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Orono Weekly Times, 4 May 1961, p. 8

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Fui The Gap Canada wa.s ciaimied to hv the mosi obsolete work force f any western nation in a spech cliivered reccntly by the noted -iucator, Arthur V. Pigott, a director of the Canadian Association -4rAduit EFiton e staied that only twvo million Canadians had gradéô six or overeucto and fuiher chiargcd that many of the , nr' 700,000 unempfloycd iacked speciýalized training or high1ereducation to f il'. the thousands of Jobs ail%ýiable. Tl'le number of iienmployedwili continue to chiimb untii- ihe jobless lcarni new skills, stated Mr -0gtt 11VQ ypeople with spd- c2ialized training will be secure in their jobis ten years from nw C:aada, lie saidi, wii'. have te shif t is thinking from the "1900s attitude." "Thrift, a stronlg back and the xiii to work have been g-uaran1tees of _'ob secuiiy, but it is ncit en-ougli today. He further statcd that if we do't develop our secondary industry Our gross national produci cannot growý-, nor would thiere be the economnic growý,thi necessae-te absorb) the young people comîng inito the work foUrce. The Duilbani strict Higli School1 Board is presently advan- cing towards supplying vocational training for those of the Dur- bain District Hi-gb School Area. This sciieme %vii] be in connection Yith the Federal pr7oposai whereby ihey supply the money for thie building and the- equipient. At a meeting on Wednesday ni-ght .the Durham Bloard voted in favour of proceeding with the plan aiid iiai on apJproval f rom the Departroent of Education will con- struct L'he necessarY aWcommodation in t'le Town of Port Hope. The courses vviii orne under the vocational scheme whicb it is to be hoped will give a student a fuil undersianding and train- ingý in the sujbjects being taughit. We feel that sucb courses shouid beof sucli a nature tha .,Viben a student graduates that ibey could be termed at least a qualiicud or possibly skilled tradesmnan or tech nicr-an.- Sucb training as is supplied today in -many schools under the naine of industrial arts or shop is but a waste of'time in most cases adis an expenisi',e forni of education for the resuits it dbtains. Vocational training courses, if providing weill rained gradu- ates, would cure many of the present ii-s as pointed o-ut in the forepart of this article and could be a boom to the country as a -xlleand a wei-comed addition te thie education-al standards of this district. Seventh Line 0f Clarke, A LIeveloprnent Road Las-t week thle United Counties 0f Northum-berland and Dur- ham setledl a decision :as te a petition whîch was presented 'to the ,Councul fromn residlenti's of the Sixth hline of Clarke. In ibis petition the petitioners we-re seeking to hiave thie Counties rond broughit down the sixth concession road rather than the seven-iji, as it now presen-Ily does. Tt was the intention that the Counities road would sing south at Kendal freinithe seventh tIo the sixthi, following th!is route to Hig-hway 115 whiere it would conneet with the Goun- ties Ueve1epmecnt Roaýd Number One, just novth o f Orono. - This rcquestbin turnedi down the CoLunty Counici then su-portedl a inove te miakeý the seventh line of Clarke from Kendal to Kirby a Developmient Road and is taking a move iLowards -this endIt wouid thius- appear that ibis final decisic>n by thie County has settled the route cd the Developinent Road fri n R endai west te Highway .115. In view of tlhe fact that 1i-be DevelopLl-ient Road will col-le dovwn the seventh lune o>f Clarke and mcci 115 at Kirby it wold now appear that it would ho msi advants bgeous, both fothe Coun- ties and the Towni_ýýp ofCl -eijthe Developrnýt road w\ould continue on wesLt at JKirbýy nd thlen south to the Çount ies -.Dcvelop- ment roadc at the cnortbnern etaneof 1he Village of Ooo Moef the tafcu i te east and west arteý_ry wouid we beli'ýVe 1be tafie ht oldtavel in thie same drcinafterap pro-acing th' e ýHig, ayinereioni Kirby. To direct east and west ltraffic uslnA te evlomciroad ystmanid there \wl-ibe ,iCn) ibsw sctio. I wold oppenar mucdh or jisensble te cross sidcoadand hen seKlt inïfre aedd uitelop iet rod asaort -o Tin s !tenoltheseenh nead tth ortin se ouhwns ahil ofuea onie od bsome y ears i was md er a they would tb& eeasll hv a pavéd r'oad to give better ser- - SBALL PLAYERS NOTE HEL.P WANTED A meeting of all interested boys, Che(,f or Cook, full or part time. 16 years and over, are asked to rmeet Apply Mosport Restaurant, High- at thle Orono Restaurant on, Mon.