Thursday, May llth 1. Or-oio Ontario Authorized- as Second-e1-ass mïail, Post Office Department, Ottaw#* Subseription in Canada $1,50; in US. $2.50 lNew Stamnp 'Po HoldTo" To, Go One Saýle RarImmcg- isý 1 ortucuiture o al o, t b On ~~~(riJunie 28th,19%1, he residents lTheOrnAmtu h'tcAs Sg ru e0f Orono, Ontario xwill be able to mWiio are holding a rtummagec ,purchase a new spial commor- sale i the VSillage of Orono i an ef- ___________________________ atve -cet post age stamp marking fort to- raise niecessary funds for thej iiI. ct iverAryofthe Colom piromnotion of bo:y's iind girl's 11all The Orono Chamber c mret (unbo PlAnim. la- Orono. Funds areilso needïed met on Thursday eveaing swith 12 wiî goinnsaceatthe prograim at emrspresenI-t atithe OrooRe-t " ~Thý,eupstaml g o èem ctheoinnc thasume aurant, r .MLrn presidlent, l0111 ~ raa rno nalioPost Ofiewhere teOooprk eh 'redthe meeing. LVUIUII-¶ they ill be fitrttoalpsl The sale is 10 be held lii the Or1 dieoJMC) Muicipal Bidigon Wed'nies- Folkwin the diner Mr.Gary A î:le mnute thee min r pun os, and especi'lly to staifp col. ~2My2t omecn t70 thesMr.'k Chalice, a representative of the bail chés are 1to be organizud !l Aio nel\iýgsoc.o rice ReninetalKar Klub. which aWOoo These thrc teamis are the TCe Postmaster General, the Hion Ayn ahs utbeatce optsout of Ooo spoke to týhe1peWuCE:BntmBsealiem'urbeWlla am n i u shih hy sh to donate to the ineei~ng explaiing the operation and the Junir irs'Sctbllteani. nouc)inig this special starnp, poite -lear ake o icorrnct oi- . Rut and becivso'f th-e ub He pointý- Wordl received last %veekend unsot that the Canadian Gvrmn Taggart h(il rag frpc1 ~, ~ ~ ~ -r iup cithe irf1i'iz s.The pahone n,'n- Intermie di afe-s E -lect Officers Ameet)rg of those interested in, An eectt nieetinIg of the Or-- onio HoriulItural ocityvas held lasti husd! ayngh at thle homne of Mr arl Blfigller Ve presi- dent. John Caldwell presîded., IlatermiediatenBsebal was held in Duing the business meiëntion wacs the 01ro1o RestauraIrnt nMna made of a m-otMio passed at a focruer evening with a guA turn-out. A executive meeting whereby Phe Soc- siate of officers was elected for th iety has dscontiucd the general lyear and preparations wvere made sale of plants, form-erlIy (carried on, Fur the opening gaine in Ornno on. in the sprîIng. How'ever if there C; e_1 ouUt Iat the ju1jxn& 01 the club c ep ens ilenter di e Pa1 (oninued pagye z5) --W-1-- 1-P:,4uîîuay aittocnt, £Y1c*y czu. Ca inenioortJC1 VV 11*3 es in pr*3 u'** Wer 1 102 0rona.plants thirouigh thle Society they arei wsto stop hot-rodiring on the spect,îve leagues as îast year. ýstreets. Membcesof thýe club wvork AiMr. Lyaî Lowvery was eîected tocnact eiher She President or on- their ow-n cars producing lars t.. ~~A n a president of thie Orono Club, W. H-. Se(ictary,>. oe r on-n no fBnans will enter the Lake- ne3-!ir.0 iezc .111olý,ach and Hl._M. Mercer, manager. The next meeting of the Society M,1r. Chalife asked permission toi shore Min or League. 'ThecPeeWeLes 1B Itappar fij t he bolshad ce- toW'be held on ay 2th lanthe 1.0 bols a car bang ui the FrwrsIiipîla nia seven tcam leagtue ic u Q.Ind S o n an u zle3 apae at e osar-O.F.Hall "àt 8:00 o'cick when there dpl y a rono n Ay 22nd. This l as wiil th Bantams la their divison aindinterest in basebail with a is to be a Sprin.g Fbwver Shovw and_ w11l i)be eýpcrated by ýt1i h lub flaaii number of the younger boys in the aw i erbeî½s are invitedl to attend 1 r ara1Cris il oah Nnety-five fathers and sonsa-pxooe the toast to the fathers village seeking to join the Inter- Effort to raise unds to