dýowu na igh-t gut tair-s du-ring a1 ilent attack et sneceziag,. A Maneiceter man asezdseo - lently that he rfeU eut et bcd sud 'broIe chis lcg; In Texî-s a moDtoris-t Sucezeçl1wice W nuel tivip:g slong a liuy rend. His car crushiei into a amp- post, then bucdbnck anrd it lu- opther car, which cellided wt a busý. As 'a resait D! hie -nceezes thijrty_-revep peocp!te had te tic ta on ele-ia ortet&t A sneeze 13 a reflex actioDn te re-ileve iritatico f the nase ajnd Iliroat,, and aitheuLgli ih nly 11ls n-enhc-f a sýeconfd it tLc.s- mýaclicotrel cf tLht body thal it isn ave soron rsuits. A,,leurlk nrwse clanned that -lie contracted infartile para'lysis because a colleag1ue tunEeezedi Kover r(,. Shie-,-ns aiwarcdecd $10.000 c om pen sat ioun w-hon shehtick lher ecase te court. Not alsneZes have dratîýtc resits liwevr.An ex-sojdier: had a ballet emlieQded lu biis bead lun sucli z position thut ;an operatiion for its rmoval w as; covnsid1ered ton daugereas. Theme unedr hesnze and the bl leto sht ut et bis nose! An aLntimnely sneeze brought a wanted rmurerer te justice la New YcrkHt- vins--dmunklirug ýa CaIP cýf e ln a calýe when i1.e suddenly sceLTht cap cah ed te the fleer. Tht commotion attmated ttrtntion cf a de- tective eatiný,g 2t a nearby table. He recgizd h mnanand run- reit hlm An Austnaulan huait cleerk %was w,,alkbng ajoug thte beach cf a NwSouth Wales reaside reot w-hon lhe suddeaiy feit the uced to sueeze. Hetoteelout his- hanid- kecifto -other it, suid thea dscovred that lu doing> se ho bad lest a sweepstake ticket piur- chaipsed that afttemrnoon. A jmothin-lter ho learned tb<î- hie ticket had won a, $45,000 prïze. Unable te pr7odu-e tht tcoanterfoil lie ferfeikled tht prizo. For cotinueus rueeziu g a Kansas- woman w-en-d tako seme boatlng. Sho suieeztd forty tintes P. mnute for loven days. In 1940, a Buckingham schoolboy started sneeziuýg lu his dermbtcýry eue uight- Ater bis- sohoolmates had counted o v o r a t.housaud quceezes, they si-rumoned the. ma- tron. The boy wvas tatou te tht sick- baiy, amd dnrirug the nI c ight days snee-zed 130,000 times. Hoi coudidleep only wheu hoavily dragged sud tht attack did net *j>cp> until a longthy course tif treà ttnent hýad keen adiaistor- *. A. pantomimne was onico mmc-d IVy a suteze. To encourage a r&- #lier týenporamonta.l prima donna ât London producor fileod the front soats of the heuse with bis friend.5 te appiuud hem epen- bigz nlght, One!fthet, lhowove-r, entecxd while thtesiner ws e.lln atop note. It astated a( muffled tittorbng, thon whouthe Inan sneorod &gain, the 1aughter spread. lu a Mw i econ-)de thet whoie audience etslaughing and the singer ho- taras Inauiifble. 5h. stàrmed off tet tege and refused tÔ retuiu. BACI< TO NATURE -- Ey Vw y cf spri-g cleoinirîg, membrs cf thé 'ans.Cou-nty Roy Scout Trcop are rippdÀg down old election posters in their "OperîOtionl Fàce!i;ft." Pcatêrse wiII ho redeemied for cash hy pclitkcians and mnonoy wiiI go to Sccouts' ,summer camp fund. A Great Game Fish - The, Pike ! Even withl the lighe nes enrlyused today, cha)nces ire thai t en vanget a pike up te ou bout pretty easily. You miay think that the oldties contcmrpt for hlm a s &a fîgbter 'wsfully justified. But when yen re-ach for your net, ht will probably wirl luge greased Iih nsd be gone aimrost la- stantly -- perhaps straighnt under your boat sud cAil o the other side. Ont cf his favorite tricks is te Sw'imn quite Slowly, as though.la _ouildn't go auy faný,ter -e he were tilg. Just when yo' gettting sed to this, thinkj soon b.e omlng up to the again, exhausted this time - stanitly, jet propelled, h' F-aai.