York Bread 'NW Butter Rose RaspberrY Strawberry JAMS Stokely's Fancy Honey pod PEAS- 15oz tin Red Rose TA BAGS Red & White Homogenized - 6c off pack Peaut utter 24 oz jar 449e 1[ Vem* - Haif or Whole LEG ROASj'T VEAL GUTLETS Ruib VEAL OHOPS VEAL PATTIES Swirt's Premium - A new Taste Treat Cello BARLBEQUE FRANKS Swift's Premiumn BOLOGNA by the piece Bread 'NI Butter Yo-k Pickles Tomnato juice Pu ritan Beef Stew Puritan Irish Stew Glide Liquid -3c off pack Laun dry Starch Trend - Twin Pack Deter gent cherry Hill OId Cheese 12c 16 oz jar 27c 48 oz tin 27c, 24- oz tin 39c 24 oz tin 3)9 - boulie 21 c z 2 for 59c oz wedc 59c I I 'Annual Meetu*g' WNomen's PresIý Mr- Ralph Hill, Trenton, was th-u,.s s peakeiN et the afternoon uss o f ithe Annual meetihg, of -ýhawa Presbytery WVoman'ls Assoc- ~inheld in St. Andrew's United 1 Church, Oshawa recenýtlY. When f Mrs. Win. Teeple of St. Paul's ihurch' owavie introduced M IL, she told of hier varied ac- Itivities in the WV.A., and said she wvas well qualified to speak on the sub- jeetf of Program Planning, being the Chairm-an of progra'm planning forj the Bay of Quinte Conference W.A. -Mrs. Hill said it was just as im- portant to have the program plan- ned for thec meeting of the W.A. as it is for a ship's Captain to have a chIart of his proposed voyage; wvith- out such pd-ýanning the m-eetings flounder, just as a ship -would. Link- ed closely with this subject is stew- ardShip) whIih!n itself involves re-~ sp)onsibiity,. It is thie responsibility of every imembecr to become aetively concernied withi the worki of the Chuirch. Stewards must have certain qualities -joy, hope, peace, re- joicingý and love, afl of which requis- ites cani be acquîred by study. Mlrs. Hill recommended several books for Sstudy, the mnost important being the' ,Bible, Stewardshiip is your Faithlin action, said Mrs. H., The literature. available from Dominion Council W.A. is compiled to assist with pro. and study, and is ready at any time' gra m. planning, and stewardship, fthe members to use.j During the day reports o.f the various committees were distributed so Mhat the r-epo(.rts could be taken home by the members. Mrs. Culf- ford Naylor, told of the Skillshop shie attended in Belleville recently, and Mrs. A. E. Hlamilton read che -Story of the ïear", the seeretary's reporEL. J usL oei-~e tn, Communion service, conauc ed by Dr. George Telford, Mrs. E. G4. oi sang a scilo, "Sacramient' f rom the St. Mlat- they Passion by J. S. Bach, accomr-1 panied at the organ by Ms G. R. Booth. Ms Those at the head table for lunch, with the president Mrs. L. -F. R~ich- ardson, were: Mrs. A. A. Crowle, and Mrs. Clayton Lee, Honorary presi- dents; Mrs. Wm. Teeple, Bowmnan- ville, Mrs. George Werr'y, preient of St. Andrew's W.A., Mrs. A. E. Campbell, reoording secretary, Mrs. Charles Naylor and Mrs. H. W. BLlakely, vice-presidents; Mrs. F. Reed, president of the Oshawa Pres- Ibyterial, W.M.S., Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Telford, ininister of St. Andrew's Unitedi church, Rev. and Mrs. Mel. vijlle Buttars, chairman o! Oshawa Presbytery, Mri-. Ralphi Hill and ivirs. D. E.1 Do'bbs, president of Bay of Quinte WVoman's Association. iMrS. H. W. Bakely and Mrs. 'T. W.