supplement MeCJ jCrihvvIcahand enter in, the 'gcompetit'on. A ther sfey euipen. Prmisin ItheOrno ecWesandMr Hav tndd tet anhe Fthe ad Sn wîc wa relid tnbdMr E.R.médateClb. abl i bAbeeetup.t tClueebn was granted tu hold the car- bang, Pantner- will coach the Orono Ban Banquet of the Orono Scouits and WVoodyard. The 'home games of the Orono whiere anyone who has surplus o:1 m-lt!On Of W- H. Carman and E. tamis. The Orono Junioir Girls swiîî Cubs on Wednesday evenllng. The 'Fraser IWallaes thaked the ladies CIu b wMlbe played lathn Onoplaits of' aay kind, including straw- lead byMr Jimi Garasby. banquet was held in the basement and also proposed a toast to thein. Park on Tuesday evenings. Thýue berry and raspberry, mal, bring H. Ih t of the Orono United Chmrcl aI1 This was replied to by 1Mrs. M1,argar- ,eaue is composed of Newcastle, them along tô be sold, the proceeds 11r,. Duval reported totai e Altas r xece otae1wich a Turkey dinnier was served et Mercer ' president of the Ladies' Orono, Por't Hope, Peterboro and to go to thec. Junior Gardener's Club. ce;st to lighit the Oronio sîgni at the Al ensaeeeceIt k u by the ladies of the Ladies' Auxil-1 Auxiliary.Th prmmcrynheus sOut f the Village wvould amnounit the dliamond shortly to prepare iary of the local Scout Committee. Mr Ge rgeBo reieto1 Belleville. Tre to e given ont to the mbrs to 917),11 with an estimate of $75,00 for the opening of the season. vi ereIwpeieto ret egvnott h ebr a year to operate. On motion of H. Anyone wishi agio give assistance Head table guests were Mr. Or- thxe District Counicil spoke briefly to tMsmeigAsthrisob, ~Partner and W.iH. Samuel the with any of tilese teamis are ask& vileCatn"nOu atr isth ahngOî~igte~-~ a luckyy door prize. Chaiheris 0 hvé te sga igh ed -Yu,- the coaches. Joan AlliÏi, Mrs'. Jane Keast -and Wîî- local comnittee and the fune- soia hsmeig loteeI oh Chrbri uhv esg ih ed t onat1 tousof the-,District Counicil. He also'Res erved i lis Barrabali, assistants, Les. Aslett, in. The Horticultural Beds Wverec Toa Sot atr n asstns ugd h athers to take a greater 1dsusdadi a eie h- coanection with fthe Children's lclSot atradasifns ugdtef a atthe Orono Fair which would ol wc 'Cun JdîeM .Milrr sýessed and it lwas decidedthat FoacnSo ;il ayil Adamis and Douglas Barrabaîl, parti flith scout moveinent wih Cut ug .A iirrs~lless onCllel omAla be helîd on Friday, H. Duvall re- Rev. Basil Long, Mr. George Browvn, Was doing suo rnich for their child-, erv-ed decision in ftle test case of the and Carl Billings inspeci same to pored fixai il was decided not tofir P & president of the District Council ren. The eve-ning was complet ed by Durham Counity Disticthg olse whai is requlred. -io e Bike Rodeýo as it w-ould take and -ii~OfheLtOf s.,en Devittt scrctarvy of fihe showiag of filmsen by fr. board versus the Cobourg DistricilThefo . - isa-tofcase tcPý much time toj rua off.M. ..I the District Couincil. K<ea Adamns cfan!OldIc ,ar Rally. AI- Coligiats Institute board. No date Thefolw gisastfcass lyTat chainais f theSchobPar- o shown were a niumber of co01nimic as set for delîvery of the decision. in tSe Sering Florer compObition. Lyi, carnaCfteeol a- The Commitiee of the Durhain- Cub Master Orville Chatterton nfUlms.. 