-And vtho ceau ttlilu n dIirectîin. So, for thoso who th1 ilnk .jze oxagger.,ted his flghting ual ties shnould try fishing for 1121m early ili the soascu - or, rnck btte-r, te find hlm at bis fight- inig beat, atter some frost in the f ail. Thon, before they gel through with hlm -- rather, b.*- fore ho gets through h them - they'l b. readly te agir.. ftlijt I havoo.to-verrated hlm nt nebit What tachie iýs uited for Iarg- er pîike? WAhere they'ro moat gouerally found, around dense weeds or snags,th usual frt- wiater spinnîng tuekie, wjh aýbout ix-pound ne,cetli isun't -- it, weuld mean losiý'ng almcst ail the good ones, lend- ihng only tht susallast. If you wam't te, use spinninlg tackle, it should hý the heavier salt-wato 'r type. )But most vè-teran Pike au- glsrs v stein te prefe'r eastinrg tacktt;Rarc-gul-ar oustnsrouir .' suc-h a.s buscrdfor )ass wIvil TALENIEDI ON THE DRAW - TV 'cowbey octor Malcolm Atter- hury draws guns or piulurea ,wi'ih qûci case. Ile's ait werk 1w. n cil. painting for the Celebrity Art Exhibition in Holly- wood. Btween acting rotes an-1d poinîting. Atterbury writes ploya, perfrmns con the pionoo youn lneen amiaiti J ',l-puUltt test. Iý yo-u thýinlc yen may con- niect wIth a refybig (one,mat ut 2)poun1ds. If 0yen happer.1 0 h cnt-o a re;al mnstreon thîs wilIlie t oo lgt L ut deon't spoDilyursport by usi1-g too hleavy a lhue. Pile are tem-peramntal abïýout what- lures týhcy'll takýo hast ai ai giveni tirne. Tivo or three gcod lares wîll practically alay Cgt Yeu asinanly as if you Mda hundzed. Tht-y go for- sh,,îny spoens muoh monre than d(obs; t spoo>Cn s1 bst nmort etf'thet toue. But it'c, ' em emI o wolblin)g or spinuing, aýs long as it is s-onestnadcnvih good action. Inviariably, I thiýnk, yoa'l1gt thre moststiks rom spocnohy u-slng, a perk riud con thet nook. Ie use rvegLaîr 1ength, spt- tail bars strîp. But with tis arrangement, yen may get sh-ort strikes -- tre f ish grabbing tht rind sud cloniy ruuaningvwith It Stili, there are times when au pin-g will get more than a spoon. Any type ef plug thaýt's god for bars i ais-o god for pille. But, for blre oces, Îtht Dug rhouldbe cosiderbly bge bass-sized piug cilgt srne, but the igger ceuewil]. get more. T litre are timrer, esp.ýecially te- ward eeig hnthe, hast lre od PaIlfor pike le a SUrf1ace plug- - and etl course ii's mach th menis-t th-rilliuge to usFe for themn, wheu they'11 take it wel. Where are thte best spots teo look fer pike? la spring, youý'bl proUbby fiud nmost pike pretty wêl baçk lu large, dense vweed ed.Or, if yen don't like tiltý- Mug bu dense ueeds (I don't.>, kieep your boit outside, sud cast righi, te thte dge cf the weeýds. Troýling jus-t outaide thtedge aýhouid do well tee, espeiallyv if tedeep Wttr. id n. of kena islands, Trclling ilu de.p water aroumnd these la likely te gui Yen-a strlke, In litt el, the -big euies ,,etin to travel eonstantly sud teed uavaxgeiyy Yen my f md ithem al- mont anywhorc.1Iusually kecp trolling ofl.gfeinluwhat I <ues te b.t about claigMfeofoi-water. I gezerally gt pionty «f action there.