- Bowmn ae delegates ito)the Bay --f Quinte Co)nfcieence W.A. Ant- nual mneeting, to be held in Wýhitb)y United church on ,May lst and I2nd1 The Dom.iniion Council Wý.A. annual meeting wvill be heldinin Toronto May 14I to l9th, anid there wlvll be a conferenice on Sept. 17 and -l t keswick for ail the women of thef Church. The Semi annual meeting-i f thie Presbytery W.A. wiil be hieldt in Albeýt Street 2hurcvli on Oecber 26th. Followving the tdevotionaltiand memoUrial se-rvice under dthe leader-! *.h'ip of Ms.R. B.Gaibitha "\r.I. . Coljinýs -of Normtel. crci tereý was trio s>ininig "Lift Thin Eys" y Menidelssohni with, Mrs. Ralph Ki Airy Ms. J. Clif- forid uie!, and Mr's. D. K. Stiles, accompanied ecJ t the piano by mis. i Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, VWhitbyl- stalled thie off icers for the next yevlar as followvs: t{onorary pre-sid1etsý, Mris. A. AÏ. Crowl and rs. Claiyt'o11 Lee; Pas Presidlent, Mrs. E. D.1 ,Cornishý; Presideut, Mrs il. IF, Rici-1 acof;Vie-e-Prcien-ts, Mris. Chas.1 Nay-lor, andf Mr-s. H. W fikeyH-ý J. C. NaylovJr; Treuer, Mrs. F. 1 Ross D)ickinýsont; Literalture Sceay ;Mrs. Franiýk Black; Prograim Plaii- irt g, AJMrS. 1-1. VW. EliaJelv; Pes Il. M -'. Grose - an1d svrlcm ving thepa-st two years agtreedl to finlishis seasonl as the new or- ga viai0 ill be.-in January .1962, undIer the , name of thie United Oshawa WaterSysi<*Teudefs T1enders will be, called this week- ~rtryAsscitind~ for the construction ofth ,à ytery A sso iatio tersystem. to be lnstalled in theL Division Street Sub-dtvisîon in the Church Womien. The bursary fund 1 south of Orono. The tender-s are be. cýhajirman il'becrs Charles Nay. ing Put out by invitation. The planaý 13,r. When Mrs. Richardson spoke of and specifications have been drawn'2-- I the work of the W.A. she anniounced'up by the, firm U% M,ýarshall, Mack. -hW M,111p1jec for' the year - ti-je'lini and MoXoghan and include the- finanlcial support of CampQi-o-sxic water mainwith aIl noa A ac-, and urged the locals to remnem- ary. valves and house connections. ber to suppo>rt the buildingl fund fo-r the Victor Home for Girls. She Committee, and alsýo a Conference, also annoj.inoed a conference for for wvorkers in W.M.S. lead by Ms ,Sunday School teachiers et Five Parian Thompson on Friday May 12 Oaks on October 13, 14,, l5th, being in Kn St. Church. Miss Thompson held under the direction of the is field secretary for the Dominion Presby tery Christian1 Education Board W.M.S. AUCTION SALE Peter Fyfe's Imported Antiques ARMOURIEI9,:i, ORONO THE BUILDING tS HEATED Tuesday, May qth Sale commencing at 1:00 p.m. Antiques consisting of Period Furniture, Stirling, Decorative China,' Choice Glassware, Sheffieldl Plated Siler, Clocks, Brass, Copper, etc. This is an outstanding fine shipment. Articles wii be on dis- Iplay Monday, May 8th f rom 2 to 9 p.m. Everything wilI be sold with no reserve bld. Catalogues on request. Terms cash. H. BRUCE SNIDER, Auctioneer j Phone 195 Odessa, Ontakijo <Private Line> OwROND TINSHOP Spring Sale OF IS NOW ON BUY AND SAVE R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario 1~' j Rw&OY&&AL Bowmanvitle MA. 3-5589 THURS., 7:30 M] AT FR1., SAT, 7 - 9:M5 TINEE SAT., 2 P.M. Plus Color CarD,,ons MO.to WED. oncomple!te show at 7:30 jeffrey H1unter, Pat Crowvley. Very qoocIjvnIeinundo< ALSO- lThe Beat eerà:u Steve Cochran Ma-iVnDrn Adult Entertainment 24 oz jar 3c 24 oz jar 34)c j N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N 'N 'N N N * N N N N 'N N * N N «N N N N N N 'N N N N N N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N 4 for 69c 60 per pkg 73c lb 69c lb 79c, 1b 69c lb 59C 1 lb pkg 49c 3lb $1.OOý JSwift's Eversweet jRINDLESS BACON lb 59c (WHILE THEY LASI) AL UMI NUMN LAWN CHAIR biDoble seat 311à single hack of wïoven saranl *Range of plaid vlours aRED & WH1AMPITtE - s-~4 Chiquitab the finest Sm th iossy, Qntarit N o. 1 Grade,, C#rI ancllCrtSp v.- 10-0z. Cello Bag Cucztiers 2 for"25 c $pinah for 33c lina lot 1-buse No. 1 Grade N ýew Green No. 1 Grade Tôrnto l 45c Ccibbage 2 là 15cr .! 1 [Il