaa pcfc-in ayb ionslby ma-ntis of letters te the edi- Obtataied on the deposit of $50.00 tor 's a fine institutionchic makeus froni Architects, Peaitland & Baker, for ivelýUy, iaterestiag rea-ding. 1 190OJarvis St., Toronto, Ontario. would hke te see mxore of i with Tenders wil be received byth plenty of centroversy expressed Bo-dBoà38,Bwaal 1 aa strongly a-adi fairhy. But let us neot the Architeots until 4 p.m. Wedaes-' vitta-te such a useful medium iof com- dy ay1,16 ihmcaia muniatin b theuseof a-dand eletrical tradtes being receivedi hoinen" arlgumenits whichoat tack a-t Toronito Bld Depository, 11041 Bay the a-n nd et te I5Ud.Street, until 4 p.m., Tuesda-y, Ma-y Youris sincerely,16,91.a- James A. Rickaby. Painting - Interior & Exterior STAFFORD BROS. Monumental iWorï. Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE OUALITY MONUMENTS,- AND MARKERS Let us erect a bandsomne, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place ef your loyed ones. It's fot expensive. And seeing this last tribute will give you endless comfort. Building a fleuse? rrodelling your present one tiien contact Floyd Nicholsot, Phone 2191 Orono fFoundations and Septie Tanks poured. Forms available. WALTER FRANK ýj McQUAY and KID D R EA LTOR 177 Church St. g Bownianville MA. 3-3393 i-eae. -c ALUMINVM WINDOWS, DOORS See you localdealer for you-r Alumimn indowA()s, Doors, Awn- ings, Railings, Sectional Garage Doors, Prime Windows. Cal Bel Air Aluminum Phonre Orono 9r15 8-P BRICK, BLOCK and GEMXENT CONTRACTORS New' work and Repairs Free Estima-tes LEN TRAVISS Phone Hampýton, Go 3-2141 8-d-p NOTICE TO RESIDENTS Of the TOWNSHIIP OF CLARKE 0F PROPOSED DEBENTURE ISSUE to assist ia the erecting a-nd equipping of a new School at Kendal Your Counc(il hereby reqtuests those persons who vvislh to participate in this proposed debenture issue, o be, set at: 6 per cent iterest per annum, to contact the undersigaed at their earliest convenience. Clerk, Township of Clarke b-e ORONO PUBLIC SCHOOL, TENDERS Tenders for levelling of sehoo] grournds, Supply Of top soil, a-nd gra- vel for- parking lot will be received by the undersigned up1 to a-nd in- cluding Saturda-y, May 6th, 1961. Tenders ma-y be for, contract ori horl asts. If hourly basis, type of "qcuipmeiit a-va-able to be specified. For further informatioa reg-ard- ing extent of work, contacot H. R. Best, Chairman of the Boa-rd, a-ny evening. Work to 'ce completed by July 15, '1961. Lowest or a-ny tender flot necess- arly accepted. W. Gordon Cotter, Secreta-ry S.S. No. 12, Cla-rke, Orono, Ontario TOW-NSHîP 0F CAK Tender for Sidewalk Construction Sealed Tenders, marked as to con- tents will be received by the under.1 signed until Monda-y, Ma-y lst, 1961' for the 'construction of 400 feet more or less of Concrete sidewa-lk ia the lia-miet of Keadal. Deta-ils and in- formation ma-y be obtained from Councillor RoyAX Foster, Keadal. 'Work to be completed on or before Ma-y 3lst, 19661. Lowest ora-ny tender inot necess- arily acceptedi. A. F. NMcKE]NZIE, MJ PHYSiCIAN and SUREON Office Hours 2:00 te 4:00 p.m 7:0e to 8:00 Saturdays and Wiednesdays by appeir4tm,ýïts onty PHOGNE 1471 ORI DR. R. J. TAG( VýEERiNARY SUR Pheone 10616 Oreno, MUAL Lawrence C. Masonl , BA. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-55S W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. IBarrister - Solicitor in the 0f fices of R. R. Waddefl Q.C. MAIN ST, ORONO TeIephone D;8 Orono L. J. SKAIFE Chartered Accouatani BV APPOINTMENTS Lycett's Irsuri P.O. Box 69, Orono Phone IN SURANC Ceneral & Life SEE OFIED-MI TO Phone 12516 Re i A KiýI Specialize in Fari Furniture Sa] Consuit me f or1 and dates Phone 5 r 18 . ( TED JACKSON Auctioneer and VaIuator C>nducts Auction Sales, eofa&H de and at reasonab. rates Communicate with Mim at Peu Pen Monumnents and iFamnily Memorials Our quality and service leaves nottiing to be desired Ask the person wh-o beught f rom't a neighbour, friend or relatWe The RU¶TTER GRANITI COMPANY 73 Ontario Streret PORT NOPE "Largest Display in Southern Ontario" PHONE 129 CONTRACTiÇRS FOR FAR W-ani WIRNC' Free Estiniates APLIANCE SALES prompt and Guaranteed Repait to ail kinds of Electrtca! Equiomn Such as - v. - Esta-blislied Roy C. Fr ShotGun ~th ir cho 3 sot.FOR SALE ;es.$357orcmleelot.'lmigFitrs -pressure GordS'ms j ~,Ph -ir 412 Orno. Pmps . Glass Lined Water IHeat- a-_c Crfs - SuIMP Pumnps, Pipe and Fit- tings. TO RENT We sel a-nd insta-il. Bunigalow, 5 roon,,is a-nd bath. Hy- iro he-vvwnrngspa-clous cuj>- Ca-il us today for Free Estima-te. boards. Tule a-nd ha-rdwood fiýoors.- Guscott Plumbing & H-eating Ltd. AaabeJu1ne 1, 207 Simlcoe St S., Oshawa MAilton Tamn-blyn, Phone 2228, Cati Collect Oshawa RA 5-5132 ~roo.a-p -t-f NOTICE The Orono Browaies will be de- DOUGLAS SIMPSON 1'veriag- ordered co,,okies this Satur- d1ay, April 29, begiaflnga at 10 a.m. Orono - Phone 1413 BroWniÉes are to be in uniform if FriueFiih1 Rfnse 1 Pla,. ne for cookies when de-1 -hnir niwrid flamiltens Insurance Service Insurance in ail its Branches SAu-to, Package and Composite Policies , Fire, Farmn, Life, Burglary, Liabiiity, Marine, Accident a-nd gikes id Fidelity Bond, Etc. Sadie Hamiltong ] Phone, Orono 1R16 FIRST MORTGA"GE LOANS il 1 Aprli -ý44, Lgb.L. 1, ý 1