- way 115, thiree mile-s north of Oronio. day eveingl', May 8th at 8 :00 'clock Phone 13R7, Orono. - ýo d'iscuss baseball forith Lake' hore,1_ _-_ - intermnediate league anid poýssiblyv a WANTED r ti"L 'earn. a-c A relialble výwian todenrg -a(-ly nuafdraaek. LCLMAN REQUIRED Calli\ Mrs. Glbatj6j. ac 1 ne a cèrerseffative fo)r this rea a e worth up )ý1to$8,00 j IlirV/ rAN T E DV ~Ocn fhirm in tisb(e: The p WANTEP j for Ilhe ighl man.*a (-m"e"";iu O~ -~'x~e, 10 short auto trpsPll orparttim per hour. wr.Can yç -Ieaion ityTown. Cal,! rno-1) ai-id Rural _Dvvellers? _Are you pue-i [ paredi to strtat nc? rite Saie's!HELP WANTED IManager, Ted Rîs'i3 OX 87 ÇOf xnri id½Virs. odwg '1on, Canada- d1 es, Pleasant wvorking condfitionls. I :t TxaingPst R 2, FOR SALE BY TENDER 0oj~,no a- jundersinedl Solicitor ivp to 12:00f) HELP WANTED o'cocknoo onMonay he 15ýh Midleaged woman to hlp i I j dy f May 196"'1 for the purcýhase of RetHme -ie in. thie projp-rty cf Ithe lat e MinnieMayýi,1 Phiolie 0Orono 1308.a- Cornish -on1sisting' of hoýuse and lot 1________________ 01n the west si-de of I -RERE ATIO0N D1IEC TR main Street in the Villag-e of Orono. WANTED Tlis property is a tWo-tryTe rn tlei soiainwl brick house with 7 rooms, fuili base- rcieapiain for a-.c- aii ment, ouùetig and sofi and hiardc director to provide7 leadership andi water available, also hydwro. conduc(t ïa programn of actvtisa Termns: 101,' of prIce with tender; the Orono Park thîis summllter' for. an balan.iice to ýbe paid i-) cash on clos-,-gtwe periodl and dily fromn ig; closingý date to be arranged. 0:0 i ithet,-rn;ingutiforn Highest or any tender flot neces- th ftro n teresýreJ parties sarily accepted. are askcd,,,to wri'te 'MI. E. .ý me Inspection of the building mnay, beprsen of thAsocatt , a-c arranged by contacting Carmen L.________________, Orono, Qnvario, Phone FOR SALE 1121.ETT M'ossberg 12 guage Shotgun, mod- Oroo. n 1ri (qe 195 with C-Iect choke; 1 Cartridge Solicitorfo 'heVedors." COMtNG EVENT On Mlay l3th, the C. G. I. T, wil] hlDl a Tea and Bake Sale in the Sunday School Auditorium Jewellry wil also .be sDld and baby sitin,g will be provided. It will be hield from 2:30 to 4:30. Eve(ryonle is invited to attend. b-c ENGAGEMENT Mr. and 7Mrs. Cecil Jones, Orc$no,- wish te announ-ce the engagement of their daughiter, Joyce «Elsie, to Mr, Francis John Gowaff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Broorks Cowan, Orono. The wedding will take place i-n Oro United Church on Saturday, June 3, 1961 at 3 o'olock. -p DIED HUTI'ON-In Newcastle; Ontario, on Friday, April 28th, 1961 Augusta E. Hutton. Beloved wife of the late George Hutton, of Orono. Aged S2 years. Rested at the H. Barlow Funeral Home, Park Street, Orono. Funeral Service was f rom the Funeral Home on Monday, May lst, at 3:30 p.m.1 Interment Orono Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM In ioving memory of a dear moth- er and daughiter, flazel. And vhile she lies in p)eacefuil sleep leiie meory w,,e shail alwvayýs keep -Ertiand Ronnie Couvieran Ini lovii-n eiory of ouir son and brother Nil Just'whnVyour!ife was ~rgts Just whcn yor earýs were best. Youwerecalled( from- this world of sorrow To) a home -f eternalret The Martin Famiily. CARD 0F THANKS The famly of the late Ethel M. Robbins wish te express apprecia- tien for the adts o kindness, mes- sages of synipathY, an-d beauftful fricnds and neèighhours durlng the illncss an11ldedath of their inother, p L 70erToThe Editor valublepapr t adiscthe par-i ent ofi-b unarrnte an wfl Durhlam Central Arclua oi eyt 'v t is a ueimmion occurence to sec large panies of glass broken, Meen the wiow ,sashý.