- Sy Js-nLucas,Ag- In& Edîtor «f "Sports AMield_" Don't Islme It Al On Comm unism It is always us-ful ilu> a "t of troubles" lbï kt thisý te sto-p back end looyk &round. Th* toxnptatieu, when the Congo erupts, wheuiolters at'ornt Bel- gian oumbatssios, wheu studeuts lu As-la floue US.I.A. offices, when a oui YU1it min buHavant evcr- turus hîs Country Rmd n-ps-où ax hemnispher., te leýok AI thtpparti- - cuirevent. What W-e Should do utite rzui- z.that noue oit these cvents if, ï,solateti. The uow fiiirqu- taton frein John Donne cornu9 to mind itmn A politisalibouer ix 1murdored laan Cngoevil- lige and Ameriomu Nqrons riot aI the United Nations Ile N.Tw York, N- man Is an Isiand sud 1th. bel] is- Ioliug fýor ail of us, Anether temptaîlen te li e r- sirted is te thluk that the on we heur Is- just the us-ual dis-- tords coming eut cf Moscow and Peiping. There is probably no more dangereus fallacy nowa- dlayr, thon to humre evorythlug ou conmmunisrn, But cemmurninismr ta-kes adrautage cf the terces ut work everywhere la the oe werldte-atack o wcaka th ýLY cne *SERRY & OOT !LANTS ONTARIO'S LARGEST STRAWBERRY GIROWERS ALL C*OMMER'.ýICIAL VARIETES 12 MILLION PLANTS R'eturus cf utp.to $2,,500 per acre tunder our1new gewig systcm. er com-,ploete Information and prie.* list,.wrùte: EB.F.. BOSTON BERRY FARMS (REG.> & R. No. 1, WILSONVILE, ONTARJO PIIONE: WATERFORD HICKORY 3-5907 BUIESpRGpMRTIUS FOR SALK IDEAL PAMÉILY SUSIN ESS OFPOR*TUNMITY GENERAL store, port office, snaàck bar, pumnpa end four hedroom home. 'Oh mainhghwiay between North Bey, snd Quehec border. $23,000 plus stoc.Cn tact E1. C. Atpeten, Fbropis, Ont. BOOK£ AMUAEING NEW BOOK $2.01 cene Recigioni Eduication. The entine Uni- verse wthlni your grasp. (Spellbinding). Aubyn Bock Dstributers, bic., P.O. Box 65-7095, Miami, Yloidsý. MItAGAZINES 10*, $3 00 endors prepsid. Westernroanedetective, w&s , m-ïechanics, lhumer, s port, edukcatIonal, inovie, Fnench, medical, rmen's, homne, siencee. Staito wants. Freemians, Cern- COINS NEW! few! Nei!Snd Eition -1961 -"Guide Book 0f Canâdian Coins". 24pages, 2,000 Illustrations. Lateat lu- creassd values- ou ail cf Csniad's coins, tokeno, sud flper nseney. Tic mioat conlprcbcItc suv ad wideiy uised b1ock ou this subject!! Just reieased. Prices - $1. ,)eogency Coin, 13Rupert, Win- nlpeg." FARMS FOR SALO 4,ACEE farm ail under cultivation, not tlled old buildings, machinlery, 17 mles soutA cf Windsor nean Walker ' M. $u,800, ternis. Peter Simnca.leu state. 1090 Drouillard, Windsor. CL. 8-9049. -50 ACRE dsiry farn eompleteiy stock- ed and with ilUeo-esssry achunery. Goed hoieeand barn, amin orcead sud e river ruuiiiig through the fart». $itted mou St. JeeephVs Island, on. heurs drive fromn Saisît Ste. MNarie. Titi farm 1ibas b.d excellent tare sud there atre good ressens for aellIng. Th*re laj a good milt quota fer whlch $5.7M per bundçq%1 powsds le reeeived. Tbe fart» prouces is cwn feed. Mnual bIcorne f 1,G000.t Ut FoW.r rfeulin- formation, contact: William Rï. John- ato e, leltor, B9ox 45, Stult JSte. Mat.Ont. MIU( CO#4TRACT PARM 53,000 LES. rmonthly. 