T e d r a i a F r Nty under the condi4tons-of the Imid- MçÔ,-prt fomHihwy 5 to h igby-law whlch was agreeableta Derligtqp. b9undary, Mauveran Te d r a l d F r N w cuncl. fClark~e wifl work:jinyo n QI pro The assessor, Mr. Jolinston, repor.J ject. The road is to 1e surveyed at ckted to council on the dog tag eolili 1n eighty-five foot width. ection on which further study is- to Township Truck1b ie.Onmtok fFstradCae be gven.i st.acp it eeno r.E . Timo11 along with two the cost of priming the bouwlary The Counei of Clarke Tcnwnshiplin the Coatham-Patterson area, The reprýesentati'ves of Supertest Gas Co. road from Highway 35 to S.S. No. 20 xaiet the forepart of last week in! Petit ioners wish to see the continu- soughit approval o 'erect gas pumps Just north of Mosport. -the. counoil Chambers at the pown-1 ance of the given and &side roati used!ini~ the Mosport area. The reeve sta-1 In connection with the sidewalk ip Hall. During the course of the! rather than putting a new road over te that Mr. Timoli could instal îhe, construction in Kendal the tender uoeion Dcouncli heard a number of the hill. i purnps but it wouid be at his ow-,n'of~ Leonard Travis was accepted at 16edegations. Mr. Gordon Baker aIso approach- risk. There is no assurance just a price of $1.25 per lineal foot. Mr. 'Ue&ýrs.HaIsead oathm an ed cauncil in connection with the where the garde-level will be alang Wlliams of Newtonville also tender- Meas.Hitet Cahm n orth boundary road at Mosport. the bourrdary -oad i this area. Mfi h ok laverne Patterson spoke on beha4lf Mr. Baker was agreeable to give 01On motion of Stone and Savery e o h ok :v peitianers i regards to the ex- land to straighten the t'aad and ask- the Township of Clarke are to assist Orono Fuel and Lumber receiv-ý ftens1en of the fifth concession line ed permission to build on bis proper- in surveying the boundary roati into led the bid for fuel o11 at a prie of Oourity Hecilth Unit Report-ý-, 18. cent per gallon, wvhich price~ in- The year 1960 was a di! ficult enD ' cludes sales tax. for staff vacancies on the Board e.~ I Hlealth of the Northumherland-Dur-. %ouncil approved a motion ta Jharo Health Unit. cali tenders for a new 230û(',oud capacity truck. The RoadiSprn tendant %vas authorized ta oellViteý tenders, Approval bas been received froro the Department of. Highway on the ,roati budget o!f$W,000, Couneil are alsa seeking approvai of a Supple- J mentary Budget o!. $36,C00 bringlngi the total expenditure ofi Town~ship' *rads ta $121,000Ofori,9.i There was also agreat shortagaý o! public health nurses. This was painteti out in the annua!ý report of the Medical Officer 1Health, Dr. Charlotte HT. Hre reoently puplished. From Mý\,aY'1960 ta the end ofth- year there were four ta six vaca-n1 Ci es. The board considered salares and adjusted the sch*edule in Oct ober 1960) in the hiope that the situ- ýation mnight in1prove. The gaps in, filied by public health nurses doinýý part time work and a registereIlý nrurse assisting in the nursingcr program. There was aginii an inicrease i poplaton 1th/~hthis was not a great as in prcceding years. There'_ has been an increase in the nunther. oif persons of different ethnic groupa,). sýettling in the United Countlies, - ten ýwith problems of understanding and adjustment. r--- r------------------ I[Dramatic and ntost rractica¶! Ou',side i stb2e car that cstablishes its leader-~ I Jere's a car that tloes ail vol, want it to There is no vailue ike Chevrolet vailue iChevy is slim1med Cown - offers a Mo' I t i ueniable fashkon year aiftelr 40ud alf drivig conditions - anid no vaille that cari even corne ourbe carlose!loet er.I u-erons u-.ie n doesdo ~~~~~~~~~,nder ~~~~Yoi*ibuy more usable features', mor-e imneval a ihasloet er totprom o t iale n de;t efortlessl.y! And what magnifi- youthful style, more zestful performance that's Pure Perfection, But inside, past therefore outrejIls the closest rvala1 zetes an a flairlt perail is w - yes, more ail 'round car - with the Chevrolet's vider-than-ever ors, cmpettve manufacturer can n-fer Ly a ""fn li htsalisoli! seLcia C e . le!there's a new vwor-ld of roominess. a couintry mile. cHEV'S EYOUTINARYcor irIS1 CANADA'S FASTEST SELLING TRUJCK CIIEVROLET Corvair's trilyv in a chass by il- S P TAtý U L ,#'-lself. Air coo;ed engine- inde- pendent suspenion - nistee body-praicali 1y fiat floor-fuli1 -----i y îoomilness jus e j more 1thain you l cee eîî C my i*t ie ngu2! Mcdel Ilufraeda l 'r Clu Madel llustated:A Generai Motors Velue ' SE!TRIUY 's f fI llof 701ÀIOLE I/STOlfi ! W Jr r n k.r' ROY W. NIOHOLS -OWMANVILLE oCOUIRTIC f SCHOOL HEALTH c î ithew re 18,9elrentary andi secondary students in 215 !s-Icho)ls and 631 classroomns. A change is being- made inth prograro for the examination 1 '14 child entering- scitool in thiat w every effort is being- made ta have the child receive bis pliysdca-,l exaýn- ination from bis !amily phy-ýician? before he enters school, rather thas> diring- his first year in school. Th-iis~ is o! advantage to the chilti in thapt if there are defeets to be cor-rectet,. tiis mnay be done e-arly.Famy physicianis examnineil 679 hlrn beginninig scitool and for'war-ded h" inomain to the roiAU offI'e o! healtIl. The ubELI),C hc l u nUI - imade 60c'- h"eaIt insI'pections 1o& During 1l960,401 vision testszý verve madle and 294 vision defectzý 1were found and 211 were corrected.. Where enlarged tonsils andi glands,. leye and hèexing defects, or other de-~ ffects are found, the parent is 3é'. Jvised ta take te chîld to their n- 11Jy, plhysician for exaxnnation. HELHNURSING Although tlhere' was a shortage.,t given service as <Njmparèd to 3 4VS- Iduriwg 19,131. A totk" i _,,366 homýél vi7sIts'were madle Th urntber of nulrsing care vst enCade dring the yp2ar tâtaled I,164* 'i wlelffl