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Orono Weekly Times, 4 May 1961, p. 2

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Y j Orono High Posture sesoibeing for Off icers and rep- Q uee n C horsen e5itatives of Auxiliaries, Federa- Queen C oenEvening Aux ri1ons and fîitdScees I I rs. thelLycet thnkdthe by Darlene Ransberry Presidentt Margaret Arnott calIé4 pr6iup most wvarmrly for a card she,, , g j and Doug Martin hier April meeting te ordler wvith the h4ad r(eee(ived duiring her recenit Ili- -s Last Friday nighlt at the Oronioinging of a hym n followed by the ness. jCouricil1 ironthly dance provided the lier report ;ýnd the secretar.y the Mrs. Jean Staples eonducteà the > settintg for the finals in the Good minutes of the March meeting. It %vûrship service for Kay <haprnan~ Psred by othest.Thron {ihscboûlwas reported during the business andI her group. She was assisted by sord b th Orno -lih 1Scholh rt Ml's. Chiallice and her group'Afleen Bairstowý, 'Ethel Lycette~ and Girls' Athietic Society, was held in ha d completedl work on several Thelma! Vagg. Diane Gilhart pLayetI conjuniction w\ith a poic-ieqjt and had two large bales of a1 verv lovely piano solo. In thankinig programme toe emphasize the im- clothing and baby diapers etc. ready lier M\rs-ý Chapman remarked on portai.e etfgjood posture in Ontar- o hI aay ow very pleasing taayist lo's Secondaty Sehools. have our, Young people corne to en- r The eleven finali-sts were ehosen The( ladies of the Auxiar-y ag. terrain, by asholwd vote in, whichi each re.ýed to canvas as much of Orono Ms infe er rmNw pupil had thc pivilege to cast one .Ilage as possible for the Cancer caMr s inifed Wserkryanfro lNis vote for the gilw\hom they thought wud.%ith miany very sincere thoughts ebtiesdurnth ebsi p,-Ll errn. in Final details were arrangeti for (I sentimnents regarding ou17lser-,_ I aihabtica 2dx, ~1e inaist aering to the supper for' the Re- vicc- and lives as Chiristianis. 1 alphbeticl finlistsekah Lodge on April 22.1 ýwere as follows: Lynda Allen,- The mneeting : closed with the iz- Shirley Andrews, Mary Janie Delegates wvere asked te attend a pah Benedîction and lunch wVas ser-ýý B'rough, Uqenie Couvier, Joan d(Ow- IConfer-encýe for -Mission Circles te be.-ved. Helen Malda, Darlene Ransberry,- Ly~~Tyrreil and Gayle Willis. jThe big moment for the elevenira % V ~girls arrived when Roy Forrester uu a o dA p o e went to thle microphone and annon 1ýayle Willis wvas Oie Posture Queenj of 01 nH igh School. Mr. Forrester V c aton al S~c h ou stated that judges had had a diffi -______________ cýui e arriving at, their decision becauise of the excellent po(jsture ex- Oni ednsda énîht in Port Hopehedicontonwhtîschl hibited by ail the girls. ithe Durh'lam District High School on, Monday, May 15th lit the Bow- Gayle wll represent Orono High Board approved the construction of mnanville Hi-lh School whenl the Io- Sclhool on Ma 'y 6 at the annuai Good a Vocationial school in the district cal Board is invitinig representatives Pousture Contest ln Toronto sponsor- ITeBadaenwseigtefill-1 1ion the ail thie local industries to ed by the -Canadian Chiropraetic hal approv'al from the Departnmerit -attend to present their views in this A-.sociationi, at which uhie posture et Education Wvhich when received connection, qu -,en fr~QtrowjIl be choseni. the RBard cani start immediately o01t 1 in loige would lîke to thank the plans for such a school. The ap- 1 The site for the new school was N 1,those who served. as j udges; Mr. and proval from the Department etf . - osen at Port Hope on Wednesday SMrs. Roy Forrester, Mr. and Mrs. ucation is expected te he receivedngth l'eBadmmbr. o- NG Carman Corntsh, Mr. and Mrs. Arni- very shortly. The, full cost of the sideration was given locating the Olad Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Deug