777M " AkSSÊSSMNIE r 0F COU NTIES 1HamiIfon, $4,417,279; Clarke, $3,641,- 262,4159 or 16.08 per cent; industrial 1VI I N£RE.e-SED j325; Hope~, $3182,751; Seymour, $2.- and manufacturing, $6,057,818 rjAOCL NE n' page .5) '492.103; H'aldimnand, $2,398,403; ý7.9,4 per et n actorpoery 1Manvers, $2.108,075; Cramahe, ý$2, 1$2,555,484 or 3.35 per cenlt. l--v Basil Long, Mis. ai.,,sessment $12,992,84L, 084,130; Cavan, $1,9-11,080; Mraatne igSr Oýther towns and their assessmeiit'$l,)16,177; Percy, $1,S48,32-1; Brîghi-; * hurc, Oatt a Kng Sunc ar:Por.t 1Hope, $10,162,536; )3ox - ton, $1,696,036; Cartwright, $68 I f t'cc-fi. hre 0sapIx eofSund xnvile, $7,488,409; Cmblfr,913; Souith MI\onag-hain, $857,525; ,and w I ki S ,oIS i hr i hnure of hMr. 'r77,22.Alnwick, $701,81I6. u. Idi onu fhsI -Piho -niudt ae ten the breadownof lassifiica,- b taeSl ~e i;1 Of'ý"llac-swit ""assssi"t ion ofassssmntsandperentge e os f the O0 n ofC $2,00'11801, folowed 'by Coiborne, that each classification represents Gop w o h Ooo nt dg ,and their guest2 h -1.-,2(Q,581; Nýewcastle, 'Z995,001; to he ouniestotal, far sen-Golj1,-oo h ooU ite l es attended, in a h Bai3iig-S, $712,822, and Millbr-ook, ment amlounltecd to $20,819,297 or Ms on ois usa f evice at the Oro $Ï21,370. '27.30 per ce-nt; residential assess. or o n o wiMa n , tire-sd C d'ch where Mr.James Le-ader> among the townships was ment, $31.573695 or 43 per (enlt; 2iad,2n wip ose ii-eenW4M. of Oronio Lodge, Da-iýiigton. $6.343133; lowdby pr-ofessional ad commerial $12speaker and cond ucted dl Tho e -eting wats openod ,vith th le ak- sted by Mr. W. Ogdlan, * ~ig~n ot ymn500 "Tae tme t has been reportod fr f.flLwoclby 'Te Lod' auble source that Mr. and Startplannring nowv! Mail the coupon for " Look forward to Nall_____________ yorur Most refreshing sumrner ever-ini Ontario! P. of'your life i ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY I-on. Bryan L. Cathcart, Minister I CORDIJROY SNEAKERS Good quality cotton cordur<oy uppers and rubber soles. Full cushioned insoles with built-up arch cushion. Green, gold, black and white. Full sizes 4 to 9. Priced per pair............ $1.95 LADIES' and GIRLS' PLAID SLIMS -Weil tailored Slims of "Glenella", a fabric which feels like wool but washes like cottori. Coloru fast, crease resistant finish not affected by lap.ndering. Several attractive plaids. Mlisses' Sizes 12 to 20. Prieed per pair $4.95 Girls' Sizes 8 to- 14 years. Priced per pair $3.95 -GIRLS' COTTON DRESSES Sever-al attractive styles, madeé of Dan River Wash ancd -Wear cotton. Rose, mauve, blue and gold. Sizes 2 to 6x years priced at $2.49 to $2.95 Sizè,r 7 to 12 years priced at $3.95 to $5.95 CONGQL FWN Y TfIE YARD Here they aret- readyfer Spring showing . . . several new CongoIleum desins. 6 foot -wide~, priced per running yard $2.20 9 foot wide, priced per running yard $3.30 12 foot wide, priced per running yard $5.20 B3ARK CLOTII PRINTS Bark Cloth Prînts, your choice for Iovely drapes. About -!Sin. wide. Golour lime, white, grey black baok-àrounds; Reg. Regular $2.95 for only $1.25 -mksWhat a woncierful difference Sui mksto~ your home, We have a good choic Priced f rom !Oc. to Yeu 'nay alsôoerder hlgher priceci par I.