1Te uhm ordiskDo ucesterand tnabemae yosléf ndstated lie ha-d contacted thle Nort humiberland and Renfrew To- TeDrimbDr sakn o ntiuer ad naeke he d sl ëI - M'cSehool Inspector o -f. the- area .bacco) Growers Association met th l approximately $500 for the tuiini àa ltie money. an ad w7ritten ihî-e Departeto the Dur-ham Arclua Society r of a girl, Joan Mlay, 1K, who ïsis L Ining table arrangement of Ed r lion larespect to the closing uirector>s la the Orddfellow's Hallon K$32Pâf(" , ,)V Ei V1LT1 l ro mn grade 13 at Port Hope high sehool. S 1n lwr etoe 0ice o he~lxos o teFida tOut Monday evening. îlne Durhaxn board conteads that in hight. Pnizes: st a Rose Bush;ý a,1s:r gaygrants. until word is re- ,- ~ -, ~g~,Joan who lives in iNoýiintber-land 2nd 75e; 3r 5s:1 L cea-, -ýl f ron tIle D1Lxepartmiint ino fur- '. Octlrr n rsri/- 75c;u'tTwnhp0f Hmltn . ruisti ar0nemnt the acton cnnbe takeni. Mr. Lyreitt Comnplee arrangements mure C béeýa m rs F rEA PI _uny o nipoucated la theic aranemnt saici the Inspectons wvere not pou ïen-imade for dhe big Tobacco evening, shuld havýebcielua te Tulips 'predominating. lst pnize a thui~in a--dolsig fthe! ia .Septerniler $th tola haheld 4j -- i - Uoourg sehool. 1Rose Bushi; 2ud, 75ec; 3rd 50e. The eg1 r mothlyDirectors are called on, the (county w,7 ill receive Ja tfe ragiei stl a re liaý.fIr -ýL)tdh Tja ves nine-tenths of a !imile - ïýs"fiih staed hatit'a rather diffiuffit to w-Ill be the Tobacuco Grnwrs dixb- 'Meeting of the Durhama CountyP Fedl- ant aIl expense trip for ils Insuran-lce east of Dale. 7-3r,5e- staz t such a promotio but th t is, Tie"ing Contesi c-hooýshag the o c i oAn cluewas hl'd On cOmlittee to theOntario Federa- The case is for the year 1958 and' ywa iesd at most FaIrs.bacc3 PQu"ca and tbcoKinlg. Y 1 r5iývevein,1 May 1, ai the tinAnnuai Meýleau tin. m ws e if il s ought that if the Durhai .Best'i'uli-p any preswrtaions xill be made the sain en mg .ad -oad omk ialdcso ahs mat-board wins the suit theCoboung Piz 7e; 2nffd pize o Nacisss? ýs lWrCoron atsa pporfced1îthat evenag. utrii Rope townshjp, wlth ber ai the fîrsi falmeeting;as c an- m,îI pay the fee for ihe years 5BeiafdiorNrsus t t'i&-a tcet o heiailer ___ xýe drcospeca.Peietisers are inow buisy pronoting the ad16.75c. 2nd 50c; 3rd 35C. woid.b i sale;son tyune m i T lrxviIlol hie Hc et-sale of shares fin "Faine." j19and190.Lt was annonuced that the Junior Raid sncakog ontCe ColtDVy'N w -~ig In 1960 Durhxamn oun il adthe' Ths is ihe first case under She Gardener's Club wouid be meeting soir t, Wtthe enti2s of Colts was A"le n.Russell Earle,chAirman cf incion aofhaving the firsi4-H- sectin of the Wlegsiton on %which thesaine nigh t ai the Ocldfllow's b3er this year than last year a M cUntQ C.IA. Insurance commit- Auto Cib i the Province. This was the action is oased. 1Hall ai 7:00 p.m. and they too ara tis-esaieneslme. ehadueet n esCopI 'V erte,mprted hee hall attcinded thurhee direction'110 of Mn.Dalrym- The Depanimeni of Eduaton ~and, a aSpring Flower Show of pa aAambr 'froMjised entries. A______ Annal Mn of She Co-Operators pie. Agricutue Representative, and1 heInsurance Association and had re- 11te Duïit-amFederatio)n was the la lmany suhoul boars are intaested l - the folowing: lir.e. H. iSaniuel la reporting on it Vlig.of Nwateexpecis cie on behlaîf of Dunhain Counîy cal spononîngbody Thîs proJeOt th resit. 10 ing aes hi gh.ltpe nb5n bée <Penih! day. said that there had - hb a week 10 hiave water flow- a Plaque sj&gning the county had met nîth such approvali U was'de- The case anose when Mi'ss May '2ndl, 50c; 3rd, 35c. thea a lack of supcxi of tiee nr i ing through is newv waber systein DA100 insurance polies Io its cided bo again sponsor it ia 1961. went to' Port Hope 10 the Port Hope 2. A special pnize for A mimia- -dnits- and Mhat the idea lxad been w ow neariy compleied by Peel .Coýn- eIt.l was passed bhy motion to' Jr. Fariner presdenb, Bob Car- 2tkisehool. She lives dloser 10 Port