200 acres ehoice level "ia y bat. 7 milles te Ottawa. Ex- cellent bans. Large brick modemn bomne. Sinlier freb ome. Rlighway frontsâge. Ail power mncIsenry, 70 beat amnktng holateins,. Stable' cleener, huit eýool«. . Aking *1500, 3,000 on Geraid iMorris, RltslEtate Broer MJetcsife.. PARM EQUIFMINT DEXTUA Ford diesel, uced 185 heurs $2100.00 «Hauiid 68 haler, sliglgiy use4 5100.Sprng iooth drag 8 soln4 btch, nen'. $1,90XQ. Ray Sider, 36 FRusa- beth St.. Welland, ont.Ftioetk. 2-5562. POULTRY Equipmenit anti Fanai Snp- Mes. Write uow fer yoer fretestit- ege. Rideau Speclalty Ce., Box. 277. Smith% Falls, Ontario. 1900 LANGEMAN Asparagus bretr nsed les than 30 heurs. 1Reoni. Lot Smuith, 3235 WatIas Rd.,Cemi, 0hio. BElmoat 5-0749. FiARM MACI$1$SRY FOR SALS I$ýýINNEAPOLIS Mllne 443 tractor,1- plew ize, tilhtotetue amplifier, lUne power tskeeoff,8 pt. Mteh, pwer steer- iug sud bet puliey. Lite new with qfly 600 h-rc, Real itarjet». Walter Swsnstou, Rit. , Rockwyeod, Ont. GbL. WD9 DIESEL WNTERNATIONAL trac4or, te p couitl- top. Goosi casit bey. tEnne Ducef 3, men Lesiungton. FhouieiPA FOLSAL -MIOCBLLANUOUS le Sale - One bgcoucrete m.ixer ro%, mixer, boit lainexcellent con4l- to.Oncencrtetc lock machine lu e' condition. Write: Eues S. MrtIn-, à,Wilensttelp, ont, PHONOGRAPII RECORDS TOUR record nequiroments ire as lose as yeur owa meallbex! Set e deliveny grste.Send 25 conte Ia cela or tampa today for Our up)-te-date cata- logue listing everything neconrdcd in PopuilanTits, Country- and Western. Latin Amnts»e, Polkas, Classical Fo1k sud Foeign Languege Muse. Bob Dastry's M'ýusie Ceaire, Dopi W L.101 P O Boxý 747, Mentreal, P.Q. tii] or jobs in the cities, achools for their childreu sud hospitals -wheui they are ilil They knew now that t t isnet the will of- God or Allah or destbuy that" theýy shouid live in îmisery. They kuew that justice should not b. denied to thoni because they are black o)r brown or yellow, or lie- ca:use thiey were hem ý1te certain pareünts in certain places. And whea they, know whiat freedonti ratans ,Lthey want freedtomn. NEKW YORK TFUPilES. gluI UrW flWWv Eu&I FOR SALI - MISCEILAWICOUS PORTABLE wster sorttnors - 529.00. Portable watcr purifions -$29.00. .Chaise Louange Cote - SIOS Epre.ss Prepaid. Mas»' othor lUnes. Catalogue giving full details. TWEIYDLE MERCHANDISING Ce. FI6RGUS 18, ONTARIO KUNTERS i FISHEIMIN I CAMPERS$ VI1E spotan'e beet fnienti-- safe, oconemical. Don't be caught ta the wtt on coid with nethiag te start stcaap fire. Carry oeeoe our resinous wvood i1lcs in yeur Jacket or tackle box. 71111 Ilghi snd baya lrsatlyecia whea wtl Four (4) biocie - 10 oinces, $1.00 peetpaid. iteulte gusaateed or nieniey retuadod. Cariboo Plteli Chips, Box 672, Williams, Lako, Bitisi Ce- jumia. NILF WANTED NATURAL SCIENCE WORKERS To preptire plant înd animal apecimens nsed luntoschIng Science and Biolegy. Techiniciaan'a or collecteram expclncc or 1Intcrcat Iu Botta y or Zoolegy de- sisb.Permanent fifl-time positions optnansd peithapa part time. TROYER NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE OAR RIDGES lR. 8-5071 HORTICULTURE DAYLILIES NEW WONDER PLOWER BLOOM aIlaumniner, sui-zero) hardy - asat a U1fetinie Rush uaime sud address fcr coouned catalogue efthtsese amsr- kng flowors. Floiel Gandeus, Port Stanflcy, Ontarie. INSTRUCTION EAN ore! BSootklecplng, Salosmian- ehip. Shortisnd, Typewrtiag, etc. Les- Canadlian Cernospondeuce Courses 1290 Bay Street. Toronto. TIESand planta for home sud gar- die». Write on phono for froec catalogueà