constructioni will be borne by the1 cola nadto nDrigo fiPowell. We woulaiso lilte te con- Federal Government who wvill alsol i 11aeuacwte sthuh gratulate th-e eleven finalists and, pay thec fulcoslt et equipping the to exist. Consideration wvas also giv. ilege wishýl Gayle Willis the best et luck school wvith the necessary equîp. en to the sites of .Bowmianville and our on Saturday nighit. The students of ment to teach the various trades. i Clarke. The Port Hope site was f ek' fi .S can be assured that they the most suited for the locating of te o ilb eJrpeeie ttePs A further special meeting is te be the new vocational school. nture Queen finals in Toronto. Usé the C'dlassi'fied Section To Seil To Rent To Buy To Notify Charges Arie Reasonable r rilu Basebali Schedule Mlon. May 22 - Belleville at Orûno Neýyastle, at Port Hope Suni. July 9 - Qrono at Belleville S7ed. MWay 24 - Pet'boro ait Newcastle Tues. JulY il Belleville at OroIm: 'at. MWay 27 - Orono at Peterboc Wed. July 12 Orono at Port ffopý (night) ý Peterboro at Belleville (nig,ýU> Sun. May 28 Pt. Hope at Bellevi~lle Sat. July 15 - Belleville at Newca,-4tfe, Tues. Mayi 30 - Newcastle at Orono Pt. Hope at Peterboro (nigl*- WVed. -May 31. - Orono a, Port Hope Tues. Jully 18 - Peterboro at Oronoý: Sat. June 3 - Belleville at Newcastle Orbiio at Peterboro (night) Port Hope at Peterboro (night)1 Wed. July 19 - New. at Belle. (inigilt>I '-un. June .1 - Peterboro a, Bellevifle , Sat. Jtly 22 -~ Newca.stle at Pt. Hp Tues. June 6 - Port Hope at Orono Bellevile at Peterboro (n.ight'i Wed. June 7 - Orono at Newcastle Sat. June 10.- Belleville at Pt. Hlope Sn uy2 eebr tBleil Necatlea Peterboro {night) Tues Juy 25 - Newcastle at Orono, Tues. June 13 - Peterboro at Orono Wedl. July 26.- Peterboro at Pt. Hp WVed. June 141 - Pt. Hope at New'tle Orono at Newcastle Sat. June 17 - Peterboro at Pt. Hope Sat. July29 - Pt. Hope at NewcasIle Sun. J une 18 Orono0 at Belleville S u. July 30 - Pt. Hope at BelleviUte Tues. June 20 -Néwcast1e at Orono Mon. July 31 - New. at Peter. (igt Wecl. June 21 Orono at Pt. Holpe Starting Time of Gamnes: Bte Sat. June 24-1 Pt. Hope at New',tle ville Wednesday night 8 p.m.; Sn Belleville at Peterboro (night) dlay 2:30 p.m. Sat. JuIy i1 - Belleville at Orono Orono, Tuesday 6:30 p.m.; July h Peterboro at Port H-ope 13:00 p.m. Tuies. July 4- Pt. Hope at Orono 1 Port Hope, Weclnesday 6:30 p-m.; WVed. July 5 Belleville at Ne-wc'tle Saturday 3:00 p.m. Sat. July 8 - Belileville at Pt. Hope. .. 1 Newceastle, Wednesday 6:30p.; Newcastle at Peterboro (night) Saturday 3:00 p.m. r ~ ~ 3. We ePace or repair worn or de- fective parts or controls of your' oil humner, at no extra czst! 4 . W e nma ke automatic deliver- les of top-quaty ON1 of th~e riglit grade for your oil bjrner. Ail this for a kow annual maintenance chu-,ý plus the. cosf of the. oit yoJê use. Not only is it the finest kind of hecting service, but the most eco- nomkcal and satîsfactory. Phoe Us New Pop t>.. ils For Your House Orono Fuel & Lumber Limited Orono, Ontario Ph~one' 14816 ALSO .Thank-you Notes Cake Boxes Reply Cards Serviettes ORONO WEEKLY TIMES 1 PHONE 109 0, 0 =oc YOU CAN BEGII CAREER TRAINI]'> ~AT ANY TIME Il The Oshawa Business Col t is open ail year and oi method of individual einstruction permits you start at any time' t8 Day-School Courses fromU which toechoose EVENING CLASS ES TUESDAV and THURS9AY 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. f Choice of Subjects f S Special Classes for H-ousewives - Shiftworksrs Teen-Age Typists FREE LITERATURE Q AVAl LABLE p~10 Simcoe Street North g Dial RIA. 5-3375 THE gGLIFT SHOPmj Agents for 2 NEWCASTLE l DRY CLEANERS. AND LAU NDERERS Operated by Jack Lets FOR PICK-UP& ELIVERV POEORONO 252J Li

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