ture, arrangement, using real lomw- ýic'pe for fbcix ime beiixg. The structon and under the supervision ask Mn. Daîrymple for permiission ruthers, reported a comnmiiteee had lope than shte doas 10 Cobourg. The ers, not over 4 inches higix. ht was -uinmiieli aid uld be gla l o cthomissioWrLisore ohagti1lau aacosiu een namied to wý,ork with a Feder- iP or Hoeeoltokhalenr ab- sbressed THE WORK MUST BE -k i-, 1hena more Lntenest is shown. cmsînospael eaieto gi to omie 0improve the igmr ovnen ohv e tDON E BY T HE CH IL D. Mn.F.E.Lycitreernd he The water is being w'eîl received "cultural officýe. 'Camp-sie' properiy if sucix a pro- iend Port Hoppe than conneAIl the, ths.Farrte stnlud that ~xti. 10.I eaitt rono wastheand an ince n nmbar of 'well- M'. Dave Crone, Ontario Federa- jeet mure deemed practical. The va.y 10 Cobourg. lbouse plants growvn Ibrougix Ib uie havenolinor aet all this yesis ings are being conet o 1Mte ion of Agriculture f ield staff, \was joint committees are 1 view ithe Asa aresuit the- Durham board' winter by the Junior members rnay t -iv to heic o cae s arkmunicipal systeni. The charge 1) ne- pre sent and ouilined t10-the meeting'Camtip-site' and bring ea report t e10e ayn for Miss Maly's adu-'bebrought to this meetinig. ,J ,' ltu e Jaof arents ane askifcover the capital 1cost is levied o9~1 îat will be known ilafthe future as the next meeting.,aio.Te puietas ttdta h ,ofyxhing tofuldabe dne 10 assis-lathis years tax bill ai 3.5 milîs and a a BLITZ, la wshich ithe Counity Fed- Donald Siaples, 'county committee Russell C. Honey, Port Hope, act- Garden Centre Ntirsery la Oshawa geiig h oys pce lauengubasssil. rnaetxo 0cnt e ot rtin h ounty Co-op and the dhairman for the sale 0f shares la _d forih e panifand J. C. B. Gel- and Jackran's Nursery of Bowman- gE H.n tahneibos ay athatt. The cosi of operation wMlIbe dharg- U «Y Insurance Commnittee WHi FAME, reported there had been an mnan, Q.C., acted for tihe defend.ant ville would honour Orono Horticul- bhE.b,1.Sienebaded a peol te oked on a use basis. shiaî-e. The plan is these tIhree spon- organization meeting heid and the )oard. uaM. u sos-ing, e-di wspopetolo groups wvill make a door 10 canvassers are now soliciting- sup -_________________________________ firthe ieanxs. Thle -thletic has ITleNwcsl water suipply w.ill ' (, aîl on AIl fari familles, bring- port in a practical way by offerin-g 4ha equipaent and wili endeavour 10 asbo be FluoMidnaed, a reeammenid- ing to their attention Ilhe varios an opportunity to Farmers 10 forinO o o C 8 T o n n te su--;l fLie ftnds necessary 10o per- 1 atio'i by the Dprieiof He-altix.! ways lan-whiclt cadh of these organ- itheir own o-operaive 10 xarke t -1.h saîd No lion was pro- Flucrîination redueco tooth cavi- izatis can be of servie. The On- thr Ire stock prodets. h is hoped vi dihe meig ties and is becoring Imore w sidely tario Federation of Agriculture wil ibhis projeci will receive wh-loleheart- Purchases !Mewr Theel Chair ',vwas stateti ai the meeting that aecepted thnoughou thie Prov-ince of Uend impetus 10 thisBiitz by 3ffenig ed support and be cony objective;________________ %be intended preseniation of views Oncino. Ht bas aise neeeied the assistance 10 the couaty uadertak cf $32,.00 'wMinb reached. oni- incorporation wvould not be held sanciion of the United Counitie ing the projeet in vway of a $a.OrM. Alex ÇLarrithers M.P.P. was Thle Regular Meeting of Hieather char bs been purehase and i-s now'v Elste Township did not feel ihey EA& Unit. donation. If 50% 0of fani f amuli-ýS a guesjait-be etn andi spoke ltebekah Lodge No. 334 was edavlbefo