-. Priced $1.80 to $4.9 Store Open Mctdl rmstrong s , -2 Mr. and -Mrs. Carl Bill"inga and olo inthis Mr's. Hammn read 'Mrs. Ed Grahm moord King- thle introdutction anid first chapter 0f ston on Thrsdy ist. Miss Malen a aciaig ok,'o GO, Lot God' Grahýdam returned homo with thom whýcihprovod toIo evory absorinig.:for thle sumimer after attendixig Mrs.Hanockthei-i eac a o~,Queen'sUnertyj enitod "s\e Waljk." jMaster ýDonnie McKonizie wais a 1patiet in Bowmi-anvîilie ho)spital lat Mrs. Aïlin con ducted the businless 1week hiavîni hd n peItln-o ýpart 0f the meleting", begîing wth ppeditis thleradg ofth minlutes of thle! Ias metng tonthe treasuirer's l'e- Members of thle .O.O.F. attended port. There was a gratifyinig re ene Nightengale Lüdge Divin)e sponse to aniniquiry about the uise Service in the Triniity, United of the "Ceint-A-Meal" boxes. Cuc,~wav1o It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "i wa loareia 'emeig TeDrama \Worýk.shop held i ltel tilat th1goup wo(uld doniate baking Tuwn of Bowmianivlle- over thle past J for the ýCG.I.T. bake sale to bheld W, ý,,,eek-entl was well attendeci o. n both on 1 3th1. The Juno andic Jully Saturdýiýay ad Sundfay. Ninýeteen reg- meeutIngs wil h combinied with istered for thle two-day wvorksho ropOne netonn group Two which was ilost grifyn for thoso' În JueadvcerS a intuvy.A mdetoaragmns. chrei1 oh maet epmk Mr. and 'Mrs. Roughlley andf son., up to sortae h ou allcaton.Donald, have mnoved t[o Oshawa. Mr. jMrs. Irwý;in gave a "ishort report David Roughley, 'who %works for, thle from týhe Bay of -)jQuinte irnfer nRol-phHardiware store is boa rdi1g wchtook plceiiiWhitby. The -atlie 1hon'- ofMrs. îA. E. West. sekrWas Rev. D). Pilky of Ot- Mrs. Honnie West is a patient -at taw-a Field ecetyanid hofies- tho Mmorial Hospital, 1Bowmian'i sud thie great need of oen gl reater g 0vng Iolte-M anid MFimd. vile fortycaî reported. C.G ILT. News i The meinlig clos ed with ai hyn -- aftrwhcha deoilos lunich was n Mondlay oveninig the CGIT J sevdby our hostess. meeting began at 7:30 wîth the pur- Ipose. Ana ffiliation, report was rondi. The Treasurer's and Secretary's re- iport was given. Collection was tak- - - ---------- --- on up. There wore ninie girls pros- WVe will hold our, Bake Sale and -Ton on -May l3th. Jevvellry Will as ho sold mnd we will pro-vide baby sîtter3s for, the mothers who wish to htake advantage of il. unworthy Walpaper ie for aill YOur rooms. peys remnants. E,- en ri gI Fritay ;-,nu!Saturdlay Open Ail Day The chocolates, whichi we are seli- ing- were distributed nand Ithe eet- mj in losed vwithtlaps-. Guide News Wve opened with roll caIli and col- lct.lion. WVe are haiga Mt and Daugh-1ter banquet 0on Tuesday, I May lý 6th in thie United Chureh(,I and each Guidie took a ticket home for 1t Mrs. Frank is hiaving hier camp ai, Pigeon Lake the last week of July nnd the, Guides are to lot Captann Grady know noxt wveek if they are going. Wo hlad a sinig song before w-e \vent to our patrols. The patrols re- Ïviowed their "Clove Hîitch" at i i round Tuinand trwo Haîf Hitchies' knots. Carol Nixon passedhler firel Janet Mc*cin passod part l o'f thleir Second class service - how t - et the police aInd dloctorý. 