- Loc'ks pried off thedoos, umbr saslicdhere and' ther, cgarttebutts ail ov erh plae M-isdemieaniors would no tltinlk of, U t-,ng9 this destruction at home, then i why omene ls's property? The, iGrounids, Comnmittec are fecd up and othercore of action xiii be taken wh-iul iichmy iead smeof tHiese teen-ý aýgeris to Mvajestratc's Court. Wc truist this warning xvilbe tuf- ficient. If iin e cy av-e 1n0o onbut !thcmrnslves to- blam're. 1 Signed Property Commnittee, ietac w znseIL diU -u un vr,. w $55. Complete lot for $35. -Aillin ex- cellent condition. Apply Gordon Sirmpson, phione Or- ono 1412. a-c NOTICE Annuiial Skating Club meeting wil be hield W'ednesdlay evening, May lOth at the home of 1Mrs. D. Tennant 'Everyone wvelcomne. a-c BRICK, BLOCK and GEMENT CONTRACTOIR$ New work and Repairs Free Estimates LEN TRAVISS Phone Hampton, CO 3-2141 - 8-d-p NOTICE TO RESIDENTS Of the TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE 0F PROPOSED DEBENTURE ISSUE to assist in th~e erectlng and equipping Of a new SchooI at Kendlal Your Council hereby,, requests those personis Who wish to participate i-ný this proposed debenture issue, o be set at: 6 per cent initerest per aninuin, to ,onitact the undýersignýed at their earliest conivenliene. - H. E. IMIL~LSON, Clerk, Townsipl of Clarke b-c ORONO PUBLIC SCHOOL TENDERS- Tenders for levelling 0of school grOuinds, SUPPly of top ýsoi, and gra- vel for parking lot wvill be- received by the unidersignied up to and in-J cludcing saturclay, May 6th, 1961. Tenders nxay be for contra-ct orý horybasis. If hui aitype 0fý eqimnavailable to be speci-fiedi. Fo)r furth 'er inforlnation regard-ý ngextent of wiorlc, conitac(t I11. R.1 Best, Chlii-aianof the Board, any evelllng. Lowestor any teer'noit ncess- S,.S. INè. 12, Clarke, OrnOntario TOWINSHI-îOr-0FCLARKE Tedrfor Siclewalk Construction Sealed Tencp, mrkd 1st0cn tent xvii b rccivcdbythe unider- signe(ntl ModaMa st, 1961 for thle cntrcion of -400 feet more or less of Conicrete sicwýaik ini theý Hiamiet of Kendai. Details and ini- formration miay be obtained froml Couancillor Roy A. Foster, Kenidai. Work to be completedl on or before May 3lst, 19661. Lowest or any tender not neccss- arly acccptcd. H. E. MIU..SON, Cierk, Oro0no, Ont. ThyCarri l ight hNue and hi te)il - good condi,1tJin. Can be hoo2212,' Orno.a- FOR SALE Plum1-1binig Fixtures - Pressure Pumnps - Glass Linedi Water Heat- ers - Sumip Pumrrps, Pipe and Fit- WVe selI and install. Call ius todlayfor, Pree Est imate. Guscott Plumbing & Heating Ltd., 207 Simoe St. S., Oshawa Cail Collect Oshawva RA 5-5132 DOUGLAS SIMPSON Orono - Phone 1413 Furniture Finislied & Refinished Papeihanging, Woodworking Painting - Inter-ior & Exterior STAFFORD BROS. Monumental lWork% Phone Whithy 552 318 Dundas St. E., WhItby FINE QUALITY -MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let os ereet a handsm., dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of your loved eon". It's flot expensive. And se.lg this last tribut, wilI give yeu endiess oomfort. Building a lieuse? or rp.modefling your present crie thon contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 2191 Orono Fc>undations and Septie 'Tanks poured. Fort-s available. WALTER FRANK McQtJAY and IKIDO f REALTORS Q 177 Church St. f3 Bowmanville MA. 3-3393 fIlstrauice Service ï nsmrance in aIl its Bran-ches i SAuto, Package and Comrposite Lfi J AýCcident andScnss id {j Boiler, Fýidelity Bonid, Etc. f Siadie HamgIltonQ QPhone, Orono IR16 FIRST MIORTGAGE LOANS SPHôNE 1471 ORONO D)P R - . JT AGGA R T VdErCiR!NAr-Y SURGEON Phone 10616 Orono, 1OnLý LUGAL LawrnceC. Mlasonl, B.A~. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phonles: office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5553 W. KAY LYCETIe [A. B airrister -,Solicitor j In the Offices of I R. , R. Waddefl Q.C. I Ielephone 1,,8 Orono LJ. SKMIdFE Cbartered Accouataut BY APPOINTIVINTS Lycett's Irsurance 0f fice P-0. Box 61, Orono Phone 12518 1 N SUR ANC E GeneraJ & Life SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE MAIN ST., OftONQO Phone 12516 Res. 11716 iJACK ILwID OToeo's LIcemm..ý Auctioneer andi Valuator Specialize in Farm. andi Furniture Sales Consult me for terms and dates Phione -5 r 18 Oroue -E TE)JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts -Auct ion sales of .aitoluas and at reasoftable rates Communicfite with him iat Port pu", Ontario. Moniun-ents and Our,-quality and service leaves - nething f0 lie cesired 1Askýthe pet-son who o gtf roýmu. a neighbour, friend or relative, The RIJTTER GRZ-ANIfE CO0M,ýiPAN Y 73 Ontario Stýreet, PORT HOPE 'tLargest Display ,,in oth, Ontario" PHMON E 12,3 FLMandll$ WIRING Fr-ee Êstimates ARYLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs to ail kinds of Electriôal Equipm-ent and Applianoee Such as Motors -Water Heat-rs -Radios -Stoves - Io 11 -, Ili Il

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