on vieil Wiadovon Nursenlos, Potroliat, O)ntaie. Fb, 6. MONEY 'TO LOAN MOXITGAGE Loana. Fruads avallable, on suitbIle larmes, homes, stores, spart,- moents, beteis.mo tels. Pleasant cour- teou8s service. For Information write, phsone, or drop lu. United County In- vestrments Ltd., 36ý45 Bathurst St.. Tor- ente 1, Ont, RU. -2'125. MUDICAL WANTEO - SVURY StJFERER OP RKEUMAYIC PAINS$ OR NIUtIflS TO TRY DIXON'S UMUOT. MUNýR@'S DRU* STORE v33 ELGIN 4OTTAWA $1,8 xpr*ss Celleet POST'S ECZIMA SALVE NANISU th* tonnent 0f dry oceema rashes end weeping atin troubles. Poet's £cgems Salve wWIInet dlsaýppont yen htcbilng -caldins sud buinlag ecte. nma, sens', nngwcrnm, pimaples and foot 4tcremgw«2W x,)spu4 ea4ly tc th* stst»bssa. odorbess qlntmaent, trdleseugg et hew çatubborn or hepelese thcy acen- Sent FoU- Fyeeen Recelpt ef FrIte FAIÇE o*3.55FEPR JAR 1945 %#. Clair Aenue lestt, TORONTOe NURSEÉS WANTSOD REGISTERID NURSE ONTARIO Homes Fer Mentaby tRta cd butants Ino., Pbsîinleid, Ontario, (e miles nordsofM BellevIlle) equimea Li- xleditely, asiditionâl trainel staff. t bots duty, Night or Day. Sala :,SuQ Wo $4,500 with car sllewaace infnhn<e *benefitâi. AppI lu inwrting wth refer- suces te Mn. Leocrs ebmnQ O Bo0x 10c, Plsinfleld, Ontario. TItRES REGISTIRW OR GRADUATI NUISIS Requireci Fer l5qbed heepltal, itusted ou the beaut- tIuI ARROW LARES. B.Ç. Standard soalaries, holldays sud seaJ-Rnnua;lin- tresses, 40 heur wveek sud living lu aecouiniodatiops ai 10w cot. An TeAoMII:;A-rzR NAKUSF, @.C, NUTRIA - -ATTENTION PURCI4ASIIS OF NLJTRIAk Wbeui purchaaliag Nutvis. conslder ti& fcllowung point> whiih ibis ornïisa- tion eflerr: 1. -The beset avalable 3teckï, ne cross- bned or standard types eommieudcd. t.-The eputatien of aplan whtcb ife -povlng tself su-bsta.ntiated iv files Mo 3.-Fu insuanceagainet rePlse. meut, sheuld they net live or t» tthe weeue cf sten'illty (al fOullyepind ln Our crtif1cate of tmerit.) AL - We give y ou oely mutations wMb areîn demiand fortinr garrenta. 5. - VYeu cive fret» ibis ognsto sâ guaranteed p oit markett îrwrlting. é. -Meiaienshii lnu cr exclusive brceders' asseciation, whemeby eufly -purchasc»ra efthiis stock mawy part1i- pato la the bonctit,ýsoseofforcd. 7. Picos fer reedÎing Stock tart et $200. a pin. iteMs Write: Canadien Nutria LSd., R.N,2,Stouffvilt, Ontarlo. OPPORTUNITES FOR MIN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER L-OIN CANAOA'S -LEADINO SCMOOL- Great Oppomtunity Loaru Ilalrdnessiug Pl"esu. dlgalfiod profession; goed wagos Theusande et suecosfisi Marvcl Graduatos A~i;ýcs's Greatoat Systeni Illhtstratedi Catalogue Fret Wrïite or CRI) MARVEL IAIRORESSING SCNOOL 3,19 loor St. W., Toronto Branches: ' 4King St. W-., Hamuljteli 12 Rideau Streot. Ottawsý PERSONAL -H-Y-GIENIO c RUÜLER G-OODS MTEED gugrantood, imailod le plain parcol, tacluding catalogue andi @ex book ?reo wtihitrialiass;ornent. U ifer *1.00 (Fineet quizltyl Western Dîstnîbu. tors, Box 274-TPF. RgiaSsk. [ISUE 18 - 1961 FREE- Food Prize wih 20 oney- moea Membership. M aIn v atate wjeaith. Frintcd informatýion1lOt. Mur1- rajy GuIsak, 166 Juntusl, Street, Brook- lyn 12, New York. MARE TOUR OWN WILL! Bave Legal fee, Cer1rectly cdrawn iiLegel Certifie-te contains spiaces for naie, date, heinrc e11 tier -stipulations. 