9Atfter gamres wo losedl withi our' Shymn, prayer and tapa. UNITED C4URCI Orono Pastoral Charge M inister Rev. Basil Lonýg SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1961 -,IHURCH $SERVICES Orono - 11:00 a.m. Leskardi - 2:00 p.m., I SUNDAY SCHOOL I Kirby - 3:00 p.m~. Orono-10:00 a.m. I Lekard- 1:00 p.m. Leter o E ito j etter was for tesFl 'Lettr to Edito ýpse of questioning t-ho wisdom f the w-lo eBoar-d of Directors-' l IMay 2, 1961-deiL o to soul the Orono Telophone, nd The Orôno Times, ;Co. to the Bell Telophone Co. a-,_1 ýed Pear Sir: IaIso the mianner in whichi they po r In the April 27th issue of your ceedoed to carry out this decision, aspaper in the colun 0 f letters tol At no timie dici 1 question the !.i. Sthe Editpr,; a letter signedi by Mr. tegrity or. Mri. BillingS noray hJanmes Pjckaby, stated that in a pre- meniber of h'is Board of Directors. vîous editIon in1 letters týo the EdCitor j1i am in complete agreement withý- lie that the hpnour and intogrity of Mr. Mr. Rickaby that M\r. Biulings is a. or Carl Billings had been quest'ioned. Ifine Genleman whonm-i1 have awy he As 1I had wvritten one of these lot- h feld in high esteeini. to frs anid as Mr. Rickaby's letter *didl I did flot question Mr. Billings ii )Y, fot state which letter or lotters hoiegrt and 1 am at a compflote s h1c was implying to, 1 therefore pre- to'comiprohend h ow 1Mr. iuickaby o ce sume ho may be referring- to the anyv reader of y' our papor could hav0. letter written by, mysell and I there- s,, oiostrued my remarks. e[fore avail myif ftisoprunt ours sîncerely, ito c-epudiate this -,insinuiation. Wilfred Hwo N N N N * N N N N N - N 'N -N - s -. -4 N N N N - N N N N N N N N -'-4 N N s -'1 N N N N N N - N N N ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N * N s N N s PLANT NOW Large 2 year old Cana- diai- grown, No. 1 Roses to stand the Canadian cli- ) mate. Ail popular names Each............89c. Children Socks, colors ndI strîipes, sizes 51 2 to, 8V 2. iReguar 25c. î This week .. 3 pair 67c. Aluinium Percolators, 8 cup size, regular $1.98 ios ~ This week special $1.59 Pyjamas, Baby, Doli, ass- orted, pink and blueprin- ted sizes smiall, miedium MMEand lar'ge. Pair .. $1.98 Boy's Pants in the Popular Ramibler Cord, ossor- ted c(;oors, sizes 8 to 16 years. Pair for ...... $2.98 ilair Tonics, ail popular makes, Brylcreami,, Val- cream, Vaseline, Vitalis and Wildroot. Regular 43c. This week special............ .37îe. DON'T -MISS TITS. Just arrived, Ladies' Summer Satchels, a little different. New styles. See then, early wvhile- the stock is comiplete Priced........ $1.49 to $2.79 Special - Lîimited Quantity, Free, one regular Woodbury's Dry1ad Roll On Deordorant with the purchase of a regular bottie ol Jergen's Lotion 69c., W,,oo'bur-y's Shampoo, regular value $1.725 for 79e Help Wanted Part-time only ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE ýz1