anoil heCin- uvae eil a position te speak on W . blfly. He comînented very favoun- Tuesday, Mlay 9tb. Sister Mau e munity ini need of i. Sisten Allen ne- Meiýsrs, A. MeOIcili and H. Duvaîl E__aoi on the manner la which briefs Cooper, Noble Grand lan charge witb porta alsotHAt a mnattress cover ~~~then~~~~~I moechtteCabrpo-N o ~p_ vre presented Io govenient by ise EmiaLunn, Vice Gran1d, s a enod dfrtebsia cWnote pulic meteing a ther Ton u uu I muze Federation and by the Farmrs liing. Thmeewas a gond attenid- 'bcd whicb is oa ba)ýn atthis lme. Haclnoheeveiws cmod be prsent- J Uion. lHe stated these were the anca wihROI eaUshowing thrvee j Crrespoadence seread and edadthai the CI-tamber take no * besi pnepared and thea mosideUan efficers absent. .. eai ith by f'ie Noble Grand. R stn mlainhe matter.Afber consider- R ~ ~ S iN an d concie of ail briefs presented. Minutes cf the last mee"ting were lia,, been requestad by Ille President, abla iscusion he prjeetwas . 0 W ~ u mi~i i l ~ . ~ îlewas appy 10 know the Iwo farnrend, appnvddsge d.cording tu ôur ]arsc that June 1, ne pedce 1 oramats had jande forces l tsking the Federal Government to gwVicepGrandofite iEmma L uin-ýn Wws be obevdxsM iorialDy.An aime. W.H am %as atend what uîoI _i 'ak 3atïýe,,tj of thle pool which .will now reinové the 11% s a x on Fa - gae rpot f ohevi,-siti bs coinemoaton the ewdveopnet I Mospori. Hai pointedi oui iiatOrono could bae uch to gi fnssociated .vill 1t,. naine of 1Mosport. Mn. S, B. .g-apnfod sugestdtht the Or-1 -k.-' '-ami Cham e eci a, tourisi inifor- mtionifi booth aithle south of the Vil- laeto give dcirection 'to Mosponit a. i t-o adveqtie thie inerestng featun,ý-es of tbe Village and area. i was lso suggaCsted tfhat the Orono si-,n be tuseci Io0 elp ýýîcnet bh taonames. 'Mn.IH. Duvaîl was ap- poiat dchman 0fa commita 1 ieak mb the pcossibilîties of oypei-at,-t cn ourisi information bootix. ono -hydo Ofice henplanls for the .oirpletion of te ewswPn rnig polandilisoerti We dis(usd The oolequiinetlsuch as fi- purifier havenv ed and bbccon necinig of these wýiIl commience un- 'aditly'lie feaîcing b as as been oderedand illbeerected shonly and arrang-ements hvebeen madeI0 pur the concreIte vwalk- anuuîîd. FoilowiaIg a discussion onfibe op- ncuea fuil fine 11f e guard 'the î? cad decided Io imeci again On Monay ,Ighi len 0 theey would invie arepesen-taitive froM1Illte Oeqo Redr Cross and the Clankei TvsipReucation Commission ici bepresent. The oar aithe meetInig accep ted [lie application of Mr. Výie Hlome- wooý.,d for reniing Ilhe bo0ih at thje pairk for oparation Ibis year. TFixere is stili a suni of $1200).ü0 oakn complaee bll fia'ancing of " ie p)Od'fiid anyvone %wîshing t 101o- ie ma 'd10 cuber ecai Rolphi's A delic-OIS uslnch was er'\eci by isterIrea hune lVlurrayepotdOf lse origto e eRitual and a Mrs Quntillwh wa tanked vsiinOasht nmebeUM ~ ~Was enijoyed 2clwith a beafof fle imeut«in,g by Brucwie Tay- Sîs1er Mae Allen eore for thle tasty lunclh being se'rved by the lor. C.P.&T. Comit ta't a wheel Conimittee, in chlarge. Orono Cubs T'a ,Ca.nvass For Firewojr1K3 Diîsiciy spnorc-c by the Orono Chamber of uanjass of hlomes la the Village Ithis - A ommuity~irewots dtlayCommerce as in previclus years. cmn rdyeeig a 2h In rdr o ssstin finanlcînigLh-'Loal citizens are as1ked to be, pre- wvill be held in Orono on JMonday ucae0 i&wrswihwJ pared for, the younigcanvassers ,Q evening, May 22nd an-d willico-amountIll to at lea st $2f0 .()0 the bysepsedtemothi uesf mence at dark. The evenit is being of the Orono Cub Pack will -ae ,a the evening. To Cons~de~ Spring Flower Show