0Only $.0 adi X paçI.Send dollar liaor lbsnk nonbiy oenfer te: Johin H. Tfaylor R D. 2, Box 215, %Weat Middilese, L, 'a., IJ.. PMOTOGRAFNY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB 8OX 31, OALT ONT. Filma; deveioped a$ld 8 magna prints 40$é 12 maigna prInts 604 Reprints Se ats KODACOLOR Deveîeopin-g noill90$efnot inctudling XK rinta Celer prlnts 80$ ecdiextrai. 'neye and Eltisebrome 35 m m 20 ex- pesures 1mounted Ir, sîldea 01.20 Color ni tsfrm ildes 32$' each. Money re uýnde ln f ull for, unpnlnted niegatives. PROERTESFOR BALE 165 ACRES. day. l'arry Sound istrict, lake shoe, nmaplo uslarge bouse, suitable for resýoni dev-cceioment farn or both. F. Jenine, Box 39, Mg $7,500; LOW taxes, neîv 6-rooni bunga- lows, traod lot, 15 mina. Peterbono; aise 10 acres garden land, ternis5. J Kins- mein, RRU.1, 1 ,ersrîle hno ,2l4J2l Millbnook. INCOME PROPERTY MARINA SITE 752 FRONT ROAD, LASALLE $S15,000 DOWN, huys 6 acres, with 220-ff. bighway fronitago, PlUS16 rentai units- lncluding 3-s;tory hrick Geongian-type, homne cquverted te apartmonts fully eceupied. over 200 foot on Detreit River withm 20-fi. canal now iu. Fineaýt MARINA site ln area crying for d.evelepmient. Tferrifie potential for 2 couples willing r werk, for iig retusnjs. For full iii- onmation, eaUl JACK CLARKE, Real>ýtor 44,0Oueilette AeWindsor Plhono CH. 3-7425 STAMPB POO CANADA stamapa; ail difforent, uscd, $1. Interosting set, 1 ech, $1. M. J. Wiïlson, 1269 Cantonheruny Rd., Port Credlit, Ont. SUMMUR COTTAGES FOKR ENT *VIELLA - VILLA COTTAGtS S or 3 bedreeni houspeoplng cottages, 4fity convonionco, opon Apri 15 te Octe. 1b Reassemble. Plient Waaaga 45M Or write Robent Brown, R-R. 1 Wasagat BecOnt. TUACHURS WANTEO HAWIC Inaction Public Schoei Board reqt1ires iii Septembe n eeProtestanit teseber, male Preforned, grades 4 to a, approximstely 2.4 puipils.. Pîcaso state qualifications, Salan, expocto4 eand nmRMe cf bat inspecter, Apply te: Sec- P tary-Trem-surey- Hawk Junction Put- ,Seheool Board. Hsawk JInaction, Dis- dOfMg on *iarlo. 80UTH BRIGHITON Tvp. Seheool ares pires a& Protestant teseher4fer Sept luiFor four grades. Sslary schedube ofn f ect. ppy, ting qusllflcatleua, r6 AleanderSe.-Trr, 1,BihoOnt. *uaifkod Teiclier Wnted For RYDE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA 1ties te commence Septomnber. 1961. 2A11 ytatlng experlenco, name an$Ï Iry flsat 'Inspecter te MR&-. FLORINCU RESMAN RRt. 3, GRAVINHUKST MUSKOKA, ONTARIO qUALXFIED Ctiielie teacher for «raf- ton separote sehoot, t. start Sept.. 196l rÀirht grades, about 36S e î)piple. aiuîllato oy ,200 plus quai6 toete Pi or state salary requIred. Rcpîy te Fred C'alas», Se-.Treesurer, «rafton, Ont._ Our Lady Immacukite Sohoot STRATH-RC>Y Rnequtrta 2tetachers. Duties te o c -i iYeouce September 5. Grades 2 tue t Mlodem» new 5 rooni achool. Reply statiug qualifications, ýlar-y peeted and nameofe last inspecter te' MlR. P. F. FLYNN SECIIETARY-TREASURER STRATEOY SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD RH NO. 1 RERWOOD Bl"ACKÂCHE?- ~not miel - For relief Irons baees et torIse tkred-eui feeling N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -t N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N t- N N N N s -'N N s - N N - N rN N * -N N N - N N N -t N N N 5, .-~ N s 't 'i 'i N N N N N N N 't N N N N N N N 43 - N N N N N s, t, a- 't s,- N N 5 N N N .4 N t' s N N N -N